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A Great art game you have to try ( no drawing involved )

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Ants In Your Pants

Big Lover

16,575 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:19 pm
heres what you do there's a list of things artists do say how many of them and which ones you do and if one is not on there post it ill add it to the list

1. You were more concerned about the color of your car than the fuel consumption.
2. The highlights in your hair are from your palette and not Clairol.
3. You are having lunch with the girls and the fragrance you wear is eau d'linseed oil.
4. The only piece of new furniture you have in your home is a $2000 easel.
5. You butter your toast with your fingers, just to feel its texture.
6. You think about taking a picture to a show.
7. You talk about going to a show where the pictures don't move.
8. You are over 50 and still have no health insurance.
9. Your family takes out a life insurance plan on you for less than $5000.
10. You know what shade of green the lichen on the trees is.
11. You can't find a nice outfit for your date because everything has paint smears on.
12. Your date ends up with paint smears on her/him.
13. You're late for the date because you suddenly knew exactly what that detail of your latest painting needed and just had to fix it while it was fresh in your mind.
14. You chose to buy that new Russian Sable Number Six Round instead of a Big Mac, a Large Fry, a Milkshake, Desert, and five gallons of gas.
15. Your favorite home repair store refuses to work with you to repaint your den, because you rename all of their paint swatches and you get upset that they don't carry the exact nuance of raw umber you had in mind.
16. You purchase a ton of books, and most are blank inside.
17. When viewing a sunset, you think in terms of cadmium yellow (light hue), salmon and gold, a tinted teal mixed with gold for the water...."
18. Strangers save your 'regular' spot at the park, perfect for observing children and pigeons.
19. There are Prussian blue fingerprints on your phone.
20. You stay awake late at night wondering how to render on canvas the dimly lit shapes and the shadows in your room.
21. When you go out, you are always stopping and gazing at the world around you.
22. You travel far to sketch a place of scenic beauty.
23. You clean your brushes in your coffee.
24. You carry pencils instead of pens.
25. You have watercolor swatches on cardboard in your pocket.
26. You explain your deplorably bad housekeeping by saying, "it's a work-in-progress..."
27. You do judge a book by its cover.
28. You watch the latest kids' digital animation movies and drool over the effects as much as the story.
29. You bought paint instead of food!
30. You paint more than you talk.
31. You draw your letters instead of write them.
32. You like to get plastered and paint the town red.
33. You're in love ... with your studio.
34. You know that art does not match your sofa.
35. If dust bunnies are part of your mixed media.
36. You buy expensive brushes, and have nothing to do your hair with.
37. You get a feeling of calmness from holding and stroking the bristles of your clean paintbrushes.
38. When going on a quick errand in your painting cloths you're finding people rave over the 'fashion statement' you didn't even realize you were making.
39. You know the difference between beige, ecru, cream, off-white, and eggshell.
40. You know more than 28 colors.
41. You get excited about football season because it means your significant other will finally be sitting still on the sofa long enough for you to paint him.
42. At the gym you take note of the instense facial expressions of the heavy lifters.
43. You never look at a person's face as a whole. You break it up into shadows and lines and shapes, and think how they would look on a canvas.
44. When others are needing to be with the in crowd, you feel lost in the crowd.
45. You long to be alone with your thoughts while others are lonely without much thought.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:33 pm
Here is some from other people biggrin

You Must Be an Artist If...

You feel like creating a beautiful piece of art when you are both stressed out and happy, when you feel to scribble on paper watching nature wonders and still life in different shades.... the list of options available is just endless. So, you really are artist when you can create something out of paper and pen!

Post on the Green

You see the beauty in the vapour coming off a short wooden post in the morning as the sun hits the dew.
—Guest P R I M U L A


You take time to relax your mind and get into the creative mode for the juices to flow. It's hard to paint if you're not there.
—Guest Marie Hamby

My Eye and I....

