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Vegnagunn Ambercraft - Completed

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:04 pm

Vegnagunn Ambercraft [Veg-Na-Gun Amb-Re-Cr-oft]
Aliases/ Nicknames:
What ever anyone wishes to call him, or Amber, if you're cute.

Physical Description:
Vegnagunn is of an above average build, standing at 6'2"ft he sees eye to eye with most other shinigami. He has a fair complexion and sanguine eyes that almost seem to illuminate in the dark, making him appear menacing to some. That is, if it weren't for his almost child like appearance. Vegnagunn sports long, fine brunette bangs that he gives little care or attention too, yet manages to keep in a presentable condition none the less. He isn't a fan of tattoo's or piercings so doesn't have any concealed 'body art'... That is, apart from a single Fleur de Lis on the nape of his neck.

(Death) 17 , (Shinigami) 246.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
Shingyo Shi [Gods Gaze], is a 20ft Celestial Deity that claims to have been created by an all powerful entity to destroy itself once it began to loath its own existence. She has sang of her makers power and the sorrow of his life. Being forgotten by those who he brought to life and then used as a source of power and a source for their propaganda as they began wars among themselves through different interpretations of his will. But soon, he had been thrown a side and forgotten. At this point, Shingyo Shi had been brought into existence to end his limitless life. She has told Vegnagunn that she is the only source of power great enough to painlessly end the life of a god.

A cold and stoic being, Shingyo Shi is a carbon copy of Vegnagunn's less happy go lucky side. She holds a malicious gaze, no doubt a mirror of her Bankai title. Although she isn't a very warm being, she still holds an almost heavenly aura around herself that quells the spirit to an extent one can almost be forced into a comfortable slumber. Despite all her more unwelcoming features, Shingyo Shi has yet to act violently towards her Shinigami. Much rather preferring a conversation to a clash of blades.

Within her domain, or rather, Vegnagunn's Inner World, the world is quite literally turned upside down. In the skies is the earth and within the earth is the skies. A paradox no doubt. But in fact, its is a recreation of Heaven and Hell. Above, the desolate wastes of an Arctic tundra. An embodiment of Hells nether regions. Thus, bellow ones feet a glimmering abundance of clouds. But it is impossible to reach these two regions of Vegnagunn's inner world as a mortal can never be truly pure or corrupt. Thus, Vegnagunn is forced into the centre of his inner utopia to stand before the colossal Shingyo Shi who takes a glorified position there which all else revolves around.

Shingyo Shi takes the form of a Wakazashi with a coiling ring, much like the hollow frame of the swords spirit,at the base of the hilt. The sheath is decorated as though it were one of the predominant serrated points of the angelic ring. It also mimics the same colour pattern, shifting from a crystal blue to a glorious golden shade from the tip to the guard. It can be mistaken for a decorative accessory. Another strange feature on the sheath is the face of a maiden that is not unlike Shingyo Shi's face within Vegnagunn's Inner World. N/A

Shikai Release:
"Gazen*, Shingyo Shi!"

*'Gazen', meaning 'suddenly' or 'meaningless existence'.

The Zanpaktou is turned into a large fine chain with a spear headed gut-hook attachment. The prowess of the Zanpaktou is to extent to over 60 meters away from its original length of one meter. Shingyo Shi is also able to absorb low levelled [1-35] Hado cast by foes at its master, the gut-hooks blade growing as it absorbs more of the spells, increasing its ferocity. For this reason, the Shikai has been known by the title 'The Martyr'. The time taken for it to expand to its full length is a startling 10 seconds, but eventually a limit breaker is taken off as more Kido is absorbed, taking the time down to a terrifying 7 seconds. Shingyo Shi is fastened to Vegnagunn's wrist by a bracelet made by the same links as its chain. The chain links themselves are unique as they are created by the reiatsu of the swords spirit. Being a being of such ferocious power, the links can renew themselves moments after their bonds being broken. Not that its easy to break them. N/A

Penance; a technique used by Shingyo Shi to bind and constrict the target. The chain extends to its full length to circle around the opponent and hold them in place. Coiling around the targets arms and legs, holding them in the fashion of a Christian crucifix. Above their heads shall rest the gut-hook, lingering like a serpent.

