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The Temperance of Ice Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:37 pm
[Join time: 11:37pm, December 6th, PST]
(I think. I'm in Japan so my time zone is waaay off and confusing)

The lone figure sat, as she always did, in the midst of a forest. It was her favorite time of year. After spending three seasons tucked away in her little hibernation, she had finally emerged once again to meet the winter air. It was cool to the touch, caressing her cheeks in a gentle greeting. She did not feel the icy sting it held to most. No, this was her element.

In fact, the air that had at first seemed to meet her appeared upon closer inspection to be originating from her form. Her clothes gently swayed as it drifted its lazy way around her, like a pet eager to be outside once more, yet cautiously testing the boundaries of a leash and master's patience. She would not have minded a little exploration on the part of her creation.

However, the small reunion was about to be interrupted, and that was one thing she would not tolerate.

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 15, 6 Total: 21 (2-40)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:26 am
[Roll 1 for today. 8:26am, December 7th, PST]

Enemy: Grunnies
AC: 10
HP: 40

Rolled AC: 15
Rolled Damage: 6


The girl was known to have a temper, a bite if you will, one that stung and left her victims out in the cold. But, she was also slow to warm up. When the small animal first appeared, she paid it no mind. She simply remained where she was, icy eyes surveying the forest around her. It seemed colder from her very presence, the air about her taking on a white, misty form, brought about by the contrast of the temperature around it. But the warmer surrounding air was beginning to sink to its level, adding to the mass of swirling white that danced and swayed before her watchful eyes.

Those eyes darted back toward the animal, noting it seemed to be moving closer. It appeared harmless enough. A green rabbit. She couldn't recall seeing one before, but it was small despite those eerie red eyes. Hardly considered even the slightest bit threatening. Though, it did have rather large teeth protruding from its fuzzy little mouth...

Then, it jumped.

She jolted, her eyes growing wide in alarm. A snowy pale arm lurched up to cover her face, then jerked to the side, knocking the small being away with a sharp crack. However, the crack seemed to originate from herself, not the being she'd slapped from her side. She felt teeth graze her arm in the connection and a soft hiss escaped her blue lips before the rest of her began to awaken.

Her body stood slowly, stirring with lazy motions contrary to the one that had just separated her from the apparent threat. It wasn't as harmless as it had seemed. In fact, it appeared to have scrambled back to its feet, and was already moving toward her once more before she was even properly righted. What a nuisance... Her movements remained slow and meticulous, each joint popping with a noise sounding startlingly similar to the cracking of ice...


Remaining Enemy HP: 34

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1


Spoopy Elder

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 13, 17 Total: 30 (2-40)


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:30 am
[Roll 2 for today. 8:30am, December 7th, PST]

Enemy: Grunnies
AC: 10
HP: 34

Rolled AC: 13
Rolled Damage: 17


Each finger crackled, each joint snapped, and even her hair seemed to defrost at its own casual pace. Each strand slowly fell from the rest, brushing against her cheeks with the soft motions of the mist. It didn't matter that the little green bunny was bearing quickly upon her once more. It was small, and despite the graze of teeth against her skin, it had failed to worry her. Besides, she had yet to properly wake. Her arm had already broken the ritual and felt sore and bruised from the sharp movement of before. She had acted out of instinct, and was left regretting it.

However, it was about finished. By that time, the grunny had already returned. It jumped again, this time securing a place upon her shoulder. Small needle-like teeth chomped down, this time sinking into her neck, causing a blue liquid to dribble from the small punctures. It was cold, beyond the feel of ice or snow. The grunny seemed startled for a moment, but didn't let go. Even when her icy fingers lifted and grasped around its trembling body, she had to tug sharply to remove it from her skin. It tore further, causing more of the blue substance to seep from the wound. But, it didn't travel very far. It already appeared to be slowing, stopping, and freezing in its tracks.

