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[PRP] Aunty Boss-Lady (Hikari and Nyoka) -FIN

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:11 am

“Blue skies are, depressing. Sometimes I hate them dearly. I find clouds cold, and sun too hot to see clearly…” The tune was soft and a little wobbly. But that was understandable. It was hard to sing a song he was making up. He did not know the words to it, because he was only just inventing them now. But they felt right, and that was what mattered, wasn’t it? To say how he felt? Cheery lovey dovey songs felt flat. “Just like stalking…and dancing…Not graceful but don’t find social life fun. It’s easy to see that I don’t belong, I’m too weird for the normal folks but too normal for the weird ones.”

The sun dappled across the soft pink spots on the young hybrid’s shoulders where he lay beneath a tree, his paws twining around a twig with a leaf still attached. He was fidgety, talking to his paws out of nervousness. It wasn’t as though there were anyone else around to hear him fumbling a few notes of music into life. It was quite outside here, though he could just hear his mother talking to someone out of sight. The low voice told him it was another of the many males that she dealt with. His father? He doubted it. His father was never around, no one said they knew who he was. Even mama said she didn’t know. But it felt wrong when she said it. She had to know! Mama’s were supposed to know who daddies were, where they were, what they were like…

Hikari sighed, giving up on his small song for the moment. It wasn’t like singing was particularly special anyway. He wasn’t special. Mama might say he was, but that seemed to be a rule for mamas. They were supposed to tell their cubs they were wonderful. Just like daddies were supposed to.

So where was his daddy?
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:52 pm
She was out where the males were encircling to find entertainers. They laughed.. and sunk in to the dens of the entertainers cozy rooms. It emitted warmth. She used to be like them.. but now she was better. She turned and jumped down the ledge- unnoticed. She very rarely was for her stealthy ways.. Watching others when they wouldn't know it. Even the best hung their heads in. She didn't doubt that Nanashi did the same. This played a good and bad role in her heart and she was rather mixed feeling of it all. Dysi she knew was probably around there. Laughing and immersing himself in another's arms. That served also as a double edged sword. This time..

She had stopped seeing Dysi for a while. Cutting him off slowly but surely and now that he was ignoring her it was a bit easier. Sometimes she saw him laying his eyes over her.. but chose to ignore it to the best of her ability. She WAS in love with him. But love was a trivial thing, that others only thought they knew and wished for.

She crept down and slowly started to walk.. The night was playing at the games of the entertainers. Soaking in to the night in the delight of men. Or women. Her tail waved only once before sinking and trotting toward the rocks where no one else was. Blank.. hoping on to the rock and laying there with her head up. No one knew what was playing inside the female's mind. Cryptic.. Eyes closed and feeling the nightly wind. It wasn't yet curfew.. and she had not seen her mate in hours- but it felt like days now.

The blue cheetah was not herself. Her whole body was slightly aching- and she just wasn't ok. She had grown slightly in the stomach area but not overly so that showed something other than a full stomach from catching and eating prey not a few hours ago. Ears flickered.. Somehow in the back of her mind.. she knew she was expecting something. But it felt different than her prior litter.. these felt ..different. The other litter caused her pain almost every night. Was she pregnant? She didn't know but in her heart.. she knew she was. Now only to tell Nanashi.. which felt like she knew it was probably gunna bring talk around the pride like wildfire. Maybe thats why she felt out of place with all the males and entertainers. Her features became softer.. she wasn't as threatening now than she was so few days ago.

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:51 pm

Hikari wandered around, a pink ear always pricked in case his mama wanted him for something. Or a sibling. Though he didn't want his ear chewed on by Kanie anymore. It was all raggedy looking now. He knew she didn't mean harm, she was only being herself. But it still hurt. Just like mama not telling him who his daddy was hurt. Not even a hint!

Glumly, he looked down at the now broken twig before a flicker of motion caught his eye. Blue. Light spots. It was... "Aunty?" the young hybrid called hopefully, rising gingerly to his paws and taking a few careful steps towards her. This was the mate to the brother that Aiko yelled at a lot. But he hadn't really met her this closely before. Not that he really remembered anyway. She must have seen him when he was too small to properly recall...and he'd seen her before. But not alone.

Except she was his aunt. So he was with family. So he wasn't alone after all. Besides, mama was in earshot...

