What crazy things have you witnessed at events? Not crazy like funny, off the wall, I'd-like-to-party-with-that-dude crazy, but the kinda crazy where you're wondering what in the world is going on and what that person must have been thinking.

Here's something very nutty/crazy/oh-my-god-what-are-you-doing that I witnessed at a recent event:

So I was at an event just past (won't tell you the name for people's privacy) and this lady from my Shire (also won't tell you her name) walks out onto the fighters field near the end of the day. She pulls a hand gun out of somewhere in her dress and puts it in her mouth. Thankfully, a couple of fighters were very quick and stopped her from pulling the trigger.

She's no longer allowed to play in the SCA at all.

She was a pelican and had lots of A&S awards.
She needs some help.

So I want to know if you guys have seen anything absolutely crazy like this before.