She turned toward the small creature with a look of disdain, her lips pursed and brow furrowed. "I haven't the time for you, little rat." Words left her lips in another hiss of white breath while her grip tightened, causing the quaking fur ball to let out a winded snarl. "Do not test my patience further." Her arm jerked, this time in a silent, fluid motion that sent the small creature careening into a nearby tree. It bounced off and landed in a crumpled heap. Regarding it for a moment, she turned to survey the forest once more as if nothing had happened.

Behind her, the grunny's ear twitched, and its body slowly rose back to its four little paws, red eyes narrowed in growing rage.


Remaining Enemy HP: 17

Remaining Daily Attacks: 0
-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 2, 12 Total: 14 (2-40)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:57 am
[Roll 1 for today. 12:56am, December 8th, PST]

Enemy: Grunnies
AC: 10
HP: 17

Rolled AC: 2
Rolled Damage: 12


It seemed shakier than before, but it still held obvious signs of life. Such signs were displayed in full as the grunny hoisted itself back to four paws, and started off with a faint limp in its step. That limp soon faded as the pace slipped into a full out sprint, and with a strong push of its hind legs, it landed once more. Again, teeth sank into flesh. This time it targeted the girl's throat. The side of the neck hadn't proven very effective, so it sought a more vulnerable position. It failed.

Or rather, it held the same effect as before. In place of warm blood oozed the blue substance, holding a temperature that surpassed even that of ice. Like before, it began to freeze before much had spilled, and in turn, the little green rabbit's teeth were frozen in place, locked in the eerie blue ice.

The woman sighed, looking nothing more than perturbed. There was no trace of pain or anguish, just a glint of anger boiling in her narrowed eyes. "Honestly..." she sighed, as her hand curled around in another frozen grip, cold biting through the animal's protective fur.


Remaining Enemy HP: 17

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1


Spoopy Elder

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 12, 15 Total: 27 (2-40)


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:37 am
[Roll 2 for today. 1:36am, December 8th, PST]

Enemy: Grunnies
AC: 10
HP: 17

Rolled AC: 12
Rolled Damage: 15


It was shivering again, and the faintest twitch of a smile tugged upon her frozen lips. She held no remorse for a creature as dim-witted as to attack her in her strongest time of year. She hadn't yet figured out its purpose, viewing the actions as a random attack. Perhaps it was simply territorial? However, that certainly wasn't enough to earn it any pity. It had already bitten her twice, and grazed her skin once as well. When would it learn?

Exhaling another sigh of white, her arm jerked and wrenched the grunny from her throat. Droplets of blue tore from her broken skin, but hit the ground with small clinks, already fully frozen. She ignored it, as well as the wound that had already frozen shut, and held the creature at arms length. Cold eyes studied its trembling, writhing form as her grip tightened further and further, allowing her lengthy nails to dig past the fur and return the favor of pain.

"Now then, have you learned your lesson?" she asked, each word adding to the swirling mist still swaying absently about her form. It had been forgotten, yet waited patiently for a command from its master and creator. However, she hadn't a need for its assistance. At least not at the moment. Instead, she released the grunny with a flick of her wrist, sending it sailing through the air once more. Her left hand lifted and fell, revealing an icy whip. It whistled through the air, then connected with a sharp crack that echoed through the snowy forest around them.

A gash formed upon the creature's back, allowing red to seep through the green fur. Finally, the twitch of her lips brought about a quirked smile, an amused glint sparking in her eyes. "...merry Christmas," she spoke, merciless as she amused herself with the being's plight.


Remaining Enemy HP: 2

Remaining Daily Attacks: 0
-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 9, 8 Total: 17 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:27 am
[Roll 1 for today. 4:27am, December 9th, PST]

Enemy: Grunnies
AC: 10
HP: 2

Rolled AC: 9
Rolled Damage: 8


She really did find it amusing; the red and green appearing upon the animal's form. It was a color to match the approaching holidays. But the smile abruptly vanished as she watched the red continue to seep from the stricken rodent's body, trickling down through marred fur to stand the snow upon which it'd fallen. Another sigh escaped, and a hand settled haughtily upon her hip. First it'd appeared from nowhere to attack unwarranted, and now it was defacing her beautiful, freshly laid blanket of snow. Unforgivable.

