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Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:55 pm

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So, this is where I am working on seeing who would like to be thrown at the strange little nuts I have running around my head. Please continue on to see what can be thrown out for now.

Mockbreedings: I am most willing to do mock breeding permissions for almost any of my ponies. Some will be IC mocks, and others will be OOC. Depends on the pony in question. Feel free to inquire.

Contacting me:
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Discord: Dyzforia#1554




Plot ideas:

Throw Something at me![/color][/align][/spoiler][/quote]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:57 pm

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For those strictly looking for singles: Easy list

  1. Alinea, Ferian
  2. Eviotil ver Spitfire, Delphinium ver Spitfire, Florinda Hyasinth
  3. Rakshi, Haven, Keary Oralee, Seren Aeron Oralee
  4. Cyanide Syn, Acidic Deluge
  5. Liela, Kalidas
  6. Trillian Maeve Donovan, Passerina Ciris, Benoit, Mizz Twilight, Mávros Kalamári, Shaylee Gullveigom, Zuzana Idocrase
  7. 'Prince' Aubrey Elidan
  8. Open


Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:43 pm

Black Sclera Family:
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About: Through the years Alinea has grown from the past that plagued her so harshly. In her travels she met the stallion of her dreams, who turned out to be smitten with another. He had a fling that resulted in kids, and it seemed very much that he'd resolved to do the right thing by the mare, so Ali took to the air, and worked on getting some distance from the guy who held her heart. In her travels she's grown quite a bit, her heart still very much belonging to the stallion from long ago.

All Planned

Possible Ideas:

Those from the Primrose herd: Alinea has met a couple members of the Primrose herd: Shilo, Briallan. Anyone else would be great.

Other: Friends? female, male. And anything else you can think of. ^w^

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About: Ferian is the long lost brother (still not sure if he's a half brother or a full blood brother) of Alinea. He is bit on the quirky side, witty to a fault, and often talking his way into and out of trouble more often than most would think possible. He's quite the chatty type.


Possible Ideas:

Dude. EUW: A plot where someone assumes that he and Alinea are an item, much to his disgust and annoyance.

Ah, but are you sure?: A plot where he is perhaps misleading a foal in some strange manner, getting them to think outside the box. Could end in triumph or disaster for both him and the foal

But...Um...Hi...?!: Could be a romance plot, or just a flirtation plot. Embarrassment, flustering, and sputter abound.

Throw something at me!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:59 pm

Spitfire Family:
Eviotil ver Spitfire
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About: Eviotil isn't the run of the mill cruel Kalona. She's as big as a clydesdale and enjoys her size with every thudding step. She moves as a killer, some would venture she's faster than anything else, but that's only because of her mutation. Purple flames that she can change, move and ensnare those around her with, she enjoys having the upper hand, but if you can prove you're worth her time, or just sneaky enough to get through her defenses, she'll let you live. Maybe even make friends.
*All taken*

Possible Ideas:

To flatten an Ego: This would be Eviotil basically taking and crushing someone's self esteem, any breed is fine, but crushing a high and mighty Kalona would be absolutely amazing. (I'm sure she has to be in a bad enough mood for it though. >.<;;; )

Worst day EVER: The day when Eviotil runs into not only the unicorn who she keeps at a distance, and the plucky long maned nut, and her kids, but every last good natured Soquili in the world. Causing a bit of a Sugary goodness overload that would make any evil creature into a diabetic. (Basically, if you have a Soquili who's ridiculously good natured, this is a "kill em with Kindness" Plot for poor Evi. IT doesn't necessarily have to be all one thread RP, but can be multiples taking place in the same week)

I NEED MINIONS! : A soquili, or several soq who would take Eviotil as their leader/role model/patron saint/etc. Those who would follow her quirks without question because of fear she'd eat them/respect.

Anything with any Member of the Primrose herd: This is a herd that Evi knows the leader of very well and is friends with, any members of the herd are more than welcome to come and poke about and meet the terrifying ally that Shoshana made before she built her herd.

