Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:57 pm
Welcome to Sabin Duvert's Plot Thread! Please read this intro for basic information!
EDIT: I will probably want to wait a week or two before making firm decisions - to see what options present themselves before making final decisions on big plots to involve these soquili in Be advised, I get a little neurotic if I have TOO many RP's ongoing at once, so I generally prefer to work on up to a max of 8 or so at a time before I want to wrap some to start others up. Likewise, I don't like involving the same soquili in more than one, maybe two, RPs at once for continuity's sake. This thread is very much a Work in Progress. To visit ALL my soquili and read their profiles, visit my teepee (linked in the banner above) ^.^ And in general, I'm pretty friendly and approachable. If you have a spiffy idea, don't hesitate to post here or PM me - even if it's not with one of the soquili listed here. I may not be interested, but I won't bite your head off or anything for asking, and I will at the very least respond to let you know whether or not I'm interested smile I also prefer a decently-paced RP - anywhere betwen a tag a day and a tag every couple of days. If you're really slow (like one tag every couple of weeks + , then I'll honestly probably be a little frustrated with the pace because I don't like leaving a lot of ongoing RPs open ^^; SO! If all of that sounds all right to you, and you have ideas, post or PM away! biggrin
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:02 pm
From The Teepee Name: Queen Lumi Colorist: Sirenz Obtained: IRL Custom Sex: Female Breed: Icy Unicorn / Ice Queen Familiar: none Personality: Queen Lumi is a frigid mare, both physically and emotionally. She has very little empathy for other soquili, although she isn't exactly selfish either; she isn't ruled by emotions. Her heart is as frozen as the ice she surrounds herself with. She can be cruel, and generally prefers her own company and the company of creatures of the ice and snow. She thinks that nothing is more beautiful than the glory of winter, the perfection of snowflakes, and the pristine cast that snow and ice brings to the land. She can be very vain, thinking herself the queen of the snowflakes themselves, and cruel if her self-proclaimed title is challenged. The only emotion that Lumi seems to be able to express (and it is rare at that) is anger. However, Lumi does not see herself as "evil" - in fact, she is more of a perversion of the purity of the unicorns taken to the extreme degree. She sees ice and snow as the purest form of beauty - that can blanket out the ugliness (physical and mental) in the world. Instead of the pure, magical healing that most unicorn horns grant, Lumi's horn (which appears to be a permanent icicle) can grant others the gift of resilience to the cold if she chooses, or to spread it. Queen Lumi will never be found in the land in the spring or summer, only when snow and ice blankets the Kawani lands. She fancies herself the Queen of the Snowflakes and has built herself a palace of frozen ice and snow in the highest reaches of the mountains of the North that even the summer sun has not the strength to melt. A few times, other soquili have wandered up to her frozen grounds. She can play a gracious host if she sees something in them that might echo her lonliness and rejection from the world, and she will coddle that, whispering of the ugliness and cruelty of those "others". She will grant them the resistance to the cold, and encourage them to stay and withdraw from the world like herself... trying to make them "beautiful" like her and metaphorically encasing them in her frozen web. However, the bodies of soquili encased in ice hidden deep within her sanctuary seem to attest to a frigid madness within the mare. Devoid of true sympathy, she views them as soquili finally made beautiful- no longer lying or acting in ugly ways. In her mind, this is sometimes the only way to "fix" a soquili (or other being)...
History: No one knows what it was that froze Lumi's heart and caused her to grow distant and cold. Perhaps she was born that way. Some say that her mother abandoned her to the thick snowdrifts when she was but a foal, and only through becoming like the ice and snow herself was she able to survive the winter.
