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Reply Breeding Thickets
Ririka's November Breedings: WINNERS 1st POST! Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 9 10 11 12 [>] [>>] [»|]

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High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:39 am

1. (Cyrille/Rhyleigh) x (Duncan/Nekolulu & Thamin)
2. Symphony (Chaifuzz) x Nirvana (Revolutionary Roniel)
3. Belle (cupcakette) x Zhuri (Kamiki)
4. Cade Milotic (Tygress Dream) x Veldaron (Cricket200 cool
5. Macchiato (Sawaki) x Torren John (Jinx Creed)
6. Morgana (Devil NightShade) x Luka (Yoko Lorako) L
7. Dragonoir (samus x) x Vanzan (sailormoon72491) "L"
8. Virus (~Masamune~) x Necropolis (Pollack) N
9. Emiko (Sweenys_Revenge) x Ellial (Ishtanballa) N

Special LL Picks
10. Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly) L N
11. Terentia (Elissa Cousland) x Wisp (Sayuri_Nitta) L

Ririka's November Breeding Slots!

[Format by Mobbu, but you should know that by now, shouldn't you?]

- - -
ENDS: Wednesday, November 3rd, 12:01AM EST
- - -

>>> SLOTS (5 Total)

  • 1 Low Luck-- Low luck means 20 unsuccessful tries as a couple at breeding raffles. If either soquili has bred before (with each other or with a different mate) only attempts SINCE their last successful breeding count towards this.
  • 1 RP -- You must be officially listed in the RP qualified list for this slot.
  • 1 Unedited -- Unedited means unedited. So pairs with absolutely no edits, however I will let minor edits slip, but do note that it means NO edits will be on the offspring. NONE.
  • 1 Open -- Everyone and everything will be in this
  • 1 Year Long LL -- This is a special slot put up by me. Year Long LL means one of the owners for a couple has not won ANY breedings, AT ALL, from January 1st to this day. This means no wins in previous breeding raffles for this year, and no Master list CCing, no bribes, no trades, nada.
    Please note, if anyone is found to be lying when it comes to this slot you will be kicked out of this raffle. Spread the love of baskets this year people, spread the love~

    Clarification VIA PM question
    The year long LL slot is for anyone whom has never won a breeding, at all, this year. It does not matter if you are a newbie and got your Soq in February, July, September, ect, or are a pre-existing owner whom was trying before January or since January. As long as you have not won a breeding this year you qualify.

  • CC -- I have the right to CC any extra couples if I see fit.

  • Extra Slots-- I also have the right to roll any extra slots for the categories above if I see fit.


    Post certed Soqs -- I like seeing the Soqs without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (or small sized uncert for those who lack certed Soq at the time)
    Names! -- Please provide full names for both the Soq entered and their owners/co-owners
    Forms -- Please fill out the form correctly. If I spot something wrong I will point it out and you can repost it
    No editing forms/posts! -- Once I put the couple in the main list I will not be re-reading any of the information put. I’ll also be making a mental note of my CC picks as they are entered so I will only go back through them when I pick my final 2. If you forget to add an uncert, or need to add/change throwback information, then you are free to edit your post for that. [Rule by Mindsend]
    Mistakes? -- If you need to fix something (be it by my request or your own) post it in thread that you are voiding your first entry to fix a mistake and that you’ll be reposting, so I can edit the list accordingly.
    A Reminder That:Each person can be involved in no more than two pairs in each raffle, and only win two slots per month.
    One person MAY now enter both of the couples they are involved with themselves if they need to, but make CERTAIN that couples are not posted twice. Work out ahead of time with your breeding partners who will be responsible for entering in a pair. If they are entered twice, they will be disqualified from that raffle. Furthermore, you must have basket rights to the breeding (and therefore also own or co-own one of the parents) in order to post the breeding. No Proxying.
    If you do not have breeding rights to a soquili you co-own, then it does not count towards your two-couple limit, but you may NOT receive a basket from that breeding in any way, shape, or form.
    You may only win two breedings per month total (CC or raffled breeding slots. Bribes do not count). If someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only enter one couple for the remainder of the month's raffles.


[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)
[img][/img] [url=][Uncert][/url]
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)
[img][/img] [url=][Uncert][/url]
[b]Unedited?:[/b] Y/N
[b]Low Luck?: [/b] (Links to 20 unsuccessful tries at breeding raffles - link to your teepee or journal link list is fine.)
[b]RP Qualified?[/b] Y/N
[b]Year Long LL?[/b] Y/N, If yes, which owner?
[b]Lifemate or Fling?[/b]
[b]Newbie?[/b] [Are either of you breeding newbies?]
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement)
[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more.)
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY NO IMG TAGGING)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]

exclaim REMINDERS!!

Since rules change periodically when the need arises, please make sure you are up to date on everything listed here. THIS IS A NEW BREEDING RULES INFO THREAD!!
Failure to do so will result in disqualification. I am not obligated to inform you if you have broken a rule.