"Are you...okay?" he asked meekly, looking up at where she'd lain on a rock. She didn't look the way he remembered seeing her before. Graceful and beautiful and more mysterious than mama looked. Mama looked like she had a secret, but she was bursting to tell it. Aunt Nyoka looked like you were going to have to wonder for a long, long time... except she didn't look quite like that now. So was something wrong then? He didn't know how to tell...
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:54 pm
She laid there... head up and just on the look out she guessed. Just blankly staring at the world that was her pride home. The sound of footsteps too small to be one to be Mana's nor Nanashi's. The smell was directly of Aiko's but too small to be hers. A cub. She softened up a lot more.. the thought of it.. 'Aunty'. With that soft spoke word, she turned her head..

Eyes slitted and soft. She could feel the energy draining things now. "..Young Hikari.. " She shifted only slightly. "What are you doing up..and without Lady Aiko." She only looked in his direction just briefly before looking away and back to where she was gazing off to.

She closed her eyes to soak for a minute. Compose herself. This was Aiko's child. Though a child.. one must be careful for they are the center of other worlds. Entirely of their family. Children... unlike Bian and Siri... that were important in their own right. But they weren't burdens.. as she put them. They were different and they seemed more like Linje than herself. She had to get rid of them before they messed up or made her life any more dreadful. But ever since she sent them off.everything was better.

She was even expecting. But she didn't know how she felt yet. Ever since that happened with her litter with Linje. She was different. Maybe thats why she felt out of place. Worried on how Nanashi felt about it. Looking down.

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:41 pm

Hikari scuffed a paw in the dirt. "Mama's...busy," he explained. "I wasn't tired." He was old enough to be out on his own a little. And he knew where mama was if he needed her. But she didn't like it if any of them bothered her while she was working, and so Hikari didn't.

"I'm sorry, am I bothering you aunty?" he asked meekly after a few moments. She looked tired. Even if he wasn't sleepy himself, he didn't want to bother anyone. Especially not his aunt. Mama had warned him to be careful of her, that she was terribly important, but she didn't seem scary. She seemed nice. It would be more upsetting to bother someone nice than someone mean anyway. It seemed lately like a lot of the people he knew didn't have time for him. Well. Dysi didn't. He barely saw Nanashi, but Satomei was always off with him. And Kanie was busy too. Somehow. Even mama was busy, and he knew it was just because she had to do her job and they were old enough for her to do it now. But still. It was lonely...
PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:47 pm
Nyoka nodded softly. "I see..." Bellowing in her own worries. She didn't notice the child sooner and turned to look at him beyond her shoulder. "No. Your not a bother. Instead.. I can use some company." Ears went back and she looked insanely motherly for a moment. Tender... and easily moved. Inviting him to come sit beside her on the large rock that she laid upon. "I need a little one's presence. Though I hope, I am not a bore to you. For just laying here." She talked softly and full with genuine worry. Right now- that was all she needed. Someone to deny her, again. It was a harsh time.

What would she tell Dysi.. and how would she tell him. What will Nanashi say? How would he fell? These things, all confused her and worried her very much. If Nanashi was not ready to father. How would she tell the rest of the pride? Those things were foremost in her mind and seeing a cub.. even if it wasn't hers was now sinking in to her chest. Hikari, like Satomei were Aiko's but they were just the same. As cute and adorable as any of the other cubs. They were fluffy and surelly not all cheetah but they came out well mannered and thats what mattered.

She patted the empty place beside her on the rock. As a sign of 'inviting'.

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:11 pm

Hikari watched curiously as the female spoke, his ear listing slightly to one side as he cocked his head. She seemed sad about something. He was just glad it wasn't him bothering her, but if it had, at least, been him, then he could have fixed it. Now he didn't have anything he could do.

"You're not boring, aunty," he chimed brightly, taking a hesitant step forward at her first invitation, before scrambling a bit clumsily to climb and join her on the rock. A shy smile touched his features as he tried to settle himself without falling. He curled up against her side, gazing up at his aunt with his unmatched eyes. Finally, someone who didn't want him to go away. He'd been so worried recently, he knew that it was mostly everyone being busy, but it was still a little lonely. He lay quietly for a few moments, trying to think of something that might help to cheer the beautiful cheetahess up, before shyly reaching an idea.

