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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:53 pm
Vas sat up in the top of a willow tree in the dark of midnight. The night’s breeze was cool; it felt good blowing through his armor. The sounds of night birds filled the air as The Blood Fiend couched on his tree limb. He looked to his left and to his right, picking out the subtle shapes of twelve ranges hiding in the tree tops around him. To anybody unaware of their existence they would be all but impossible to pick out of the trees; even knowing Vas could barely distinguish them from the empty tree limbs. Vas drew forth his long sword and started to polish it with a cloth, even though he knew this was useless as it would be spilling more blood tonight. In the back of his mind his Lord’s words echoed the command still…

“Are you sure you’re Grace?” Vas had asked the King of Javell, “This will surely start a war with Necoplia.”
The King smiled sullenly as he sipped a glass of fine wine. “Rubbish I do not fear those crypt crawlers...no offense to you Vas,” the King added, referring to Vas’ Necoplian heritage.
“It is fine you’re Grace, I have no reason to be in favor with you after what happened yesterday,” Vas said his voice dropping low as shame over took him. In rage he slammed his hand onto an end table next to him. The force of the punch caused the goblets on the table to wobble, threatening to spill the fill over the ground.
“Vas, you can’t blame yourself for what happened yesterday,” The King replied as he put on arm on Vas’ shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
Vas looked up with blood red eyes and brushed his arm off, an action that could warrant his death should the King wish it so. Though, the King was in as much pain as Vas and the two were rather close. “What has happen has happened, there is no use in dwelling over it Vas,” the King said as he turned from him and walked towards the window, “All we can do now is try and keep that which is precious safe.” The King’s voice was calm and collected, his pain masked by his years of hiding his emotion in front of subjects.
This calm demeanor upset Vas, the King had every reason to hate Vas for what happened, for his failure. Yet the ruler gave him no harsh words, no disappointment or punishment. The lack of fury killed Vas on the inside making his own pain all the more worse. Finally Vas couldn’t stand it anymore and exploded, “Why aren’t you angry? Why haven’t you had me killed or banished? Imprisoned or tortured! Why? Why? Why do you sit there so calmly when that which is precious to you is being token from you. And it is all my fault!”
The King turned back towards Vas a soft, sad smile on his face, “It isn’t your fault Vas,”
In another breach of manners Vas interrupted his King, “It is my fault! It is my fault! My fault and my fault alone! Everything that has happened, and everything that will happen because of this is my fault! My lord, it is my fault. Please do not take this shame away from me, please I beg of you.”
The King regarded Vas for a second his face neutral and devoid of emotion, “I was the one who decided to break the arrangement with Necoplia. It is my fault you had to fight The Crawler to begin with.”
Vas stopped for a second as his breath caught up with him, he casted his eyes down, “I should have died in the arena. You should have had the fight to the death, and you shouldn’t have used the Soulyous. I did not deserve to be brought back to life after I fell in the arena. “
“The use of the Soulyous was on request of the King of Necoplia, he did not want to lose the Crawler over this. Raise your eyes Vas, you are a man and a member of my Kingsguard, act thus.” Vas looked up at his King who had put on a mask of proud defiance. “If you want punishment then as the generous King I am I will grant it.” Vas looked on eagerly as finally he would get what he deserved. “Your punishment is thus; do not wallow in your shame. I take away your shame and wallowing as punishment Vas. You have failed nobody but yourself in that self-pity. Go, retrieve the precious rose of this castle. Think not of the consequences of the actions. That is on me, not you Vas. You have failed in the arena but you will not fail now. Not with our precious rose on the line. Be swift in your endeavor Vas The Blood Fiend.”…

