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Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:16 am
Recall walked the Streets Of Barton Town another Beautiful day in the Land of Gaia. After a slap on the wrist for some minor offenses, it felt good to Recall to come back to Gaia after his absence. Breathing in the sweet scent of all the visitors, though he had to hold his nose for one or two of them, they had some serious funk attached to them. He loved this time of year, the threads were a buzz and even in his own life things could not be better, even the bad things. Recall could not decide whether to hold a pistoria or a G-blade when an Advertisement caught his eye.

" We need brave Adventurers to risk life and account to save gaia's most sacred holiday, Modmas. Inquire at the North gate." Recall read this ad over and over again perplexed. He had practically lived in Gaia for several Years but yet this was the first time hearing of this term Modmas. But he dismissed the feeling as perhaps he did not know gaia as well as he liked. Thinking this was a good idea and after his absence almost missing the Ghost busting event, this was a great way to get his feet wet once again. He made a bee line for the north gate to hear about this event.

" Our Spies have informed us that Gambino plans to Wreck Modmas for everyone in Gaia." Came a voice over a megaphone, but due to the Large crowd in front of him, he could not see exactly, who was talking. " We have cordoned off three areas of Gaia, isolating the three waves, Gambino intended to use to wreck our Holiday with. i can tell you right now the first opponent you will face will be Grunnies, so if you have a problem with killing them, leave right now." Recall watched in utter amazement as half of those gathered ether left in terror or out of symphony.

Remaining among the those who stayed, Recall listened to the announcement, but now he could tell the orchestrator was none other then Gambino's own child. " to add incentive for you, the first three, i will allow to take there fair share from My father's Modmas Vault." This only sweetened the pot for Recall to beat everyone to the punch. In his years of Being a citizen had given him a wide array of weapons both Mondane, magickal, Advanced and otherwise sharp and pointy. Plus He was feeling lucky so that helped in his mindset.

A starter's gun suddenly went off, which made everyone else duck for cover as Gino calls out, " Go." Taking the advantage, Recall makes a mad leap to the front to get to the first Area and his first opponent, Grunnies.  
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 17, 18 Total: 35 (2-40)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:55 am
While traversing the road, which lead to the first area, Recall considered his strategy for his first target, the Grunny. What he wore seemed good enough, no additional armor for the moment, for he felt safe enough with his duel layer Feather shirt and sweater combo, feather pants, and feather shoes. Though he felt that he needed a readout device so he could keep track of how well he was doing, so he attached to his left ear, a Red Holographic Eyepiece. And finally a weapon, with the light and agile nature of the Grunny, he needed something which was a good balance of offense and defense, which made up his mind right there as he pulled out, Zhou Yu's Staff.

It was the only real choice for the moment, not only was it light, yet powerful, but Recall could use it to double as a walking stick to conserve his energy for the trek ahead. pacing himself, now feeling he had a good lead, he arrived at the border of the First Area, where he stopped. Taking a deep breath and running his fingers through his brown, spiked back hair, Recall switched on the eyepiece as he ventured into the first area. The instant tension in the air gave him goosebumps as he let the Fates make there roll as he trekked along the path.

There he encountered his first enemy grunny, though Recall found it hard to believe that such a cute creature was really the first wave of Gambino's master plan. The grunny stared at recall, and he stared right back. But in a second or two, the grunny turned from cute and harmless to savage and dangerous. And it was clear this Grunny wanted recall's head, so he used the eyepiece to analyze the Grunny:


The grunny went for first blood, by leaping at Recall with all claws out. Having little time to act, recall took the staff in both and and swung. Connecting to the Grunny's abdomen, sending the unlucky creature smacking into a tree. this it shook off but it was plain as day to did some major damage, leaving it with less health to work with. Though this did not detour the attack, the grunny leapt again, Recall sidestepped the assault, leaving the grunny to land into a bush. Taking this moment of breath he analyzed the damage he did:

Eyepiece readout:

Grunny / Recall's roll
AC-10 / AC-17
Hp-40 / DMG-18

Attack Successful

Grunny Remaining HP - 22  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 20, 6 Total: 26 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:47 pm
Feeling the fates tickling at his shoulder, he felt this was a perfect opportunity to strike. Get got close to the bush readying the staff for a heavy blow. He watched the tangled Grunny within the bush, Recall swung for the fences. Now he knew the bush might absorb some of the impact, but, he underestimated how mush so, by the follow-through he had the results of what damage he did, Six. " Six! you got the be kidding me?" He stomped his foot, throwing a mini tantrum at the unfairness of it. He had all the initiative in the world and six was the best he could do. He needed a new Weapon.

feeling he needed some short range power while still maintaining his level of defense. This called for the Trusty Shotfork, so he put the staff away. But before he could pull the shotfork out, the grunny had freed itself, thanks to the blow the bush took. The swap took his attention from the grunny just long enough for the grunny to leap at him. Making Recall, fall over backwards, holding the grunny at bay. His arms was long enough to keep him from mauling his torso, but it did not save his forearms from taking the occasional hit. Recall scrambles to think of a way out.

