AIOLOS m Greek Mythology
Means "quick-moving, nimble" in Greek...

Life was ...quiet. There wasn't much to do and the eagle was purely soaring.. Far far from his home. Aiolos flew across the savannah.. and like his home. He found mountains.. and hoped that it was a place to land.. and fish. Zoning in on the mountains and dipping in to the lands. He had been wondering for more than a few months. Aimlessly without purpose.

He only found amusement seeing the larger animals fight with one another. Never really getting to know one. Weaving about in the clouds as he dove down in to the mountain range and down in to the valley. Watching the landscape made him smile to himself and feel relieved..

Seeing that there was a stream in the valley- he was overly delighty and made his way down.. in a circling motion til he saw lions. A bunch of them. Letting his wings flap hard and straightened himself so he wasn't going straight down now.. "Big cats.." His accent was sorta exotic. Thinking- well the stream didn't have any lions.. but he couldnt take any chances. Therefore. He weaved his way up in to the streams line at the edge of the pride where he prop himself on a rock and looked about. Cautious.. Waiting to flee if he needed.. or attack. before hunting..