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[PRP] Along came a Pad (Aziz x Mwezi)

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Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:40 pm
User ImageMwezi'nuru was learning to dance rather well. That was the one thing she could say for herself that made her mother proud. The young lioness never doubted that her mother loved her very much, but she tried to stay out of the lioness' way so that she could practice. Mwezi's mother was a dancer and the dances required practice. Practice of course, required concentration and a cub could be a very big distraction very easily.

Mwezi went over the dance in her head as she had seen her mother do it. She had a very sharp memory and had gotten good at picking up something from seeing it once or twice. She saw the steps in her mind's eye and made her paws follow the steps slowly at first. Once or twice through she would take it slow before picking up a normal pace.

She had her mother's talent for hearing the beat in her heart and not having to have the music to dance. Of course, with dancing came grace, which while as a cub was not as easy, she had learned very well as she grew. She was nearly half grown now, a juv, still technically a cub, but she was starting to grow into herself and her balance was much better.

Mwezi picked up the pace and danced to the music that was only playing to her. Her movements were fluid, her placement of them precise. The young lioness' paws seemed to know just where to go and when to go there with little effort. The dancing was graceful and elegant, beautifully done by a pretty little lioness. So lost in the dance, was she that Mwezi didn't even realize she was being watched.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:37 pm
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Aziz'Din had been walking far, his shoulders hunching in the effort to hold himself upright. He was tired, and grouchy now. Having left his pride not long ago, perhaps a day or two, he had set off on his adolescent quest – and he could not return until he brought back a banu with him. His other banu, Hazina, would be waiting in the pride for him when he returned, but for now, he was on his own and left wandering the world wondering where all the pretty, talented, eligible females were at. Aziz'Din wasn't picky. He just wanted someone who was perfect, like himself and Hazina. Was that really too much to ask?

He huffed inwardly, and continued along his path, unaware that he had stumbled into pridal territories. He had simply picked a direction, and walked that way, and would walk until he could not anymore, and then turn another direction and walk. He would be able to find his way back to his pride fairly easily, as the scents of that place had been long since ingrained into his mind, so he wasn't worried of getting lost. What he was worried of, was being the only one of his brothers to not return quickly with a female.

Aziz'Din, as the son of the sultan, had an image to uphold and that image did not include failing at his adolescent quest!

Determined, the male strode forward, but froze when he caught sight of something. It was a girl – younger than he was – dancing.

He stopped to watch, peering at her, though he was half hidden. No one in the pride danced, he mused, curious.


Velveteen Angel

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:24 pm
Mwezi kept dancing for a while, making sure she placed her paws just so and when they did not go to the right place she would stop and start over to correct it. She did not often have to stop to correct something, but when she did she would slow back down again to make sure she did it right first, and then gain her speed when she went back over it. The idea to her was to make sure her body did not remember different movements than her mind intended.

When she finally came to a halt it was to go over to a nearby stream and take a drink of water. She had worked up quite a thirst practicing so long. She was happy with her progress, and thought her mother would be quite proud when she saw Mwezi dance again. It was one of the few things mother and daughter really shared and about the only thing they spoke of often. The water was very refreshing.

While still drinking, the little dancer paused and her ears flicked from side to side scanning. She felt like she was being watched, but she didn't hear anything that might indicate another nearby. She lifted her head and scanned the area around her, turning slowly to look beyond where she could see originally. She was in her pride's lands there should be no reason to be alarmed, but she hated the feeling of being watched. It always made her feel she must have disturbed someone.

Finally her eyes fell on a half hidden lion. She blinked at the purple and tan patch sticking out and went over to see what it was. When she saw it was another lion, she backed up a little, hanging her head shyly. "I am sorry, I did not mean to disturb you." Her voice was soft and sweet, barely there, yet her words were clearly said never muttered. She kept her eyes on the other, even though she lowered her head in apology.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:34 pm

Aziz'Din watched her finish dancing, still fascinated by her grace while preforming the steps that he had never seen before. He didn't even think to move when she had stopped, gazing at her curiously as she paused to drink and then seemed to realise that someone was there too. He tensed, nervous - but he assumed he was well hidden, which he would later realise he was not.