Roleplay Color: silver Mate: None Children: None Herd: None Friends: None Siggy Image: Here Status: Single-ish. I do NOT see Queen Lumi lifemating unless an extreme circumstance and a VERY like-minded soquili. Queen Lumi is very off, and very unemotional except for when her temper is roused. Breeding is a possibility, although it will not be lovey-dovey at all, more of a manipulative icy-embrace. Currently she is paired with a Machiavellian soquili in the Master CC list (Spire), however, if a plotline develops through this/these RPs that would lead to a pairing with Lumi, I can talk to Spire's owner about swapping breeding order. Plot: A soquili to RP out the sort of scenario that I described in her background. This wouldn't be the first time ICly that she has ensnared a soquili in her icy spiderweb, but it will be the first time I get to RP it out. I envision a soquili who has a reason to retreat from the world - to escape others or perhaps dealing with their own personal issues and finding his way to her icy palace. She would lure them with sympathetic words, speaking ill of the world beyond her snowy kingdom, and slowly try to influence them to withdraw more from the world along with her, granting him gifts of the cold. Perhaps this could be used as a development for a soquili who is trying to deal with a darker side (a reformed Kalona perhaps or a part-kalona?) and she promises them a purity from their darkness and the cruelty of the world. I see this soquili escaping from her grasp (perhaps they find her previous "guests"/"projects" frozen in an inner sanctum and realize the trap that he was getting himself into before it's too late. This would earn Lumi's ire, but I'm not going to kill your soquili or anything of course XD. Additionally, if they go this route, they could discover Lurielle (see next post) and free her before escaping. I think this could be good development for your soquili to realize that withdrawal is not the answer in dealing with their inner (or outer?) problems. This can also set Lumi up as an antagonist for your future plots. Because she would NOT look kindly on the "one that got away" and focus her obsession on your soquili and/or Lurielle. She will not leave her mountain sanctum unless it is wintertime, but she is a patient, conniving mare. Breeding is possible - and again, would be along the lines of a further step in Lumi's icy embrace of your character before things are too late. Lifemating is probably not an option. Because Lumi will continue to try to "improve/purify" the other soquili which would likely eventually be fatal. Type of Soquili I am looking for: The New Arrival / Potential Savoir of Lurielle or Thrall to LumiPreferably stallions. Preferably a Soquili with a darker side that they are trying to escape from. This would be great for a reluctant Kalona, or a soquili with Kalona blood that they are ashamed of. But that's by no means a requirement if you have another soquili you think will fit the bill well. If you're interested in trying to eventually plot out a breeding with either Lurielle or Lumi (which I am up for if you don't mind being a little patient) , I will be a little picky with complimentary aesthetics <3. But I would want to do multiple RP sessions to play out the slow corruption/ensnaring process first <3. Trapped Prisoners - Also, if anyone wants to have any of their other soquili trapped by Lumi, I am certainly willling to be that plot device that people need. Currently, Lurielle is trapped in her icy snare, but if anyone for any reason needs a scenario where their soquili is trapped, I'm happy to provide a plot device for that. Granted, not all of her collection is likely still alive, but some might be.
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:10 pm
From the Teepee Name: Lurielle Colorist: Felmino Obtained: Staff WoW Event Pet Sex: Female Breed: WoW Cosplay Cerynei / Frost Nymph Familiar: none Personality: Lurielle is a soft-spoken, meek creature who rarely reveals herself to others. She is non-violent, but would be willing to seek the aide of a champion or a brave stallion to help her and her family. Years trapped by Lumi has left her even more skittish and fearful of others.
History: Lurielle was trapped for years in the icy prison of the twisted, self-proclaimed "Queen Lumi". She was one of a few of an elusive subspecies of the cerynei that called themselves nymphs. They were closely tied with nature, and her family in particular with the icy cold. She had been living peacefully in the high alpine meadows when Lumi came and claimed the land, and most of the residents. Lurielle was one of the first to be added to her collection.
She survived, unconscious and suspended in the icy prison thanks to her cold-affinity and possibly Lumi's own protective magic to keep her possessions alive and "beautiful" encased in ice. Roleplay Color: #9988EE Mate: None Children: Herd: Friends: Siggy Image: Here
Status: Single (very much so! She's trapped in ice X3). Lumi is trapped, asleep in a frozen prison. While not conscious, she awaits the soquili who will free her and lead her to safety. I see her as quite possible lifemating if you are interested. In theory, the stallion may have had a tryst with Queen Lumi first even before coming to his senses and finding Lurielle. I'm open. Plot: This would be interwoven with the Lumi plot above. If the soquili finds Queen Lumi's inner sanctum, then they will find Lurielle - perhaps for some reason more obvious than the rest of her collection - there is a whiff of life about this soquili, a clarity of the ice around her, or a position in the room that draws attention to her. If the ice is broken, she will be freed and eager to escape her prison. She may very well beg the soquili who free her to help save other soquili imprisoned by Lumi, or he may persuade her to be content in her own safety. Types of Soquili I'm Looking For: See above? If you're interested in breeding/mating with Lurielle, I will take aestetics into consideration.