Sovereign; used as a defensive advantage to protect Vegnagunn from harm in which the chains form a shield like state in front of Vegnagunn that is 1.5 meters in diameter. This is the technique used to absorb the low level Hado and knock off strikes from projectiles. Higher levelled Hado can easily break apart the structure of the chains, meaning it sometimes serves best as away to block the Kido and to move himself away from the area it was destined to strike. It doesn't work very well against Bakudo above 10, but can occasionally stop the spells.

Crack the Skies; the most offensive attack in Shingyo Shi's arsenal. The chain coils its body like a serpent, gathering force from the tension as its length constricts like a spring, before firing itself out in a spiral fashion. The spiral begins wide at the beginning. Measuring 10 inches in diameter before it tightens on itself as it travels. The technique can be used to ensnare the blade of an opponent, using the gut-hook as a means to make them let go for fear of them losing an appendage possible or it can be used like a spear to impale the target. Due to the vast momentum of its movements, it is difficult to change course properly. Sometimes it doesn't even move at all, making it dangerous for spectators or Vegnagunn if the opponent is fast enough.

Released with the phrase, 'Kyojitsu', meaning 'Truth of Flasehood'. As a Bankai, Vegnagunn's skills are hyped to a heightened degree, giving him increased reaction time, a boost of speed and a large increase in reiatsu thanks to the blades spirit becoming one with his being through the Bankai. In this form, Kami Shini no Miyaru [God Killing Gaze] is a double of its previous form, only the chains are at the length of 10 meters each, linked together and held in either hand by Vegnagunn, the link being behind his back connecting the two chains together. The gut-hook is now twice the size of the left and half on the right. The left being more durable and the right being sharper. Almost as a replacement for a sword and shield. Its new prowess is to extend to its full length of 600 meters at the speed of light. Which just so happens to be 299 792 458 meters per second. To say the least, it can extend and retract without it registering to most Shinigami or human eyes. Due to the immense force and energy required to preform this technique, the Bankai can only preform this feat twice every six minutes.

Behind his back is a giant ring like that of Shingyo Shi's and in the centre burns the spirits reiatsu, held within the emblem like shield that is seen on her body in Draeva's Inner World. Due to the materialisation of Shingyo Shi's reiatsu, Vegnagunn is able to utilise its power. But only if he is permitted too by the spirit who dislikes conflict so there fore is rarely willing to lend a helping hand in this manner. A second ring is also seen that gracefully spins at a slow pace around the Shinigami's shin level, just above his feet. This ring does not serve any purpose, unlike the other. A form favoured for only the worthy, Vegnagunn isn't known to have used his Bankai unless he is struggling or if another has used their own. Which is quite rare. N/A

Purge; ???

Deity's Sorrow; Shingyo Shi's reiatsu orb begins to hum at a low frequency that slowly builds from a single monotonous note to a chorus sang by an angel. The heavenly hymn makes all who hear it disheartened. Their arms begin to grow heavy and their movements become less lucrative. With heavy hearts, eventually they succumb to their own sorrowful emotions. Despite how it may appear, the technique does not mess emotions at all. Instead, it tricks the sub concious as a higher pitched frequency it emitted from the reiatsu manifestation that messes with the neurological receptors of the brain. Dulling movement slightly and creating the illusion that the effected person(s) are in fact just feeling depressed and woeful.

Redemption; ???

Judgement; ???

Special Accessories:
He wears a rather notable set of crystal finger tips that appear as though they've been snapped off of a set of jewelled gloves. The finger tips are attached to his hand at all times and cannot be removed. He claims that they are 'the very hand of god!'. But this is in jest. They serve no other purpose than glowing dimly as he channels his reiatsu into them to make semi-amusing sounds. Such as a bell chime or a loud snapping sound, which he has a tendency to use when by himself or with a small group. But never in front of a figure of authority for fear of being berated. Instead, he merely says that they're an instrument that doesn't work under pressure.

Vegnagunn is adept at long distance fighting. Having excellent eye sight and a sharp mind, he is able to judge great distances faster than anyone else. Or so he likes to think. He also ferociously skilled at close quartered combat, often using less than honourable tactics in order to gain the upper hand and eventually win. Great strength isn't a prowess of his per say, but his speed and agility make up for that.