It has been required for both owners to post permission for the breeding in the MATES AND PERMISSION THREAD prior to the close of the raffle in order to be eligible for raffles now, so hopefully everyone has gotten the idea. However, just as a reminder:

UNLESS BOTH PARTIES HAVE POSTED PERMISSION IN THE PERMISSION THREAD (not this one, but the permission thread) BY THE TIME THE RAFFLE CLOSES, THEY ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE RAFFLE AND WILL BE REMOVED. This also includes co-owners; if you co-own a soquili and your agreement involves agreeing on mates or breeding, BOTH co-owners have to have posted permission.


If one of the co-owners of a horse in a pairing is NOT getting baskets from the breeding, please put the co-ownership agreement link in the form in the appropriate place and say who does or does not have breeding rights. We will assume that any pairing submitted without a form counts the breeding toward ALL co-owners. If it's not in the co-ownership agreement, the co-owner forfeiting will need to post here saying as much.

Remember guys if a owner has no rights to this breeding it MEANS NO RIGHTS. Aka, you cannot gift nor co own a basket with the person with no rights, Ala the new rules instated.


Major mistakes that are spotted after winners have been rolled, such as triple-entries into the breeding raffle or lack of permission can result in a nullification of the win. It is in your best interest to spot these ahead of time so that they can be corrected, or extraneous pairs removed instead of nullifying all of your chances.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:41 am

N = Newbie
L = Lifemate


Page 1

  1. Padmasambhava (Revolutionary Roniel) x Ame (FlamingStar-Sama) L

    Page 2
  2. Artemis (Kiara Lime & Kamiki) x Venice (Kiara Lime & Sabin Duvert)
  3. Mixcatl (Sabin Duvert) x Einarr (brosuke)

    Page 3
  4. Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican ( Sage_the_vampirc_angel) L
  5. Hyun-Ae (Apotropaics) x Padraig (Tara de Draiocht) L
  6. Lemon Meringue (Ragers) x George Weasley (LadyDelaidra) L N

    Page 4
  7. (Cyrille/Rhyleigh) x (Duncan/Nekolulu & Thamin)
  8. Kailash (Andranis) x Zakkusu (o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o & Manda)
  9. Alienore (elfstar89 & Yaesumuji) x Blake (vollyballrocks91) L

    Page 6
  10. Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly) L N

    Page 7
  11. Yuu Hakuto (Hot Lolli & Tefla) x Cross (Xaki) L

    Page 9
  12. Aleera [ArashiX] x Persephonix [`raze] L

RP Couples

Page 1
  1. Chandra (Syaoran-Puu) x Sonnet (Faid Shadowlight) L N
  2. Lumriel ( XBlind-DarknessX ) x Nightmare( [+Katch+])
  3. Padmasambhava (Revolutionary Roniel) x Ame (FlamingStar-Sama) L

    Page 3
  4. Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican ( Sage_the_vampirc_angel) L
  5. Mahdi (one over three) x Astrophel (LunaRei_SilverBlood and Getsurei)
  6. Angeetia(Strait Jacket Girl) x Einar(stormflower) N

    Page 4
  7. Jarita (JetAlmeara) x Eversong (JetAlmeara)
  8. Terentia (Elissa Cousland) x Wisp (Sayuri_Nitta) L
  9. Nihkita (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) x Ra'asiel (Samus X) L

    Page 5
  10. Jessamine (-[The Spoof]- and Faithofthefallen) x Devicius (Aniira) N

    Page 5
  11. Mali (Laroawan) x Avery (Skylar14 and Soarin`) L
  12. Imogen (Amirynth) x Dayunsi (Amirynth) L

    Page 7
  13. ( Rosabis / Elissa Cousland & Hypercandy Loli) x Kai ( _-Cheeky_Chobit-_ ) L
  14. Kanani (Aniira) x Crisanto (Kirowyn Love and Amethyst M Bell) L
  15. Yazmina (Samuel Carlin) x Nikolas (Kesmi) L

    Page 9
  16. Amaya (Kyaishi) x Shyam (Uta)
  17. Symphony (Chaifuzz) x Nirvana (Revolutionary Roniel) L


Page 1
  1. Blossom [Divena] x Imoo [Jezbel] N
  2. Forbidden (kettyn) x Hiruki (Lunadriel)
  3. Padmasambhava (Revolutionary Roniel) x Ame (FlamingStar-Sama) L

    Page 2
  4. Artemis (Kiara Lime & Kamiki) x Venice (Kiara Lime & Sabin Duvert)
  5. Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (the_scowling_cat)
  6. Lorraine (Insane Butterfly) x Brian (-MoomoolatteCha-) L N
  7. Belle (cupcakette) x Zhuri (Kamiki) L