Other: throw Ideas at me. We'll talk.

Delphinium ver Spitfire
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About: Delphinium, or Delphi as she is often called, is a mare with charm and grace and if given the opportunity she will either work on enslaving your will to do her bidding, or eat your face if you've displeased her greatly. She is not as vain as her mother, but she believes in her charm and knows well when to use it. She is often found in the company of her younger sister who acts as a body guard to give off the idea that Delphi is a delicate flower to be protected, and not a fire wielding mystic who would easily burn the eyes right out of an attacker's skull.


Plot ideas:

Your future holds trouble: A mare or stallion has heard of a young mystic with the ability to read the flames and foretell the future of those who ask, after hunting down Delphi, they beg for her to tell them what she sees in her flames, the outcome...not so good. (complicated and the not so good part would be talked out before hand to be sure it followed the questing participants plotline.)

Hunting trouble: A mare/stallion/herd/clan has taken an interest in trying to subjegate Delphi to be their fortune teller and be used as a way to attract others and weild power. This...does not fly well for the one hunting her as she and her family are less than keen on outsiders using them for their own gains. It does not end in the favor of those hunting her.

On romance: This is a kettle of what the ******** and I'm still working on her character so nothing in this area for awhile. >.>;;;;

Throw Something at me!

Forest lace family: (Matriarch only RN)
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About: Florinda is an ornery and argumentative female ceyreni who never takes no for an answer...unless of course you can make a good point.

All Taken

Possible Ideas:
You want a piece of me?: This plot involves someone, mare or stallion deciding that Florinda is an easy target, and though they might be big enough and bad enough to take her out, she will not go down without a fight, and she may just outwit the one deciding to pick on her.

I already have a mate: This is where a stallion/buck from her past (can back plot a bit) comes out of nowhere and tries to say that he has claim on Florinda, could cause all kinds of trouble, or it could fizzle out and he remains a friend of hers.

Family RP: Anything with Ruehil, Enakai, and Visuelle

Other: Friends? female, male. And anything else you can think of. ^w^

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:01 pm

BIG a** FAMILY: (AlbertXMeru and Shoshana line mixing here.)
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About: Rakshi is very protective, and happily enjoying his life as a "married" stallion. He loves Briallan dearly, as well as his children and his grandchildren.


Plot Ideas:

That's a huge family: Rakshi comes from a HUGE family, and Married into a fair sized family as well. Someone who doesn't have a large sized family getting a sneak peak at how many really are involved in his extended family.

Other: Toss something at me. Family, friends, enemies, frenemies.

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About: As a filly, Haven was a most impulsive, bright and cheery little filly, enjoying her time hanging around her siblings, and trying to convince her brother to build her and her sister wings among other things. As she grew she had an accidental fling with a most spineless stallion that made her angry with everything. It took a long while, but she finally settled down, she was and always has been much more the warrior rather than lady.



Possible Ideas:

Romantically Unavailable: Stallion or mare attempting to Woo Haven and running into the big a** wall that she will not let anyone over.

Friends, to a point: The complicated feelings she has for a certain stallion and trying to sort them out with a non involved party. (Not family)

Just TELL HIM! : The non involved party becoming involved and almost literally shoving the pair at each other to sort out what was to be going on.

Other: Friends, Enemies, etc Throw ideas at me, family RP

Keary Oralee
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About: Keary is a bookworm, but he's physically adept as well, (he's just too caught up in ready to really make much of it) Given a choice between interacting with others and reading a book, he'd much rather read a book.



Possible Ideas:

Dude, playboys suck: Someone Keary meets is a heavy duty playboy, Keary DETESTS this kind of stallion with a passion because though they are the dynamic opposite of his father, they leave mares all the same. (could be a fight, or a terribly bad argument.)

My mother is none of your business: Meeting someone who asks questions about his mother, as if they have a real interest in her as something other than a friend, again, likely an argument.