And with those words Vas had gathered up twelve of the Kingdom’s finest rangers, the best woodsmen and marksmen in the kingdom, and set out after their rose. The limb Vas was couching on bounce ever so slightly, so slightly that anyone but the most skilled warriors would brush off as the wind; however Vas knew better. Spinning around Vas placed the edge of his blade against the throat of the person who was trying to sneak up on him. “State your name or perish,” Vas said simply.
The figure laughed a high-pitched female laugh, “Oh Vas you are so jumpy tonight.” Within milliseconds Vas placed the voice; it belonged to his fellow warrior and friend Zimbella, the Mistress of Winds and Champion of Yulta. Yulta was the neighboring kingdom to the East, and the friendliest to Javell.
Vas scowled in the moonlight, “What are you doing here Zimbella, Yulta has no part in this affair.”
“You are correct,” Zimbella said as she jumped down to a branch below Vas, “but I am not here for Yulta.”
Vas’ eyebrow rose, unsure of his friends intentions and motives, “Then what are you doing here Zim?”
Zimbella smiled, her perfect white teeth glimmering in the moonlight. Vas was able to see this perfectly as a Necoplian darkness had no effect on his eyes. Generations of living in the caverns had caused the Necoplians to develop the ability to see as well in darkness as in the daylight. “I am here to help a friend out; two of them actually,” she said slyly as she pulled her bow from her back, Zimbella’s bow was unlike any in existence. The exact origin of the bow is unknown but it is of legend. Made from an unbreakable fusion of wood and metal the bows structure is that of a standard longbow but as it curves out to the ends it mysteriously turns from solid wood to bladed solid metal. The bow’s shot was unbelievable and the ends where sharp enough to slice metal like butter. “Your positioning is weak on the left flank,” she stated blankly, “I’m going to go position myself over there. Oh the caravan should be passing through here soon. I saw them in the distance as I arrived.”
Vas nodded as the nimble woman leapt through the air to a tree a dozen feet away. This feat would be impossible for a normal person, but Zimbella was what was called a Warrior of Legend, men and women with untold feats of power and strength that deified everything standard of living. Vas was a warrior as well, and both of them were Champions of their kingdoms, the best the kingdom had to offer. The Crawler, the man who had defeated Vas in the arena, was a warrior and the Champion of Necoplia. With grace Zimbella landed silently, barely causing the branches of the trees to move. Within seconds even Vas could not pick her out of the tree.
Soon a caravan of a grand carriage surrounded by a dozen dragoons, some yeomen on horses, and a dozen billmen carrying pikes trotting behind the carriage. The guard was exactly what was to be expected for a royal escort. The side of the carriage had a distorted N with bards going through it at various parts, the royal banner of the Necoplian King.
Looking around at the men hidden in the trees he could make out the movements of pulling arrows from their quivers. Arrows were more suited for this ambush, guns were loud, hard to reload, and not quick enough to dispatch the guard. Arrows was exactly what the situation called for.
The escort was just passing the beginning of the ambush and Vas quietly grabbed his sword, bows where not his suit and he would just be wasting time and arrows trying to pick off the guard. Instead he was going to jump on the carriage and secure it as quickly as possible. It had to be protected at all costs during the fight.
The carriage passed under the tree Vas was on and he pounced barring his sword. On his falling attack he cut deep into the carriage driver’s chest, causing him to gush blood and scream out loud. All around him hell opened up. Arrows started to zoom into the shocked guards and screams filled the night. Vas barred his sword around to search for his next victim…