Her eyes focused, watching its chest move up and down at an uneven, ragged pace. It was on death's door, the last breaths trickling away... and yet, it seemed to be struggling to right itself once more.

"...you have determination, I'll give you that." However, her tone sounded more irritated than complimentary. It was simply being a nuisance now. Why wouldn't it give up?


Remaining Enemy HP: 2

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1


Spoopy Elder

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 19, 2 Total: 21 (2-40)


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:29 am
[Roll 2 for today. 4:29am, December 9th, PST]

Enemy: Grunnies
AC: 10
HP: 2

Rolled AC: 19
Rolled Damage: 2


The grunny staggered shakily to four paws, took a step on a quaking leg, and tumbled back into the red dyed snow. The woman looked on with a look of disdain. She found the stubborn qualities of the dying animal to be nothing more than a pain. No admiration. No praise for its effort. It was simply something that needed to be disposed of before it caused her anymore displeasure. Granted, it had given her the rather morbid hint of a joke, but that certainly wasn't enough to forgive and forget. Besides, she could at least justify the kill in that it was suffering and needed to be put out of its misery. At the same time, it would disallow further following and pestering on its part.

Finally, her pet was released. The hand upon her hip rose, and her fingers waved forward in a graceful motion, gesturing toward the dying foe. The mist wasted no time. Eager to leap into action after so long spent simply watching, it lurched forward to swirl around the grunny, circling like a hungry beast. Then, it moved in, clenching around the beast with a pressure that should have been impossible for such a formless shape to maintain. Even so, the rodent's fur was pressing it as it was enveloped entirely, the mist obscuring it from sight.

The woman didn't even watch. Entirely disinterested, she instead focused upon her whip, inspecting it for blood. She only stirred again to see the end, as the last breath hissed from the creature's mouth. The squirming slowed, motions becoming groggy, until it finally ceased to move at all. It slumped into the snow, staining red beneath it, and the life-filled mist drifted and dispersed as if it had never been there at all. The woman let out a huff, as if offended by the creature's presence, and turned to continue on her way.


Remaining Enemy HP: 0

Remaining Daily Attacks: 0
-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 1, 15 Total: 16 (2-40)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:38 am
[Roll 1 for today. 7:38am, December 11th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 60

Rolled AC: 1
Rolled Damage: 15


The woman had hardly gone a step when she heard the soft crunch of snow behind her. Something was there. She began to turn, but before she'd managed even a peek over her shoulder, something attacked. It was upon her in an instant, and this time it was no small, fuzzy creature. This had a human's physique, but a monster's power. She was flattened, voice muffled as her face was pushed into the cold snow. However, its temperature seemed warmer than her own skin. Its ice bite was not what had phased her. It was the weight pressing upon her back that left her momentarily stunned.

Breathing ceased for a full few seconds, before it returned in a harsh draw of snow. Sputtering, her hands shoved hard against the ground, but the figure kept her pinned, its fingers grasping about her neck. Her eyes widened, but a second later the offender was ripped from her back, allowing her to roll over and scramble hastily to her feet, eyes blazing with anger. They settled upon her attacker, and she froze.

It was a man. He wore a tattered labcoat stained with blood, and wore blue medical pants, shoes, and a hat to match. All contained the ominous stains upon the fabric, soaked in beyond repair. She took a step back, her eyes meeting his. They were... gone. Black holes in his pale, sickly face. The only remaining signs of an eye was a blank sheen gazing back at her. Then, a familiar figure. A green rabbit matching the one she'd left dead in the snow lay sprawled upon the man's head. A friend of the defeated one seeking some vengeance?

She hadn't time to think over it further, for at that instant, it attacked once more.