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:10 pm
To Apply: [color=silver][b][size=18]Queen Lumi Plot![/size][/b][/color]
[b]Info about your soquili[/b]: [b]Interested in eventual breeding with Queen Lumi and/or Lurielle?[/b]: [b]Ideas/Anything else you want to say?[/b]:
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:12 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:57 pm
Queen Lumi Plot! Info about your soquili: Xanti is an aggressive, prey driven hound who cares little about anything except his next meal. He's not a fan of other soquili and tends to attack them, as he regards them as rivals or prey. Stallions especially annoy him, but he will respect them if they give him reason to. He's not cunning and could easily be manipulated, since he mainly thinks with his stomach. That being said, he is not unintelligent. He can easily think up the best method to herd deer so that he has the best possibility of catching them. He's just not very good at seeing past today and looking to tomorrow.... Xans Teepee Page for more infoInterested in eventual breeding with Queen Lumi and/or Lurielle? razz erhaps with Lumi. Ideas/Anything else you want to say?: This is more of a sidekick plot and probably not what you were thinking. But I thought I'd offer anyway. XD I was just thinking that since Xan has the ability to flare heat from his hooves, he might provide the means to free Lurielle from her icy prison. It might be interesting if the stallion who finds Lurielle can't free her and is forced to leave Queen's Lumi palace alone. As he worries and frets about a way to rescue the lovely mare he saw entombed in the ice, he runs across Xan. He brings Xan back up to Lumi's domain and uses him to free Lurielle. Xan provides a distraction (as he attempts to free more soq at Lurielle's request) for Queen Lumi and Lurielle/the stallion proceed to escape. The only condition would be that they have to be a strong stallion, one that could make Xan obey. Xan won't sit pretty for just anyone, especially since he has an aversion to the cold and wet. (I'm thinking a mixture of threats/a leash/treats would keep him pretty obedient...and a strong 'I will hurt you if you do anything wrong' personality. If the stallion has kalona blood he's dealing with, he might realize that sometimes it comes in handy.) Afterwords I wouldn't mind it if Lumi catches Xan and holds him hostage...or better yet, uses him as a guard dog, (I would even be willing to get a collar made up for him 8D) much like Maugrim from the Narnia series. That way she could send him out after Lurielle during the summer when she doesn't want to leave her domain. I'm looking to change Xan's personality to something more dog-like and I figure that this might do the trick. One thing to note though is that Xan's feet do hurt when wet. So he'd have to be granted protection by Lumi if she wants him to stay...otherwise he probably won't be anything but a raging animal who wants to do nothing except escape. If she does grant him protection and feeds him well, he may even come to like Lumi. I'm sure at the beginning he will resent both her and the stallion that brought him there; but like a dog, he focuses more on the present then the past and will soon come to enjoy his new master. I didn't originally think this up as a breeding plot, but it might fit in if he comes to respect her enough. Depends on how it goes. At the moment Xan's in several RP's and one minor breeding plot. The RP's and plot could easily take place before any of this happens, since he's only wandering at that time. The breeding plot is a fling where he doesn't learn about his foals till later in life. Again it shouldn't hinder this plot at all. Thanks for the consideration. ^_^
Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:43 am
Hiya Fitz!
It sounds like it could definitely be a neat idea! Obviously, like you said he probably wouldn't be the best match for the particular stallion to be ensnared by Lumi, but involving him in the plotline in some fashion could definitely be a possibility. It will depend on who/what kind of soquili gets involved for the other role - but using his hot hooves would be a neat way to get either Lurielle or the other soquili in Lumi's icy trap free.
I'm not 100% sure if he would be a good match for a guard-dog sort of soquili - mostly for the reason that he is so hot-blooded/fire natured. She abhores the summer and heat, and if he might potentially melt things around her palace (which I visualize as mostly a huge ice sculpture) then I don't think she'd tolerate his presence.
But I do like the idea in general, and think that that is a neat role for your soquili :3
Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:47 pm
Yay! I'll take that as a tentative yes for now. At least until a suitable main soq is found...Then we'll have to discuss it again. XD
...and I suppose Lumi wouldn't be too pleased with a reminder of something she hates romping around the palace, especially when Xan has the potential to ruin the place. Maybe it would be easier if he left with Lurielle and the stallion *ponders Xan's future* hrmmm yes, that might do.
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:50 am
Queen Lumi Plot! Info about your soquili: Briefly, Nas is very much the incarnation of my WoW main. She was born to be a lady, but she accidentally stumbled upon the thrill of adventure as a foal and never grew up the way her parents wanted her to. She went through tough training and became the leader of her own guild, acting as the healer and rarely as the offense. She used to organize raids to kill/capture any dangerous individuals or groups that might be threatening the safety and tranquility of the herd she grew up in.