The fight had lasted all of three minutes. In the dark of night the guards had no idea where the attackers where and could do nothing but go after Vas. The guards were simple peasants, recruited as standing guard with little to no combat experience. None stood a chance of even touching Vas let alone stopping him. Vas had danced through pikes and swords slicing away left and right into the guards, covering him their blood.
As the last guard died Vas walked over to the carriage door and pryed it open. Inside sat a young girl of 15 in a sleek black lace dress. Mascara and other eye makeup ran down her face with the tears the poured from her eyes. She looked up at Vas in amazement, unable to believe that it was him and not an executioner standing before her. She volted from the floor of the carriage into Vas’ arms.
“I was so scared Vas,” she cried.
“I’m here Rain, I’m here now.” Vas cooed back.
Suddenly something dawned on Rain; she shoved him back, “what are you doing here Vas?”
Vas smiled as he pulled her back close to his chest holding her tightly, “The King sent me. I am here to retrieve you.”
Rain looked up at Vas in horror, “My father! But that means that…”
“Don’t worry about that now Rain, The King and I shall handle the consequences of this. Just hush now.” Vas said interrupting the princess. He swooned with her in his arms, forgetting about the Rangers in the trees and the dead guards encircling the carriage. Slowly he released her and stepped out of the carriage. “Alright men, let’s get moving, we have secured the Princess.” He paused as the Rangers and Zimbella dropped from the trees.
The rangers started to walk back in the direction where they had left their horses. Zimbella walked over to Vas smiling, “I see you have found our precious rose safe and sound.” Vas shot a quick smile as she brushed past him and grabbed Rain by the waist, “Did you think we would allow such a beautiful rose to be locked away with that corpse in the North?”
Rain looked at Zimbella in confusion, “what are you doing here Zimbella?”
Zimbella smiled as one of her hands fell down towards Rain’s rear, “Like I said, I would be damned before I let a fine young lass such as yourself fall prey to that wizened geezer’s clutches.”
Rain blushed bright red and exclaimed, “That’s not an appropriate place to grab Zimbella!”
Zimbella laughed, “I’m sorry my lady I could not resist.” Zimbella turned towards Vas and smiled, “Now that that is out of the way, on to business.”
Vas raised a cautious eyebrow, “Business? I thought you said this was personal?”
Zimbella face turned into a sly smile, “It was, but none-the-less Yulta will side with Javell in the coming days.”
Vas was taken aback, why would Yulta join arms with Javell. They had nothing to gain or lose from this marriage. Vas collected his face, keeping it calm in front of his friend, “And what makes you so sure of that?”
Zimbella smile grew as she laughed, “Because I know my king. I know how he dotes on Rain like one of his own daughters. He was rather upset about the marriage arrangement. He was rooting for you in the arena Vas. Surely he will not go against Javell over this.”
Rain smiled meekly as she glided over to Vas’ side, wrapping an arm around his waist, as she tried to pay no mind to all the blood around her feet.
“Let’s hope your king does no such thing,” Vas says coldly as he gazes up into the moon.
Zimbella’s and Rain’s eyes buldged open as they stared at Vas bewilded. Zimbella struggled to speak but eventually said, “Why is that?”
Vas looked coldly into Zimbella’s eyes, appearing more dead than alive, “Because if Yulta does not side with Necoplia like tradition dictates then war will run rampant across the land, the arena will lose all purpose and the dark times will begin anew.”
Zimbella casted her glance down, “I pray that does not happen.”

(just post where you want Curx to hear the news, tell me what he's doing, he would be unaware of the events and not really ready to fight or anything)  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:32 pm
Crux slowly wiped the blood off of his bladed arm. The long bone like sword was dripping with the thick red of hundreds of soldiers who now lay torn along the grass behind him. He smiled, not an evil smile, but a smile filled with the happy sense of accomplishing something. Crux had no idea how many bodies laid behind him but he did didn’t care. It was the countless bodies in front of him that was on his mind. These ones still filled with life. Crux bent his left knee while bringing the right leg back into a firm rock hard stance. With ease his arm dissembled as bone after bone it reconfigured into a shield that covered his whole body. A long triangular horn extended from his forehead and covered over everything but his ears.

“The Shield of the North lets no man pass. Come and have a taste of the unmovable if you dare!” Crux felt himself roar as the crowds moved forward. His body tensed up as wave after wave they ran into him but somehow he held. He cut each and everyone of them down as before. Then he heard the most serene of all music play ever so softly in his ears. It filled his mind and scull with the most pleasant thoughts. Even his heart started to beat fasters. A female figure entered his mind until suddenly a sword was shoved through his only open spot in his armor.

Crux woke to a sweaty mess. His eyes darted around the room, scanning almost as fast as his chest was pounding. He lifted a half naked woman from on top of him, noted quickly her curves, and then finished her removal from his chest. Another two, one fully unclothed, crossed his lower half. None of them seemed to notice his movements. They were probably to drunk to wake up this early. This made him smile. His ungodly ability to handle alcohol made for the easiest escapes in the morning. While everyone else still rummaged around, mostly passed out all over the place, he could get his day started. This one in particular was to assist in recovering the Kings new bride to be, but at this early, it was simply vanish from the three horny wrenches he knocked up the night before. He just couldn’t help himself. The whole kingdom was in parting mode after such a massive victory. The wineries practically ran down the road with free bear and drinks of all kinds. Fighting definitely wasn’t Crux’s only skill; he was quite the partier too. That all changed when morning came though. It was time to get serious.

