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[ LOGprp/ FIN ] The aching feeling [ Bugie x Abby ]

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Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:00 pm
- picture here -  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:07 pm
The leopard's home.. had become somewhat distant in his time there.. but when he brought Abhishri there. Something.. made him think of it more.. home. She had taken up a rank that was middle class and she looked like living here was a good idea. Somehow though- in the back of his mind he would regret it. His ears went down.. he had taken a liking to her- a dangerous one that his brother had seen in him. He liked her..and charished her.

But the times she spent with others had taken a good majority of her time.. and it was always hesitant coming in to her den.. his tail waved slightly as he took a few closer steps- going up the path to her den.. excited and yet so scared at the same time.. He brought her here.. If it wasn't for the Boss Lady seeing the imidiate liking.. she would have put her through 'trials' and such that he didn't want her in. His neck lowered as he brought his head peaking in to the den.. "Hello..." He whispered in to the den. The Mid sun's rays vaguely gave him leeway to see inside.. but not enough to see any sort of forms. He didn't know what to expect..

Her ears twitched at a voice. She had taken to taking a nap in the middle of the day so she could take up her nightly appointments with better enthusiasm. Abhishri had taken a liking to being an Entertainer and working her way up to a Geisha. That was her goal. To get to a Geisha status and live a more comfortable life amongst her sister Geisha. But in the mile of her nap, she had heard a familiar voice that caused her to stir and mumble a 'come in'. The ever graceful cheetah got up then, and streched herself out so when her company got in, she would at least look awake. It would take a little bit to get her brain to work, but that was nothing new to her.

The voiced 'come in' and him almost shiver as he gulped down and walked in with a very mild step. Many times- he had his head high and ready for any assignment but when it came to one of the girls he was smitten with. It was like he became mush. Taking his time to slowly get in before seeing that she was alone. He let out a relieving sigh. "Finally.. your not working." His voice came out as a bit soft in a joking manner.

Ears planted back as he gave another soft smile. "Came to check on you." The caringness just showing through like a ghost. Anyone could see it. "See that I interupted some sleep.." A shy smile and quickly came up to greet her with a soft nudge to her shoulder and neck. He was kindly affectionate at times while others he was on duty.

She shook her head and gave him a wide smile. "Don't think anything of it, Bugie. You are welcome here at any point in time. Weather I'm sleeping or not." Of course, now she had to turn her head to yawn and then shook herself out. "But you did catch me at a rare time when I have nothing to do until later tonight, after dark." The cheeatah moved to the leopard that had brought her here an butted heads with him in an affectionate manner. "How have you been? I'm so sorry I haven't been able to come to see you.."

He returned the soft brush against her head.. and softly licked her cheek. "Its alright. I've been on potrol for a while.." He coiled her.. then looked at her softly. "Do you like it here?" A soft whisper..

The cheetah nodded to the question and gave another smile. It was like she couldn't help but smile around Bugie. There was something so endering and charming about him. Yes, she knew that if this blossomed to anything more she'd be in huge trouble for it, but... Why did she feel like this? Clearing her head with a laugh, she answered: "Yes.. I like it here very much. I seemed to have taken to Entertainer like a fish out of water."

His ears went up and gave her a soft nuzzle along her neck before he went up on all fours again. Looking around her place. Yes- an entertainer.. but somehow that gave them so little time together. "... I was wondering..well." He stopped before he could say it. "Since I brought you here.. I feel like I must take care of you." Saying this with a very thickness of his feelings. "In so.. if your not doing anythnig til the night. Would you like to take a walk-? I also have some food in my den. I saved it.. since I wanted to see if you had eaten with the group yet.. but didn't see yea there. So.. what I'm saying is.. umm.." Looking down sorta nervous like... then looked away for his cheeks under his fur had taken a heat to them..


Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:19 pm
"You... are asking me out?" Her head canted to the side before she smiled wider. This was the first offer she got without a hint of something darker. This was just pure wanting to spend time together. How could she say no after he asked so prettily? "I haven't eaten yet.. We could walk, and talk..." Abhi did sense the emotion as he talked, and she ended up licking along his muzzle and then wandered to the mouth of her den to walk with him. "C'mere, Bugie... Let's walk.."

When she caught what he was trying to say- well. It just showed her skill perhaps. There was a connection there. A thick one of wanting to care for her and be there for her. This was one of those times. "Yea. Asking you out." He laughed as he waited on her before taking another step and walked beside her. "Yea that antelope would really been to waste if you did~ freshly caught!" He tried to contain how happy he was and that he couldn't stop smiling. Walking with her made him feel. Like. Sorta complete in some ways. Following her and feeling entangled in her even just by walking. He tried some jokes and hoped she'd laugh about it. Then.. to something he always wondered. "Do you regret following me?" Ears up and curious.