    Page 4
  8. Layla (Kaimi Kalani) x Jabir (Kaimi Kalani)
  9. (Cyrille/Rhyleigh) x (Duncan/Nekolulu & Thamin)
  10. Hazalinia Moongazer (Tygress Dream) x ShadowBlade Dragonkin (Tygress Dream) L
  11. Joy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Triumph (Sayuri_Nitta) L
  12. Macchiato (Sawaki) x Torren John (Jinx Creed) L
  13. Shimmer (Dollfie) x Viraj (Logue) N

    Page 5
  14. Mali (Laroawan) x Avery (Skylar14 and Soarin`) L
  15. Noelle ( `raze ) x Talion (Kurama no Koishi) L

    Page 6
  16. Lavanya(Pippi18848/Darknightcavalier) x Skah(Kesmi)

    Page 7
  17. Sumire (Kiara Lime) x Belief (LadyNekoya)
  18. Yazmina (Samuel Carlin) x Nikolas (Kesmi) L
  19. Dia de la Esperanza (Samuel Carlin) x Diego (Samuel Carlin)
  20. Wyrsa (mouselet) x Tlacotl (EchoLimaFoxtrot)
  21. Mireille (Rita Zyon) x Zei (Rita Zyon) L

    Page 8
  22. Emiko (Sweenys_Revenge) x Ellial (Ishtanballa) N
  23. Athosia (Jinx Creed) x Oathkeeper (x-Ivory_Feld-x) L
    Maui (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Starseeker (x-Ivory_Feld-x & *Cut_Me Coffee) L
  24. Marieko (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Memphis ( Caitlyn Hellstorm / Wyntre Iceblade)
  25. Keiyani (Sakura-Serenity2) x Hyacinth (Pandora Talie) L

    Page 9
  26. Zindayia (Doodlepenis) x Butter Pecan (Split Personality and Summer Raven) N L


Page 1
  1. Blossom [Divena] x Imoo [Jezbel] N
  2. Benn'joon (Yuuka Kurokawa/Vollyballrocks91) x Davey Jones (Naysha Aysha) L
  3. Relia (Kurama no Koishi) x Regulus (Syaoran-Puu)
  4. Chandra (Syaoran-Puu) x Sonnet (Faid Shadowlight) L N
  5. Lumriel ( XBlind-DarknessX ) x Nightmare( [+Katch+])
  6. Semuan-Ya Vasszuraj (dawns_aura) x Giolladhe (dawns_aura)
  7. Tarala (ATh e a r t) x Topher (elvyralani) L
  8. Forbidden (kettyn) x Hiruki (Lunadriel) N
  9. Padmasambhava (Revolutionary Roniel) x Ame (FlamingStar-Sama) L
  10. Calixte (Mahogany Sunset) x Celegras (Fatal Irony)
  11. Niar [DarkHikari] x Jack Bailey [DarkHikari] N
  12. Sita (Kaimi Kalani) x Carthage (JadedTiger22)
  13. Jaela [pinchmonster] x Phrixis [Kuro-Mizuki] N
  14. Rafah [Kuro-Mizuki] x Melon [Memeha Otome]

    Page 2
  15. Artemis (Kiara Lime & Kamiki) x Venice (Kiara Lime & Sabin Duvert)
  16. Stormfall (tefla) x Dichali ( .Tortured. .Pumpkin.)
  17. Echo's Song (tefla) x Dradneos (the_scowling_cat)
  18. Sirana (elvyralani) x Ansen (Kamiki) L
  19. Morgana (Devil NightShade) x Luka (Yoko Lorako) L
  20. Dolly (Devil NightShade) x Wabana (~Masamune~)
  21. Ukiyo-e (Nymphalidae) x Endrra (naggeela) L N
  22. Morgy (MoochiLove) x Abingdon (Marinity)
  23. Lycaenidae (Nymphalidae) x Cikawiyusu Sikine (hanging gallow)
  24. Chayse (Favulous) x Arctic (catmagick)
  25. Lorraine (Insane Butterfly) x Brian (-MoomoolatteCha-) L N
  26. Alura (Nemesis Kenobi) x Austin (Favulous) N
  27. Belle (cupcakette) x Zhuri (Kamiki) L
  28. Rishy (sbuggy166) x Ghostpaw (Jynk) N
  29. Teumesia (Sabin Duvert) x Anju (Sabin Duvert)
  30. Mixcatl (Sabin Duvert) x Einarr (brosuke)
  31. Anya (Pollack & Juliette06) x Wystan (Thalea) N
  32. Virus (~Masamune~) x Necropolis (Pollack) N
  33. Edana (Kailey Koreco/Skypriestess) x Lt. Samual (Leopleuradon) L
  34. Glitch (cursedandwandering) x Hocus (Kailey Koreco)

