What is the zCampaign?

Our main purpose is to keep zOMG! Supporters informed of the goings-on within Gaia and zOMG! We require no effort on your part, unless you want to help.

Currently, zOMG! has an extremely small development team, which for the time being, has been completely reassigned. This lack of a development team, according to Lanzer, is because zOMG! is an unused feature with little to no interest from Gaia's userbase. Our purpose is to keep Gaians informed about zOMG!, rally a userbase into playing regularly, and get the word out that, if no one plays, no new content will come. We will also hold contests and rallys to support zOMG!, but the main purpose of this guild is to simply spread information. Membership requires no effort on your part, unless you wish to help.

What can I do to help?

The biggest thing you, as an individual, can do to help, is to play zOMG!. The main cause of zOMG!'s neglect is low usership. Gaiaonline keeps track of how many people play daily, and those numbers are low. By playing as often as as much as you can, we can boost those numbers and get zOMG! back into the spotlight. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Papa Saw-ing, chatting with your friends, or just collecting your Daily Chances, will all show up, and will all help.