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Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:03 pm
In line with the newbie customs thing. Why not a LL customs as well. A lot of people here have been trying to customs for almost two years (Yes, absurdly long time for getting a request for artsu done.) so why not? More or less the same mechanics, 20 or so no-picks/wins in a custom into the LL then. Give others a who have been here a fighting chance at how huge is the amount of people have joined here, given the size of the place, it is hard to even win one from an event.
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:31 pm
Yes I think this is a good idea (sorry no ideas Im so tired...)
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:03 pm
Unfortunately since Customs are so rare at the moment, it'd be extremely easy to rack up entries necessary to achieve LL. LL Customs could be a good idea if customs were as frequent as breedings. As of right now, however, that isn't the case. So in that regards, you're then going to be fighting the same people for the LL slot(s).
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:17 pm
xNephilim Queen Unfortunately since Customs are so rare at the moment, it'd be extremely easy to rack up entries necessary to achieve LL. LL Customs could be a good idea if customs were as frequent as breedings. As of right now, however, that isn't the case. So in that regards, you're then going to be fighting the same people for the LL slot(s). Sorta what I've been thinking. It seems to be very rare that someone wins more than one custom in a year. Everyone would be LL, practically...
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:08 pm
I don't think that looking at the infrequency of customs should be the stopping point from this idea being considered. If breedings were as infrequent as customs, that wouldn't necessarily stop the low luck from happening simply because you are posting the complete information for the couple you are entering and have to meet the requirement to be considered low luck.
The issue I see is with the time customers have not being allowed to win a custom. Currently, the rule states that you cannot enter or win customs for two months. The counter could be interpreted differently. Does this mean that if a customer wins at the beginning of the month it counts for the rest of that month as one month and the next month as two? Or would it be fair to state that you can't enter for a chance at customs the following two months? (Edit: I did look and notice that the custom timer is the former option stated.)
But because of how infrequent customs are, this rule is pretty much obsolete. If customs don't open for that two month span or more (as we've seen in the past), that gives the winners from the last custom opening a chance to enter in the next custom.
This information isn't to change the cooldown time frame for winning customs. This information was to point out what the true issue was and not infrequency of customs.
The requirements for being on the low luck slots for customs would have to be a bit different from breeding low luck. One of the requirements I could see is actually being able to prove that you have been attempting for this custom by linking your posts made in each custom. However, the twist would be that your complete form would have to be posted as well.
I know that there are many customers who are not comfortable sharing their complete forms in case of theft. I am one myself who only shows what my focus on is at the time I am trying to win a slot.
Also, I don't think it would be fair to include cosplays in the low luck slot simply because of the rule that's been restated so many times "first come, first serve." And if we're getting into further restrictions for low luck customs, Angeni with specific domains might have to be considered as well.
I'm not sure how far I would be willing to cut into restrictions for this being an option in the future. But I do feel that the infrequency of customs is not a good enough argument for this to never be considered.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:01 pm
I like the idea (seeing as I am one of those people that have been trying at customs for over two years now... but I still wouldn't actually qualify under what you're stating, myself, because I have a group of OCs I've rotated entries on depending on my funding and mood at the time. XD; ) Myself aside, though, if someone has been trying, literally, for a year or two years to get just one original concept customed, it would be nice to see them have an opportunity like this. c:
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:26 pm
The only reason why customs are rare atm is because new colorists to Soq are only allowed to do breedings for the first months of being hired.
Once they get on the normal rotation and get moved up to 'senior' status, breedings and customs should be pretty evened out as fair as availability. There is a rotation staff does now between breedings/customs/freebies, and once everyone is on that rotation it shouldnt be a problem.
This being said, I completely agree with LL customs. It is especially hard for people that are going for the all too common 'regular' slots.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:27 pm
I too agree with the idea of LL customs, as somebody who's tried for something but failed to get anywhere in two and a half years.
If people kept track of their custom attempts for a specific custom idea like they do for breeding attempts with a specific couple then the rarity of custom slot openings wouldn't really matter - There would still be a certain amount of attempts made, with a fail rate to match, that could qualify them for 'low luck'.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:46 pm
I also agree to this. I'd been wondering lately why there weren't LL's for customs already in place. I've started keeping track of my custom attempts for the sake of logging, and I'm sure if others that have been trying for so long have kept track, they'd be far over 20 which is the LL level for breeding attempts.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:19 pm
Only thing i wonder about is the fact that ppl could edit their posts to say they were going after the same soquili when if fact they weren't. Its not like breedings where the colorist keeps track of the different couples. Or is this a stupid worry of mine?
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:28 pm
Im sure it would be based a little on the honor system as a lot of other things are with the rule of 'if your caught your black/gray listed'.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:35 pm
There may be numerous issues with this method but I believe it to be a wonderful idea. Even if it has to be tweaked here and there. I have been trying for the same custom for just about two years now and I seem to be getting frustrated. Just loseing all of the time and knowing there isn't anything you can do about it but keep entering is a little discouraging.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:47 pm
Hyper Falcon Only thing i wonder about is the fact that ppl could edit their posts to say they were going after the same soquili when if fact they weren't. Its not like breedings where the colorist keeps track of the different couples. Or is this a stupid worry of mine? It's an unfortunate truth that it's likely to happen - but like mentioned above those caught doing this would likely be gray/blacklisted. But - A lot custom lists are put out into groups (Mini/common/uncommon/rare/super rare), so while things could still be swapped (If someone were so daring and dishonest to try it) there's only so much that can be changed. And I think, honestly, that would be too much effort for most people. rofl
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:51 pm
There's a quick and easy way to prevent swapping: lock the thread.
I like the idea of LL customs. I've only tried twice for my current custom idea and I really wouldn't mind losing a couple times extra to somebody who's been trying for a long time.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:56 pm
Just as a note: Yes there are a lot of categories as it is, just like in breedings. But not all the colorists always have to take all the categories all the time. Again, just like breedings.