Long story short, as a healer, she's calm in action and exceptionally skilled in her art. However, due to her position in her guild, she is also rather bossy and authoritative naturally... Most of the time without even realizing it. Adored by her guild members, she's also rather spoilt - against her upbringing and ideals, she can act like a child at times, especially when she's feeling particularly strongly on a subject that upsets her.
She's all for heroic stuff since it comes naturally to her now. The moment she sees someone in need, she will help that person. She has the brains and the strength to do it too. Interested in eventual breeding with Queen Lumi and/or Lurielle?: Nope? xD Ideas/Anything else you want to say?: She might be a powerful warrior in her own right, but overtime, she became rather dependent on fighting in a group against strong enemies. That and she's a healer; like in WoW, her damage is limited. >.>;
Anyway, the purpose of her coming to Kawani is to find her missing younger sister, last seen here; if she hears about Lumi, she might go see if her sister was made a victim. I'm not sure how you feel about her pretending to be tempted by Lumi just to get the chance to explore her castle. Maybe she can find Lurielle as well? She's sensitive enough about her art to know who to tell the dead from a living person.
I know you're looking for a stallion, but I thought I'll just leave this as an option. If not, I don't mind an RP of her seeking Lumi to explore her castle to see if her dear sister is there. <3 Thanks for the opportunity, by the way! I like this plot but I only have one stallion that is regular-sized, and he's involved with the Harpies. xD My females are on the stronger side.
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:35 am
Interesting ideas, Dragain - and Nas Sounds like a very cool character.
I would like to look for a stallion to be able to tie this whole plot into eventually at the very least a relationship with Lurielle, however - so at least for the primary plotline that I'm looking for a soquili for, I don't see Nastiras, ah, 'fitting the bill' wink
But I do see Lumi being a continued threat to whomever does end up breaking away from her control and freeing part of her collection, which could very well involve Nastiras as a hero role - again, either working with the stallion to rescue more of her collection or fending off an angry Lumi - depending on the stallion in question and the roles to play with that (much as discussed with Fitz) - from talking/brainstorming with the two of you, it could very well extend past the scenario described above to having Lumi being an antagonist in a plot that involves several other hero types :3
And if you do want Lumi to be the one holding Nastiras's sister, I'm all for that smile
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:20 pm
Queen Lumi Plot!Info about your soquili: The angeni of passions, Pip is well... Pip *snickers* He is a rare breed called a Pnada and he knows it! Slightly egotistical but not in the 'in your face' kind of way, Pip knows he is cute and likes to play around. Joyful, loving, upbeat and foppish, Pip is flamboyantly gay but loves attention from anyone, not just the boys. Pip does enjoy the company of females as he finds them aesthetically pleasing but he has never considered them any more desirable; its just the same as males. (he loves -everyone- and isn't the mating type) Pip enjoys the closeness of the soul, the physical is just a vessel to get there. He is an artist at heart and loves to colour and paint and anything that will make a big mess, his black/white fur is often stained by colour some way or another. Like his His name will change on many occasions but he will always go by Pip. Recently however, Pip came across another stallion who rejected his advances, telling him he was perverse and wrong and otherwise dragging him down into a spiral of self doubt. He is worried that the feelings he feels for others are actually bad and would corrupt them, which in turn destroys his own innocence. His insecurities is something that Lumi could foster which brings him to her palace Interested in eventual breeding with Queen Lumi and/or Lurielle?: Lurielle, though if you feel Lumi would take advantage of him then whatever works best for the story *gets an image of the dance in Legend but with Pip being the innocent and Lumi the 'devil' figure* >_> Ideas/Anything else you want to say?: While he can be the one who gets ensnared by Lumi, I am open for others to join in, maybe they give him reasons to stop wallowing in his own self doubt and start focusing on the positive again. I have been wanting to develop his storylines and this is something that will work nicely for him. Even though he isn't exactly the mating type so to speak it just means he's not one to think of that first, it'd more be the byproduct of a relationship. Whether they stick together at a later date will depend on RPs and circumstances, Pip is a very loving soul as a whole ^-^~
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:59 am
Thank you! I'm excited to finally be playing her in Soq!