Other: Throw what you like, friends, enemies, crushes the like.

Seren Aeron Oralee
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About: Seren came to his mother as a wishing star gift along with his sister. Though his mother has come to accept him as he is, despite his kalona appearance and his plant like features. He is very timid and shy about those around him, and tends to keep to himself rather than being too outspoken like his siblings.



Possible Ideas:

Plants speak volumes: Seren explaining how he can understand the plants, particularly those that are well taken care of.

Speak softly: He is very quiet when it comes to speaking to anyone, save for maybe his sister, Someone to listen.

Royalty I am not: A stallion/masculine mare treating him as a princess. (Someone calling him "Hime-San/Hime-Chan" would amuse me greatly.) While he is quiet and delicate, he's also somewhat disturbing looking, so being called as such, would definitively weird him out. (Especially since he doesn't know what he looks like with normal vision, he only sees himself in a more so plant like form.)

On Romance: Not available


Duchess Melisande Silvanesti
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About: Duchess is the bawdy personality in a single soquili. She loves attention and devours it by the bushel full when given a chance. If Duchess is the lady you meet, you may get wooed to the horizontal faster than you can speak her name. She is the niece of Rakshi, via his sister Tian.


Plot ideas:
We met by moonlight once upon a time: This would be someone who has only ever seen Duchess at the witching hour, and is compeletly sure that she's a fae soquili blessed by the moon.

Only in the sun: Someone who only knows Melis by day meeting her at night and getting a WHOLE different experience from the shy and sweet little priestess.

On romance: This would need to be someone super special who adored both her personalities, and appealed to both of them at once. Otherwise...love will be a most dangerous and trying thing. Just remember: I am she and she is me. Seperate we can never be.

Throw Something at me!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:02 pm

Companions in a strange circumstance:
Cyanide Syn
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About: Cyanide Syn comes off as a bit of a fluff brain and overtly curious. She hardly ever takes offense to anything someone says, and can laugh off even the most terrible of practical jokes. She seems like she just loves EVERYBODY. (However if she runs into a Skinwalker that is an entirely different story.)


Malchior (Natty)

Possible Ideas:
I am whatever you say I am: Someone trying to get Cyanide ticked off and failing miserably.

Pretty boys are to look upon, not to touch: A pretty stallion who's totally caught her eye, but he thinks she's not interested in males since she's so...bulky and large.

Comedy of errors: Love, life, the universe seems to have it out for the poor girl. Assist her getting through it, or you can be the one who starts the whole trend. ^w^
Due to background do not offer the following without heavy plot: Uncharmed/charmed purewalkers/skinwalkers
Throw what you like. Friends, Wannabe Enemies, crushes lovers ETC.

Acidic Deluge
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About: Acid is Cyanide's BFF. She has given him a very good reason to keep on going, despite his past and the betrayal. He works very hard to help his friend overcome her issues


Plot ideas:
Love Unrequited: Someone to listen as Acid busily tries to figure out his jealousy over Cyanide's romantic interests.

Craving warmth, Drunken nights: A drunken ONS. This could be a battle hardened mare with no time for foals/love, or a damsel who tries to tie him down later on! (Or a bit of both, because why not?)

They're your problem now: Either the 'shield maiden' mare or the 'damsel in distress' dropping the baskets of their ONS on him after however things go. Could be a romance, could be just a pain in the a** friendship.

The old guard: Running into someone from his previous Kalona clan. This could be good, or this could be bad, someone happy he's alive after what happened, or someone who wants him dead because he's a traitor for not returning if he was alive. (Winged Kalona preferred for this.)

One and Only: The one who finally claims his heart completely. Questionable, could be the lady from the ONS, could be someone wholly new who gets him to realize his adoration for Cyanide isn't something to see. (If no ladies convince him, he may just decide to be a celibate male ICly because the lady he adores is not to be his.)

Due to his background please do not offer the following without a HUGE amount of plot idea behind how this would work: Uncharmed/charmed purwalkers/skinwalkers, winged Kalonas.
Throw Something at me!

