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[FIN] The Future's Nearly Here (Nawiri & Tarafa)

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Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:54 pm
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Tarafa, as a rule, tended to avoid Nawiri. She didn't dislike the Queen and she certainly didn't hate the grey lioness...but she wasn't close to her at all. In truth, she found it hard to get close to any one of Uzazi's surviving relatives - all the remaining members of the Royal family.

It wasn't fair to them, but she just couldn't bring herself to offer more than service to them. She did her duty, and did it well though. And right now duty told her to seek out the queen.

And there, there she was! "My Queen!" Tarafa called out, trying to get her attention.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:24 pm
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Nawiri's ears flicked and she turned as she heard someone call out to her. She couldn't entirely place the voice, and was surprised when she caught sight of the blue-grey bard. It was Tarafa, and it was quite unusual for Nawiri to cross paths with the female. They had never had a chance to really get to know each other, especially after the death of Uzazi. Given, Nawiri had been very young at the time of his demise, but she still knew of him, and of Tarafa's place as his betrothed.

A small smile crossed her features as the bard approached, and the grey lioness dipped her head in greeting. "Salutations, Tarafa!" There was a slight amount of surprise in her voice, but she was more than happy to be called upon. "What might I do for you? Is everything well?" Her brows knit with a moments concern as she studied the blue and white furred female, hoping that there wasn't some greater concern or issue brewing. Times were stressful enough without worries in the pride . . . besides which, the Kitwana'antara had stresses enough! If the disease and death wasn't causing someone to grieve, than there was relationship issues . . .such as the unspoken but obvious drama between Gerda, Jozo and Eppie!

For the sake of everyone's sanity, Nawiri'chiwa could only hope Tarafa came with good tidings. . .or at least neutrality.



Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:19 pm
The blue lioness bowed her head in greeting. "All is well, my Queen," she answered, "or at least, all should be well soon." Tarafa winced inwardly at the stiltedness of her tone - she sounded like a character in one of her own stories! But it was always like this when she had to speak to any of the Royal family. A Bard should be able to act natural, she thought ruefully, but some how she never could with Nawiri and the others.

"Tell me," she began tentatively, "have spoken at length with Mittere?" She wanted to know first what the Queen had told the pink lioness and perhaps learn what she had heard. It was always best to not repeat information because people got very tired of that very fast. And she hadn't asked Mittere what Nawiri had said though she knew there had to be some exchange of information and that the Queen had been the lioness' primary Healer at first.

Besides...she wanted to know Nawiri's own impressions of the pink lioness to see how they matched up with her own.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:51 pm
The blue and red eyed lioness was surprised at the question. Mittere. Though it wasn't unusual that the bard had met the pink female, it was merely surprising that Taraf would request her opinions and thoughts! Had something happened? Was Tarafa uneasy about the warrior in their midst or was it something else?

Needless to say, she was a little baffled by the request but to each their own. "I've met with the pink lioness, twice now we've . . conversed." If you could call it that. The first time Nawiri had mostly explained her condition and her new restrictions. The second she had been able to explain a little bit of the pride and had done a small check up on the females condition. "I couldn't say they were heart-to-hearts, mostly I explained to her the condition and terms of her stay, and answered a few basic questions about the pride and the plague. I spoke, she listened. There wasn't much more to be said."

Surely though, if anyone could get another to open up and speak it might be Tarafa. From what Nawiri understood, she was talented in her craft and she'd yet to hear anyone say something against her. Canting her head lightly, Nawiri gave a small smile. "And what of you? Might I assume you've met the pink female or is it something you're considering?" If Tarafa hadn't yet met Mittere, she'd encourage such a thing. The pink lioness had been den-ridden for weeks. . . perhaps the bard could offer a little break from the monotony.



Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:04 pm
The Bard listened closely as Nawiri spoke. It was pretty much as she'd expected; the suspicious Mittere had refused to allow anything even close to resembling a heart-to-heart. Truth be told, the pink lioness had probably spoken even less to Tarafa than she had to the Queen, but the blue lioness was sure she understood the new member better.

