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Soq (belated) 5th birthday Art Contest Model submissions Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 8 9 10 11 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
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  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:02 pm


It's that time of the year again... Even if it is a bit late! Time for artists to take out their visual artistic medium of choice and make their masterpieces. However! Every artist needs a model, and that's where this page comes in.

Each owner my only submit up to 2 Soquili to be the picked from as the main subject matter of artwork, with a short description of their personality. If they have relations with anyone entered in the contest, you may add what page they are on into the "Entered relations" part of their entry form.

You are welcome to edit your posts until this thread closes at 12am CST, 8/8/10, at which point this thread will be locked and the art contest opened.

[b]Your Username:[/b]
[quote="Soquili Submission 1"]
[b]Soquili's Full Name:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Entered Relations:[/b]
[b]Short Personality Blurb:[/b]
[b]Short Blurb of Recent Events:[/b]
[b]unentered Relations:[/b] (up to 5)

[quote="Soquili Submission 2"]
[b]Soquili's Full Name:[/b]
[img][/img] [url=]Uncert[/url]
[b]Entered Relations:[/b]
[b]Short Personality Blurb:[/b]
[b]Short Blurb of Recent Events:[/b]
[b]unentered Relations:[/b] (up to 5)


1) Soquili MUST be owned by you in some way. Co-owned soquili may be entered only once, counting to the limit of the person who entered them.
2) You are allowed to enter your entries until the thread locks.
3) you can only post up to 4 related but unentered soquili:THESE MUST BE URL LINKS AND BE EITHER GENETICALLY RELATED TO THE SOQUILI DIRECTLY OR IN THEIR CLOSE ADOPTIVE FAMILY. This MAY be your native if they are close to them and have a picture.
4) Soquili in the unentered relations slot cannot be the focus of artwork in the contest, but can be included as secondary characters (Such as drawing a family portrait)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:04 pm

Grand Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to Super rare soquili such as Angeni or Skinwalkers(Cannot crossbreed with each other, Mers, or Minis. NO PUREWALKERS)
1st Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to Rare soquili
2nd Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to uncommon soquili
3rd Prize - custom Edited (up to Heavily edited) Up to common soquili

Up to Three Honorable Mentions are POSSIBLE (but not guaranteed): Semi-Custom Edited Minor to moderate edits Common, Gender of your choice.

Gold Prizes

+25k gold goes to the EXISTING winner who made the most submissions
+25k gold goes to the EXISTING winner who had a submission with the most Daring Style

1. Best Group
2. Best Scene from an RP
3. Best Couple (the entry with the best entry of a romantic pairing or Mock-romantic relationship for skinwalkers.)
4. Best Friends/Family (the entry with the best example of friendship and Loyalty between two or more individuals in a platonic situation)
5. Best 3D

6. Best Illustrative Story
7. Best Setting/background
8. Best Chibi
9. Best Color
10. Best Black and White
11. Best Traditional
12. Best Digital

13. Most Soquili

14. Silliest/funniest/Best at making us Laugh
15. Meanest/Angriest/Darkest/Aggressive entry
16. Happiest/Most Cheerful
17. Most Sad/Somber/depressing entry

---- Gold prizes that are situational and may or may not happen ----


Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50

Vice Captain

Ghost Trash

17,975 Points
  • Waffles! 25
  • Bold Squire 75
  • Dragon Master 50
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:16 pm

Your Username:Mindsend
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Cuauhcoatl
User Image User ImageUncertnekkid
Entered Relations:Ikinya, Lovemate, Pg1 post 4
Kaliska, ward, my post (Below)
Darius, Ward, Pg1 post 4
Ekundayo, Kidnapped (and possibly returning) Daughter, pg 1 post 6
Zahraa', Captor of his Godson Cabriole (May confront), pg 7 post 4
Ritalin, 'Villian' to be punished, pg 8 post 1

Short Personality Blurb: Cuauhcoatl is bookworm. Gets nervous easy (Stutters). Gets excited/over eager when learning something new. Not very good at making his human 'spirit form' consistent. Very affectionate to his extended family and protective of those who need protecting. Considers Xochicoatl, the harpy eagle (See cert) his Sister in Spirit, and does not have any issue with meat eating soquili, as long as they do not hunt or maim other soquili. (Note: Goddaughter/ward Kaliska does eat meat) Often lets his lovemate Ikinya ride on his back since she's small enough.

Short Blurb of Recent Events:Realized he was in Love with Ikinya (An Usida) after reuniting with her, and adopting a basket she discovered, which resulted in Adom (See unentered relations). Took Darius, then Kaliska under his wings. Had a Surrogate breeding with another mare that resulted in one of the three baskets being stolen.