    Page 3
  35. LittleWind (ShirouEn) x Meykal (Veneficus Solanum) N
  36. Cortana (Split Personality) x Illidian (Jynk) N
  37. Líadáin (Kaisanti) x Monfulta (Vistada) L N
  38. Cyanide (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Toxicity ( [ Mialee ]) L
  39. Sha'tar Kurenai (Mindsend) x Blink (Etherial Requiem) L
  40. Kiwi (Etherial Requiem) x Bloody Tears of Disillusion (Doodle p***s)
  41. Lailah Nacht (LunaRei_SilverBlood) x Vatican ( Sage_the_vampirc_angel) L
  42. Mahdi (one over three) x Astrophel (LunaRei_SilverBlood and Getsurei)
  43. Fearthainn (XBlind-DarknessX) x Alexiel (Tamiko_kitten) L
  44. Mercy(bella dea) x Jacob Black (Tara de Draiocht/Syaoran-Puu) L
  45. Hyun-Ae (Apotropaics) x Padraig (Tara de Draiocht) L
  46. Viola (Yumitoko II) x Lucario (Lunadriel & Revel1984) L N
  47. Zaria (heartspoint) x Grindery (saedusk) N
  48. Doan Vien (saedusk) x Omicron Persei (ladyfirefox89) N
  49. Eydis Darkbane (Ishtanballa) x Nykto (Selalusia) L N
  50. Norika (mewmew kittykat94) x Kain (TanuKyle) N
  51. Angeetia(Strait Jacket Girl) x Einar(stormflower) N
  52. Lemon Meringue (Ragers) x George Weasley (LadyDelaidra) L N
  53. Hermione Granger (Lorako and miss meami) x Fred Weasley (Ragers)

    Page 4
  54. Nienna (Agneza) x Terence (Cricket200 cool L N
  55. Layla (Kaimi Kalani) x Jabir (Kaimi Kalani)
  56. (Cyrille/Rhyleigh) x (Duncan/Nekolulu & Thamin)
  57. Hazalinia Moongazer (Tygress Dream) x ShadowBlade Dragonkin (Tygress Dream) L
  58. Cade Milotic (Tygress Dream) x Veldaron (Cricket200 cool N
  59. Jarita (JetAlmeara) x Eversong (JetAlmeara)
  60. Bangil (JetAlmeara) x Banzai (CheshireKitty) N
  61. . Nokomis (Greenie 0_0) x Arden (Nyx Queen of Darkness & CheshireKttty) N
  62. Terentia (Elissa Cousland) x Wisp (Sayuri_Nitta) L
  63. Joy (Sayuri_Nitta) x Triumph (Sayuri_Nitta) L
  64. Syrea (brosuke) x Kenji (Sawaki)
  65. Macchiato (Sawaki) x Torren John (Jinx Creed) L
  66. Kailash (Andranis) x Zakkusu (o0 Sephiros Immortal 0o & Manda)
  67. Nihkita (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) x Ra'asiel (Samus X) L
  68. Dragonoir (samus x) x Vanzan (sailormoon72491) "L"
  69. Alienore (elfstar89 & Yaesumuji) x Blake (vollyballrocks91) L
  70. Aerlinniel (Yuuka Kurokawa) x Ganesha (elfstar89 & Heavenly Snow) L
  71. Titania (Dollfie) x Swift Wind (Feathered Lunra and ~Masamune~ N
  72. Aika owned ([+Katch+]) x Moon (Naysha Aysha)
  73. Shimmer (Dollfie) x Viraj (Logue) N

    Page 5
  74. Jessamine (-[The Spoof]- and Faithofthefallen) x Devicius (Aniira) N
  75. Hanna (nekolulu and sage the vampic angel) x Entei (tasle) L
  76. Mali (Laroawan) x Avery (Skylar14 and Soarin`) L
  77. Ziya (Laroawan) x Amani (Asuka Fujimiya & vodka slurs)
  78. Ravyn (Kaitaia) x Dante (one over three) L
  79. Beauty "A Passing Elegance" (mewmew kittykat94) x Corrigan (TanuKyle) L N
  80. Siren (LadyDelaidra) x Nightmare Gottschalk (Pink Pandah Bear)
  81. Railee May (Pink Pandah Bear) x Fantome (GrnGriff/tefla)
  82. Celaeno (Leez0rz) x Night Wind (Feathered Lunra)
  83. Xiau-Li (Kaisanti) x Ouijaki (DawnieChan)
  84. Caelyndei (Neon Fly) x Capella (GrnGriff)
  85. Lullaby (C o w b o y P e e p) x Cualtzin ([ Lady Kiya ] & Meepfur)
  86. Noelle ( `raze ) x Talion (Kurama no Koishi) L
  87. Imogen (Amirynth) x Dayunsi (Amirynth) L
  88. Romana (Amirynth) x Nori (_-Cheeky_chobit-_)
  89. Isleen (cyhorse) x Alazphraxion ([ Lady Kiya ]) L
  90. Stripe (Yumitoko II) x Moam (Hyper Falcon) N