"Yes, I met her just the other night," Tarafa admitted. "We, no I spoke with her for some time and while she didn't actually say much in return, I think I learned a lot." She paused. The Bard knew she had to speak to the Queen about the pink lioness, but what was it she wanted to say most?

"I think she's going to be an important member of the pride in the near future. She's got a lot of attributes that I think the Kitwana'antara are lacking in - including sheer attitude, but also experience and a very different way of looking at things."

The Bard paused once more and added softly "I'm sure we can trust her with our lives."  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:09 am
Nawiri listened to what it was Tarafa had to say. She was glad that the other female had a chance to meet their newest member. Her arrival had been a surprise, and the situation had been less than idea, but with luck Mittere would adjust. It had to be a bit of shock, and quite unfortunate, to realize that one was stuck. . . . Thankfully, the pink female had mentioned being a warrior in a previous pride. That meant she was at least slightly acclimated to a pridal setting. . . if she'd roamed all her life, the adjustment might be more difficult to make.

Either way, Nawiri was surprised to suddenly find Tarafa giving Mittere such support. There was still much about the pink lioness that they didn't know, and it was likely going to be a fight to get to know her history and her past. Still, Nawiri hadn't felt hostility even with Mittere's quiet and mistrustful nature.

"I'm glad that she has your vote of confidence, Tarafa. I don't know much about her, but I have thought about her position and her previous posts. She will indeed serve to be useful, should she be willing to share her knowledge and experience with others. As for her attitude," and here it was that the young queen chuckled, "I think her nature is going to be a wake up call for all members, both young and old. Some might not take well to it . . . . but others might enjoy the liberation. I will be greatly intrigued to see how things change with the introduction of Mittere."

Nawiri'chiwa wasn't going to assume they could trust Mittere so swiftly. Given, she didn't doubt that the pink lioness was going to start a coup or anything so bleak, but while the grey lioness wanted to live in an ideal world. . . . unfortunately, there weren't always happy endings or kind hearts and loyalty. And Mittere was still very new and hadn't wanted to come here or be a member. But the Kitwana'antara had to trust her . . .they had no choice and time would tell them the true intentions of the fiesty pink lioness.


Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:25 am
Tarafa smiled as the Queen spoke. Nawiri was gracefully avoiding the fact that there were probably going to be many complaints about the pink lioness. It wasn't hard to guess, given that such complaints already existed - though only a fraction of the pride even knew Mittere was here.

The Bard didn't miss the fact that though Nawiri was amused by the coming changes, the Queen still didn't trust Mittere completely. Well, that was okay since Tarafa doubted the pink lioness trusted the grey completely. But she wouldn't press the issue by restating her own trust.

"Once she's mobile again, we should ask her what she thinks of our fighters," the blue lioness suggested. She was no Vizier, but she was older than Nawiri and had once been an Escort. More importantly, she felt that if Mittere was to be a part of the pride, they should at least show her some respect for her rank and experience by asking her professional opinion. If worst came to worst, they might be rebuilding their organization and training of Guards and Warriors from the ground up under the pink lioness' eye.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:39 am
Nawiri laughed this time, giving a nod of her head. "Even if I didn't think requesting her aid with our fighters and warriors was a good idea, which I do, I have a feeling we'd be hearing her opinions in one form or another. She may not speak much, but I have a suspicion when it comes to the art of war, she will have no problem clearly stating her views. Besides," the queen shrugged and gave a smile, "her experience is invaluable. We lost so many during the unfortunate times near the end of my Mother's reign . . . some of our warriors haven't the experience, nor were they able to truly learn under those whom passed on."

Nawiri wasn't stupid. She did not have the heart of a warrior or a fighter, but she did have diplomacy, respect, and she wasn't blind to the horror of the world. Unlike Kubwa, or even Gerda, who might look foolish for responding so well to ideal scenarios, while Nawiri'chiwa always did look for the best in a situation or person. . .she wasn't entirely unaware of the reality of a situation. She had a tender heart, but she had to be compassionate and empathic, it came with the role of living in a cursed pride. She could never be a Mittere. . . . but she was lucky that there were others who could be.

