Do you think a custom MCCL would work? |
Yes. |
71% |
[ 86 ] |
No. |
15% |
[ 18 ] |
I like the idea but . . . [post in thread] |
10% |
[ 13 ] |
No, but this might work instead . . . [post in thread] |
2% |
[ 3 ] |
Total Votes : 120 |
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:27 pm
Discussion Restarted: HereThere's a colorist choice master list for breedings. I think it would be nice to have one for customs as well. Personally, I think all the artists here are very talented. I wouldn't mind having my custom quests made by any of them. Even having the spot on the form for who I want to color my Soq seemed silly. To me, this would allow colorists to pick up extra customs when/if they have spare time and not just breedings. Often customs are less work than a breeding and there might be more inclination to pick a custom if there's a little spare time than to try for an extra breeding with multiple soq to color and all of their stages. This would also give the junior colorists the opportunity to pick non-edited customs to make for people when they had the spare time. And it would let those of us who are funded and waiting put our forms up with the chance of getting a cc spot, not just the random rolling. For those who want a specific colorist, there's still the normal custom openings to try for the colorist of choice. Quote: Add a Master Colorist Choice Customs List Allows colorists to pick extra customs after their requirements are complete. Works just like the Breeding MCCL - each person may have one post [posts can be deleted by staff for inactivity and then a new post could be made when the person returns to activity]. Limit each person to only two custom postings at a time - they must have the money to cover the custom. A Custom is easier than a breeding to pick up for quick extra work. Would give more people a chance at a custom. Junior colorists could pick unedited customs to work on, giving them the option of picking up a few customs as well. Would still count as a custom, putting the person getting it on the two month custom time out. Do not allow cosplays on the Custom MCCL to keep from having an issue with 'dibs'. Anyone chosen would have up to 72 hours to get the correct trade in or lose the customs spot and still be on the custom time out waiting list as a penalty for having a custom request open and not paid for. Exceptions for this would be made for those who are on hiatus and have that information posted in their sig and/or their profile. Colorists and Staff would police their own ranks to ensure there was no favoritism. [possibly only allow a person to win a MCCL custom once a year - still have normal custom opportunities, but not from the mccl to help keep the chance of favoritism down]. Add a date stamp to the forms which can be updated once a month. If the stamp hasn't been updated in 2-3 months, staff removes the form. Forms can include info like newbie, or low luck [allows for links to random custom tries and fails]. There could be a stat page for the colorists, listing the kinds of things they enjoy when making customs so that people can keep that in mind when making their cc post. This is a BONUS for the COLORIST when they WANT to take on more work to allow them to CHOOSE something they will enjoy. It's also a bonus for us, who would get to see more customs being made. PLEASE try and remember this, be respectful, and work on things to help make this more feasible, not demand more stuff for yourself or complain about how unfair it all is.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:42 pm
I had mentioned this once to Felmino and she has said at the time (back in May) that it was being considered but never put into action.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:48 pm
I believe it was not put in to action, yet, because the last month long CC custom, though a lot of soq were produced, did not go well in certain terms.
Some people, whether staff, regs, newbies, what have you, felt like the list being taken advantage of in one form or another. Thus, it had some feeling like another would only produce the same problems.
But that is just how a lot of CC based stuff goes. People will always feel it is unfair in one way or another. They will always feel as if they will never be chosen unless they buddy up to a higher person. They will always feel like it is going to be taken advantage of and they have no hope in it.
Some may say it is a preference to colorist taste. Others say it is all a matter of where you stand and who you know.
Ultimately, all or most can agree CC just isn't something "fair", unless you are chosen, then you can be happy happy. XD
Whatever the case, if it is brought back, hopefully the problems and views of the past can be ignored and it can start with a clean slate.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:16 pm
If there was still normal dice rolling customs and the CC was just a fill - and particularly if it meant some of the Junior colorists could also aid in filling customs, I can't see how it wouldn't be a good thing. Even if the cc was a bit biased, you're still getting more customs out there and that means there will be more opportunity in the rng openings because more people would have customs and be in a two month down time.
I didn't participate in the month long cc - but I don't see how a custom MCCL would be any different from a breeding MCCL in terms of favoritism and catering to a colorist's preferences.
I wouldn't think it'd be good as the only way to get customs, but to have a place for colorists to go for extra customs they wanted to make seems like it might work.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:44 pm
I absolutely agree that it sounds like a good idea, at least as good an idea as the MCCL breedings, if it is treated in the same fashion and simply an extra picked up here and there after the colorists have fulfilled their other duties for the month.
It also gives the colorists the option to just pick doing the one Soq if they have the extra time for that, instead of only having the breeding thread to pick from.
And if the junior colorists would be allowed to do any of the unedit ones or something, all the better for people who've been questing color-themed ponies or whatnot for ages, right? Even if they aren't it still at least gives people that much more of a chance to get customs they've been questing for so long.
I know I've seen a lot of people who've been trying to get a particular custom for at least half a year, or even more than a year.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:27 pm
I gotta agree with the idea, but with a bit of a tweak - The colorists could randomize what page they pick from. That way, there's not as much issue of a colorist appearing to beeline to a favorite person to color the custom(s) of. It at least makes it a LITTLE fairer for everybody, because there's no telling what page the randomizer will land on. It could also serve as a good start for the new colorists, where they can pick out some non-edited Soquili to start, and if they feel up to a challenge, an edited Soquili or two.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:42 pm
I would like to add in that Im not sure the current issues from before would happen. I know that favortisim from colorists isnt taken lightly anymore or ignored.