Normally for Crux he would use this time for a run and then a quick work out but he just couldn’t focus. That was the same dream he had encountered for the third time. It was weird in almost every way. He always referred to himself as the Shield of the North but only to other heroes. Never did he have to fight armies; there weren’t even armies to fight. Then that woman he kept seeing. She had such a way with music that it was encompassing. He couldn’t get away. What did it all mean?

The courtyard was Crux’s favorite place to just reflect and think. It was a quiet place with ponds and flowers being the only thing to greet you. He spent hours there at a time, meditating before big fights and competitions he would have to be in. He won a smaller one along side the spider guy but it didn’t feel like victory. Not everything his master did he agreed with but it was home and to him, that was always worth winning for.

“Your up early, you had it again didn’t you?” A group of flowers said after forming together to make a face. For any normal person, this would have had them so freaked out they would have frozen in fear. However, Crux knew there one only one thing that could make a bunch of flowers talk; Muez.

“It would seem so my good friend. This time the woman stabbed me through my weak point.”

“And where exactly it’s that?” Muez asked, as if he had never heard there even was one. He had the lilies in the pond now waving together to make a face. It was his classic game of find the muez.

“There isn’t one!”


“What does it mean Muez?”

“Not sure man. It could be the world’s way of telling you to stop drinking, just saying.” Muez said while bringing the tree to life. It waved its branches around in a circle while a hole in the trunk molded into its face.

“I just have this bad feeling that something isn’t right. I have never disagreed with everything that’s going on as bad as I do now. What if we are making the wrong decision here?” Crux asked with a heavy kick to the wall behind him. The force sent ripples along the wall until knocking a brick outward and hitting against Muez who was hiding around the side of the building. Muez slipped around the side to reveal himself in a defeated manor.

Muez was a hard sight to look at, especially if it was the first. He was a bony pale man with scars that covered his body. His eyes were sewn shut and his mouth was sewn into a smile. He had this weird connectivity that made him look like he was double jointed in every part of his body. And he had long strings that extended from his finger tips. The only clothing he wore was a tribal loin cloth and a back pack. This was very different from Crux who wore a much decorated set of armor that only reinforced his natural bone armor.

“This night morning is so quiet!”  



PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:51 pm
Both Crux and Muez could hear sounds of screaming from the outside the walls of the courtyard. The yells were urgent and numerous, though they were to muffled by the walls for them to hear what the content was exactly. It sounded like some kind of urgent alarm. Unsure of what could be threatening the city the two rushed to the gate to find out what the call was about.

The gate was crowded with the other champions, guards, and inhabitants of area. They were all speaking very loudly and the women were clearly upset while the men were angered. The scene did not look good. On a box in the center of the crowd was a herald of the Emperor's. When he saw Crux and Muez he smiled.

"There we go, our champions are here. Come forward Shield of the North. For grave news awaits. Tragedy has befallen the Emperor! We have been deceived and betrayed by the bastards in the south.Those fiendish villains have commit an atrocity against our Empire."

Someone in the crowd, a man in his middle age and also a officer in the guard spoke up, "What has the men in Javell done? They already tried to refuse us the girl's hand in marriage. What more insults could the curs throw at us?"

The herald smiled as the raised a hand in the air as a dramatic gesture, "The villains in the South hath killed the escort sent by our Emperor to obtain his fiancee. They slaughtered them down to the last man in cold blooded murder."

The crowd went wild with cries of fear and hate.

"I know, I know my friends. Those ruffians! They have refused the ruling of the Arena. Tradition has spoken and the deviants hath tried to denie what is rightfully ours!"

