[Idol Chase is an extra to Junjou Innocence. It's about Juudas' best friend, Kyle's life as a single man who's been betrayed by woman time and time again. This is just an extra by our guild captian: The Typical Daydreamer.]

XXXIn the model's dream, the room was dimmly lit with a mere bedside lamp. The top of a head jostled around beneath the familar coloration of Kyle's bed spread and sheets as he stared down from standing at the bedside. He then reached down and touched the lump that stayed asleep in his bed, nudging them to wake the person up.
XXXThe person made a groggy groan, reaching their own hand over and taking Kyle's hand from their side where he touched. Uncovering from under the blanket was not the most beautiful woman Kyle could ever lay eyes upon but instead was someone else who was more of a surprise to him than possible. It was Ryoichi, completely nude. He outstretched his arms upward, revealing his unblemished skin in full glow. "Kyle-kun... it's much too early to wake up after all that..."
XXXKyle was utterly speechless for a good while until he finally mustered the energy to finally speak. "A-after what... exactly..? Y-you're acting really weird, Yoshimatusu-kun... I-I didn't expect you'd make yourself so comfortable in my bed..." Ryoichi just chuckled, sitting up in the bed while still holding Kyle's hand without showing any sign of letting go. "You're so cruel to have left me here alone... you'd better convince me further than that one round to keep me from running back home to Juudas." Ryoichi suddenly started getting up more from the bed, the sheets hardly covering the one area that mattered that Kyle could decifer as Ryoichi being a fellow male in the world. The blonde tugged Kyle more towards the bed where he was just about to stumble until he finally did flat on his stomach. "Y-Yoshimatsu-kun..!"
XXXRyoichi was now completely bare and ontop of Kyle, turning him around so they faced one another. Fortunately, Kyle found the self-control not to look at the blonde's manhood and kept his eyes on Ryoichi's. "Don't think you'll be getting away this time, Kyle-kun," Ryoichi said with a sly smile, leaning closer and closer to the model. "Now behave and just let me take care of you..." As usual, the blonde's good nature even showed in Kyle's dreams but in this bizarre way, it just wasn't him. Kyle was just about to rebute to the blonde and shove him off, but suddenly Kyle was no longer able to move or speak. All he could do was sit and watch. "Here I come..." The blonde finally reached close enough and placed his lips against the models. Kyle tensed and at the moment where he was going to try and scream as loud as he could, he woke up hollering instead and sat straight up in his bed.