Forming a Herd for "Good natured Misfits" called Yectenehua, Open to all species as long as they are good in nature.

He's keeping his eyes and ears open for any news if Ritalin, a disturbed individual he encountered with a fear/dislike of feathers and a desire to tear the wings from a wind, has attacked anyone, since he had sworn to try and protect them and would punish him with a mask of feathers should Ritalin act on his desires.


unentered Relations: Daughters: Living with him are Subiraand Zyanya.
Adopted child: Adom
Previous Ward/Adoptive Daughter: Anjanas

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name:
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Cuauhcoatl (above): Guardian
Ikinya, mother-like figure, Pg1 post 4
Darius, Close friend and hunting partner, Pg1 post 4
Nymphalidae, Sister, pg 1 post 6
Nocturne, Other close Friend, pg 2 post 1
Ariadne, Sister, pg 10 post 14

Short Personality Blurb: Kaliska is a very sweet, quiet girl with a strong sense of compassion, but strong willed and courageous, to the point Ran away from home to give her siblings a chance to join the herd her mother belonged to (Only allows winged soquili). Tries to keep her emotions neutral and toned down due to worry of possible instability due to half-Kalona/Fluttercorn blood. Very petite due to flutter heritage. Has a fondness for river reeds and fish.

Short Blurb of Recent Events: Joined Cuauhcoatl's extended family to have a place where she belonged and can learn further control of her emotions. Is helping teach Darius learn to hunt small game.


unentered Relations: Hatchi (Aka:Acotas): the native Two-legger Seminole Women that raised her.

Both are in the Yectenehua herd.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:24 pm

Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Ikinya
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
Cuauhcoatl [Mate] (See Above post)
Darius [Adoptive Son] (See Below)
Ekundayo [Step-Daughter]
Short Personality Blurb: Ikinya is a loving individual who still knows how to have fun. Spunky and with a real joy of life, she takes everyday to the fullest with her mate Cuauhcoatl.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
Ikinya has recently discovered her love for her angeni sweetheart Cuauhcoatl. Together the pair have adopted an abandoned usdia basket which became their first child Adom, a mutant colt named Darius and have begun the process of parenthood with their mismatched little family and the news of foals of their own blood; Zyanya, Subira and Ekundayo.
Unentered Relations: Adom, Subira, Zyanya

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Darius
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
Cuauhcoatl [Adoptive Father] (See above for all)
Ikinya [Adoptive Mother]
Kaliska [Crush/Mentor]
Short Personality Blurb: Darius is a sweet and often goofy stallion, being part dog/wolf he's prone to more canine like behavior and often can be seen with his tongue hanging out in a comical manor.
Short Blurb of Recent Events:
When Darius was but a colt he was found by Cuauhcoatl, adopted into the family despite his carnivorous needs in a mostly herbaceous family. It was during this time where Kaliska was brought into the forming herd and being part kalona she began to teach him the skills his parents never had. It might seem inevitable, but the sweet brute of a stallion has begun what one could call puppylove for his fellow hybrid friend.
Unentered Relations:


Kawaii Fairy

12,000 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Cool Cat 500


PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:25 pm

Your Username Lilly_Foxx
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Adoree
User ImageUser Image

Uncert Clothed Uncert Unclothed
Entered Relations: Her sister, Raffele. (see des)
Un-entered Relations: (up to 5)

(copy & pasted from Kaisanti’s entry)
Father: Don Juan the Lord Valentino. A court rouge who underneath is actually a caring, classical gentleman. He accidentally fell for one of his 'ladies' and is learning what it is to be father and mate.
Mother: Alaure, a refined, if slightly inexperienced mare who caught the eye of a rogue and despite the ups and downs, has pulled through and raised a loving family.
Brother: Calayero, the youngest of the three kids, he has followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a fine young stallion.

Short Personality Blurb: She is dainty, demure and lady-like. She is sweet and good-natured but can get a bit testy if overly tired or hot. She doesn’t usually have a bad word for anyone unless they give her a reason.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: All of her RPs are still in progress but both have been stressors for her. She’s recently grown into adulthood.

