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Username: Compton666

Name: Seth Masters

Age: 17

Species: Human

Country: Japan

PoP: Strength

Occupation: gang leader

Bio: Seth grew up in a middle class family as an only child. At 16 he ran away from home and was taken in by a local gang who taught him how to fight. He eventually became the leader of the gang. Upon becoming leader Seth grew increasingly bored with the gang life and started fighting in competitions and rarely lost. It was at that point that he started travelling around looking for a true challenge.

Reason to Fight: to get stronger

Normal Attacks:
1) Uppercut (Seth punches at the bottom of his opponent's chin which launches the opponent in the air)
2) Roundhouse kick (Kick in which Seth rotates 180 degrees and strikes his opponent in the face with the heel of his foot)
3) Leg sweep (Seth drops low and swings the back of his leg at his opponents legs in hopes of knocking them over)
4) Drop kick (Seth jumps into the air aiming at his opponent and strikes them in the face with both his feet)
5) Palm heel strike (Seth strikes his opponent on the chin with all his strength with the heel of his palm)
6) Elbow strike (Seth swings his elbow in a horizontal line and strikes the opponent across the face)
7) Tornado kick (Seth leaps into the air and spins 360 degrees and kicks his opponent across the face)
cool Axe kick (Seth swings his leg into the air above his opponents head and brings his heel down on the top of their head)
9) Barrage of the berserker (Axe kick, Tornado kick, Roundhouse kick, backflip kick, stomp on ribs)
10) Neck breaker (Seth grabs his opponent by the neck and swings them around until he feels their neck break before he releases them)

ExSpecials: deadly strike (Seth concentrates all his strength and energy into one arm or leg and strikes his opponent with a lethal force)

Catch Lines: "Your fate has been sealed"
"You'll be dead before you hit the floor"

Team: the blackened spirits

Theme song: Invincible - Adelitas way