- Capable of casting Bakudo and Hado up to #75. Up to #35 without their incantation with ease, anything higher is drastically weakened. Or it wont work at all.
- Shunpo.
- Senka.
- Utsusemi.
- Keen eyesight.
- An adept swordsman.
- Able to write neatly with a great speed, even in the dark.

Vegnagunn is a spirited and energetic individual, which sometimes clashes with the more stoic acquaintances of his. Child-like and playful in many ways, Vegnagunn tries to maintain a positive outlook and often refers to gloomy or annoying people as 'meanies'. His cheerful outlook often makes a stark contrast, however, when he is sad or upset and despite his outwardly happy exterior he seems to carry some insecurities, particularly when it comes to his own future and if he will be able to attain his goals in life. These insecurities sometimes cause him to act jealously towards those that know their path or have obtained what they want out of life. Vegnagunn devotes his existence to protecting those in need, putting the matters of others before his own, and is unconcerned with his own well being. But this seems to be unique to Vegnagunn depending on many variables. Usually if hes just had a good meal or if that very same person in need of help has been kind towards him at one part or another.

Often called abrupt and blunt, he tells it as it is and as quickly as possible. This mannerism has lead some to believe that hes rather antisocial and very self-preserved. Vegnagunn has claimed many times that this side of him is necessary or else work just wouldn't get done. Seeing as he has a tenancy to goof off and act like a child when he has his free time. Besides, the quicker his work is finished the quicker he can enjoy himself.

But, like most, he has a more stoic and cold side to his other wise sunny disposition. Often glaring menacingly at those who have been targeted by this more benevolent malevolence. A stiffness looms around him when he is in this less than productive mood, making it difficult to enjoy his company. This is Vegnagunn's less popular serious side. But over all, he seems to be a rather loving and caring individual that has only good intentions at heart. Quick to trust someone, he lets all sorts of people into his life, despite how they act, he has the uncanny ability to take jeers and ill mannered taunts as good humoured heckles exchanged by friends. But may god have mercy on those who betray him. Because he shan't...

Born in the world of the Living, Vegnagunn went by a different name to his parent and friends. A peaceful child who enjoyed the company of others more than his own, he sought out others when ever he could to broaden his group of friends. His parents were delight to have such a sociable child and saw him going places that they could never reach themselves. But the pride and joy they felt for their son was short lived. As was his life. Pain tore the family apart when their only so passed away by such sudden causes. He had sustained a massive head injury and had been speaking of 'death gods' and 'hollow beings'. The doctors claimed it was hallucinations cause by the head trauma. His parents were distraught with grief when their son eventually lost all contact with their physical world and didn't recognise them as important people in his life which was soon to be over. The parents divorced and no one was by his side when he passed on. His soul leaving his body to wander the earth. A shell of its formed self. Empty. Void of all conciousness. That is, until he had a ran in with a huge beast which he had been calling 'hollow beings'. They turned out to in fact be called Hollows, information he attained from the 'death god' who had rescued him from the gaping maw of the beast. The hallucinations as they doctor had called them had in fact turn out to be the tales that the Shinigami had been telling him as he slept after the accident. The Shinigami knew the boys time was soon to be up and felt pity for him after his family fell apart. The Shinigami had been following him all the while before he approached the boy and rescued him. With the hilt of the strange mans sword against his brow, he felt himself be spirited away. Almost like he was being flung into a whole new world.

Here, he was dressed in rags and was as alone as before... But this time it was different. This lonesomeness was new to him, as though he'd been reborn some how. Completely null to his past life, the youth wandered the slums of this new world aimlessly. Sleeping in the alleys for what seemed like weeks before a family took him into their home. They already had two children of their own, both younger than him, but they cared for him none the less. And his presence allowed the mother to also get a job and increase the households income, improving the quality of life the makeshift family had. Here, he was happy. But something nagged at the back of his mind and a violent storm brewed within his soul as he lay sleepless one night. Why hadn't they called him by anything? When they directed speech to him, they had started by saying 'hey' and then continuing. It was just to get his attention, but they had never called him by his name... Did he not have one? Thats what he had decided to given himself a title. One of power, but one that was serene. Vegnagunn Ambercraft was what he awoke as the very next morning. But the storm within his being had yet to subside.