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:03 pm

B'ak'tun Family:
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About: Liela is a fear inducing and vicious mutant, who through the wishing star event managed to retrieve her brother. She is Almost coddling to her younger brother, and very protective. She is a spiritualistic hunter, and honors the kills she makes, no matter if it is a simple rabbit or another soquili.

All taken

Possible Ideas:

Yes, I am your nightmare: Someone who is totally and completely fearing for their life, with good reason given what she is.

Not interested: Deflating a playboy.

That is MY brother you're trying to harm: This would be one involving both Liela and her brother Kalidas. Her brother is not exactly the most combative type, being much more a 'lover' than a fighter, so his narcassism getting him into trouble and causing him to get involved in a fight that Liela has to come and save him from would be awesome. Taken on by Checkmate

My Chew toy: Someone deciding that her mate is their next meal. Liela will fully defend what belongs to her, even if he is a stupid cow.

Other: Throw what you like.

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About: Kalidas is a self absorbed, self loving idiot, who believes he is too damn pretty for anyone. He is the embodiment of the narcassist who loves himself above all others. He does hold minor affection for his sister as she's the one who's protected him, but it's complicated.


Possible Ideas:
The eye of the beholder: Kalidas is pretty much only beholding to himself, so anything romance related the lady who tries to catch him will be second to himself, because of his absolute adoration for himself.

Don't EAT ME!: Ties into a plot with his sister, Kalidas trying to avoid being eaten by something meaner than him because he's a pretty boy. Taken on by Checkmate

Other: Throw what you like.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:05 pm

Females (unrelated/attatched to any family's I own thus far):


Trillian Maeve Donovan
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About: A pretty filly with a wedding day wish, though she was left without the husband she wanted as she never managed to make it on her leap day year, and found the next day that the stallion she had her eye on was already caught by some other mare. She's a bit heart broken but on the search for her one and only, as well as a few friends along the way.

All taken

Possible Ideas:
Eye of gold a future told, Eye of green savior's queen: This has to do with her being a rather odd little mare with different colored eyes. Someone finding it interesting, or someone finding it hard to deal with, since it gives her such an unusual look.

I may look delicate: Though she looks to be a fair and sweet girl, she is not afraid to get into a tussle if need be, she won't even bother taking off her beloved veil. (AKA CHICK FIGHT!)

Oh come off it: A stallion who thinks he's hot stuff, and attempts to flirt with her, ending up with her cutting him down hard. (Verbally of course, she is mostly a lady and won't get into fights with males unless it is absolutely necessary.)

Other: Throw what you like.

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
About: Benoit is a fluffy friendly feline/Canine horse mutant thing. She's a bit of a flirt, and a charmer and loves being pampered. This does not mean she won't claw off someone's face if they try to harm her.

Rei Soma (Maybe spelling his name wrong. -w-)
Open to others. Encouraged actually.

I am not scary: Someone who is terrified by her and her resemblance to a purewalker. Being a pawed creature, in the dark her main and tail can easily be mistaken for a purewalker until they see her face. I'd love for this to be a very trying thing where they slowly come to understand she's not a killer at all.

Give me pets: This has to do with someone giving her attention, 'pets' is her way of desiring attention, and voicing this. This is friendship/friend plot.

Mating season: This is a possible fling/mate plot where she runs into heat and well...you can figure where things go from there.

Other: Throw stuff at me.

Shaylee Gullveigom
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About: Shaylee is the caretaker of a grove of blackest flowers. To her knowledge this is the only place where this dark flora grows. She wears a ring of them around her neck to symbolize her duty to tend this grove, this place hidden away from the world. She rarely ventures out and when the odd traveler shows up, she is always welcoming of those who need a rest or have lost their way.

Inai (Twilight) [Set up agreement?]