She laughed at the jokes cautiously. Not overly so. Abhishri found his attempts at conversation charming and she wanted to keep it going. Yes, there was a deep, caring connection between the two. The cheetah could feel that from the moment they met, and till today. And there was a feeling that this connection would last no matter what happened to the two of them. Then the question was asked and it almost made her misstep. Those cool eyes of her looked over to him and she shook her head. "Not at all, Bugie. Why would I regret a decision I made? I do not regret a lot of things. I do not like the feeling of it."

He felt- like he was walking on clouds. Yerp. On clouds.Then again he asked a question that he felt was important to know. Getting the anser made him feel a little better. "I just didn't know.. because. I haven't been able to really see how you've been putting up. Cause of our ranks.." Shrugging and heading over to to lead her towards his den. Looking back. "Because I care about you."

She nodded to his words, taking them seriously. Abhi would think before she spoke her next words ever so carefully. "Despite our ranks, I would like to see more of you, Bug. I enjoy what time we have together. I enjoy our conversations and I'm quite fond of you. You were the first I met, you brought me into the pride and you've come to check on me. It makes me feel like a very lucky, well cared for girl. I wish I could make you feel as safe as you make me feel.

As they got nearer.. he stepped up on to the path of his den before turning to look at her. Those words made him look dumbfoudned. Like a ton of bricks just smashed in to him. He didn't know what QUITE to say. But .. he gulped. If he had white fur ~ his cheeks would be brick red. "I.." He looked down. Turning his face away.. His heart was pounding in his ears. "Then I'll make it a priority to come see you more often." Taking a step in to his den and turning to look behind him- head up and ears back.

"When I .. see you. Clouds is what I feel.. but I guess safety is close to it." Taking a few steps in to go and find his game. When he dragged it- it was slightly still warm on the inside. He had caught it before going to search her out. Dropping it down and coming up to her. Nose to nose. Then touched her nose before softly licking her muzzle. "I am lucky to have you for the brief moments that I do. To hear those words- heh. I didn't think I'd ever hear them." Taking a side step to show her his achievement. "Hungry?" Wagging his tail. Closing some space between them. "Hope you like it." Which in teh back of his mind. There was another question he was aching to ask her.

Clouds is what he felt, and butterflies were in her stomach. Something between them had shifted, she felt it. It didn't make her uncomfortable. Not at all, but it was something tangable, something she wanted to explore. Then he licked her muzzle. The usually cool, collected Entertainer had to surpress a shudder. A step closer and she repeated the action and then her brows knitted together. What they had wasn't supposed to be. There would be serious consequences for their actions, yet she couldn't help it if she wanted to. Another step and he wasn't near her anymore and she wanted to follow him.

But a smile was on her lips and she nodded. "Quiet a catch." Her voice was husky, she couldn't seem to catch her breath. She moved to get the catch he'd gotten for her and then looked back up at him. "....Was there something else you wanted to talk about?" Abhi couldn't help but feel there was something else..

The usual shyness over took him and it beckoned him to shudder away and make some excuse to run but he planted himself a few steps and looking over the kill just slighty while giving her all the space and of course the first bite. "Thanks.. I didn't leave til I got something worth-" He stopped studdenly and went around the opposite side of the kill from her. Lowering her his and looking up at her. Thoughs soft eyes.

"Hm?" Pausing before her question and took a sigh. "If we could.. maybe do this again sometime ..soon? Or.. " Which wasn't REALLY the question he wanted to ask but he was to shy to throw it out there. He wanted to show her he was serious and thus really trying his hardest not to just shy away and run away in to his den like the sissy he was becoming around her. HE DIDN"T FEEL MANLY LIKE THIS!

Grumbling. "I just.. want to see you more. Walk. Maybe even hunting? if your interested."

She smiled as he talked. Not the fake smile her job called for, but a true one, as he talked. But then Bugie moved around, and she knitted her brows together and almost looked away. Almost. Why did he have to move away? But a mask slid back into place as he started talking once more. He was fumbing about and it was just.... so charming. Of course he didn't know how she felt about him. Abhi didn't say it out loud, did she? But she tried to show him with her movements. So his interest in seeing her more often made her feel like he picked up on her feelings.

"Of course, Bugie. You don't need a reason to stop by. If you want too, just come. Come inside no matter the time. I love your company."

Thoughs ears flicking. "Your work and mine always cross." She was in middle class and he was in high class and their work schedules varieted. Especially when he was out on mission that tooks weeks. Or spied on other animals. "Especially when I have to be away from the pride. if .." Nope. She wasn't yet- though she was aiming for it and the even thought of her being a Geisha would look so good on him. They can go on missions together.. He could protect her like he would have liked too.