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Salvatore
User Image

Uncert Detail (sorry it’s certed)
Entered Relations: N/A
Short Personality Blurb: He is every bit the ladie’s man. He is well mannered, chilverious, but just a little bit c**k and arrogant about his looks. He’s also terribly old fashioned.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He’s just come to the New World from Italy and had a lot of meet and greets.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:26 pm

Your Username: Nymphalidae
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Nymphalidae
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
• Hallows Bane (Mate; Page 5)
• Arcana (Mother; Page 1)
• Kaliska (Sister; Page 1)
• Ariadne (Sister; Page 10)
Short Personality Blurb: Nymphalidae is obsessed with proving herself to be worthy of her kalona heritage and purifying her bloodline; she is ashamed of her flutter wings and think them to be too delicate and a huge weakness. Despite having the least kalona-like appearance out of all her sisters, she turned out to be the most vicious, and left her family at a young age to find her place amongst "true" kalona. She looks down on all soquili who are not of kalona blood, believing them to be weak and lesser beings -- and all of them prey to be eaten. She is selfish, manipulative, and power-hungry -- the majority of her actions are carried out if she believes she can gain something out of it, and she is not above using and tricking other soquili to get what she wants. She hates showing weakness, feeling as though it makes her unworthy of her bloodline, and will often go out of her way to prove that she isn't weak at the risk of putting herself in great danger. She would sooner risk her life than admit to being unable to do something... but she does not always succeed in her attempts to prove herself, and in her humiliation she will become exceptionally violent and angry at whoever was around to see her in her weak moment. Her flutter heritage does nothing to help her insecurities; while she is bigger than most flutters, she is still also smaller than the average normal soquili (size comparison next to her mate). She cannot change sizes.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Hallows Bane (her current mate/future lifemate) and Nymphalidae formed a plan to infiltrate her mate's adoptive, peaceful herd, and after successfully infiltrating the herd and earning the trust of the members, she and her mate ambushed the herd and drove them out of their lands -- the pair of them quickly resorting to violence in order to do so. They have been savoring their victory on their newly aquired territory, but she and Hallows Bane are making plans to soon set out on a journey back to his homelands to face his family. Nymphalidae continues to feel conflicted about her feelings for the stallion; he is not a pure kalona, but she finds herself enjoying his company and encouragining his vicious nature that he had fought against to keep buried for so long. And, just recently, she has found herself gaining a suspicious amount of weight...
Unentered Relations:
• Hródolf (Familiar; Uncert; He is translucent.)
• Lycaenidae (Half-Sister; Uncert)
• Parixaeus (Father)
• Diogenes (Half-Brother; Uncert)

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Ekundayo
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
• Cuauhcoatl (Father; Page 1)
• Ikinya (Step-Mother; Page 1)
Short Personality Blurb: Having reached her teenage years, Ekundayo is beginning to come out of her shell and learning more about herself and who she is -- and not just a foal shielded from everything by her mother. Ekundayo is endlessly curious about the world, knowing so little about it. She wishes to be everything her mother isn't -- not out of spite, because she loves her mother dearly, but so that she can better support her mother's weaknesses and protect her. Her mannerisms come off as extremely lady-like -- she is soft-spoken, elegant, and enjoys being treated as if she were a princess. However, in the face of danger she tries to firmly stand her ground, even if what she is facing terrifies her to the core. Ekundayo wants to be a brave knight while maintaining all the qualities of a dignified mare. She is easily offended or embarrassed by vulgarity, but her heart is large enough to forgive and give second chances time and time again.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Ekundayo knows little of the tragic history that lead up to her birth. As a foal, she would sometimes ask her mother about her father, but Kayla was too afraid of losing the only daughter she managed to "save" and would always tell Ekundayo that she would tell her when she was older. However, Ekundayo has recently matured into a young teenage mare, and she is questioning her mother more now than ever and claiming she is old enough. Kayla has continued to be reluctant to tell her daughter the story, and the flawless entity that Ekundayo has always seen in her mother was crumbling away; she is realizing that Kayla is kind hearted but cowardly, and while Ekundayo does not look down on her mother for this weakness, she knows she never wants to grow to be so fearful of everything herself. [The full story leading to her birth can be read here.]
Unentered Relations:
• Kayla & Mazi (Mother & Mother's Familiar; Uncert)
• Subira (Sister; Uncert)
• Zyanya (Sister; Uncert 1, Uncert 2)



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
  • Team Poison Master 250
  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:28 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Rafah, friend (see below).
Short Personality Blurb: While a little spacey at times, Gale is very strong-minded and intelligent. She's stubborn, so she sticks with what she believes to be right, even if no one else does. he's sort of klutzy, but she's proud and stubborn, and prefers to do things by herself than to have someone help her.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's become a valued member of Blood's herd (in Heartland), and she's now a grandmother.
unentered Relations: Arianrhod (daughter), Zuleika (granddaughter).