    Page 6
  91. Midra (Agneza) x Zed Valerian Von Kasimir (Mobster Goose)
  92. Actias Luna (SylverStar) x Leif (The_Great_Book_Wyrm & StarieMichie) N
  93. Neva (Karoish/pippi18848) x Volkaz’jin (dracoXK) N
  94. Esperenza (Mewsings Of An Angel) x Zalano (DazeCraze) L N
  95. Lavanya(Pippi18848/Darknightcavalier) x Skah(Kesmi)
  96. Farplane (Teh Angel Yuna) x Opal (Miss Meami)
  97. Pikachu (miss meami and Naysha Aysha) x Vulpix (miss meami)
  98. Meret (Twitchapher (the 3rd)) x Alis (Frey Ghreyston) L
  99. Anita (Fatal Irony) x Nestor (xo -- k a i r i) N
  100. Vitania (Buffy_the_Bloody) x Serren (Novablu) L
  101. Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly) L N

    Page 7
  102. ( Rosabis / Elissa Cousland & Hypercandy Loli) x Kai ( _-Cheeky_Chobit-_ ) L
  103. Luinil (LadyKirin) x Aranel (LadyKirin)
  104. Zhen-Hui (LadyKirin) x Icefyre (Lunadriel)
  105. Yuu Hakuto (Hot Lolli & Tefla) x Cross (Xaki) L
  106. Kanani (Aniira) x Crisanto (Kirowyn Love and Amethyst M Bell) L
  107. Aethereal (Kirowyn Love) x Silvera (Sleet Tempest Snape) L
  108. Sumire (Kiara Lime) x Belief (LadyNekoya)
  109. Yazmina (Samuel Carlin) x Nikolas (Kesmi) L
  110. Dia de la Esperanza (Samuel Carlin) x Diego (Samuel Carlin)
  111. Wyrsa (mouselet) x Tlacotl (EchoLimaFoxtrot)
  112. Repossession (Sephiros Immortalis) x Brackenhide (DarkmoonDancer)
  113. Dulce Periculum (Darkmoon Dancer) x Roul de Amir (Ary Keeyara)
  114. Adela (Faid Shadowlight, Mew Neko) x Monoceros (Pale Mist, Radar_Xeanheart)
  115. Blood Raven (darknightcavalier) x Ipiktok (Bunnyilove)
  116. Carolina (Shikon Miko) x Háidēs (Thalea) L
  117. Marsiela Elric ([X]Natty-Chan[X]) x Isen Inferno (Libby Libra)
  118. Mireille (Rita Zyon) x Zei (Rita Zyon) L
  119. Princess Pocket Lint (Leez0rz) x Xixan (Thamin)

    Page 8
  120. Branwen (Celestia Requiem) x Sir Lafayette Misae (Sweenys_Revenge) L
  121. Emiko (Sweenys_Revenge) x Ellial (Ishtanballa) N
  122. Athosia (Jinx Creed) x Oathkeeper (x-Ivory_Feld-x) L
  123. Maui (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Starseeker (x-Ivory_Feld-x & *Cut_Me Coffee) L
  124. Fjola Lightbane (LadyNekoya) x Abel Nightroad ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
  125. Esta (mouselet) x Tregaran (mouselet) L
  126. T'Cora (Talencia) x Darius (Talencia) L
  127. Zoet Kopy Elorani (Talencia) x Desperado (Celeanor) L
  128. Keira (AnimeChickie) x Abdiel (Belalusiia) N
  129. Marieko (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Memphis ( Caitlyn Hellstorm / Wyntre Iceblade)
  130. Bunny (White Neko Chan) x Fondue (Wyntre IceBlade)
  131. Keiyani (Sakura-Serenity2) x Hyacinth (Pandora Talie) L
  132. Aiyanna (Capricorn Sunchai) x Keeper Nostalion (Pandora Talie)
  133. Miki (sage_the_vampirc_angel) x "Swamp Eye" Jarl (kaliskanny)
  134. Celia (renarde minako) x Elros (renarde minako) L
  135. Zorana (dawns_aura) x Xan (renarde minako) L
  136. Shizukii [Epine de Rose] x Resynn [Epine de Rose] L
  137. Honeycomb [Epine de Rose] x Azuell [Uta] L
  138. Mai (bella dea) x Calavero (Neon Fly)
  139. Sunshine (Reeve_Tuesti) x Godric (AlexiaSilver)
  140. Freiia (Kaineferu) x Dreyden (Reeve_Tuesti) N

