Wayne Newton(Mr. Las Vegas) won't be the only celeb we get to meet. Here are some new people and people who are coming back

Matthew Perry's character (friends), Benny, is the head of the Geckos family. A smooth-talking criminal but also a bit of a weasel, Benny may sound dangerous, but isn't that tough. Ultimately he's more of a ruthless pragmatist than a villain.

Zachary Levi's playable character Arcade (Chuck) is a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse who hides a mysterious past. He's described as quiet, analytical, and cautious. Highly ethical and moral, he understands the post-apocalyptic world is one in which sometimes, people just have to be shot in the head. HE is more concerned with large-scale issues than the needs of individuals. He may appreciate what individual people go through, but firmly believes that it's more important to affect large-scale societal change than to fix problems little by little.

Another newcomer who will be familiar to video gamers is Felicia Day (The Guild), who voices the playable character Veronica, a sarcastic Brotherhood of Steel scribe.

A third playable companion is Raul the Ghoul, a mechanic and former gunslinger voiced by Danny Trejo (From Dusk Till Dawn).

Ron Perlman (Hellboy) returns to voice the narrator in Fallout: New Vegas, a role he has played in every major Fallout game to date.

Actor and singer/songwriter Kris Kristofferson (The Blade Trilogy) plays Chief Hanlon, a grizzled solider at the end of his career.

Rene Auberjonois (Boston Legal, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) is the enigmatic and reclusive Mr. House.

Michael Dorn (Star Trek:The Next Generation) returns as Marcus, an intelligent super-mutant, last seen in 1998's Fallout 2

John Doman (Mystic River, The Wire) plays Caesar, the charismatic and powerful dictator at the head of Caesar's Legion.

William Sadler (The Shawshank Redemption) is Victor, a friendly robot with the personality of an old fashioned cowboy.