1. Follow all Gaia rules listed in the TOS

2. Please don't flame others or threaten others, if you do threaten others you could get banned from the guild perminantly, please do not be racist of others either.

3. Please Don't Flame any game in the Metroid Series, any topic that is a hate thread towords a specific game will be locked and thrown in the recycle bin, a sample of this would be Metroid Prime Sux or anything else that would be considered harsh, this may start a flame war and our guild is not a place for Flame wars, if caught in the middle of a flame war you will be banned, light discussions that show how you feel about the games in a polite manner will be spared, example would be I don't think it was that great, the time system in Super Metroid bugged me, that is fine.

4. Please don't spam or advertise your site, If you want to advertise, PM ME (shadowcurse) Personally! you are allowed to talk about off topic stuff in the appropriate topics, also Bumping, Double Posting, and creating a topic that is already on the first 3 pages may be considered Spam.

5. Pornography, Nudity, or any sexual material of any kind is not allowed, posting or linking, will definatly get you banned from this guild.

6. Please watch the profanity, if we feel it goes to far we will warn you about it.

7. Please no ethnic, sexual or religous slurs here.

8. Don't be degrading, Rude or Nasty to anyone on this guild period.

9. Please try to make topics and RP's appropriate for our younger audience without going too far into sex, a PG-13 rating is what is allowed here, and fanfics about relationships between Metroid characters, must not go pass kissing and hugging.

10. Don't bug the guild moderators to promote you to a mod here on this board, we will only give the jobs out to those we can trust to help us out.

11. Use the Guild stickies as your friend, they can help you out of dire situations, and help answer any questions you may have.

12. Remember to always post in the correct subforum, or your topic will be moved to the correct one.

13. We don't allow questing of any kind on the guild, but we do have a place in Tallon 4 Chat lounge where you can post your questing needs, if topics are created they will be sent to there and you will be warned, if the user continues we will ban them from the guild.

14. Technically it is stealing from Nintendo, so we are not going to allow you to post about any emulated games you can get on the net, Gaia Gaming forums is really against it, and so are we because not backing up a game you may currently have and just getting a game you don't have is considered stealing and it is illegal, so please don't talk about Emulators in this guild or see a immediate ban, we don't want to lose this guild due to illegal activity.

15. Bumping topics and quoting a topic without a reply is not allowed and will be considered what I call a Gold Grabber post, if we see this you will be warned.

Now have fun, and start Posting away.