The title says it all!

What are your 5 top favorite PC games of all time, and why?

I'll kick this off:

1. Crysis | It really showed what the crytek engine was capable of, and really set the bar for graphics for quite a while. Poor coding kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth if your computer isn't pretty much part of NASA.

2. GTA: IV | The game looks good, plays semi-decent, better graphics than what we expected for a GTA game, and who doesn't like killing sprees? Downside was the physics engine, if your fall off your motorcycle, be prepared to die!

3. Oblivion | Bethesda really put out a game that didn't disappoint here. There was so much to explore, destroy, and lose time in. Great side-stories, if you did everything you played the game for pretty much a year. Downside to this game was some of the control scheme, and annoying guards that WILL follow you to the ends of the earth to call you "criminal scum."

4. WarCraft III | This game was amazing. It really had a good story line, difficult gameplay, and got an amazing sequel. The cutscenes were pretty amazing for their time as well. No downsides to this game, really. Just wasn't AS enjoyable as the top 3.

5. Guild Wars | Honestly, I only mention this game because it's free to play monthly, the graphics were decent for their time, and it's the MOST balanced PvP in any MMO I've played. Seriously, any class can take any other class. Sure there might be a specific build that tramples over everyone, but there's always a better one. Those who research their class and know the skills dominate in this game. Downside was some of the changes Arena Net makes aren't really what we want (i.e. getting rid of Team Arena's, GRRRR). Also, not really any PvE material except a few dungeons, clearing every map on hard mode (vanquishing), and farming.

Let me know what you guys think of my list, and don't forget to share your 5 favorite PC games and why!