"Given, I don't think some of our guards and warriors are going to like what she has to say, for I know she won't pull her punches. But ultimately they will learn, I have every faith and confidence, and any complaints they make will be silenced when they realize how much more they had to learn. Hopefully." There might always be someone who would complain or b***h, but if Mittere was as experienced as Nawiri'chiwa guessed she was, it would all be wort it in the end.



Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:52 am
Tarafa nodded. If Mittere wasn't talking much to anyone, the Bard didn't doubt that the pink lioness was thinking hard about the people she wasn't talking to. She couldn't really imagine what was actually going on in the Warrior's mind, but she just knew they could depend on it. The blue lioness gave an inward rueful grin. Maybe she was just projecting her own desires on the newcomer...but she couldn't help it. She had felt something deep between them the other night and knew that there was so much more to Mittere than anyone had yet seen.

"When I told her the history of the pride - up to the founding of Kitwana'antara - I got the impression that she was not just listening to the story but analyzing what it means for us now," Tarafa offered. "I haven't mentioned anything about Surya'nontle yet, but I think we'll have to tell her about that soon enough." As Nawiri had already pointed out, so very much had been lost in that time that there were probably holes in many aspects of the pride's life and structure that most were simply too young and too close to recognize. A fresh point of view would do wonders.

She was a bit apprehensive though. Tarafa wasn't sure how Nawiri felt about the problems of her mother's reign and about explaining them to near strangers. Still, it was something that was going to have to happen if Mittere was to understand part of why there were likely to be such problems with their fighters.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:08 pm
Things had gone sour during her mother's reign, Nawiri'chiwa understood this very well. Bad fortune, along with bad luck, all aggravated by the wrath of Pestilence herself made life very difficult for the Kitwana'antara. Her mother had made the ultimate sacrifice in hopes for a better future, and thus far, it seemed as if her offering had worked. But there had been some choices made out of desperation, and while Nawiri didn't blame them for doing what had to be done, she knew that their mistakes could help them in the future.

Some of those mistakes, hopefully, would never be made again.

"If you wish to relate the current events and most recent history with Mittere, you know I won't object. We can all learn from the past, so it is good for such things to never be forgotten, to never be silenced." She smiled gently at the bard though her words were strong and sincere. Just because the reign of Surya'nontle might not have ended on a high note didn't mean there wasn't much to learn, didn't mean her entire reign had been a flop.

"If you don't discuss it with her, than I likely will. I think our newest guest should learn everything she can about her new pride. I'd also hazard a guess she might find the history interesting, or at least a bit enlightening. I'll be curious to know how she views us . . . and what changes she'll encourage us to adapt."


Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:53 pm
The blue lioness considered her Queen's words. It was true that the two of them were the best possible choices to explain to Mittere what had happened in the more recent past. However...Tarafa had felt even less comfortable around Surya'nontle that she did now around Nawiri. And though she was a bard, the lioness felt that this was one tale she might not be able to tell without bias.

Strange how she could speak of Uzazi's death as plainly as needed, but not that. Perhaps it was a way of dealing with grief, as opposed to anger. The Bard filed that thought away from future contemplation and brought her mind back to the present.

"Honestly, I think you would do a better job of telling her what happened," Tarafa told the grey lioness bluntly. "I'd be happy to answer any questions Mittere asks me later, but you may recall that your mother and I...well...I always found it difficult to be around her after...Uzazi..." The blue lioness trailed off as she bit down on the words and the old guilt. She still felt, even now, that her preferences might have contributed to her betrothed's death. She would never want to change who she was...but she couldn't help wondering if he might have lived had she been attracted to him the way most of the young lionesses had been.

