User ImageName: Katashi.

Nickname: None, yet.

Age: 16 years old.

Race: Ookami.

Gender: Male.

Orientation: Bisexual - Seke.

Bioography: When he was about 10 years old, his parents died in a fire.He only survived because he was sent out for grocerys just a few minutes before the house went up in flames.Alone he wondered through the town, after a few days, he was weak from hunger and exhaustion.Luckly a young Lady saw him, and offered a place to stay if he came with her.Having no choice he accepted, but soon enough found himself being dragged into a cage by two men. Confused he looked back at the woman, his eyes pleeding for help, but what he soon saw was her getting money from the same men that trapped him.Realising what was done to him, he started hating humans.He was never really tamed, and probably comes as one of the cheapest slaves on the market because of it.He's had quite a few Masters, but always ended up being sent back to the market.

Anything else relevant: Stuborn and will try to either escape or avoid doing orders.He doesn't seem to mind the taste of blood, or raw meat due to his wolf nature.

Appearence: Picture - He has a pair of wolf ears usualy hidden beneath his hair, and a tail sheltered beneath the black jacket.

OCC: Details, are all I ask for.
" *looks here* " isn't appropriate even for chat, hardly forum rping.. I don't care if it's against the rules or you believe I'm being rude.. I do Not reply to one liners.You have this as a warning up front.

I'm here to have fun just as all of you, and writting a paragraph while getting three to possibly ten words as a reply, isn't something I enjoy.