I believe if they show blatant favoring of someone, they have a lot more answering to do, if not downright punishment of some sort.
I have a friend or two on staff, and I'm almost never CC'd for anything, and haven't been for over a year.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:50 pm
As long as the customers on the list update when they have the funds or not, I think it'd work. I know some people can be flaky and have the gold at one point, but then would be apt to spend it if they weren't picked right away. I just wouldn't want to see colorists pick one, and then have to pick another that they didn't like as much a couple days later because someone impulsively spent their gold.
((and I had no idea there was a month long CC custom list... I so would have been all over that had I seen it))
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:51 pm
I don't think a random page would work - particularly for the junior colorsts, as there is no guarantee that the page would have something they could work on. And I'm not terribly worried about favoritism. Not only are has it been heavily impeded, but this circumstance is different from the month long cc event.
With the month long event - the cc was all in the one month, so yes, unfair advantage to those who had colorist friends. Here, we're looking at maybe a couple spots a month getting taken - and those who get chosen have to wait two months from that time to be able to get any more customs - meaning less competition for the rng spots.
I do agree that there would need to be some kind of accountability for people who enter but don't have the funds. Something that puts them on the gray list until they've paid for it and for a period of time after that, so that they can't get a Soq if they don't keep track of their funds to make sure they have what they need if their picked. Though they should have . . . 72? hours to get the funds together from when they are picked. Maybe not this exactly - but something that ensures that people don't lightly enter and then fail to keep the funds to pay for their request.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:39 pm
I like the idea of them picking from a randomized page a lot. That way no one would be accused of the favoritism that colorist choice threads bring about sometimes. The colorist couldn't take on customs whenever they wanted because they would have to be finished with things owed first of course. I could see this happening for an event when everyone is caught up.
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:34 am
The problem with random page selection is that there's not guarantee that the page will have a custom that has the level of edits [or no edits] that the colorist is looking for. Besides, we want them to want to pick an extra custom to work on, and limiting their choices makes it less likely they'll want to pick one from a mccl.
There is so very much worrying about 'fair' and 'but I don't have yet' and all this in these threads. This forum is suppose to be here for us to help the staff come up with ways to make Soq better - not just a place for us to complain or put hampers on them.
I know you probably didn't mean it like that, but I've been watching all the threads in this forum since it opened and I'm starting to get tired of everyone worrying that they won't get picked because something isn't going to be 'fair'.
Life happens, you do your best and you roll with it. We're not talking about a kidney waiting list here. None of us are going to die if we don't get a Soq. Relax. You'll enjoy the experience more if winning is a gift and not a right.
Let the colorists choose, and you might get chosen. You might not, but you still have the random rolls for that. But limit the colorists and they'll just burn out that much more quickly and everyone will suffer.
Sorry - I didn't mean to rant. But on this day dedicated to giving Thanks, I hate that it feels as though we're too worried about ourselves to think of the people who work hard to bring us this amazing art.
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:32 am
If this is put into action - do what the colorists are currently doing with breedings. After they roll their slots in their custom thread and had confirmed the orders, instead of choosing CC from those who had entered in their customs, they go to the master list and pick from there.
Although... I can imagine how much pain they must go through, to look at each and every page. xD Its a decent idea, but I don't think customs should have an ongoing list. Let there be regular customs first before thinking about a CC thread!
If this is open as a month-long thing, however, I'm all for it! Still, let there be limits this time... Like "Every person can only be CC'ed by the same colorist once". So if your ideas are really that good, another colorist can pick it up as long as that colorist had not CCed you before during that event. This will prevent the 'multiple Soquili forms of person-X picked up by same colorist' thing from happening again. However, in the case of twins, its treated as "one" form.
At the end of the event, rolls can decide more winners from a list of peeps who had not yet won, just like before. :3
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:44 am
One question remains for me is that there is going to be some form of idea hijacking IMO. That's one thing to be afraid of is to know someone looks over the list, sees a cosplay based custom, and then decides to make a similar cosplay based custom. So technically, its also like calling dibs which I guess the staff doesn't want because of the implications of having stolen ideas. Alsox there is the usual favoritism speculation there is abound. :/
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:18 am
The point is to still have regular customs and just have this as extras - not to do away with regular customs. As for going though lots of pages, how is that different from the breeding mccl? I'd think there's only be allowed one or two entries per person. If you're worried about having your idea hijacked - don't enter it. OCs shouldn't be a problem, as well as concepts. Maybe just not allow cosplays in the mccl to keep from having a 'dibs' problem. And again with the favoritism. If we're lucky a colorist would choose one or two a month from this list - and again, with luck, more than one colorist will choose from the list. This isn't taking the place of normal customs - just gives them a place to pick extras if they happen to have the time and will after their normal quota is done. I'm not worried about favoritism from this. But if it's a problem, it can be enforced that each colorist can only choose one custom per person - after that, they'd need to find someone else to choose to do a custom for.
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:56 pm
Well, I suppose an easy solution for a MCCL for customs would be "No cosplays!", for fairness issues. If you REALLY want that cosplay, try in the regular/bribe/RL customs like everybody else. And as to the issue about the junior colorists landing on pages that lack non- or low-edited customs, maybe some sort of incentive for people to submit at least one form of those? I don't know what, but something.