Remaining Enemy HP: 60

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1


Spoopy Elder

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 8, 2 Total: 10 (2-40)


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:39 am
[Roll 2 for today. 7:39am, December 11th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 60

Rolled AC: 8
Rolled Damage: 2


The mist was the being that had saved her. As it had with the grunny before, it had surrounded the current offender and had loosened the grip from its master. Then it had swarmed and enveloped the man until she'd had time to right herself and prepare. Though, this task had proven much more difficult. The grunny had easily been suffocated. This man held power far beyond the little creature's on its own. It ripped free of the mist, which dissolved into the air, allowing it to charge head on toward the woman once more. However, this time she was ready.

The whip was plucked from her hip and lashed out in an instant, coiling around the tech's ankle. A sharp jerk of her wrist, and he toppled to his feet, aided by the slick of the snow. It seemed to absorb him into itself, hugging his body to the earth. More snow piled up, moving with a life of its own to swirl and settle down again on an imaginary wind. It buried the struggling tech and began to pack down around him. A crackling of ice followed, announcing the arrival of a thin case spreading over his form. Though, it failed to act quickly enough.

Ice and snow flew in all directions, but the woman stood there, unblinking as it soared past her without landing a single drop. The tech had broken free before the binding was complete, and stood to face her for another round.


Remaining Enemy HP: 60

Remaining Daily Attacks: 0
-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 1, 20 Total: 21 (2-40)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:54 am
[Roll 1 for today. 7:54am, December 12th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 60

Rolled AC: 1
Rolled Damage: 20


It looked angry. Who wouldn't be after nearly being buried and frozen alive under a blanket of snow?

Unamused, the woman stared on, waiting tensely for its next move. Obviously it was a much larger, and tougher, opponent than the last. Though, it appeared to be controlled by the very same as the first. She briefly considered attempting to detach the rodent from its host's head, but just as quickly decided that anyone weak enough to be controlled deserved to die regardless.


It had charged again. Its speed was incredible, barreling upon her in a matter of seconds. Her reactions weren't to be trifled with either. As it made its way within reach, her hand lashed out. The whip held in the left remained by her side. Her right had darted this time, drawing an icy blade from beneath the confines of her kimono. It lashed out, barely missing the tech as he leapt back, catching onto the attack in time to dodge. But the whip was quick to follow, snapping the ground at his feet to fend him off and allow her time to increase the distance between them.


Remaining Enemy HP: 60

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1


Spoopy Elder

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 14, 11 Total: 25 (2-40)


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:55 am
[Roll 2 for today. 7:55am, December 12th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 60

Rolled AC: 14
Rolled Damage: 11


The two stood again, poised and waiting for the other to make the first move. The labtech, bare handed and blank faced. The woman, armed with a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. Eyes locked, staring as the tension brewed around them, until-


Trees around them quaked and swayed in place, dropping heavy piles of snow down to the earth below. Branches snapped and fell, trees toppled, and the very ground beneath their feet trembled and jolted, throwing the two dueling figures to the snow.

The woman's head jerked up from the layer of ice that'd been thrown over her, eyes wide as she took in the scene. What appeared to be a very obvious spaceship had struck the earth not twenty feet away. Trees had cracked and broken beneath the crash landing, and it lay askew in the snow. It was primarily round in shape, with small bubbles pushing out from various sides. A hatch lay half buried and pressed against the earth, having landed sideways rather than right side up. From this hatch was where a loud, echoing clanging began ringing out.

She pushed herself slowly to her feet, focused upon the new threat now through wary eyes. "What a pain..." But what really distressed her was the state her forest had been left in. Her pristine, freshly white painted forest, with the picture-perfect trees and untouched snow, had been flattened and tossed into disarray in a matter of minutes. Why me...?

The hatch busted open, breaking her from her thoughts. The force of the last thud had clapped around the forest like a thunderbolt, rattling the trees and causing the ship to bounce up from the ground. The woman braced herself, waiting to see what would reveal itself. What had the strength to raise a ship that large from the ground, and from the inside no less.