That works, Sabin. :3 I'll be more than happy to plot/rp out the future scenario after you've found the correct stallion! Like I said, I'm really in love with this plot. <3 Her sister will not be there because I've yet to obtain her. x.x; In WoW, her sister was turned into a Death Knight and couldn't recognize Nas when they met again for the first time since she was turned... I was hoping to Soq-ify the story, but I'll need to get her first.
Perhaps in the future I can obtain your permission to use Lumi as a back story? She was kept frozen in ice but was somehow kept alive and escaped later on? Maybe Nas missed her/had to run before she could explore the whole castle because Lumi found them out?
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:14 pm
Queen Lumi Plot! Info about your soquili: He's a troll? The truth is this- Rokhan is going to be assaulted by Izusa, this can happen pretty much wherever considering it is Izusa and Rokhan. After he narrowly escapes he will try to convince Sumi(his mate) that they need to find a herd for themselves and their family. Sumi who is extremely timid of herds and large groups will refuse, leaving Rokhan feeling paranoid and angry. To calm himself down he will travel to the tops of the mountains to speak to the Spirits on how best to handle this new problem. My thought is this - If Lumi were to find him in such a weak mental state and appeal to him as though she herself were a snow spirit he would do anything for her, becoming enthralled... Until finding her works of "beauty". Past that I'm not sure... Pretty much whatever you think you would want to do. Just so long as he ends up back with Sumi as a stronger stallion in the long run. Interested in eventual breeding with Queen Lumi and/or Lurielle?: Heeeres the deal- He's not lifemated to Setsumi, but he might as well be. I'm alright with this not ending with a breeding, but I would do a jig if it is. I just need to talk it out with Silent Artist to see where she would want to go with Rokhan and Sumi after all of this transpires. Ideas/Anything else you want to say?: Icy troll or dryad troll babbies would be fun. Also - I didn't think I'd EVER find a manipulative mare so perfect for what I have planned for Rokhan and then you basically describe the exact plot needed for him. xDD So. Get outta my head?
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:12 am
I really like the ideas that are being posted!
Amirynth - I like Pip - he's a lovely stallion and has a lot going for him :3 I do have a few concerns - you are looking/questing for a mate for him, right, with Onyxia? And I think there could be a good click with him with Lurielle, though I would worry about the capacity of Lumi to take on/snare an angeni - especially one so contrary in theme to her nature - he is the embodiment of passion, and she is very cold emotionally - and her schtick is to pull her victims away from the vibrancy of life and detach themselves from emotion and warmth and vibrancy. On the other hand, his love of life and passion and vibrancy could be just what Lurielle will need to bring herself back into life and passion after being freed - she is a timid, meek creature and fearful after what has happened to her even more so.
Lolli - Rokhan is awesome, and I do luff me the trolls ^^. (And Rokhan is one of my favorites of them biggrin ). It's an interesting twist with Rokhan's belief in the spriits and guidance from his trollish viewpoint to leave him succeptable to Lumi. Do you see him going for the ideas of seclusion and withdrawing from his herd/family, mate, and the world? And embracing her ideals of icy beauty with her manipulation? I don't want to interfere if you do have previous plans made with Sumi - but I could see some neat things intertwining in this plot.
Ideally I would like to be able to tie this storyline into breeding for at the least Lurielle - since I see this big overarching plotline to be, well, a huge pivot point for both characters, and it makes sense to involve their breedings with the overarching storyline as opposed to something after the fact and/or random. At least intially - as there's no telling if bonds are permanent in the long run or new spins or twists happen after what I have envisioned transpires.
I'm probably going to leave this open for consideration for a /little/ longer - just to see ideas/brainstorms - but you guys have definitely got the wheels in my head turning!
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:15 am
Sabin Duvert Amirynth - I like Pip - he's a lovely stallion and has a lot going for him :3 I do have a few concerns - you are looking/questing for a mate for him, right, with Onyxia? And I think there could be a good click with him with Lurielle, though I would worry about the capacity of Lumi to take on/snare an angeni - especially one so contrary in theme to her nature - he is the embodiment of passion, and she is very cold emotionally - and her schtick is to pull her victims away from the vibrancy of life and detach themselves from emotion and warmth and vibrancy. On the other hand, his love of life and passion and vibrancy could be just what Lurielle will need to bring herself back into life and passion after being freed - she is a timid, meek creature and fearful after what has happened to her even more so. *laughs* Onyxia is Pip's sister :p
And I figured that with his doubts and fears it'd lesson his powers (strength of will/the heart is where it comes from kinda thing) so while Lumi plagues him and encourages his doubts to form he'll be in a weakened state...