How Will Recall get out of this situation? Will he be mauled before he even gets close to the end? Tune in tomarrow for Recall's Journey to Save Modmas!

Eyepiece readout summary:

Grunny / Recall
AC-10 / AC-20
HP-22 / DMG-6

Attack Successful

Remaining Grunny HP-16  
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-40)
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:14 am
Welcome back to Recall's continued adventure to save Modmas!

Recall then tosses the grunny away and got to his feet. He could barely even move before the grunny had turned and leaped at his head for a kill blow. But Recall moved, just in time to avoid the slice and dice. But he did not have time to think, let alone pull out the shotfork like he intended. The only thing he had going for him was his speed, but with no real break between Grunny's attacks, Recall's Dodging was the only thing keeping him alive.

Needing to come up with a different Tactic and fast he was hoping to survive and move on, he could see other adventurers had already defeats at least one Grunny and could go on to the next Tier once it had opened up. Recall dodged another lunge and recall took the delay as his moment to run. He needed some better terrain so the Grunny could not attack so fast and recall could use to pull out a game changer.

Eyepiece readout:

Grunny / Recall
Ac-10 / Ac- 5
HP-16 / Dmg-4

Attack Unsuccessful  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 12, 1 Total: 13 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:33 pm
Recall continued to run, he spied a patch of sand, just big enough for this battle. The scenery Of north Bass'kin Lake seemed the perfect backdrop for the continuation and even conclusion of this first Tier battle. The grunny's attacks were getting too predictable, that he did not have to extrude much energy to dodge anymore, plus this new location gave Recall the edge.

Due to the sandy surface, the grunny did not have much of a footing to run or leap for his attacks so it was only the matter of time before the grunny met it's fate, and recall would prove it to the grunny. The next leap attack from the grunny, Recall sidestepped and then lands a fingertip karate style chop to the grunny's side, causing only one point of damage to the already weakening grunny. He did not mean to take this long, he had hoped to finish the cute beast of in a more humane way but it was ether his own weakness or his underestimation of the grunny's fighting abilities that caused this delay.

What would recall do to win, or will his underestimation keep him from his ultimate goal and first prize, Tune in tomorrow, Same Time same thread

Eyepiece readout:

Grunny / Recall
Ac-10 / Ac-12
HP-16 / DMG-01

Attack successful

Remaining HP- 15  
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 20, 12 Total: 32 (2-40)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:04 am
Welcome to Day three of Recall's race to save Modmas...

Recall could only smile when the Grunny's attacks was obviously slowing down due to the sand. Without even realizing it, the grunny was leaving small pits where it was turning around and kicking up sand to get at Recall. These pits were getting harder and harder for the grunny to get out of to attack so he took this chance to pull out the weapon he had intended to use after his staff, the Shotfork.With it he could easily scoop the Grunny out of the air and deposit it where he wanted it, or even blow it out of the sky, if he so desired.

Without hesitation, while the grunny was coming around again, reached behind his back and materialized the shotfork now holding it out, the grunny leaped for another attack, Recall scooped the grunny and flung the beast into the air over Bass'Kin Lake. Taking aim, Recall shot at the flying grunny like he would shooting at clay skeet. He saw the body change from the hit and he was certion that the grunny was dead as it's body hit the water. Recall turned to begin his walk to area two, when a splashing sound drew his attention back to the lake.

The Grunny was paddling to shore, a blood trail obvious as it swam for the nearest shore, which happened to be next to Recall. The creature climbed to shore and just collapsed, but it was painfully obvious with it's shallow breathing that the grunny was still alive. Checking with the Eyepiece, the Grunny was crippled and on its last legs with only three hit points left.

Eyepiece readout:

Grunny / Recall
AC-10 / AC-20
HP-15 / DMG-12

Attack Successful

Remaining HP-3  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 1, 19 Total: 20 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 7:36 pm
Recall aimed the shotfork at the crippled grunny fully intending to pull the trigger, when a shove threw him off guard and send him down to the ground. Recall turned around to face the shover, and the Gaia citizen was very so much a hippy who tells him, " Don't kill that defenseless creature." Recall gets to his feet and then stares at the hippy and says, " Then why are you here?" The hippy walks over to the grunny and stroked it's fur as he says, " to save these cute creatures."