The guard office spoke up again, "It is no big deal everyone," he paused as the crowd fell silent and stared at him. The look in the crowd's eyes made Crux and Muez fear that they would mob and kill the man for saying such a thing. "Do not mistake my intentions my friends. What Javell has done is undenieably wrong, though the other nations of this land will rise to arms against them. And like always the bastards will lay down and accept their punishment. No need to fret your heads any."

The crowd was confused now, why was the herald here if this was the case. No one knew what to make of this situation, it had been years since a Kingdom had refused the ruling of the arena. No one was sure what would happen, they only knew what the stories said happened in these situations. When on Kingdom refused a ruling the other three Kingdoms where suppose raise armies against them under one banner. Being thus outnumbered the dissenters would have no choice but to consent to terms.

The herald smiled, "What my friend says here is true. That is how things would work in a more perfect world. However, the kingdom in the East, Yulta has joined the rebels in their atrocity. Rumors float now that the Mistress of the Wind was at the massacre of the guard." The herald smiled towards the office triumphantly. The office had a look of absolute horror on his face. The crowd took up angry cries and the topic quickly turned to the group of Javell mirgiants that lived in town. The mob had decided to catch and slaughter the Javellians in return for the massacre of the guard.

The mob grabbed whatever they could find to form weapons. The mob started to move through the gate towards the market district, all the ushering of the Herald who praised their work in the name of the Empire.

The officer spotted Crux through the press of bodies. He rushed towards him waving his hands up and down.

"My lord, My lord! Please you must do something." He reached Crux panting from swimming through the bodies, "Please oh great Shield of the North, dissuade this rabble from their course. Even if what the herald says is true, there is no reason for the Javellians in town to be punished for it. Stop them before innocent blood is shed."  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:49 pm
“I hear you sir but quiet yourself. I, nor they will like your words but at least I am tempered and wise. Go form this place and take the words you have heard here today to the others. We will need sons and hope.” Crux said calmly to the soldier before him. Crux never made eye contact with the man. He could sense the purity and truth in the man and knew if he left now his life would be safe no matter what the consequence was. Luckily for him Crux understood what the man spoke of and would act accordingly. He nodded to Muez and the two chassed after the crowd.

Muez did what he could to slow the groups moving through town. He funneled them toward the center of the area using the decorative statues that detailed the town. Two large statues of knights waved their pikes defensively, getting the mob to come to a stop. All of this occurred while Crux ran to center stage.

“Calm your selves my good people. Brothers and sisters of the north I hear you. I know your pain and share your anger. The south will fall for their crimes. They will suffer our furry but those villagers are not the south. They come from the south but they do not know what hideous sacrifices their king has made them. I have always been taught to never act on my emotions in the heat of a battle. Keep a level head and decide what is best, not what I want. Killing those people will do nothing. They will pay all the same but do not bloody your conscience or hands with innocent people. Instead let your hero deal with them. Let me make the call. Your skills and emotions are better of use if you all return to a safer place further north. We will need an army and the will to back it up. We will need organization and strength, not mobs and anger. I hear you great people, do you hear me?” Crux said with a powerful voice in front of the whole crowd. His bones deformed and resituated to complete his exoskeleton armor for show. “For I, the Shield of the North will stand for nothing but truth and justice. I will vanquish the southern criminals so that we may all know peace once again.”  



PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:12 pm
The people yelled and hollered as Crux took a platform. They were expecting him to lead their call for blood; they were putting their hopes into the shield to lead them on their revenge. When Crux revealed his true purpose they turned angry and started to curse the Shield.

"why Crux"

"Take vengance now!"

"Death to Javell"

Crux's words seemed to have no effect on the crowd. It was only turning Crux into a target of their rage. They started to crowd in around the stage coming at Crux. His noble splendor had fallen on deaf ears.

Suddenly whistles blew and city guards started to run in armed with pikes. The guards started to disperse the mob by force causing them to run in all different directions.

Suddenly a voice bellowed over the rage of the mob's and guard's struggle, "Run off your ruffians. Createns of the dark, return to your holes," the voice was deep and booming, it was also familiar. The voice had belonged to Bammer, another champion of the arena.