What she saw was a little girl.

The girl looked at her, then around the area with a sheepish expression.
"Aw, gee... Sorry 'bout that," she announced, a scrawny hand awkwardly scratching the back of her head. She was tiny. Her height barely reached four and a half feet, with a mess of shaggy blue hair that almost managed to hide her pointed ears from sight. Bright green eyes stared out with that apologetic look painted across her face, while a fuzzy, blue and black tail swished about behind her. She was dressed poorly for the weather, wearing a simple t-shirt with a green T-Rex shouting "RAWR", and a pair of shorts with tall stripped socks reaching up to her thighs. A pair of fingerless gloves and converse completed the childish look. The childish act was a accomplished by a sudden jerk of those stick-like arms as they wrapped and curled tight around herself, her eyes growing wide in realization. "It's COLD."

The woman couldn't help rolling her eyes. Was there no end to today's distractions? Of course it was cold. It was winter, and she was standing near to one of the causes; a being who only appeared with the snow's first fall. But then there was an all-too-familiar crunch behind her, and she turned in time to see the tech back on his feet, a large tree branch held in two hands. He stood poised, ready to swing it like a bat, and her head was the ball. Until-

"Oh hey, watch out!" The new girl's cry echoed out once more, and a split second later, the woman felt the rush of something flying past her head. It wasn't just a branch. It was a full tree. It smashed into the labtech's stomach, a trunk with a foot diameter, and sent him flying backwards to sink into a bank of snow. "You alright? Hey! Heeeey!"

The woman stood stunned, oblivious to the short girl's hand waving before her face. This little midget of a being had just clobbered a full grown man with an even more full grown tree. It didn't make any sense. Perhaps she owed her a jacket... "I.. I'm fine. Thank you," she spoke, her tone curt and short, unwilling to part with a thanks so easily, yet finding it necessary to do so. She wasn't used to receiving help. "By the way!" the girl piped up. "My name's Akimi! What's yours?" Heaving a sigh and pressing a hand to her forehead, the woman allowed her tired eyes to close. "Freya. My apologies, but could you leave? I admit I'm feeling rather exhausted."

"What? Oh, well... uh, are you mad I hurt your friend? Were you playing a game? Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! If we try now, we could see if he's alright. Where'd he land? Oh, I might've heard a rib crack. I can get help though! Oh, I'm sorry!" The more she spoke, the faster she spoke, her tone rising in pitch with worry. It made Freya's ears recoil. "NO. It's fine. He was not a friend and I hope he's dead. If you assist, I shall kill you as well." Thought admittedly, she didn't wish to par off against the girl's strength. "It was a pleasure, Akimi, but I must bid you farewell."

With that, the woman turned, leaving the crash sight and two dead bodies behind and far from thought. If only things would remain quiet...


Remaining Enemy HP: 49

Remaining Daily Attacks: 0
-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 3, 20 Total: 23 (2-40)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:12 am
[Roll 1 for today. 12:11am, December 13th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 49

Rolled AC: 3
Rolled Damage: 20


As ready as Freya was to be left alone, Akimi just didn't seem ready to allow it. In fact, she had only wasted a second before following. Too many questions had been aroused.
"Hey! Why do you want him dead? He didn't look too bad. I mean. He was creepy. He had a creepy dead face. Soulless monster! Wait, is that why? Because he looks creepy? That's not a nice reason to try killing someone. I mean-"

"That is NOT why," Freya snapped back, her voice cold and icy, hoping to ward off further investigation. It failed. "Why then? Why, why, why?" The girl definitely was persistent. "Because", Freya began, biting back another exasperated sigh and the urge to slice the girl's throat. "He attacked me without reason. You also destroyed part of my forest, so you are on thin ice as well. I'd advise you to leave."

