Q: How can I help zOMG!?

A:zOMG!'s issues are based mostly around it's apparent low popularity, and lack of money. Without updates, many users have long ago beaten and stopped playing zOMG!. Because of this, Gaia thinks it's users don't like the feature. And, since zOMG! isn't earning enough money to even support itself, it's now on the chopping block, under threat of being abandoned and becoming the next Towns. So, if you want to help, there are a handful of things you can do.

Sign, and Promote, the "Enlarge the zOMG Team!" Petition!

With enough signatures, this petition could be zOMG!'s salvation. Gaia thinks it's users don't care about zOMG!, and have no interest in it. This petition will easily prove them wrong... but it needs more signatures. Encourage your friends to sign! Put links and banners to it on your profile, and in your signature. Anything you can do to get the word out, do!

Play zOMG! daily, and watch the ads that pop up!

This helps zOMG! in two ways. First, Gaia monitors how many players enter zOMG! daily. The more people that start playing, the more attention it's likely to get, since it proves how popular zOMG! really is. Now, each time you open up zOMG!, a video ad will roll. While you have the option to skip it, watching it until the end earns zOMG! much-needed money, and only takes up 30 second of your time. You can watch these videos up to five times a day, each time contributing to keeping zOMG! alive! (even if it's a video you've already seen!)

Buy Power-ups, Pets, and other zOMG! items!

All zOMG!-related purchases go directly into zOMG!'s pocketbook, not to other parts of the site. If you want to save zOMG!, the best way to do that is to spend money on it.
The Gaia Cash Offers do wonders for this. You can easily earn money daily by simply watching videos, adding apps on Facebook, and searching for stuff on Bing. I personally have earned enough for both pets, on my main account!