You're all invited to Xtreme Skilled Knights' Second Annual End of the Year Party!! Gifts will be randomly given out to those who attend and many screenshots will be taken so be ready! *Also there is a separate giveaway of 200k just for replying to this thread with "XSK FTW" only replying with that will qualify you to enter. Contest ends on Dec. 31.
Special thanks to axl the azn boi for providing screenshots from last year's party.
Xtreme People
1. strawberry_bunny
2. D Y N A M I T E n i g h t
3. ashdrew27
4. Sporkaholic
5. The Pwnage Hatter
6. Xalier Silverblade
7. Inoeth
8. 6 Hokaga demonnaruto2188
9. PKOwl
10. ALI Godsend
11. iiNova_Blossom
12. Riyara
13. Yuralia
14. Thedevilmaster
15. Shadow of the Light9283
16. DarkSkyEclipse
17. Saanomaru
18. vamporeon
19. Alice_Cullen Bella_Swan
20. XSK-Zeetel-XSK
21. fbaddict
22. tealflower1928
23. Jitterbug5x5
24. Samrox77
25. la goodgirl714
26. xukshia
27. Warlock Prince
28. Toxic Rainbow Kisses
29. liljames326
30. maisuke-san
31. dorythefish
32. RetardedJAMZ
33. cant escape
*Many will enter, only one will win. Omg I like small text. xD