Plot ideas:
Travels of another kind: (This is repeatable) a basic plot of someone new stumbling into her grove be they friend or foe. If they wish to do her harm, they well find the glowing eyed mare is not defenseless in her domain, and if they are simply a well meaning traveler, her home will be open to them for rest and respite to leave as they wish, for merely the price of a story of what they've seen of the world.

Fashionable, perhaps?: Mare or stallion ventures into her grove in search of the famous dark flowers, as either a fashion statement to attract attention, or as a betrothal gift, etc. If their reason is in her mind valid, she may just grant them permission to take some of her flowers.

On Romance: Shaylee is naive when it comes to matters of the heart as she is super dedicated to her grove and caring for it. She will have no issue flinging with someone, but she will never leave her grove unattended. So a mate would have to be find with either staying in the grove or coming to her in order to continue their relationship.
Throw Something at me!


Passerina Ciris
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About: Ciris (As she prefers to go by her second name as Passerina always sounded like an insult) is mischievous in nature, but behaves herself for the most part. She is also an escapee from her flock.



Runaway bride: Working on this idea a bit in plottings.

Fancy Meeting you here: May be worked on with Runaway bride ideas/plot buddies.

You're not taking me home: Someone from her flock comes to drag her back having heard rumors of her whereabouts. Furious argument, but she wins over not being taken back.

No pawn of yours: More to deal with her family, possibly her previously betrothed hunting her down, need friends to help keep her safe from the harm he would bring down on her for running from her obligations.

Other: Throw stuff at me!

Mizz Twilight
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About: Mizz is a seemingly abstract thinker, and a little more lost than most. She's trying to find a doorway to the reality she believes she came from. Quiet and somewhat shy, she hides behind her bangs and has a fascination with the macabre, such as blood and gore.

Dante Esparda
Open to others

Plot ideas:
Are you a friend, or a foe?: Someone who seems to be a friend at first but wavers between the two areas making it hard to tell where their friendship may lie. (could be someone who doesn't know how to be a friend?)

Romantically obtuse: If someone wants to try and romance her, it's gonna take an amount of blunt that I'm pretty sure will be bad poetry, flowers, cards and more than just a few proclamations of 'I Adore you" spouted loudly. Very loudly.

Throw Something at me!

Zuzana Idocrase
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About: Zuzana is her own type of crazy, but she is kind despite her sharp tongue. She has an edge to her that keeps most at a distance, but those that can get past her nature and the spikes she wears on her personality as protection will find no fiercer friend.

Crack breeding with sky's girl

Plot ideas:
Good lord you're pink: A natural or at least more neutral colored mare/stallion feeling the necessity to point out that she is a VERY bright colored soquili, either as a positive or a negative, possibly both (a good and a positive would make for two plots) and the outcome of either.

Flutters aren't supposed to be big: Another flutter, or Soquili who has met other flutters and decides to voice their disbelief of her flutter blood, either in genuine confusion, or in a malicious manner.

On romance: Ummm, well that's gonna take awhile to figure out...so not sure.

Throw Something at me!


Mávros Kalamári
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About: Máv, as she prefers to be called, is the daughter of a quiet mare and a kind but stoic father. She adores her family, their vibrant colors that belie their calm demeanor has always been a fascination for her. She knows she is a beauty and has confidence in her unique looks. She can be warm, but if one is disgusted by her, she will not hesitate to call one out on their discrimination.

Empress(Twilight) [set up agreement?]

Plot ideas:

What happened to your tail?: Someone (Likely a kelpie breed) who has never seen a tail like hers. Disgusted or intrigued could be fun. Might do this twice, once for each reaction.

Tentacle butts UNITE: Would love to get some RP with any of the other tentacled creatures roving about the shop. That way she doesn't feel so alone in her oddness.

Romance junk-

I'm flippin' beautiful, why would you NOT want me?: Someone who may find her attractive but is completely put off by her tentacles. She knows she's pretty, knows she's worthwhile. This ends in a rather vicious fight.

Throw Something at me!