It was only when she raised her eyes and looked at him that he realised how obvious he was. He cursed himself. He should have hidden himself better. His tan might be easily hidden, but the purple was not so much. When she apologised to him, his eyes widened.

"No, no he disagreed quickly. "I should be apologising. I...was simply fascinated by your dance." He admitted, feeling stupid for admitting it. "I have never seen anyone dance the way you do," he justified his curiosity, shifting nervously on the pads of his paws.


Velveteen Angel

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:36 pm
Mwezi blushed a little but she brightened quickly. It was both embarrassing and quite thrilling to be praised for her dancing. Her mother praised her of course, but this was different... this was someone that was not her mother, was not even of the pride it would seem. She blinked at his comment about never seeing dancing like hers. She danced like everyone else in the pride, didn't she? "You have never seen dancing like this before? You are not of our pride I can see... but I would have thought dancing to be elsewhere as well."

Her voice was as soft and gentle as ever, but it was a bit more excited now. "I have never met anyone from outside the pride before... my father was from another pride, but I do not remember him." One could not count what they did not remember. "What brings you to our pride?" She had to admit he was a fascinating male to her and she rather hoped he was coming to join the pride or at least stay around for a while. There was so much she wanted to ask him about the outside.

"You should see my mother dance. She has practiced longer than I." Mwezi swelled with pride for her mother. "i am surprised you even noticed me... if you saw the others you would not think me so talented... or you would at least be distracted by the beauty of the others. Our dances are all so beautiful and handsome. I am barely noticed." Most of that was her own fault, but she did not realize it. She just thought it her place to stay out of everyone's way and thus became unnoticeable.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:25 pm

"No," Aziz admitted. "I'm not from this pride -" he hadn't even been aware he was in a pride, but clearly he was. Oops. "-The females in my pride do not dance, at least not that I have seen." He was fascinated. Was this a pride dedicated to dancing? Was what she had been doing normal? He didn't think so. How could so many people move the way she did? She must have been talented. He was intrigued.

"I'm out on my adolescent quest for my pride," he said, always happy to talk about his own pride. "We must venture from the pride and return with a female to claim as our own, so I am out walking to find a willing female." Of course, some males took unwilling females but that was not his style. He couldn't be a good Pad if his banu hated him, clearly. "I...didn't mean to enter a pride though," he added, sheepish. He didn't want to start problems within prides, especially since his father would need to be the one to deal with such problems - how embarrassing.

He looked surprised by her comments. "I sincerely doubt that," he insisted firmly. "I know true talent and true beauty when I see it and you will grow up to be a beautiful and well sought after dancer, I am absolutely certain." He knew beauty, and he knew talent, after all he was collecting females to be the best of the pride, so he should know how to pick and chose. "The others might be more noticed, but you are certainly more talented."


Velveteen Angel

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:45 pm
Mwezi giggled at Aziz' comment about her being beautiful and well sought after. "I doubt that. I am not nearly as beautiful as the others, nor nearly as talented. I am sorry for your pride's members if you do not dance. Dancing is wonderful, it lifts the soul." She paws out a few steps in excitement just at the thought of dancing. She wanted to be the best dancer she could possibly be, and maybe one day she would take dance to this male's pride.

That seemed like a wonderful idea to her! Give his pride dance so they could be as happy as her pride was. She was now quite curious about his pride. "You must have music in your pride, so why not dancing?... a quest to find a female... you mean a quest to gain the favor of a female for a mate?" The idea of a male claiming a female as his own just didn't sound quite right. Very few males held positions of power in her pride.

