User ImageMwujuzi could often be found just wandering the lands of the Kuisini'Mwezi for it was her home. She had grown up her. She'd made friends and lost friends. She'd seen others come and go. But always she had stayed within her home. For here she was happy, content, and comfortable. And for now that was good. Her golden paws trod gently upon the ground as she walked to no where in particular. Her stomach gave a low rumble, letting her know what she wanted. She smiled and altered her path, down towards the river, where she may catch some fish.

As she walked her eyes took in the sight of the lands. It seemed that there weren't as many others around as she had once seen. Perhaps it was just the time of the day, and they were all off doing other things, or perhaps, she thought to herself, the pride is slowly losing it's numbers. She shrugged her shoulders, for although she could think these things, there was not that she could do. She may be the grand daughter of the King and Queen, but she would hardly be capable of doing anything. If, she thought again, there was even anything that needed doing. She laughed at her musings. There were times when she just couldn't stop thinking, and some thoughts, like the ones she was having now, were rather strange.

For the moment, she tossed aside her thoughts and continued on her way and hoped she may catch a fish.