Mecha Cooler

User ImageCooler and his brother,sat in HFIL,sighing to them selves.Both pondering an escape plan when his brother proposed a great on,it was to persuade the guards to just give them the keys.Cooler thought it was foolish as usual but agreed,he thought"Little does my little brother know I smell a monkeys scent,still strong over by that guard.All I have to do is see what it is and go towards it cause though the monkeys are dumb they always wriggle out first.But today I will be second!" Cooler thought standing up and stretching his fully automaton limbs,they made clanks in places of pops as jokes he had learned a lot about his body here,He had learned Nano-regeneration although it saves him from injuries he has to flee the battle it is his best healing move and only healing move.He hoped he would never use it,but he knew to kill Goku and the other circus chimps he might.He arose and went to talk to a guard nearby the place where the scent of monkey was.He said,"Hey guard,how is it for you down here?Do you like it?"After the guard answered they had a very good conversation,and Cooler had made a new friend or "Mule" as he would put it.