Name: Nera vi Sombra

Aliases/ Nicknames: Nero

Rank: Hiteiteki Espada of Lust

Physical Description: Nera is 5'9, and has a line tattoo under her left eye to make it appear as if she was crying. Her arrancar uniform is different as the skirt is shorter and has parts of the side torn away making it seem ragged. Her top is a white arrancar jacket with belt-like wraps around the sleeves, and her hollow mask fragments are fangs that have moved down to her neck with a jaw line attached. Her hollow hole is below her navel area.

Zanpakuto: The zanpakuto does not take on the form of a normal katana, but a large broadsword with a star like pattern. The hilt was bone like and she wore it on her wrist as a long blade. The sword has jagged ends to cleave and pierce her opponents as the blade increase pain as it enters and exits. The hilt is always separate from the blade unless the blade is in use, allowing the blade to be used in different ways rather than being used as only a sword.

The release command is "Defy, Atracción Lobo. - Gravity Wolf" Which caused a blue light to surround her as she released her sealed hollow powers. Her mask regrows around her face and she grows two horns by her ears. Her hands become gauntlet like claws with blue star patterns on them, her legs become boots with three claw-like paws coming from then with her clothing being replaced by a bra and miniskirt made out of bone-like material. Sun-like patterns come out of where her hollow hole is and she grows a spiked tail of bone-like fur.

Here gauntlets are the source of her power, Gravity control. She has Three attacks based on her powers.

Atracción Crescendo/Decrescendo - This is the increase or decrease of gravity around her targets including herself. Her left gauntlet claw can increase the gravity and force making them unable to walk or increase the falling power. The right gauntlet claw and can decrease gravity making it easier to float and dodge attacks; however she cannot use both at the same time.

Vacio Salva - A dark purple reiatsu surrounds her claws as she releases a dark energy of pure void or nothing, which can cause a collapse of the body or a lashing mark against the enemy.

Hollow Powers:

* Bala (虚弾 (バラ), bara; Spanish for "Bullet", Japanese for "Hollow Bullet") Bala is an Arrancar alternative to Cero. The technique hardens the user's Spiritual Pressure and fires it like a bullet. Although it is weaker than a normal Cero, it moves about twenty times faster and can be fired at a much higher rate but the damage is much the same. Stronger Arrancar can also fire a more powerful Bala, while retaining its twenty-fold speed.

* Cero (虚閃 (セロ), sero; Spanish for "Zero", Japanese for "Hollow Flash", "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation) are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers. Only Gillians, Adjuchas, Arrancar, and the Vizards have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entities can use it more efficiently. Various Arrancar and Hollow characters display variants of the technique, such as the Espada-exclusive Gran Rey Cero, the Cero Oscuras that Ulquiorra Cifer can use only in his released form, as well as the Cero Sincrético performed by Pesche Guatische and Dondochakka Bilstin.

* Garganta (黒腔 (ガルガンタ), garuganta; Spanish for "Throat", Japanese for "Black Cavity") is how Arrancar and Menos-class Hollows move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tōsen and Kisuke Urahara have also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

* Hierro (鋼皮 (イエロ), iero; Spanish for "Iron", Japanese for "Steel Skin") refers to the hardened skin of the Arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released Zanpakutō bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger Arrancar have proportionally stronger skin than usual.

* Negación (反膜 (ネガシオン), negashion; Spanish for "Negation", Japanese for "Counter Membrane") are energy fields are used to rescue fellow Hollows. Only the Gillian-class Menos have shown the ability to use it. Negación fields surround a target in a square beam of light that isolates the target from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them. The field then pulls the target towards the Menos that created the field. Espada have a special cube-shaped device called Caja Negación (反膜の匪 (カハ・ネガシオン), Spanish for "Negation Box", Japanese for "Anti-Membrane of Negation") meant to simulate Negación fields, which are used to punish their subordinates if necessary. The cube, when used on a subject, traps them in an alternate dimension from which there is no escape; however, this assumes it is being used as intended. More-powerful Arrancar, namely the Espada themselves, can escape given enough time.

* Pesquisa (探査回路 (ペスキス), pesukisa; Spanish for "Inquiry", Japanese for "Probe Circuit") is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami ability to sense Spiritual Pressure. It functions very-similarly to sonar.

* Sonído (響転 (ソニード), sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound", Japanese for "Transfer Effects") is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami Flash Steps and the Quincy Hirenkyaku; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances. Use of Sonído is punctuated by a brief static sound, in contrast to the "swish" sound caused by Flash Steps.

Shikyo/Death Cero - A cero that is restricted to only the Hiteiteki Espada. This cero has the color of the Espada and a mix of a black trail that gives it the appearance of a cero and cero oscuras.

Momento Sonido - This is the higher speed of sonido that gives the Hiteiteki espada the ability to move as such high speed, that a mile or more could be moved with very few steps. The only limit is that this technique if used too frequently, causes a lag as the legs which will slow you down until you cannot move temporarily.

Alterar/Clone - By sacrificing up to 25% of their reiryoku, the Negative espada can create a clone that has their powers and abilities. The only problem, is that due to being only a clone and limited supply of reiryoku, the clone will have weaker attacks and can only use their abilities to the limit. If an Alterar uses their resurrecion, the alterar will only have a partial released form with only part of the true resurrecion.

Toku - The Espada can momentarily use their reiatsu to create a barrier to protect themselves. The barrier is only as strong as the user's reiryoku and can shield off attacks from shinigami. This shield takes on the form of repeating octagon patterns.

Dimensión del Corazón - Nera can open a small pocket dimension and suck everything around her into it. Nera has full control of the dimension, controlling all aspects of it, and making it do anything she wants as long as it is humanly possible, however if her 'dream body' is struck, then the dimension is shattered.

Special Accessories: Her arrancar uniform makes her stand out a bit and she always wears black belts around her arms and legs. These belts can be taken off and be used as whip-like weaponry unless aggravated to use her zanpakuto.

Skills: Knows how to use sword in normal fashion, reverse fashion, and can use her blade with her feet.

Abilities: She is swift and agile, with flexibility as she can flip and bend to create strange attacks, with the ability to fight on her hands.

Personality: She believes all life is born through death, once one dies, then their purpose begins. She is calm and prefers not to make combat unless absolutely required which reveals her cold personality and her lack of emotion unless she gets angry. She prefers honor and truth over lies and power, but unless they are needed to complete a goal.

Biography/History: At a young age she was alone always as her father died and her mother tried to keep Nera happy, but couldn't keep up her promises and always disappointed both of them. She had a dog to always keep her company known as Shikyo which was a present when she was a young child. The dog was her best friend until one day, a burglar tried to rob their house and killed their dog. That night she was scarred with torment after losing the only thing in the world that truly loved her, and she rarely smiled after. She began to develop a tendency to do reckless things until her death by jumping off a cliff without knowing someone sabotaged her as she was suppose to climb down. She came to Hueco Mundo after being pulled in as a soul and became a hollow who wandered until devouring enough souls to become dangerous level of menos. She was taken a shine to and became an arrancar, however she disappeared after her birth and is said to roam Hueco Mundo until her return.