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Rafah.
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Gale, friend (above).
Short Personality Blurb: Rafah is an extremely quick thinker. She moves fast, gets bored in two seconds flat, and is always off trying to do more. She loves the thrill of adventure, the thrill of fighting, but she's very careful. She's intelligent and cheerful, and she always is pointing out the bright side in things (even if that bright side is tiny).
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Coming soon~
unentered Relations: N/A.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:29 pm

Your Username: LunaRei_SilverBlood
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Lady Nadia Misae
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Claude - Dad
Short Personality Blurb: Serious, strong silent type, A Lady Knight
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's been wandering around being a knight, and help those in need, and trying to make friends, albeit not to successful. She's really a kid hearted mare.
unentered Relations: n/a at this time

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Tranquility
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: none
Short Personality Blurb: Peaceful, and caring
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Living in the mountains Tranquility spends her days cleaning the shrine that she resides in. She's loved by the two leggers that worship there.
unentered Relations: Sir Chevalier Misae, Sir Lafayette Misae, Istas Misae



PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:33 pm

Your Username: Getsurae
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Hilaire
User Image
Entered Relations: Araval - Page 8
Short Personality Blurb: Hilaire is sweet and kind. She could never turn her back on someone in need.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: None really.
unentered Relations:

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name:Astrophel
User Image
Entered Relations: Madhi - page 8
Short Personality Blurb: Coming soon!
Short Blurb of Recent Events: coming soon!
unentered Relations:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:34 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: ---
Short Personality Blurb: Jumanjii' is a stallion all about manners. Too bad he is so stubborn and prideful to realize how harsh he can be though at times. But once he realizes them, he can be a babbling mess. Very aloof and loves to travel the lands on his own.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Manjii' recently had a scuffle with another soqu, leaving one eye blinded. This 'reality check' put more humility in him, and now he's not so judging or critical of others. Though he is still huffy at times lol.
unentered Relations: (up to 5)

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name:
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: ---
Short Personality Blurb: Soul is a real jerk, and loves to openly admit so. He's a Kalona that comes with alot of humor and mental games, so he's not really high and mighty in the chain of 'terrifying kalona'. Selfish to a fault, don't let him stab you in the back!
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Not much, but it always involves trouble/mischief.
unentered Relations: (up to 5)


Shy Seeker

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:35 pm

ATh e a r t
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Tarala
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None as of yet x3
Short Personality Blurb: She's based off of "Fear of Bees" and honestly really does have that fear. Tarala is able to mistake anything that flies or buzzes for those little black and white terrors. Is she afraid of herself? No, but she is afraid of flying. Tarala is my little girl and she's very clumsy and forgetful.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's learning the difference between "Bees" and "Fireflies". Tarala is getting her head out of the flowers and starting to mature a little! Very proud of her x3!
unentered Relations: None as of yet x3

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Tsong Tsong
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None as of yet x3
Short Personality Blurb: His personality is based off of my bf's. Tsong (also named for my boyfriend's nickname), is sweet, protective, and very loving. Family and friends mean the most to him. With friends, he can sometimes be a bit mean, but his form of "mean" is quite loving. (xD) With that "special someone" he treats her like a princess. <3
Short Blurb of Recent Events: None really Dx
unentered Relations: None as of yet x3
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:39 pm

Your Username: Lady Aria Starstone
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Ayidan
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Cloud Dance, his daughter.
Short Personality Blurb: Shy but determined to work past this fault, and make friends, he's got a big heart hidden behind his stutters.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: He has just recently met Ayita... A mare of the same name as his mother.
unentered Relations: Kuwanyauma, Abeni

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Cloud Dance
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: Ayidan, her father.
Short Personality Blurb: Bright, cheerful, and very friendly, Cloud Dance loves nothing better then to make new friends.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She's been traveling with her new friend Zareen, showing her the woods.
unentered Relations: (up to 5)

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25


Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:40 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name:
User Image Uncert

Entered Relations: (Edit in later)

Short Personality Blurb: Seeker is a very strong ambitious young stallion... however he is also a chicken. His lack of courage is made up with his gentle demeanor. Seeker is quite the shy gentleman.

Short Blurb of Recent Events: Seeker recently ran into the Angini named "Xochi". At first he was afraid she would curse him with her "goddess powers", but after she showed him her domain he took a liking to their friendship. During the encounter he wished to take a feather home for his mother and sister.

unentered Relations: (Will Edit)

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Zutnic
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: (Will edit)

Short Personality Blurb: Zutnic is a brave and noble stallion from a long line of gryphonic knights. Like the typical knight he seeks justice and shuns anything he deems evil. Though his ideas of what is evil differ slightly from his brothers.