Bammer can into sight, all 4 ft. 9 inches of him. His firery red mane surrounded his head and formed into a breaded beard in that reached down his small chest. He might not look very imposing at the moment; but Crux and Muez knew better. In the arena this man was feared by many. His abilities allowed him to turn into a two story tall giant that was all but unstoppable. Bammer carried his legendary Great axe that was taller than he was and swung it at the people, though he was careful not to hit any; his goal was only to scare them away.

When the crowd had been dispersed he walked over to Crux and smiled, "Howdy their Shield of the North, how do you fare this fine mourning? Sun's barely been up an hour and you already have the people riled up. You need to work on your people skills mate."  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:28 pm
“I think these people just need to work on their skill sin general. They wouldn’t know how to satisfy themselves even if they killed those people. Where are they by the way?” Crux asked. He left his from up for now in case any idiot tried something. Even though his human form could probably withstand anything they could do the show was enough. “The morning is good. Much more entertaining then the night could offer. I saved a few ladies for you but you never showed. How fares you?”  



PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:43 pm
Bammer laughed, "Oh I found a few myself and was quite drunk. There is this nice little pub down in the market district that I just found, the Wild Goose it is called. Wonderful ale there mate, you outta come drink with me sometime there.Many lovely ladies all around."

Bammer's smile turned to a frown as his demeanor got serious, "But seriously this is the third mob I have put down today. Things are getting bad, citizen's everywhere are calling out for the blood of Javell. I heard in Necoplia, the capital, is swarming with mobs. And the elite are allowing it to work the morale up. It is the beginning of the Dark times again I tell you."  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:28 pm
“Well we can’t all be heroes. Help what can be helped is what I always say. I think I went there once and nothing was moving at the time so I moved on. I don’t know if one pub can handle the two of us Bammer. That’s a little over kill don’t you think?” Crux said with a laugh and then catching on to Bammer’s seriousness. It almost gave Crux the goose bumps. “We are going to need someone these people are going to listen to. I thought I gave one hell of a speech and they didn’t even blink. It almost saddens me to be known as apart of this.”  



PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:06 am
Bammer looked around at the people still lurking around the street. Some of them looked angry and were probably part of the mob, the others were terrified that another mob would start up at any moment and they would be swept to their deaths.

"The people may love us in the arena, but what's happening now, what's going to happen that isn't the arena. Us champions are going to need to prove to the people that we can handle fighting for them in war as we did the in arena. Give it time Crux, they will come to calm down soon enough and then they will remember who we are and what we do."

Bammer put his ax into straps on his back and smiled, "Best not to worry about it at the moment. So do you really think it will come to war? I don't mean those skirmishes we have occasionally. I mean full scale armies marching bodies roasting crow's feasting on the dead war.It's been hundreds of years since the last true war, does anyone even know how to fight one anymore?"  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:51 pm
“I have a grave feeling this will all come to war. No one knows how to fight in one anymore and I hope this doesn’t last long enough for it to come to that. All we have is our strength and whatever people we can command.” Crux explained. He shared the look of worry worn by so many. He didn’t want for more mobs and nor did he want to have to break them up. The idea of killing innocent people was never good. However, they may not be all that innocent for much longer.

“Do I still have you axe at my side as you will my shield at yours. In these dark and confusing times we may only be able to trust in our closest friends. You have been one to me for awhile Bammer. I would hate to see that crumble because of these events.”  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:50 am
Bammer thumped his chest with his ax and let out a roar, "As long as your shield guards the Empire you shall have my ax at your side brother!"

As Bammer finished he pledge a rider rode up to the group panting and out of breath. "Oh my lords, it is good that I find so many of you gather here in one place. I shall save me lots of time from riding all over..."

Bammer cleared his throat, "Good day my good sir, but may I inquire into your nature in seeking up out?" Bammer grasped his ax tightly, no one was to be trusted at this point in time.

The rider laughed and bowed on his horse, "Of course my lord, many apologies. I have been sent to seek the champions of Necoplia and its associated Empire by our good Lord Bellacrin."

Bammer spat and scowled, "What the hell does the Crawler want of us?"