Before Recall could argue the point to the hippy, the hippy scooped the grunny up and ran for it. Recall Darts after him putting away the shotfork and got out the six shooter Pistora, Taking careful aim he fires and hits the hippy in the knee. Sending the hippy tumbling to the ground,. cuddling the Grunny and protecting it. Recall kicks the hippy to his back, when the signal that the second area was now open hit the airwaves. Recall curses to himself as he aims for the grunny.

Will recall finally finish this battle so he can catch up with the others? Or will this hippy continue to be a thorn in Recall's side and make it too late to get in the running for the big money? Tune in same time same thread.

Eyepiece Readout:

Grunny / Recall
AC:10 / AC-1
HP-3 / DMG-19

Attack unsuccessful  
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 2, 5 Total: 7 (2-40)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:54 am
Welcome to the next mini episode of Recall's Journey to save Modmas

Recall could not fire, the hippy had the grunny cuddles too tightly, if he fired, he would kill the hippy along with the Grunny. He then reaches down to try and pry the nearly dead beast from the bleeding hearts hands. The Hippy only held the grunny tighter, if Recall's bullet did not kill this Grunny then the hippy's "Love" would. Finally sliding the beast from the hippy's grip, he took two steps back from the hippy putting the gun point blank to the grunny's head.

The hippy spied this leaped for recall once again grabbing him, but this time the hippy spit right in Recall's eyes before attempting to hobble away with the injured beast in his arms. Recall wiped the spit from his eyes as he was now fuming, no longer caring if he would have to kill the hippy but he was not going to let this tree hugger ruin his chances to be in the running to be in the top three.

Eyepiece readout:

Grunny / Recall
AC-10 / AC-2
HP-3 / DMG-5

Attack Unsuccessful  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 14, 6 Total: 20 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:46 pm
Recall found it rather easy to catch up, even getting in the hippy's path. the hippy had to stop and then turn his body saying, " you are not getting this creature." To which recall responds with a pistol whip to the hippy's face. Knocking him down, recall then kicks the hippy to his back as without hesitation aims the Pistora and fires, finally killing the Grunny. the hippy lets go of the grunny letting it's lifeless body fall as he looks at himself the hole that was punched in him. Recall checks him as he says, " you will live unfortunately i'm sure someone will be around to rescue you, i got to go." Recall runs off towards the Second tier area.

Recall pulled out his staff once again as he hurried, he had lost a lot of ground thanks to that Hippy and now it was time to catch up. He had planned to conserve his energy for the second and third tier, but with him behind like he was, he could only hope to catch up long enough and finish the second tier ahead of everyone and camp at the beginning of the third tier for what laid ahead.

After a Long Battle, Recall Is well on his way to the second tier, no thanks to a annoying Hippy, but will this delay ultimately keep him from First place? Tune in next time , Same Guild, Same thread

Eyepiece Readout:

Grunny / Recall
AC-10 / AC-14
HP-3 / DMG-6

Attack Successful

Remaining Hp: 0

Grunny Killed
Annoying Hippy injured  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:28 am
Welcome to The second chapter of Recall's Journey to save Modmas.

Even if he was Behind some others, there was no way he was going to go into a tier 2 fight unprepared. He then strips down to his boxers, when he was sure no one was watching, He then put on a red t shirt, and red goth pants for beginners, He then adds Protective Vest from the Small Stit he did at the GPD, And some coal gunner boots for his feet. The Last bit of armoring he pput on was a long left glove from the Anima Adamantea, Ignited of course. Then he Put on Wing thrusters and finally Envy's Guard from Anesidora's Woe.

Along with his trusty Red holographic eyepiece and Zhou Yu's Staff, He continued onward towards the Tier two Territory. Using the wing Thrusters to supplement his ground speed to catch up and help him rest some of his energy for the fight ahead. And he felt that he would need every ounce of it to deal with this new enemy. He crossed the border in no time before he saw what the next enemy was, at first they seemed like normal Labtechs but his Eyepiece told him the whole story...


It did not take him long before he spied a labtech , he could call his opponent. He cut the thrust from the Wing thrusters so he could take a stealthy approach and hopefully get some good Initiative.  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 11, 12 Total: 23 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:03 am
Recall Soon gets behind him and then wings his staff for the Tech's head, but then the tech turned and caught the staff. the Tech Laughs as he then swings the staff around with Recall still attached to it, and sent them flying. But With a quick burst from the wing thrusters stopped his momentum and then another burst sent Recall right back for round two. He comes down with his staff but the tech easily avoids the skull crushing blow. Taking a step the Tech reached out and nailed Recall in the stomach with a punch.