Short Blurb of Recent Events: (Recent RP Synopsis)
Zutnic moves to investigate a forest previously bursting with strange activity. When he finds out about a harpie herd and their 'evil' practices he decides to investigate further and plot the freedom of the harpie slaves. Aviania, the herd's queen, spots Zutnic approaching the forest... and has her own plans for his future.
-Zutnic got a scratch on his tuckas
-Figured out Harpies can bound off trees
-Received a scar from Aviania on the right side of his face. (From under ear to beak)
-Lost a primary feather to Aviania

unentered Relations: (Will edit in)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:44 pm

Your Username: Sabin Duvert
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Balrog
User Image Uncert
Balrog's Adult Version (shows more of his markings)
Entered Relations: Stormwild, in Kamiki's post - she is Balrog's Lifemate.
Short Personality Blurb: Balrog is hot-headed, egotistical, and confrontational. He isn't afraid to speak his mind. Some might call him an a*****e or even downright vicious to a soquili that gets on his wrong side.
And, if you're Balrog, that isn't difficult. He is severely prejudiced against any non-winged Soquili, calling them weak and inferior.
He believes that it is the responsibility of the wind soquili to band together, promote the strong.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Balrog and his mate, Stormwild lead the Thunderbird herd. Balrog maintains strict guidelines for the soquili that stay in this herd - they must have wings and be capable of flight, and breed only with other flighted soquili.
Things have become complicated recently as his son, and previously the golden child of the herd, Firestorm, mated with a Kalona who wooed him away. He recently led a failed takeover of the Thunderbird herd.
unentered Relations:
Balrog's Foals in the herd, or with close ties to the herd:
Cataclysm, Maelstrom, Firestorm
Thunderbird - Stormwild and Balrog have raised him as their son, though the true nature of his parentage is questionable.

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Arcana
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations:
Nymphalidae - one of her children (in Nymphalidae's post)
Kaliska - one of her children in Mindsend's post
Short Personality Blurb: Arcana, despite her fine breeding from two noble soquili, has been raised by Anju alongside Taraxippus. Her emergence was met with much confusion by her "father", however, Anju has attempted to raise her as his own, often with much disappointment as she just doesn't seem to have that darkness in her. Harassed by her brother, a disappointment to her father, Arcana grew up very confused and backwards. She thinks that it's expected of her to be terrifying, something that she just really can't get right.
Arcana either doesn't know how to or is not able to change sizes. She is a petite, slender mare that stands around 13 hands high.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Arcana tried her hardest to impress Anju, who she thought was her father, leading to an affair with a massive Kalona. However, while there was passing interest, it wasn't the acceptance she sought, and the foals from her breeding were distant or cruel, not filling the void of love that she needed.
Arcana discovered her true parents, Kamiki and Azure, were kindhearted soquili in the Thunderbird herd and left Anju and his herd to be with her genetic parents. However, even there she feels like a misfit, socially inept and never knowing how to handle herself properly. When she fell for a bad boy part-kalona without wings, she had to hide away from the herd to have her foals. When some were born without wings, and others left her, she once again was left without a lasting connection.
unentered Relations: the other 4 of her children:
Lycenadae, Diogenes, Grimoire, Ariadne
Anju: the soquili who raised her and she grew up believing ot be her father.

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash


PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:45 pm

Your Username:
Soquili Submission 1

Soquili's Full Name: Alejandra
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: Alejandra is the middle sister out of seven. Her family lives in royalty across the seas. She is kind in nature, and fell in love with the local natives when here on vacation. Against her fathers wishes, she asked to stay for the summer, and has yet to return.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: She is currently in the Master CC list with Kamiki's Quetzacotl. *eyebrow waggle*
Unentered Relations: None

Soquili Submission 2

Soquili's Full Name: Vapor
User Image Uncert
Entered Relations: None
Short Personality Blurb: He's indignant. Meaning he's characterized as unjust, offensive, or insulting. Normally he'll do so with as many colorful words as possible. He's not violent physically, just with words. He won't pick a fight, but won't back out from one being picked with him. He enjoys being a jerk. *shrug* He wanders the land alone. Soquili piss him off to much for him to be in a herd. Ever.
Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently had a run in with an angeni. Shoved her in a pond for sport.
Unentered Relations: None.

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