It's no secret that I'm a fanman for the BIT.TRIP series, but every time I learn more about what Gaijin Games puts into their work, I am astonished. EGMi, EGM's online magazine has a cover story for BIT.TRIP's last installment; FLUX: Linky. A lot of neat information about the BIT.TRIP games, some of which will blow your mind. Some juicy tidbits:

-The beats are sometimes morse code. ******** really.

-Gaijin are developing for the 3DS and hoping to get a game out for its release

-FLUX might not be the end...

-Plus an ending that the majority of players just plain won't get? This is sounding like something incredible.

I'm excited as all get out for FLUX, and with each little tidbit of information I get about it, I get more excited. The entire interview isn't very long and definitely worth a read, so check it out. Neuse is one of my developer heroes.