Oh dear, I must admit that all through school, my eye was studying teacher's jaw line and gestures and soon my pencil was drawing away and I wasn't listening. I'm fascinated by faces and bodies to this day as a 77 year old who somehow made it through college. I must have learned to listen along the way but still sit in lecture, church etc., drawing the speaker on the bulletin or anything else!


You drive off the road because you were taking pictures of the fog as you were driving through it.
—Guest Tanya


You must be an artist when the majority of your photos shared on Facebook are of your personal or students current art works for critiquing by fellow artists.
—Guest Lisa Keith

You Must Be an Artist if...

You have your camera with you at all times to capture images as references for future paintings and/or just to frame at home.
—Guest Tanya

Creative Laundry

You hang your clothes on the laundry line with coloured cloths pegs, using compliment and/or analogous choices... blue jeans with orange or blue pegs; red pj’s with green pegs; orange/yellow towels with blue pegs etc. as well as hanging the different sized/coloured items in a pleasing composition!
—Guest Gwen Card

You Must Be an Artist If...

Your kitchen counters hold more art supplies than cookware.

The Dogs Think Your Supplies are Toys

While at the dog groomers your husband pulls something sticky of the the youngest of your four dogs and asks, "What's this?", you respond after looking closely, "Oh that's part of a needed eraser, he's always stealing those from me."

You must be an artist if...

...your meals are color coordinated and drinking clear water is not an option.
—Guest Yolanda

You must be an artist if...

...you've just realised that you actually watched the FIFA games only because you could study the facial expressions on the players... and the anatomy studies didn't hurt either!
—Guest Yolanda


You pick the food choices for dinner or for a dish based on the colors it would add to the appearance.
—Guest Suzanne

You Must Be an Artist...

...if you look at the sky and try to name exact shades of blues and think how to manage the textures and shapes.
—Guest Imprints

"Fine Cuisine"

You must be an artist if you describe fine cuisine as "a painterly dish".
—Guest Carlton Parker

You Must be an Artist...

... if you find some material to create a beautiful artwork in whatever you see or hear around you.
—Guest Rani Damien

Green Grass

Sometimes I like to cut the grass in my bare feet because it turns them a lovely colour of green. No worries they come totally clean in a few days...

Standing on Ceremony

You must be an artist if you are obsessive about cleanness everywhere, except in your studio!

You Must Be an Artist if.....

....You find there is paint on just about every article of clothing you own. ....or find yourself painting in your plate using your food.

You Must Be an Artist If . . .

...you find the highlights and shadows of a dollop of hair mousse interesting enough to take reference photos from multiple angles.
—Guest Brenda

Faces and Shapes in Carpet, Sand, Floor

I see a face in a pattern on a carpet or a print, I can see certain shapes formed by the food on my plate, on the sand even in the soap suds in my bath water.
—Guest tanweer

You Must Be an Artist If

...your computer keyboard looks more like a palette than a computer keyboard.
—Guest Diego


You see the beauty of the morning sky or the rising sun or talk to the eagle sitting on your window grill.
—Guest Himani Sengupta

You Must be an Artist If...

...you look at the sky to see what colors are in your clouds today.
—Guest CarolineC0la

You must be an Artist if...

When you wake up in the morning you're still in your studio.
—Guest CherokeeSpiritHorse

Painting and Dreaming are the Same Thing

You must be an artist if you go to sleep dreaming what you're painting next, even if you dream you're painting on your wedding day instead of getting married, and when your hand feels empty without a paint brush!

Everything is a painting possibility!

...you see some usually boring and mundane object and think..."that would make a great abstract painting!"

Pollock Dreams

You must be an artist if you have Jackson Pollock colored dreams.
—Guest cmagpie

Around You

You just can't take 10 steps in a row without thinking about incorporating the object around you in your next painting.
—Guest malinisnair


You're definitely an artist when you just got laid off and all you can think about is all the time you now have to paint!!
—Guest Marlene Little

You Must Be an Artist If...

...all your T-shirts are to be worn under something.
—Guest Diego

You Know You Must Be an Artist

...when people look at you strangely because you constantly use your hands as binocular viewfinders when outdoors or in public buildings.

