Appearance: User Image

Username: Shinkirou Sharingan

Name: Soul Kimura

Age: 18

Species: Human

Country: USA

PoP: All-Round Fighter. Well balanced with attacks leaving very little openings

Occupation: Freelancer

Bio: Soul was 18 when he moved out of the family house. He thought taking on the world by himself would be better than staying with others. 4 years before Soul moved out, he fought with street thugs that bothered little children. It wasn't until the second year he was able to beat them with improved techniques and hard training. 2 weeks after Soul moved out, he was struck by lightning and was knocked unconcious for 3 days. After Soul's awakening, he felt a tingling in his body. He didn't find it strange and thought it was just a leftover feeling from lightning. Soul then ran across some high school gangsters bothering a fellow peer. "Hey!" Soul shouted, "Leave him alone!". The bullies didn't appreciate the comment and went head on to beat up Soul. Soul felt a surge through his hand as he lifted it up. Upon punching contact, the bullies had been stunned and knocked out. This was Soul's new power. He trained two full years to learn how to control it and now can use it with will.

Reason to Fight: Fights to gain experience and meet new people.

Normal Attacks: Gazelle Punch, Right Smash, Left Hook, Backflip Kick, Elbow Rush, Knee Rush, Crushing Kick, Corkscrew Heart Punch, Liver Blow, Feint, White Fang, Leg Sweep, Right Straight, 5-Kick Combo, 540 Kick, Assisted Backflip, Jolt Punch, Jolt Kick, Counter, Weave

ExSpecials: Lightning Touch, Lightning Shot, Shocking Upper, Static Crush

Catch Lines: Before Fight: "Let's Go!"
After Fight: "Good match! Try again next time, OK?"

Team: N/A

Theme song:Character Theme: Go The Distance (OC Remix)
Story Finish Theme: Pixelated Tales (OC Remix)