What seemed like thirty years passed by. And he had not aged a day from his arrival. Maybe it was because no one had said 'happy birthday' to him since he had arrived...? His head ached with questions about this new realm which he still didn't understand. He knew its name, he knew its people and he knew its government. But he didn't know it, at all. It was like a stranger to him. He would see them in a crowd and see nothing more than a face. But as he saw it, he forgot it. It would disappear before him. Like everything else. But that was when he met an extraordinary man. He seemed powerful to him. It was pressure in the air that drew Vegnagunn to this persons side. When they met, Vegnagunn had blurted out the words "teach me...", forcefully. He still remembers the mans face, a look of shock and then amusement. Why teach me? Why not finish me? Because he had yet to begin his live again no doubt.

From that day, Vegnagunn had spent years of his life serving this man, learning of strange things suck as Kido, and accepting it as though it were normal. He learnt of Zanpakuto, Hollows and both of their evolutions. They seemed so powerful! He longed for his own blade, something in the Seireitei he could call his and his alone. From then on, he strived to become a Shinigami, like the one who had saved him so long ago. And like the man who had taken him in and taught him of the Shinigami. Finally, he felt like himself again. The drab and dull being faded away into the bright colourful youth he once was. He felt normal again! And it was utter blissful. But the storm still raged in his soul, it deprived him of sleep and tied knots in his stomach. That is, until one night as he slept, he felt as though he had walked into the storm itself. Rain and hail lasted from bellow and lightning licked up from the earth that was shrouded by a coiling cloud mass at his feet. Ahead of him an orb glowed intensely like a dying sun before a face manifest above it. Steadily as the rain and hail pummelled his body, a body formed for the face. It was odd... Like a statue made from a thick crystal. It spoke to him. It even sang to him, and as it sang, the storm passed. Staring at his feel, he saw only skies and light before he plunged downward. At that moment, he awoke. Soaking wet and freezing cold. His breath materialised before him as his panic stricken body lay motionless on the ground. A figure emerged from the darkness of his room. The mans face lingered before him, a grin plastered on his face.

"You have much potential... Shinigami."

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status:
Newbie? -> Captain hopeful.

Online Schedule:
Active randomly from about 12pm to 12 am, Uk Time.

User Image
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:23 pm
Just an FYI, I've filled out the Profile as though the character were a Captain or of Captain Level, seeing as applying for the position of 13th Squads Captain which Diaku already knows about.

But yeah, any problems? Im unsure about the Kido prowess, maybe it should be cut down? I've just made it so I could use most of my favourite Kido spells though -w- And the Bankai attacks may be missing descriptions but Ive yet to decide what I want them to do =/


Deecee Sama

Adorable Genius

3,400 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Hygienic 200
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:28 pm
I would say it is extremely well done. ^.^
Though I'm not keen on profiles this get's my approval.

As for a captains challenge I will be administering it!
A proper test of your Rp ability.

So I will make a thread shortly for our battle.
Hope you are ready!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:39 pm
I would say it is extremely well done. ^.^
Though I'm not keen on profiles this get's my approval.

As for a captains challenge I will be administering it!
A proper test of your Rp ability.

So I will make a thread shortly for our battle.
Hope you are ready!

Dude, Im going to bed! scream Where were you like an twenty five minutes ago?! XD

Also, my laptops about to die.

How long'll it take, I may be able to struggle by for a bit. c:



Deecee Sama

Adorable Genius

3,400 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Hygienic 200
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:09 pm
Within the next hour perhaps.
I suggest you go to sleepy then. O.O

I have a lot to do but it'll be up before tonight is over.
Beddy bye time ^.^
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:42 am
Indeed? XD

My laptop died the moment I sent that message so it was pretty redundant. And my brother had stolen the charger for his laptop so I wasnt able to get on XD

Just a quick question, when we spar, what'll I have? My Zanpakuto? Shikai, Bankai? Kido?




PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:25 am
First page of captain slots thread rolleyes  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:53 am
Your asking for a RP Teabag my friend...



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