    Page 9
  141. Hafwyn (x___Doctor Ruri) x Zheadeos (Kaimi Kalani & Strait Jacket Girl) N
  142. Adella (xFalenx) x Gamut (Mew-Neko) N
  143. Cerise (lylstarryazngurl) x Ryuichi (Lonewolf_Eyes) N
  144. Amaya (Kyaishi) x Shyam (Uta)
  145. Final Pyre All Expired (~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ & Carhop Cavalier) x Fenuk (`Swirly) L
  146. Inanna (sailormoon72491) x Zircon (sailormoon72491)
  147. Symphony (Chaifuzz) x Nirvana (Revolutionary Roniel) L
  148. Zindayia (Doodlepenis) x Butter Pecan (Split Personality and Summer Raven) N L
  149. Aleera [ArashiX] x Persephonix [`raze] L
  150. Dragoon (naggeela) x Xanti (FitzRoyal) N

Year Long LL

Page 1
  1. Blossom [Divena] x Imoo [Jezbel] N
  2. Chandra (Syaoran-Puu) x Sonnet (Faid Shadowlight) L N
  3. Forbidden (kettyn) x Hiruki (Lunadriel) N
  4. Niar [DarkHikari] x Jack Bailey N[DarkHikari]
  5. Jaela [pinchmonster] x Phrixis [Kuro-Mizuki] N

    Page 2
  6. Lorraine (Insane Butterfly) x Brian (-MoomoolatteCha-) L N
  7. Ukiyo-e (Nymphalidae) x Endrra (naggeela) L N
  8. Morgy (MoochiLove) x Abingdon (Marinity)
  9. Lorraine (Insane Butterfly) x Brian (-MoomoolatteCha-) L N
  10. Alura (Nemesis Kenobi) x Austin (Favulous) N
  11. Belle (cupcakette) x Zhuri (Kamiki) L
  12. Rishy (sbuggy166) x Ghostpaw (Jynk) N
  13. Anya (Pollack & Juliette06) x Wystan (Thalea) N
  14. Virus (~Masamune~) x Necropolis (Pollack) N

    Page 3
  15. LittleWind (ShirouEn) x Meykal (Veneficus Solanum) N
  16. Cortana (Split Personality) x Illidian (Jynk) N
  17. Líadáin (Kaisanti) x Monfulta (Vistada) L N
  18. Mahdi (one over three) x Astrophel (LunaRei_SilverBlood and Getsurei)
  19. Viola (Yumitoko II) x Lucario (Lunadriel & Revel1984) L N
  20. Zaria (heartspoint) x Grindery (saedusk) N
  21. Doan Vien (saedusk) x Omicron Persei (ladyfirefox89) N
  22. Eydis Darkbane (Ishtanballa) x Nykto (Selalusia) L N
  23. Norika (mewmew kittykat94) x Kain (TanuKyle) N
  24. Angeetia(Strait Jacket Girl) x Einar(stormflower) N
  25. Lemon Meringue (Ragers) x George Weasley (LadyDelaidra) L N

    Page 4
  26. Nienna (Agneza) x Terence (Cricket200 cool L N
  27. Cade Milotic (Tygress Dream) x Veldaron (Cricket200 cool N
  28. Bangil (JetAlmeara) x Banzai (CheshireKitty) N
  29. Nokomis (Greenie 0_0) x Arden (Nyx Queen of Darkness & CheshireKttty) N
  30. Nihkita (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki) x Ra'asiel (Samus X) L
  31. Shimmer (Dollfie) x Viraj (Logue) N

    Page 5
  32. Jessamine (-[The Spoof]- and Faithofthefallen) x Devicius (Aniira) N
  33. Ravyn (Kaitaia) x Dante (one over three) L
  34. Beauty "A Passing Elegance" (mewmew kittykat94) x Corrigan (TanuKyle) L N
  35. Siren (LadyDelaidra) x Nightmare Gottschalk (Pink Pandah Bear)
  36. Xiau-Li (Kaisanti) x Ouijaki (DawnieChan)
  37. Stripe (Yumitoko II) x Moam (Hyper Falcon) N

    Page 6
  38. Actias Luna (SylverStar) x Leif (The_Great_Book_Wyrm & StarieMichie) N
  39. Neva (Karoish/pippi18848) x Volkaz’jin (dracoXK) N
  40. Esperenza (Mewsings Of An Angel) x Zalano (DazeCraze) L N
  41. Anita (Fatal Irony) x Nestor (xo -- k a i r i) N
  42. Aleksei (Novablu) x Oberon (`Swirly) L N

    Page 7
  43. Aethereal (Kirowyn Love) x Silvera (Sleet Tempest Snape) L
  44. Yazmina (Samuel Carlin) x Nikolas (Kesmi) L
  45. Dia de la Esperanza (Samuel Carlin) x Diego (Samuel Carlin)
  46. Blood Raven (darknightcavalier) x Ipiktok (Bunnyilove)