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:06 pm

Males (unrelated/attatched to any family's I own thus far):


'Prince' Aubrey Elidan
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About: Aubrey is a feline bunny fae from a very secluded city. He is related to the royalty of his line, and is ridiculously large. Though he is considered the smallest of his siblings and cousins. He is friendly, and sometimes will forget how completely intimidating he looks given his size. He is kind, and not well versed in the everyday of those who are 'commoners' .


Plot ideas:
You are...HUGE: A mini(would love a mini) or smaller soquili breed runs into him and is completely terrified of his size, but learns that though he is intimidating in his size, he is a gentle and kind soul.

Your ears are weird for a cat: Another mutant (feline based) running into him, and him having to explain exactly what he is, in great detail, perhaps sharing much of his lineage, or it could be short and sweet.


Throw Something at me!

Cass A. Nova
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About: TBD


Plot ideas: TBD

Throw Something at me!


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Plot ideas:

Throw Something at me!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:15 pm

Minis~! (Because they deserve their own place for now.)



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Plot ideas:

Throw Something at me!

Tetra Wavebreaker
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Plot ideas:

Throw Something at me!

Nymphette Aegina
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Plot ideas:

Throw Something at me!

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100

Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
  • OTP 200
  • Romantic Fortune Seeker 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:33 am

Singles list!

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She does whatever strikes her fancy
Crackships ahoy!

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Shy. terrified, please be nice
Will take a lot of plot to get her to do anything. So flings aren't really a thing for her.

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See her plots for more info.

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Flings. collecting a harem of whatever catches her eye. DO NOT EXPECT TO BE HER ONE AND ONLY. She's a greedy dragon.
Fling List

  1. Opalescence
  2. Jinmei
  3. Brightshadow

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Flings are welcome, mate would have to live in her grove with her and her daughters to help her tend to the black flowers.

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See her post for plots and info.

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Open to many things. Flings/Mate etc.

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Flings Welcome, mateship (LONG PLOTTING FOR THAT)


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He's a fling boyo, maybe settle down, he's part of the Flame Walkers Herd and is totally in love with being in love.
Flings abound:

  1. Lunaire

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:28 am

i would like to rp my girl Blake with your new foal seeing as how she knew his mother smile
pm me if your interested.  


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:30 pm

I'd rather discuss in thread the details of said plots, as my inbox is far too full. *shudders*

Edit: *cleaned out PMs* >.<;;;

alright, anyone who wishes to pm me rather than discuss here, please do so. ^w^
PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:09 am

*tosses Tian at rini* I'm demanding requesting sibling rp >.> because you luff me bwahahahahahaha


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:57 am

I'd love to offer my Girl Topper Taetel for rp with Teukali?

maybe even for this plot if you think she'd fit: It has to be you: Looking for a mare who wants Teykali as her mate, someone who's forceful, and won't take no for an answer, and doesn't care about his past, and even finds the nasty scar on the side of his head to be more attractive.

My girl's Personality: Topper is out in the world looking for someone different. She wants to find someone who isn't just going to try and make a move on her and leave.
This feeling is probably due to her past ... her mother abandoned her as a basket in the middle of the woods. Ever since that day she has lived on her own. As for her mother well...She never ever heard from her again. Though she did find out from someone passing by that her mother aloud, a male to make a move on her and he left the next morning. Her mother abandoned her because, she thought that she was to weak to care for basket like Topper's and that she would be better off on her own.
Now due to her past Topper has come to realize that your past can't always define you. Who you are is who you want to be. No matter what a person's past is like, she will accept them for them and them alone. The only downside to this girl is she does not like taking no for an answer. If she wants something so badly with all her heart. She can/will be as stubborn and forceful as she can be, until she gets the answer she is looking for. Not to say though that Topper doesn't have a sweet side, since inside she has a part of her that allows her to love every part of someone. Sometimes for things others wouldn't or couldn't love...

((sorry for her long personality. I kinda was having a little to much fun typing her's up. xDD ))
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