You Must Be an Artist If...

...you don't feel well and instead of saying so, you put your feelings to canvas.
—Guest the needle felter

You Must Be an Artist If...

...you find yourself with dried paint on various parts of your person; hands, fingernails, face, arms legs, etc., even after you have washed up.

Forgetting to Look Away

...If you hear too many people complain that you stop mid sentence and stare at them, when all you are doing is studying them.
—Guest Theresa Henderson

You Must Be an Artist If

...in the supermarket you are holding up fruit and vegetables to the light to see if they are good still life material not food.
—Guest bkpaint

Negative Space

...you say, "That tree has such awesome negative space!"
—Guest suvangogh

You Must Be an Artist If...

...you go our for a gallon of milk and come back with a special fan brush and when you get home you forgot the milk.

You Must Be an Artist If

...you are searching cobwebs (while doing your everyday house cleaning) for texturizing your canvas.


You decide the colors before you decide what to paint with them.
—Guest Anya1321

You Must Be an Artist If...

You put a bit too much energy into trying to wash a cut off your hand that you have automatically assumed was paint!
—Guest Lookabare

You Must Be an Artist If...

...everything you see becomes an art project in your mind.
—Guest stephanie

You Must be an Artist If...

Your wife yells "change your clothes" every time you start to leave the house.
—Guest Dr. Robert

Ochre Yellow

You think of the different values and tones of yellow ochre you see in the sand or ground of a landscape you see when in travel.

You must be an Artist If...

...you stare at clouds and analyze the colors, and think of J.M.W. Turner.

Dream Studio

...you're looking to build a guesthouse and while searching through hundreds of plans, you're looking for the one with your dream studio.
—Guest M. Little

You must be an Artist If...

...you're studying the light and shadow on the contours of your boss's face while she's laying you off!
—Guest Marlene

Lost in the Clouds

You nearly drive off the road in the family car while studying the shades and depth of clouds.

Natural Impressionist

You call your bad photographs "impressionistic" instead of "blurry."

You must be an artist if...

A sketchpad and drawing implements become handbag essentials. Bedtime reading includes books on art techniques.

ACD (Artistic Compulsive Disorder)

If you say at each time you were outdoors with you family or friends: "Oh this landscape looks like a Van Gogh or a Turner or a Monet and so on... It's a pity not to have my colours and easel with me!" In fact you live in an other world, a world of constant touchstones; Needless to say that suddenly your close relatives skedaddle... Oh so hard to be a genuine artist!

You Must be an Artist If:

You buy a house and think of the living room as the gallery and are more interested in that huge out-building that would be an incredible dream studio - complete with view - than you are the main house!

You May Be an Artist If:

Your idea of a perfect mate is someone who 1) enjoys calling on galleries, tracking clients, collectors and inventory and other administrative tasks so that you can be busy at the easel! 2) Asks you if you "like the simultaneous contrast of their cadmium yellow blouse/shirt and cobalt blue slacks? 3) Slams on the breaks from 65mph in the middle of who doesn't know where it is and turns around, because you think you just saw a Fox crawl into that hollow log 10 yards into the woods, a quarter mile back, on their side, and you've just got to get a good reference photo! 4) Plans their vacation in conjunction with that workshop you want to go to in that dream location! 5) Expresses their faith in you by telling you not to worry about "the day job " and they want you to follow your art career! ... and then proceeds seriously with #1!


You must be an artist if cleaning the picture window outside you realize the reflected image of what's behind you is way more intriguing than what you see than when you're inside looking out.
—Guest ladders

You Must Be an Artist if...

...after finishing a drawing you realize you have graphite smears from the side of your hand down to your elbow.
—Guest *Phoenix*

You know you're an artist when...

...you "see" things other than flowers in the wall paper!
—Guest sailingcraftylady

You must be an artist if

You must be an artist if you hang paintings in your house because you like them rather than ones that match your decor.
—Guest mlb1452

Expanding Space

If your little corner for painting has now taken over the whole living room!