    Page 8
  47. Branwen (Celestia Requiem) x Sir Lafayette Misae (Sweenys_Revenge) L
  48. Emiko (Sweenys_Revenge) x Ellial (Ishtanballa) N
  49. Maui (x-Ivory_Feld-x) x Starseeker (x-Ivory_Feld-x & *Cut_Me Coffee) L
  50. Keira (AnimeChickie) x Abdiel (Belalusiia) N
  51. Marieko (Caitlyn Hellstorm) x Memphis ( Caitlyn Hellstorm / Wyntre Iceblade)
  52. Bunny (White Neko Chan) x Fondue (Wyntre IceBlade)
  53. Freiia (Kaineferu) x Dreyden (Reeve_Tuesti) N

    Page 9
  54. Adella (xFalenx) x Gamut (Mew-Neko) N
  55. Cerise (lylstarryazngurl) x Ryuichi (Lonewolf_Eyes) N
  56. Final Pyre All Expired (~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ & Carhop Cavalier) x Fenuk (`Swirly) L
  57. Zindayia (Doodlepenis) x Butter Pecan (Split Personality and Summer Raven) N L
  58. Aleera [ArashiX] x Persephonix [`raze] L
  59. Dragoon (naggeela) x Xanti (FitzRoyal) N


High-functioning Hellraiser


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:44 am

>>>Information Post

Already won breedings this Month

  • Well since this is a November breeding, none. You all start off with a clean slate. Congrats to you!

Posting Errors

  • bella dea [Mai x Calavero] :: Page 5 :: Wrong Form

Two Entries

  • Syaoran-Puu
  • Kuro-Mizuki
  • tefla
  • elvyralani
  • Kamiki
  • Devil NightShade
  • Nymphalidae
  • Favulous
  • XBlind-DarknessX
  • Yoko Lorako
  • ~Masamune~
  • Jynk
  • Pollack
  • Kailey Koreco
  • Etherial Requiem
  • LunaRei_SilverBlood
  • Tara de Draiocht
  • seadusk
  • Ragers
  • Cricket2008
  • Tygress Dream
  • JetAlmeara
  • CheshireKitty
  • Sayuri_Nitta
  • Naysha Aysha
  • Samux X
  • ~Masamune~
  • [+Katch+]
  • Dollfie
  • Nekolulu
  • Laroawan
  • mewmew kittykat94
  • One over three
  • LadyDelaidra
  • Pink Pandah Bear
  • Feathered Lunra
  • GrnGriff
  • Kurama no Koishi
  • [ Lady Kiya ]
  • Agneza
  • Amirynth
  • TanuKyle
  • Sabin Duvert
  • Kaisanti
  • Fatal Irony
  • _-Cheeky_Chobit-_
  • LadyKirin
  • Lunadriel
  • Aniira
  • Kirowyn Love
  • Kiara Lime
  • Kesmi
  • DarkmoonDancer
  • Thalea
  • [X]Natty-Chan[X]
  • Leez0rz
  • Thamin
  • x-Ivory_Feld-x
  • LadyNekoya
  • mouselet
  • Caitlyn Hellstorm
  • Wyntre IceBlade
  • renarde minako
  • dawns_aura
  • Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:22 am

Thread says open, so... yeah... Please let me know if this is wrong x.x

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Blossom/Divena)
User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Imoo/Jezbel)
User ImageUncert
Unedited?: I think no
Low Luck?: Not yet
RP Qualified? Nope
Year Long LL? Yes (At least, neither of us have gotten a breeding this year… or at all)
Lifemate or Fling? Fling
Newbie? This is both Divena and Jezbel’s first breeding
Co Ownership?: NA
Teepees: Divena's Teepee (Jezbel doesn’t have a teepee)
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Flower and Memory
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here


11,525 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100

Yuuka Kurokawa

Romantic Elder

8,625 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Signature Look 250
PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:42 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Benn'joon (Yuuka Kurokawa/Vollyballrocks91)User Image Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Davey Jones (Naysha Aysha) User Image Uncert
Unedited?: N
Low Luck?: N
RP Qualified? N
Year Long LL? N
Lifemate or Fling? Lifemate
Newbie? No
Co Ownership?: Yes. X Vollyballrocks91 will not get a basket from this breeding.
Teepees: Yuuka's teepe&Volly's teepee/Nay's teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: n/a
Link to Breeding Agreement: X
PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:44 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Relia / Kurama no Koishi)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Regulus / Syaoran-Puu)
User ImageUNCERT
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: Not yet!
RP Qualified? No
Year Long LL? No
Lifemate or Fling? Currently fling, but potientially going to become lifemates.
Newbie? No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Syaoran-Puu || Kurama no Koishi
Throwbacks?: Sure, random mutations and randoms welcome.
Link to previous Generations: Both first Gen.
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here


Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: (Chandra / Syaoran-Puu)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: (Sonnet / Faid Shadowlight)
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified? Yes (near the end of the updated list)
Year Long LL? Yes, Faid is a breeding Newbie.
**UPDATED 1st Nov, sorry for the inconvience Riri**
Lifemate or Fling? Lifemates
Newbie? Yes, Faid is a breeding Newbie.
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Syaoran-Puu || Faid Shadowlight
Throwbacks?: Sure, randoms also welcome.
Link to previous Generations:
Chandra Parents: Maion & Sengdroma
Chandra Grandparents: Scythe & Avalokiteshvara
Sonnets Parents: Sonata & Akuba
Link to Breeding Agreement: Lifemates


Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100


Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:58 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lumriel ( XBlind-DarknessX )

User Image


Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Nightmare( [+Katch+])

User Image


Low Luck?: Nope
RP Qualified? Yes ^^ (tail end of the list)
Year Long LL? No
Lifemate or Fling? Fling now, Lifemate afterwards ^^ it's a plot <3
Newbie? Nope ^^
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Katch's teepee , Blind's teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes PLEEEEEASE <3
Lumriel's dad
Lumriel's mom
Lumriel's grandpa
Lumriel's grandma
Link to Breeding Agreement:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:59 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Semuan-Ya Vasszuraj, dawns_aura
User ImageUNCERT

Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Giolladhe, dawns_aura
User ImageUNCERT

Unedited?: n
Low Luck?:
RP Qualified? N
Year Long LL? N
Lifemate or Fling? fling
Newbie? no
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: here
Throwbacks?: yes, if inspired
Link to previous Generations: both are gen 1
Link to Breeding Agreement: n/a as I own both


Peaceful Demigod

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:14 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Tarala || ATh e a r t
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Topher || elvyralani
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: Nope~
Low Luck?: Nope~
RP Qualified? Nope~
Year Long LL? Nope~ Not that I know of
Lifemate or Fling? Lifemates!
Newbie? Nope Cx
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: ATh e a r t || elvy doesn't have one
Throwbacks?: Sure ^^
Link to previous Generations: Topher's Mom || Topher's Dad
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here <3

Edited; Correcting a Link xD <3
PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:15 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Forbidden (kettyn)
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Hiruki (Lunadriel)
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: Y
Low Luck?: N/A
RP Qualified? N
Year Long LL? Y (Me. I've never won a breeding yet)
Lifemate or Fling? Fling
Newbie? I am.
Co Ownership?: N/A
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
For Hiruki
Mizu & Ayelet Hashachar
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here


Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:18 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Padmasambhava/Revolutionary Roniel
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Ame/FlamingStar-Sama
User Image
Unedited?: Yes
Low Luck?: Yeppers! 23 tries, starting from July 2009.

RP Qualified? Y
Year Long LL? N
Lifemate or Fling? Lifemate (see the breeding arrangement)
Newbie? Nope.
Co Ownership?: n/a
Teepees: Roniel's teepee, Star-sama's teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes, please!
Link to previous Generations:
Padmasambhava's parents:

Ame's parents:


Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:26 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Calixte/Mahogany Sunset
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Celegras/Fatal Irony
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified? No
Year Long LL? No
Lifemate or Fling? Fling
Newbie? Nope
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: Mahogany Sunset Fatal Irony
Throwbacks?: Sure ^_^
Link to previous Generations: Both are first gen.
Link to Breeding Agreement: [Link] & the last post on that page.

xo maho

Dainty Dreamer


Shadowy Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:36 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Niar [DarkHikari]
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Jack Bailey
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified? No
Year Long LL? Yes [DarkHikari]
Lifemate or Fling? Fling
Newbie? Yes
Co Ownership?: No
Teepees: [xXx]
Throwbacks?: Yes please!
Link to previous Generations: First Gens
Link to Breeding Agreement: Own 'em both
PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:37 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Sita/Kaimi Kalani
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Carthage/JadedTiger22
User Image
Unedited?: No
Low Luck?: No
RP Qualified? No
Year Long LL?No
Lifemate or Fling? Fling
Newbie? No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Teepees: [X]
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Pariah - Sita's Father Riverfaith - Sita's Mother
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: [X]


Barton Lunatic

8,550 Points
  • Friendly 100
  • Conventioneer 300
  • Medalist 100


Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:45 am

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Jaela [pinchmonster]
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Phrixis [Kuro-Mizuki]
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: No.
Low Luck?: No.
RP Qualified? No.
Year Long LL? Yes, Pinchmonster.
Lifemate or Fling? Fling.
Newbie? Yes, Pinchmonster.
Co Ownership?: N/A.
Teepees: Kuro-Mizuki
Throwbacks?: N/A.
Link to previous Generations: N/A.
Link to Breeding Agreement: [Breeding Agreement]

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Rafah [Kuro-Mizuki]
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Melon [Memeha Otome]
User Image [Uncert]
Unedited?: No.
Low Luck?: No.
RP Qualified? No.
Year Long LL? No.
Lifemate or Fling? Fling.
Newbie? No.
Co Ownership?: N/A.
Teepees: Kuro-Mizuki
Throwbacks?: N/A.
Link to previous Generations: N/A.
Link to Breeding Agreement: [Breeding Agreement]
Breeding Thickets

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