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Demon Appearence:
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Username: Xx_kosetsu_xX

Full Name: Eric Heisosuke Okana
Nicknames: Helios , Lighning King
Birthdate:Ocotober 25
Gender: Male
Race & Ethnicity: Demon /Human(Japanease)

Personality: Dark,Kind,Emotionless Some times,Fun
Weight: 142Lbs
likes (Never know's Until he finds it)
dislikes(thing's that piss him off)

hobbiesTraining,Traveling,Cuting things in half
favorite foodRice balls,And Sushi
least favorite food(Anything thats To Sweet)


♦Charector equipment Information:♦

Weapon Class:
Naginata( Black Blade,Razor Sharp Chain Consealed inside For long range Attacks)
Katana(Black Blade,Razor Edge,Checkerd Black and white handle)

Name of Weapon:
Naginata(Kyosuske Shindai)
Katana 1(Enryu kurosodei)
Weapon Range:
Naginata(Long range 9 Yard's)
Katana(Mid Range)

Special Abilities:
Naginata(Kyosuske shindai)
HAs a concealed chain wich allow's it to To do extremly long range attacks
Weapon Location:
Nagninata(Back mount)
Katana(Side Mount)
♦Extra Equipment♦


♦Technique List♦

Clan Abilities:

(Control Over light and dakrness)

Abilities Learned:
Threw His Being Borned from a Demon and a human
rokuujo can Control And create The of dark aura turning it into a lethal weapon,This power allow's him To Shape His pich Black Aura into Anything (Knives,Swords,Spears,Ect)

He aslo has learned the Forbiddon art oF controlling the dea,raising the skeletons of Past samurai masters or an Army of undead skeleton soldiers Is easy There power come from the dark Aura Centered in ther chest.He can Use this power to Raise anything from the dead,Animals,Demon's,Ect. The only way to Destroy the undead is to Extinguish the dark Aura within there bodie's.(Only 10 Can be summoned at a time)

Control and Creation Of Black Lightning and dark Fire
This Ability allows Him to control And Create Fire And lighning
Infusing it with dark Aura makes The lightning and Fire Pitch black and Stronger.

♦Attacks and Powers♦


♦Black Fire Blast♦
(Sends a blast of dark Fire Speeding towards the target)

♦Black Lightning blast♦
(Launches a Blast Of pitch black lightning towards the target this attack is strong enought to Oblidirate a Medium Sized Castle)

♦Black Fire Slash♦
(Usin His sword or naginata Usei can Launch a Slash of Black Fire toward's His target Wich Is strong enough to Cut Threw A Castle)
♦Dark Aura Judgement♦
(This attack Is a Attack wich Require's A huge amount of Strenght Usei Can Launch an enourmoue blast of Black aura Toward's His enemy THis attack Is Forbiddon By all Province's Since this attack has been Known To destroy anything with in 1 Mille Radius)
♦Nightmarish Undead♦
(This Skill allow's the user to Summon An army of 10 Undead Ninja,Samurai,Demon's The Undead summoning's have know feeling or mind of there own and the y have been robbed of There speach.The only way to Defeat these Undead are to Extinguish the Dark Aura within them( Allowed Auto Hit)

♦Holly Light Bow,Unforgiving Dark Arrow
This attack allow's Usei to create a Bow made of Light This Attack was created by Usei Using His power of Light and darkness.The Arrow's Fired from this bow are made of Pure dark aura and the arrow's are strong enough to go threw 5 Temple's and 2 fortress walls

Demon Skillz:
♦Demonic Body♦
♦Super Strength
♦Super Speed
♦Enhanced sences
♦Enhanced precision and accuracy
♦Body Recovery
(Can recover From Minor injuries and half recover from Severe injuries)
♦Demonic Movent♦
(Any place 1 Mile away or anyplace he wannts to an the arei he is in)
♦walking and stading on any Vertical surface
♦Standing On air


♦Background Information♦

Soul eater


Username: Xx_kosetsu_xX
Character's Name: Eric V Draeven(Alestor Blackwing)
Character's Age:16
Race: Kishin
Pervious star rank: Star Rank 2
Waisting time
Personality:Alestor is a calm and cool person, He always keeps his focus in the heat of battle and waists no time in getting a job done when hes not on buissness his personality is Relaxed

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Demon god form:
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In this form Eric has been mistaken for a vampire many time's wich is Acceptable since Eric can eat people's souls in a way that makes him appear vampiric.Aslo in this form Eric can control and create lightinig just like he can in reguler form.

Former Partner: (none)

(Losing THh one's most important to him)


Ability 1: Shadow bat summoning
Eric can summon a group of 7 demonic bats With soul eating abillity and one those bats dissapear the souls the have eaten are given to eric.Eric can also summon 1 Huge demonic bat with the abillity to phase into the shadows of building's,people,ect.
(Giant demon bat pic link) Pictures/d3copia.jpg

Ability 2: Shadow slash cannon
Eric can Launch a huge ball of darkness and lightning at his enemy.if this attack hits anything the ball of darkness and lightning will explode into Blades of darkness. eric can shoot up to 5 Cannon ball shapped balls of darkness.

Ability 3: Shadow slash
Eric using his katana can launch Dark slashes of light at his enemy ultamatly cutting them in half.This sAttack is strong enought to go threw a skyscrapper but it depends on how much power is behind it.

Ability 4: Ligtning Control and Creation
Eric in reguler form,Or Demon god form(both) can Control and Create lightning THe only difference between his lightning and reguler lightnin is the color eric lightning is black.

Ability 5: Teleportation
Eric can Teleport in reguler or demon god form with Using a seal on his left and right hand clashing his hands together allows him to teleport about a mile away thats his limit. in demon god form When he Teleports a Massive group of bats swirl around him and then Dissapear along with eric.

Way of the warrior:(Martial artist,samurai,ninja)

Weapon Meister Type:(Nodachi,Katana,ninjato)
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Eric weapon is a Long version of a katana Called a nodachi
This sword is approximatly 7 feet long and require's 2 hands to weilded because of hirs weight and hight.A regular katana is 5 feet this Sword is 7 feet long.Eric only uses one hand to swing this sword forcing a huge amount of speed and power into ever swing and slash.

Character History:
Growing up He had only a mother To look after him and no one else. So basicaly eric was a looner and he always looked aftet his mother.One day his long lost father Came to the house drunk and Beat Eric mom to death with a golf club.Eric Saw his father standing over his mother and went berserk out of know where eric Throw a Huge knights Long sword threw his fathers head and thats all he remebers.Up until now he doesnt know how he became a kishin but he love's it.