"Uhm...aunty? Mama...mama says sometimes that I make her feel better when I sing. I could sing for you if you want?" the hybrid offered timidly. He wasn't used to singing for an actual audience, but aunty couldn't be so much different from mama. They were both beautiful, graceful cheetahs, and they were both so wonderful...
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:11 pm
She hadn't changed yet in appearance but somehow it was as if her heart changed. She was semi excited about this litter and now the only one who knew? Well no one. She simply kept it a secret. Ears went down as she looked at the boy beside her. The resemblance was so striking that she couldn't be helped but charmed by him and his antics to cheer her up. Her nephew. Though hybrid, she put a paw against his face.. rubbed it along and up to his ear. Maybe in the most caring act publicly she had done. Hearing his kind words.. But often times in public having to show a distinct discipline over hybrids, she was rather caring and aware of their existence now that she knew what they were and how they could effect a pride.

"Sing?" She leaned her head towards him and then retracted her paw to lay her chin upon it. "I have not heard a song in.. a long time." Referring to when the lion cheetah hybrid had sung to her.. which had been now in the past. A while since he came in. Already apart of the pride and its workings. "If I knew you sung, I would have seeked you out sooner." A soft smile as she nodded in acceptance to his idea. It would probably sooth her worries for the moment.

Chi Sohma

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:26 pm

Hikari purred softly, nuzzling against the paw she lifted to his face. He liked the attention, needed it now that everyone seemed to be growing too busy for him. He missed being with someone. Not that he needed to have his paw held every second of every day. But it was lonely when everyone was so busy and him with so little to do.

Suddenly shy at her words, he nodded meekly. Yes, he could sing. He'd offered her to sing. But what should he sing? Suddenly it was like he'd forgotten every melody he'd ever heard or invented. Gulping nervously, the young hybrid looked at his aunt, his eyes passing over the soft smile. Like mama's. This wouldn't be too bad then. But what should he sing? Something soft maybe. She said she wanted to rest, so maybe something soft would be nice.

"Okay. Uhm...okay..." he mumbled, flexing his overlarge paws against the stone for a few seconds as he thought. Oh, that one was nice... it was quiet. Mama had called it a sweet song.

"I cannot understand, why dream and wish today away?
I feel the wind blow through my fur, with you I'd rather stay.
There's no place like you for me, though changed from yesterday.
Alone in quiet sunset, what are you looking at?
Your eyes see far ahead, there is no turning back.
It's okay to feel down, to get lost on the way,
I will wait for your dream, when you capture it.
And for now wait beside you, content in the quiet."

He fumbled at the start, nervous, but it was easy to relax into the melody once he'd passed the first line. It was a little song, a quiet song, but he had a soft voice and it fit. Mama had liked it. His ears lay anxiously back as he let the last note die on his breath, watching his aunt through mismatched eyes. Would she like it? He would hate to sing poorly and make her feel worse.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:37 pm
The murmur of her heart warmed, and soothed. Her head leaning off to one side as she heard with open and wide ears. Singing was the most beautiful act... but she could never manage to make up her own songs, only one song she knew. She knew by heart, but never sung anything without her mother when she had long since died. The pure feel of his voice when he started.. Made her sway slightly and lower her head back down to her paws. Merely hearing it... enticingly trancing..

Pulling herself out of reality for just a moment, this body that seemed to weigh her down so much and she was free as a bird in the skies.How she just wanted to be in that song, music filling all around her... For a good few moments, she was surprised.. The child sung so beautifully that she was in a trance and she slowly opened them moments after he finished.. A smile creased her lips as she softly leaned in and licked his cheek in a grooming manner.

"Child, your song was beautiful...your voice was beyond that of the Gods... Hikari... you will become great. Even I, was captured by it. Truly mesmerizing..." Softly touching his face as she looked at him, proud truly of the child. A master of the art so young, It was only the least she would expect from Aiko's offspring, the cheetahess could entertain. She would have went on about how proud she was until a certain figure came up behind her.. The fur on her neck grew on its end as she knew a departure was immanent. "My beautiful singer.. I shall be seeing you more.. Again.. Forgive this lady of not coming too see my darling nephew sooner but now I must leave.. A Boss's job is never done." Giving him and wink then a final lick. "Please send your mother my dearest wishes and a million times I am grateful for you to be brought to this pride. Go now, as it is getting late my child.. go off to your mother as I thank her for you."

Slowly getting to her paws. Nuzzling him lightly before she jumped down the rock... immensely in awe but had not shown it but she would tell Nanashi of this one.. he was something to be treasured.. Looking up at the figure before she nodded, giving him a look back. A soft smile. "Thank you..." She said to Hikari before leaving as the dark figure was prompt on Hikari's side to escort him home as Nyoka had ordered it by just a look- he knew, he had to protect the child and show him home... How much power she had, but not shown it.. so sly... like a serpent.

[ FIN ]

Chi Sohma

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