"You know.. have you ever thought of.. moving up? Going on more missions?" Yes. Work. Thats what they could talk about! He was in to that.. and knew more about that than feelings. Pushing the meat just slightly towards her to encourage to eat. Like lady and the tramp- just instead of spegehtti it was a big heap of meat. Probably after he could bring himself to eat with her.. his brain started to click a plan in to gear. 'Ask her when she leaves! Thats right so you can run!' Right. Ok.
The plan. Was in view.

That was true. Their work paths hardly ever let them spend time together. Because she was middle class. She hated being middle class. It made her feel like less of a cheetah than her sisters. Those blue eyes looked to the side before she listened to him again, ears flicking. Of course she thought about it! That's what she was trying her hardest to do. "I want to be Geisha. Currency at that. I just..." A sigh left Abhishri's lips as he tried to express this without sounding to horrible. "I feel like I was put in the wrong rank. But I am going to prove myself to be more than an Entertainer. I've heard whispers of me moving up soon." Her tail flicked at that before she laughed, like bells.

Then he pushed the meat toward her and she dipped her head, tearing into it with a type of elegance. She was taught to do everything elegant, even eat. Though, Bugie was proving to be too much. She couldn't be elegant around him. She felt like an adolesent around their crush. Clumsy, good at nothing and she felt like a fool on top of it all. But, after a few bites, she looked up at him, not sure what to expect anymore.

His ears went back than forward off the many emotions. She wanted to be a geisha. There, it would be the perfect rank for her. Even Geisha would be better than entertainer. When she looked disappointed in sorts.. He leaned in, but backed just when she looked at him again. Wanting to comfort her.

"You have been working up to it enough. The boss should see that. Your right." Nodding.. when she took the bites- his smile grew.. and ears went up. Almost excited. That meant she must had liked it, but still she seemed sensed.. with movements of elegance that could hypnotize him. Of course. He had to be on the right mind before he could splurt out anything.. And when she looked up at him, as he gazed upon her. He seemed surprised and made a goofy smile before working on another piece of the meat.. Chuckling a little with that face.. Rolling it in his mouth and swallowing before looking up. "Yea know.. you ..you..you always looked beautiful to me.. even .. yea know. When we first met." Nodding like a goofy ball falling over his own feet.

When he didn't speak for a long while, she'd went back to eating. But then she heard his voice again and looked up once more. Abhi couldn't help the small flusht that stained her cheeks, if one was looking hard enough they could see it. So he'd thought her pretty upon their first meeting. That was something. In her years, she'd been called many things, but beautiful, oddly enough, wasn't in that list. She smiled like a girl would and then laughed. "....Thank you, Bugie... You don't know... how much that actually means to me." She was sincere in her words.

"I... I've thought of you often since our first meeting." She couldn't exactly say what he had said, but to Abhi, this was as good as it got. "I've always... found myself wondering how you were doing... or what you were doing." Her ears flicked this way and that before she looked to her own dainty paws.

There was a fluttering in his chest. It was awkward. Like two shy kids in a room whom crushed on each other. Yep. Thats what it felt like to him. Putting a paw on the side he was lapping on, and just watching her in awe.. He always had. You could see him space out looking at her.

'SHE THOUGHT OF ME!? ' He almost about exploded and made him almost choke on the piece he had consumed- more like breathed in. Correcting thr problem without looking foolish was hard so he made a grunt so blunt sounding then hacked it like if it was just fur from the pelt of the animal. Yep. Fake it~! Listening to her and hanging on her every word. Lowering his body and looked up at her. "I thought of you too!" He said almost immediately afterward.. "Then I couldn't-" He realized how loud he got all the sudden and leveled hsi voice almost immediately. "I mean.. I knew.. that you were...just.." Almost marveling at what he thought. "Just knew you were something special." Enpehsizing 'special'. "Which is why I brought you here- just sometimes.. I feel like it was a bad idea. Wanted to just.. run away with you. Funny huh?" Almost trying make a joke out os his confession.

The foolish looks, the foolish manerism was so charming. She swallowed thickly as he spoke and then gave a short laugh. She'd thought of that, on more than one ocassion, to be sure, but she knew they couldn't do that. This pride was like her family. Why would she leave her family she'd only found a couple full moons ago? "Bugie, I'm.. I'm going to be very blunt with you." No more flowery words right now. Abhi needed this to be as clear as it could. "... I am glad you brought me here. I would not have felt complete without this pride. And you." She looked toward the meat he'd brought her and then back to him. "You brought me here, and I just fell into a place. My life clicked together perfectly. Yet, there was something missing. And when I'm .. when I'm talking to you.. and just with you... Well, there's nothing missing anymore." She bit down on the inside of her cheeks, trying not to rush the words. Those three words didn't seem right. It was something more.

"I've thought of running off from my duties to seek you out, see how you were doing. I've thought of sneaking before my sisters woke to watch you." She wasn't hungy anymore. She was so nervous that the bit she'd eaten was churning wrongly. "...I know you know I care for you. ...But do you... understand, now, how much?"