The Wing Thrusters kept Recall in the vicinity and thanks to the Vest, Recall was alright. He was hurting certainly but due to being in the air and the padding the Protective vest gave him absorbed enough of the blow to keep Recall from serious pain. Finally landing to his feet, Recall readied his staff for the next assault.

Eyepiece readings:

Tech / Recall
AC-12 / AC-11
Hp-60 / Dmg-12

Attack unsuccessful  
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16, 11 Total: 27 (2-40)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:31 pm
Recall came back stronger then ever, this time he was ready for the Labtech's strength. The wing thrusters fired as he swings around and around to try and knock him down. The labtech blocked the blow with his right forarm but could not withstand all the force, sinking his feet in the ground a bit. Taking this moment, when the labtech tried to free his feet. Swinging his staffto the other side to connect to the labtech's right side. But there it stopped.

The Labtech got free and grabbed the staff in it's right side once again using the same toss maneuver he did the last time he grabbed the staff. But just like last time, a quick burst from the wing thrusters brought Recall to a halt and another to land once again ready to mix it up. Though the staff was proving to be more a means to be tossed around then actually attacking the Labtech. Recall unequipped his staff, thinking fast while keeping his eyes on his Opponent, ready for any move.

What will Recall do now? Which of his many weapons will he chose now? And can he beat this brute and move on to his ultimate prize. Tune in Tomorrow, Same guild Same thread.

Eyepiece readout:

Labtech / Recall
AC-12 / AC-16
HP-60 / DMG-11

Attack Successful

Remaining HP- 49  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 2, 10 Total: 12 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:21 am
Welcome back to this next day to save Modmas

Recall did not have much time to react as the Labtech was practually breathing down his neck, so instead recall went on the defensive and equipped himself with the Titan Legacy Shield and just in time to absorb a blow directly to it. Over and over again the Labtech pounded on the Shield, so Recall braced against each blow with both hands behind it and his wing thrusters to counter any staggering effect. This continued, blow after blow recall's arms were getting numb and tired.

The labtech however did not seem phased, not at all by the relenting assault. It was almost like the tech was Beserked by the damage done to it so far. All recall could do was hold on for dear life and hoped that the attack would let up soon so he can go on the offensive.

Eyepiece Readout:

Labtech / recall
AC-12 / AC-2
Hp 49 / DMG-10

Attack Unsuccessful  
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 14, 11 Total: 25 (2-40)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:50 pm
Recall then put the wing thrusters on full burn and began to push the Labtech back. It only took so far til the labtech lost it's balence and fell over backwards, giving Recall enough time to pull out a new weapon, the Frostbite blade, aura on of course. Recall ran up to the recovering Labtech and cut it's left arm, Not only injuring the freakishly strong tech but freezing the wound, to make any use of that arm be unbearable.

Recall could only smile as the obviously weakened freak groan in pain from the ice and the slice. Since the Labtech was still wanting to fight, the damage had only enraged him further. But Recall was up to the challenge. Recall could see out of the corner of his eye some other gaian's finished and heading for the border so he knew he had to rev it up to catch up.

What is recall's big plan to finish this labtech? Stay tuned same guild same thread.

Eyepiece readout:

Labtech / Recall
AC-12 / AC-14
Hp-49 / DMG-11

Attack Successful

Remaining HP-38  


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Mark Twain 100
Recallshifter rolled 2 20-sided dice: 12, 4 Total: 16 (2-40)


Witty Shapeshifter

14,790 Points
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  • Mark Twain 100
PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:13 am
Welcome Back to the next day of Recall's journey to save Modmas

Recall gets in close to the labtech teasing him with the Frost bite Blade. The Labtech swung his arms wildly but thanks to the wing thrusters, recall dodged the arms with ease even egging the labtech on by jabbing at his torso four times with the frost blade, each small punture instantly freezing up the moment the blade came out. This both confused and only made the Labtech madder.

Recall braces as the labtech swung at Him and he was not preared for it, nailing him tin the exact same part of his stomach as he nailed last time. Recall thrusted back as the pain shot through his stomach, causing recall to double over and lose, what was once three burritos, now a pile of sludge on the ground. The Labtech took this time to walk up, grabbed both hands , he swung down intending to crush Recall's head like a grape.

Eyepiece readout:

Labtech / Recall
Ac-12 / AC-12
HP-38 / DMG-4

Attack Successful

Remaining Hp-34  
Save Modmas!

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