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It was time. Aka'Ula had finally gotten up the courage to go seek the answers he was after straight from the source; the lions who had known his father. Many members of the pride that he had already spoken to seemed to know nothing more than his name, if that, but he knew that someone somewhere had to know more. He knew where to find it too, at least he hoped. The leaders of the pride ought to know something about this.

"Do you think they'll talk to someone like me?" He looked back over his shoulder at his bird companion, "I mean, someone so new? I met them briefly when we joined, but what if they don't want to bother with me?" He frowned, "Why should they? I've only just gotten here. They don't even know me."

"Hush." Ramisi ruffled her feathers, "Don't you worry about that; they're leaders for a reason you know." She nodded, "They wouldn't be good leaders if they didn't care. I'm sure at least one of them can help you figure out what happened to your father, and what the truth about him is." She cooed.

It was odd for her to be so soft spoken. If there was one thing that she wasn't going to joke about with Aka'Ula, it was his father. It wasn't a joking matter for him. "Don't look so nervous, dear. I'm sure it'll be just fine."