The rider frowned as he looked down at the spit that landed at the feet of his horse. With a less-than-enthusiastic tone, "He wishes for the gathering of champions at the Necoplian war room in the arena."

"Why so we can ride and slaughter the Javell civilians in the southern ward?" Bammer stammered getting outraged.

The rider laughed as if he was in on a second yet to be revealed to Bammer and Crux. "Javellian civilians? You think Lord Bellacrin even has time to worry over the pesky doings and wants of the mobs of commoners."

Bammer barred his teeth at the rude rider, "Then what does the good lord want of us then?"

The rider smiled, his front two teeth were missing giving him a hideous disposition, "So you have really not heard have you?"

Bammer growled fed up with the insolent rider, "What have we not heard good sir. You are wasting our valueable time with your nonsense. So spit it out or I will strike thee down."

Glaring at Bammer the rider spoke up, "The atrocious villain The Blood Fiend has dared to enter Kalbor's walls."

Bammer went silent with those news, his face pale. The rider snorted and started to trot off, in search of more Empire soldiers. Bammer leaned on his ax as he stared at the ground. After a second of silence he spoke up, "If what the rider has said is true Crux, if Vas has entered Kalbor, then tonight blood will stain the streets. We best be to The Crawler."  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:56 pm
Crux was not at all happy to hear the news. So many people were going to die because of that pig’s selfish actions. He couldn’t just be a bigger man and live with the decisions made when they won the first time. Vas’s name being mentioned shot anger through Crux’s veins. He scolded and then let a dark shadow fall over his figure. He would only be able to reflect while heading to the war room. Being absolutely focused meant everything to him. He had to be ready to face Vas if it came to it. He would face any of the others.

“Don’t worry Crux. The two of us together can take him. He won’t even know I’m around. Then while he’s focusing on trying to hurt you I’ll get him.” Muez said with a pile of peddles along the ground.

“Thank you trusted friend. I hear you!” Crux replied as the entered the room. Crawler was waiting for them. Not so much a friend but someone they fought along side. Someone they had to respect.  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:43 pm
Crux entered into a dusty and poorly lit room. It was small and cramped, a round table with a diorama of the country modeled out on it. The room had scarely been used since the end of the Dark Times. When the arena was created the need for planning out battles was no more and so the room was no longer needed. The only use it had seen in hundreds of years had been for comerical and political planning.

To the left of the table stood a suit of armor. In its hand rested its helmet, an archaic piece of armor from darker times. To a less knowledgeable person this would seem like a decoration oddly placed by the war table; however as champions of Necoplia Bammer and Crux knew this not to be true. The armor was none other than their fellow champion Brellio. A cursed man damned to spend eternity inside the body of the armor. His body had long disappeared but his soul lives on in the armor. He was a fierce fighter who was feared. With lack of a body he was all but indestructible. Cut off a gauntlet and Brellio would simply pick it up and reattach it to use it again. Due to thus he had yet to be bested in combat.

Bellacrin stood at the far end of the table leaning down over it, his 4 spider legs protruding in the air behind him. Bammer shuttered as he looked at the giant hump on Bellacrin's back, "That man always gives me the willies." Bammer muttered as to not let The Crawler hear him. Though Bammer had been around for just about as long as Bellacrin, none matched Bellacrin in the arena. Bellacrin was one of the four lead champions; a part of the circle that Vas, Zimbella, and Twinvir were also a part of. "They were the gods of the arena and all other champions had to follow their lead.

Bellacrin looked up at the two newcomers and smiled, his teeth blackened from lack of hygine. His eyes buggy, much like a spider as the rest of his appearnce. "Greetings fellow Necoplians, I am glad you could join us," he said in a cracky voice. Unlike Crux Bellacrin was not the most sociable person around. His ghastly apperance, presence, and voice scared most away from him. In truth Bellacrin had lived a lonely life due to his nature. "I assume you have heard the news. About our Emperor's betrayal and the return of Vas? Am I not correct?"