The soft excited voice started to dive into the questions in her mind. "You are not far into the pridelands... I come out here away from the others to practice so as not to disturb anyone. What kind of pride to you come from? Rhythm, Dance, and Chant are our way of life here. You should come in to meet the pride! We love guests! You could sing with us, or dance, or play an instrument if you know how!! It would be so much fun!!!"  
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:09 pm

Aziz was rather determined, not likely how this female put herself down. If he said she was beautiful, then she was beautiful, it was as simple as that. His father had taught him to have an eye for beauty, and he was certain that this female before him had the makings of real beauty. "Then the others are not looking close enough, if they do not see your potential," he said firmly. He was curious over the talk of dance though, and watched her move in a few steps.

"We do not have music either," Aziz admitted, tilting his head. He'd never thought of music as an important feature, but he supposed it might join the pride together more - being musical together? They were a good pride already though. "Yes, sort of," he said, trying to think of how to explain the pride to her. Her own homeland was clearly different than his own. "The males in our pride claim females as mates - the females become like sisters and the males protect the females that he has claimed," he tried to explain.

He looked concerned to think of vesturing further into the foreign pride. They sounded rather nice, but Aziz had no desire to cause problems - not when he was so close to proving himself to his father. "That is very kind of you, but I wouldn't want to intrude." He gave her a smile, shifting on his feet. "Anyway, I'm happy with having seen you dance - anyone else wouldn't be able to live up to the standards I've formed of dance from seeing you." He grinned at her.


Velveteen Angel

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:25 pm
Mwezi gave a soft smile and looked embarrassed at the continued praise of her looks and talent. This male really was nice. A bit forceful in nature perhaps, but it was so interesting and different than what she had in the pride. He seemed so important and special. She wondered what it was like to be that important or special that you LOOKED that way to everyone that met you along your travels. It must be really interesting, but it certainly was not for her. She was best staying out of people's ways.

"No music?!" Mwezi looked horrified. "Then you must sing at the very least?" Singing was another thing Mwezi was good at, though not nearly as good as she was at dancing. The only instrument she could play was a drum and that was only a very basic beat. She really was very singular in her focus on dancing and making the beat with her paws on the ground. She did not realize just how much even her little talent in the other things might be useful somewhere else.

Mwezi looked a little disappointed when he mentioned not coming in further. That was a shame. He seemed really nice, after all. "It is a shame you do not wish to stay... Really, you should see the others dance... hear them sing... maybe you could learn to do some of it yourself!" That was a wonderful reason for him TO stay if Mwezi did think so herself. Which of course, she did.  
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:43 pm

Aziz shook his head, looking amused at her concern - was not singing that big a deal? They weren't really that musical. They focused on more severe and serious issues, like hunting and protecting each other - rather than the more light-hearted (or so he believed) ideals of music and dance. "No, we don't sing either," he told her. "I hadn't even thought of music much until I saw you."

Seeing her disappointment, it almost made Aziz change his mind about entering the pride - almost. He really didn't want to ruin everything he had tried so hard to accomplish, no matter how interesting the pride seemed to be. "It's a wonderful offer," he told her politely, "and I'm loathe to leave such lovely company-" he smiled at her "-but I should go." He was almost reluctant.

Again, only almost.

Aziz had plans in his life, and while she was certainly going to be beautiful, she didn't fit into those plans - not yet, anyway. She was too young to be his claimed banu - in his mind- and she seemed pretty content in her pride too. He would have loved to stay and speak with her more, but he had to find a banu to take back to the pride - hopefully before anyone else in his group.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Little Dancer," he said, bowing his head in respect to her, and casting her a last smile. "You will be a treasure to anyone who sees your true worth, and I hope you find someone like that."

He turned, casting a somewhat regretful look over his shoulder, sad to leave but knowing he had to. He moved back the way he came, trying to put the little dancer from his mind so he could focus on his quest.


Velveteen Angel

[IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]

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