Finger Nails

The paint in and around your nails isn't nail polish.

You must be an artist if...

...someone has saved the paper you were doodling on at a meeting.
—Guest sailingcraftylady


You must be an artist if when discussing anything and everything all you can think, you think in terms of colour!
—Guest Rizwana Mundewadi


You find yourself making a frame with your fingers and squinting every time you are in a new place to see how it would look in a painting.
—Guest Lale

Paint on Your Nose

People give you odd looks in the supermarket, and it's only when you get home that you see you have a large blob of red paint on your nose......

Strange Coffee

If you stir your coffee with your paint brush, drink it, then notice it's turned bright blue, and tastes sort of strange.

You must be an artist...

...if the first thing you do when entering a shop is head for the paint/paper/craft section instead of the groceries.
—Guest Eunice Robertson


You go clothes shopping and end up spending more time feeling the textures of different types of clothes than actually shopping for them to buy. Same with colors.


You realize that the majority of the CDs you own were bought because the artwork on the cover was interesting.
—Guest Kathy

You must be an artist if...

...you keep photographing the same damn dune, and nothing has changed!
—Guest Lanie

Forget to Eat

Wen you forget to eat, or your dinner gets cold because half way through you have thought of something you want to change or add to your picture.

You are an artist if...

you are over 25 and are still living in your parent's basement or in school.
—Guest Thomas G. Fairbairn

'Who Cares'

you care what others look like but not what others care about!

You must be an artist if

...you'd rather be in your studio than out on a date, out with friends or doing something "fun".

You must be an artist if...

... you go into raptures over the smell of oil paint and shaved pencils rather than a beautiful perfume.
—Guest doreen

You must be an artist if

You don't feel complete or fully dressed without some paint on you.
—Guest christophermunz

I'ts More Than What Meets the Eye

...you lay awake at night, thinking of what that piece of old, broken-legged chair--- stained all over with different layers of paintings as beauty-cover-up it has undergone in its long luxurious lifetime, sitting there in the lonesome alley --- could have been had you taken a bit of your time to pick it up and taken it home for a bewildering transformation; at least for that chair. The seemingly ordinary things are more than what meet the eyes.


...you stare at a woman and think about figure painting!
—Guest samzone

You must be an artist if....

You buy greeting cards based on the illustrations and not the written sentiments.
—Guest L. K. Menke


You worry the car behind you will report you on their cell phone, as you are driving all over the road and must appear drunk, but really you just love the composition of that creek and hillsides!
—Guest cm cernetisch

paying for things

You find yourself having to make the choice between new paint or toilet paper.
—Guest sunflower


... you spend at least half of your tax return at the art supply store.
—Guest DawnMarie77


If all your clothes look like Abstract paintings and you wife won't be seen with you in public
—Guest John Toth


... if you know the difference between Michelangelo Carravaggio, Michelangelo and Michelangelo Buonarroti the younger.
—Guest Hello Kitty

You must be an Artist if the walls

If the walls upstairs and downstairs of one's home are covered with more paintings in all mediums than a gallery, including an upstairs mural in acrylic and the kitchen walls are collaged.
—Guest cccormanbrooks

Art Forums

if you can name at least three internet art forums that you belong. [Hope one of them's the About.com Painting Forum! -- Painting Guide]

Cell phone

You even use your cell phone camera to take reference photos.
—Guest Oakey

Day Job

You survive board meetings by staring at the speakers' ears...and mentally painting them.

Seeing Beauty

people think your nuts because you see the beauty in the texture of a rock.

scratched walls

you prefer scratched stained walls for the artistic interest they create ...... and find plain clean walls boring !


You don't think of colors as just ROYGBIV but as multiple reds, yellows etc. etc.
—Guest Josie  

Ants In Your Pants

Big Lover

16,575 Points
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Ants In Your Pants

Big Lover

16,575 Points
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  • Ultimate Player 200
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:39 pm
the ones i have
i also paint in the nude biggrin i also wake up to a paint brush with dry paint stuck to my face because i fell asleep painting xD  
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