This was rather sudden and when she was more direct and where the conversation was going. He thought himself lucky but yet. Confused for some reason, though he knew he was shy and probably wouldn't get the words out. She was.. brave enough to put it out there. Like.. unraveling a gift too early. Spilling out her feelings.. he looked at a loss of words.

Yes. This place was like family. Everyone was united which was why he could never turn his back. Not with his only family here- and the extended family he grew to love. The cubs. Aiko were they doing the same thing for one another? Like when his missions were done. Coming back to the pride.. the first thing he went for was standing in front of her den. The longing feeling.. even if he couldn't see 'inside'. He was content outside. Knowing she was in there. But it seemed like she was doing the same.

If she had left and the others would notice, even past curfew. Punishments for entertainers he didn't know much about. Only fighters pass curfew were put to work harder. What she had to have been going through. "I....didn't know." Lifting himself. "I didn't know for sure past friendship.. Abhishri." Like her- eating wasn't on his mind anymore. "..Fleeing your sisters- I don't know what punishment that would entail. But i know..that if you were a geisha. You wouldn't have to worry so much. " On all fours now and slowly creeping over the meat and over to her. close to her but taken by her enough not to over bear her. He didn't know.. exactly how to act anymore.

Well not act, but conduct himself. He looked her straight in the eyes- and made her do the same with a pawing. "If I really knew. I would've told you sooner. How much i cared.. and asked you before." Softly nudging her and giving her a soft lick against his cheek and ear. "I'm sorry I haven't seen it sooner.. I know our-our times.. yea know. I felt like ten miles away.. but now that I know." Backing to look in to thoughs blue eyes.

"I will do everything in more power.. now. Just.. I wanted to ask." Spacing his words.. so he wouldn't studder. He had that habit around her. "To be my-my-.." It started to happen again. Gulping. Freezing up again.. "....Mate?" Ears went flat down his head but if one looked. Oh did he flush, so badly and how his shyness started to take over and want to look away but he held himself there. Close to her and didn't run. "

His words weren't eloquent of flowery, not like the words she was used to hearing from clients and males who tired their hardest to earn her affections. His words were very clumsy, but heartfelt. It made her whole body ache just listening to him. She looked into his eyes when he bid her too. Abhi would hang on his words as he did hers. Then he asked. Her whole face flushed and she tried not to break the connection with their eyes. His mate. The words sent a shiver of... something down her spine. Not sure what it was, but she knew she liked the feeling.

If she said yes... It would be against the rules of the pride. He was a leopard, she was a cheetah... yes, there had been hybrid cubs she'd read stories too, but..... No. No thinking. No thinking negatively about this situation. It was done once, it could be done again. So, she steped closer to him, pressing her face into his neck, nuzzling into that black fur that she'd admired from afar. Did he need confirmation for what she had just told him with her body? Probably. She would definately voice it. Her voice was so husky with emotion as she spoke one simple word, "Yes..."

Well, he was oblivious to it all. Hybrids like his sister's he didn't even know THEY were hybrids. Thinking that they were merely fluffy cheetahs like he was when he was little. The lie that warped over him was never ending it seemed. Finally.. now he had a cheetah mate- and not one that was embaressed of him like his cub hood sweetheart. He was just...bigger.

When she leaned in to him.. he warped around her too. Finally all the butterflies were releasing with thoughs words. he FINALLY asked her. After how long having brought her in to the pride? Finally. Just finally. Her body when moved in to his was like.. a bliss he couldn't explain. He hadn't even really 'touched' her yet! Unlike the rumors he refused to hear- and what the males THOUGHT he should do. No.

'Yes.' Thoughs words confirmed everything he thought would be. His heart leaping which made him hold her closer. "You said yes!" He couldn't handle himself and again- made himself look.. like a fool as he nuzzled against her and licked her face. His tail going a million miles an hour with his delight and his face lit up like a lightbulb. "Abby.. you don't ..you know know how happy I am to hear those words. I won't let you regret them.. I will do my best to keep you happy." Touching her face with his paw.. looking in thoughs blue eyes. "I don't even know what to say~ I am so.. happy."

Everything from shyness went out the window and now he was just a bluttering happy mess of blob. Nuzzling her face and licking her repeatedly. "Oh- right. Right. Well.. yea.. U'mm.. " Looking at the food. "Go on and eat and.. umm.. umm.. I'll make plans for when we can walk and have our time.. and.. well. Will you be able to stay the night here? or.. is that not allowed?" Ask genuinely and you know- with that face he probably wouldn't even think of trying anything. He probably didn't even know how! This one was too innocent... and a smile across his face. Made him the happiness cheetah around!

[IC] Kuroi'Nera Lands [IC]

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