Silence followed, and Freya nearly smirked in her triumph. However, it was soon decided a failure as a small voice spoke up once more.
"But why'd he attack you? That doesn't make sense. Did you do something? Owe him money? Blow him off on a date? What? Sorry about your trees too. They were kinda pretty."

Fingers curling into tightly bound fists, Freya took a deep calming breath. The girl had saved her. She could at least refrain from taking her head off. "I do not know why he attacked," she said after a pause, her voice quaking with the effort of restraint. "He simply did. Previously, a green rabbit did as well. Be on your guard as you continue on your way." Another hint dropped ...and another hint ignored. "Oh really? I came here 'cuz I thought Earth was kinda peaceful or something. Not as many bounty hunte- OH, WATCH OUT!" Without hesitation, Akimi reached out, ripped a tree from the ground as if plucking a flower, and spun it around like a battering ram. A labtech barely managed to duck, dropping face first into the snow just as the log went whistling over its head. "Oh... I missed."


Remaining Enemy HP: 49

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1


Spoopy Elder


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:13 am

[failure post. forgot to roll. orz;;;;]
-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 4, 20 Total: 24 (2-40)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:14 am
[Roll 2 for today. 12:14am, December 13th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 49

Rolled AC: 4
Rolled Damage: 20


Absolutely stunning. Hadn't she just stated that she wished her forest not be destroyed? And hadn't the labtech she'd been fighting with just been smashed by a tree? Yet here she was, watching his little girl hoist another tree effortlessly from the ground, roots and all, and use it as a giant baseball bat. Though, she needed to work on her aim because she'd just gotten herself a first strike. Honestly, kids these days. What were her parents feeding her? "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't-" she began, but the tech was already back up, and Akimi had her back to him from the force of the swing. Momentum had spun her feet right around in the slippery snow.

Freya's hand jerked toward her hip, grasping for the whip in an effort to help the girl and return the favor, even if she was tearing her forest apart. But before she could act, a small bundle of fur flew past her head and spouted off a pillar of flame. Freya jolted back, her eyes growing wide in her first true show of alarm. Fire. The thing she loathed the most. She watched dismayed as her snow melted away, but the targeted tech dodged once more, rolling behind a tree that was charred as a result.

The flying fur ball revealed itself to have feline features, yet leathery dragon-like wings sprouted from its back and horns grew from its head. It was purple with blue stripes, and let out the strangest combination of a growl and mew as it hovered beside Akimi's head.
"Oh, thanks Zexon! You really saved me there," the girl chimed happily, and reached up to pet the dragonic feline's over-sized ears, leaving Freya standing there with a look beyond confusion.


Remaining Enemy HP: 49

Remaining Daily Attacks: 0


Spoopy Elder

-ProcrastinatingSpazz- rolled 2 20-sided dice: 10, 18 Total: 28 (2-40)


Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:02 am
[Roll 1 for today. 4:02am, December 14th, PST]

Enemy: Labtechs
AC: 12
HP: 49

Rolled AC: 10
Rolled Damage: 18


The stupid man just wouldn't give up, but neither would the little girl, it seemed. However, no matter how strong an attack the girl threw, the infected, bunny adorned man never went down. Freya stood in silence, looking on as the two foot diameter tree was swung around like a twig, but the man kept ducking and weaving, missing having his brain bashed in by seconds each time. The girl, Akimi, seemed to be having fun, of all things. Giggling, she continued trying to catch him, a large grin on her face with eyes narrowed in determination. It never seemed to pay off.

Again and again, her target would duck at the very last second. The tree collided with others still standing, causing them to tremble. Piles of snow fell from the branches, threatening to smash all below it. More than once, Freya herself had to scramble aside to avoid being crushed.

She supposed she should be grateful. Maybe she would've been, if not for the careless methods the girl used. She sensed that it had become nothing more than a game for the overpowered child, an outlet for excess energy perhaps. Either way, she found it to be nothing more than irritating.


Remaining Enemy HP: 49

Remaining Daily Attacks: 1
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