When Crux and Bammer nodded their heads he continued, "Good, then we are of the same page. Now then, we are under orders of the Minister of Kalbor, representive of our Emperor in Necoplia, to seize and arrest Vas for his actions. Surely the Blood Fiend will not consent to such and we will be force to engage him and his own champions in combat. The Necoplian guard in town will assist us; however that will be expected of the Javellian guard as well."

Suddenly Brellio spoke up, his free left arm pointed to the Eastern side of the country, "And what of the Minimoto champions and guards? Shall they join us in this arrest? Or do they seek to join Javell in rebellion as Yulta does?"

Bellecrin flashed his blackened teeth again, "No the Minimotos are pulling out of Kalbor as we speak. They are ushering all of their former citizens as well as their Champions to the nearest gates. Fear of combat has caused them to flee to their mother's skirts it seems."

Bammer spoke up this time, "What cowards, will they sit out the ensuring war as well? Hiding beneath the woman's skirts and praying that this blows over so they can get back to their defiling of the streets with their filth?"

Bellacrin laughed, "I had long forgotten your hatred of Minimoto Bammer. No the minister from the East has assured me that they will rise an army to march on Javell with us. However they do not wish to loose soldiers and men inside Kalbor's walls."

Brellio interjected once more, "And of Yutla's men? Do they seek to combat us within the walls? Or do they turn and flee to their kingdom also?"

"They do seem to be preparing to leave, though not as rushed as Minimoto is to leave. Perhaps they are expecting Javell to take the city and thus not fear having to run."

Bammer laughed, "If they wish to align with Javell then we should sweep through their district and show them what will happen should that wish remian."

Bellacrin raised a hand at Bammer to quiet him, "Noted good sir; however as treacherous as Yulta is, our concern is the capture of The Blood Fiend. He is a fierce opponent, and not to be taken lightly. We must focus our limited resources on capturing him at all costs." Brellio nodded and spoke in agreement of this. Bellacrin looked towards Crux and smiled, "How feels you on this I have said?"  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:01 pm
“I say we hit two birds with one stone. We march on Yulta and show them what it means to go against the old ways. If your information is true then we may have the advantage over them and get a quick win all while drawing the blood fiend to his friends. We can then focus on him. Get leverage over him and pull him into a trap I suppose.” Crux said with careful consideration of all the tactics that could play out in their endeavors. He looked to see how his words fared with the others. He considered himself a wise individual when it came to fighting because he was born into it. Although not everyone always agreed with him, he thought it was a very devilish plan that may strike a good first victory. “Can we not barter with M for a few soldiers or maybe their heroes? A victory here is one for them as well. If we should lose that puts all of us in a hairier situation.” Crux illustrated by motioning around their territory on the map.  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:25 pm
Bellacrin smiled at Crux as he put forth his suggestion, "I was also in the mind to attack the retreating Yulta people to draw out our enemies. They will not leave them to their own defenses, they can't afford such a strain on the frail alliance. The two might be aligned at the moment but such a tie is only temporary. Rumor is that the Yultan King only supports Javell due to his love of the girl. When his country comes in danger he will pick that over this silly little girl. Yes an attack on the Yulta district will draw all of our enemies into one place.

As to your idea of getting the Minimotos' support, I do believe that is not possible."

Bammer snorted, "And why would those bastards not help us out."

Bellacrin smiled at Bammer, "Relax my good friend. The Minimoto allegiance to us is more fragile than that of the Yultans to the Javellians. Minimoto only pledges in our favor due to tradition. They could honestly care less about our Empire and whatever insults Javell has thrown at us. Being thus, they will not risk their own people unless it is absolutely necessary. No the Minimotos will not assist us in this fight. They will return to their mountains and hide until their facade of honor dictates that they must send some semblance of help to us."

"Now onto the manners of attacking the Yulta district. Luckily they are preparing for a full retreat and their walls and gates should be open. They do not expect us to attack, in that we are fortunate. They have a guard equal to ours, some thousand or so men. Though we are equally matched they will have civilians to guard and we will not. In that we are fortunate, thus we should have no problem bringing much slaughter upon them. So if their is no objection to the plan I will tell the guard to begin moving to attack the Yulta district."  
Dark Hand role playing

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