And then again...while Tarafa hadn't disliked the old Queen, she'd never really thought well of Surya'nontle. A Queen who let others lead in her place and didn't stand up for herself until the damage was done wasn't the blue lioness' idea of a Queen.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:58 pm
Nawiri'chiwa had always tried to stay neutral when it came to matters of her mother. On the one hand, she had been very young when she had died. She was very young now, all things considered, but such was the way their pride functioned. It was through her sacrifice that Nawiri'chiwa had hoped to be granted wisdom and compassion and patience, but most of all, a knowledge to learn from Surya's mistakes.

Perhaps complacency was the Kitwana'antara's biggest sin. There was no getting around the fact that most were diseased. Everyone would lose someone due to it, everyone would suffer in one way - if not physically, than emotionally - all due to the plague. Happiness was fleeting, so it was easy to give allowances to others if their own happiness was found.

But Nawiri knew she couldn't be so soft. The pride had suffered once before due to complacency in the queen, and she knew she couldn't follow in those footsteps. All the joy that the pride had felt before times grew hard were overshadowed by the bitterness and anger during Surya's final days.

Unfortunately, that would always be her legacy and often Nawiri'chiwa wished it wasn't so.

"I understand, Tarafa, and I'm perfectly willing to seek out and once more speak to our new guest. I appreciate your willingness to approach her and assist in getting her up to par with an understanding of our pride. Perhaps deep down, I think she might even appreciate it too." The grey lioness allowed a small smile to cross her features. Mittere was certainly a unique lioness. . .



Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:05 pm
Tarafa's eyebrows lifted as Nawiri spoke. She made it sound like talking to Mittere was an arduous task - well, then again maybe it wasn't so easy to talk to someone who would make you fight for every response. She hadn't found it too difficult, but then again, it was part of her job as a Bard to talk, even when the audience wasn't truly wanting to listen to her.

She bowed her head to her Queen. "I will leave it to you then, my Queen." The blue lioness was curious as to what was going on in the grey lioness' head but would never ask such a prying question. Especially not of the pride's ruler. But she would definitely see what she could get out of Mittere on the subject when she checked in again with the pink lioness after Nawiri had explained the more recent past and its problems.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:02 pm
It wasn't a painful task to speak to Mittere, it just wasn't easy. Some might be disconcerted by her quiet and seemingly terse nature. It didn't bother the queen, whom was accustomed to speaking to lions and lionesses near death, where words didn't come easy or (most often) plain didn't come at all. She had worked with those whom were bitter, angry, and a general pain in the rump, and Mittere was no different a case.

This was why the queen of the pride had to be compassionate, eternally patient, and generally good of heart and sound of mind. Most creatures became very cross at their lot in life, or their lot in disease. But Nawiri would be forever diplomatic. . . and Mittere didn't seem mean. Just . . . possibly. . .very, incredibly, curt.

Oh well. The more she got to know the pink lioness, the better. Besides which, after speaking of Surya'nontle, Mittere would likely have a better idea on what happened, and exactly what sort of position Nawiri held. If she didn't already know, after all. Dipping her head, she smiled and nodded at Tarafa. "Very good. While we're on the subject of conversations, as well as story telling, might I suggest making another visit to see Eluja and her litter? I don't think she has long left, but she told me this very morning that her cubs seemed delighted in some tale you'd conjured a week or two ago. . . I'm most certain they would enjoy a repeat performance." As well as a distraction from their mothers failing health.

"Now, if there is nothing else, I should continue my rounds. It was good speaking with you again, Tarafa. . . "


Shy Mage


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:10 pm
The blue lioness blinked in surprise. It wasn't often that she received a royal request, but she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. The lioness in question was very ill indeed - in the final stages of disease - and her cubs were understandably depressed.

"It would be my honor," she replied, bowing her head again. If a story made things that much easier on lioness and litter, she would count herself lucky. Surely she had a tale for the occasion...perhaps the one about the lion who ventured to the other side of the moon? The Bards of her childhood had taught her that it was an allegory for death...perhaps it would bring some comfort.

Taking Nawiri's words as a dismissal, Tarafa backed up the three steps ancient unwritten rules spoke of and headed off towards Eluja's den.  
[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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