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Liraz had never been happier. She was swiftly making friends within her pride – Cor, Ndale, Furaha. Sure, she’d learned that her papa had more children than just herself, Veena, Josepi and Eu. Liraz didn’t really mind that. She was happy knowing that she had more family to love on and spend time with. Four more sisters! What was there to be upset about? Though Furaha had been upset, Liraz had taken some time to show her half-sister her numerous collections of things. Feathers, rocks, pretty flowers that wilted swiftly only to remain eternally beautiful in their dried state – Liraz collected them all and kept them religiously organized.

There was only one thing missing from her life, one thing that she had seen small visions of but nothing clear. Liraz craved a friend that could visit the outside, one that could bring her pieces of the outside that Liraz could tuck away for the future. New flowers, strange rocks, even things that Liraz couldn’t even imagine. She knew she would find this friend, her visions had told her. Liraz just didn’t know when, or how, or even who this friend was. “Careful,” her dream-visions whispered to her, “Careful, careful.”

Yawning softly from her little spot in the sun, Liraz stretched out in her comfort. She could rest here all day if it was possible, but the sun was forever moving and Liraz would have to adjust herself. It was quiet and comfortable, and Liraz certainly wasn’t expecting to hear the thrashing that came from the area a few feet from her head. Slowly she moved her head, ears swiveling towards the noise. There was a bush there, one that was shaking furiously, and as fast as she could Liraz moved to her feet. It took a few moments to do so, the ache in her bones causing her to move slowly out of necessity, but once she was upright she took a few cautious steps forward.

Peering into the bush, she caught sight of a blue-eyed bird, one that had gotten stuck in the twisty branches of the shrub. Taking a break in his thrashing, the bird realized he was being watched and with a furious look towards Liraz he spat, “What are you looking at?”

Taken aback by the outright hostility that the bird spoke with, Liraz wasn’t sure how to answer. With a meekly uttered, “Do you need help?” Without waiting for a response, she reached forth with her paws in order to help the bird free himself from the branches of the brush he had gotten caught up in. Once freed, the bird indignantly waddled out from the brush, clacking his beak and peering up at Liraz with those blue eyes of his.

“Are you okay?” Liraz was genuinely concerned, and she followed the waddling bird until he stopped and began preening his feathers. It took him a long moment to answer but when he did his voice carried none of the sharpness it had previously.

“I am fine,” he said, ruffling his feathers. She could’ve just left him in the bush but she hadn’t. He could’ve died there, and yet he still lived because this little lioness had taken a moment out of her day to assist him. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him, and that deserved a more polite tone. “I am Makini,” he said proudly, stretching out his impressive wings and giving a small bow. “It means ‘careful’ although today hasn’t been one of my best days,” he crowed wryly, shaking his head as he settled on the ground.

Careful! Liraz widened her eyes, an excited smile spreading across her mouth. Was this the friend her visions had shown to her? Wiggling with excitement, she took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. The last time she’d told someone outright that she’d seen them in her visions, well… she would handle this a bit more carefully, that was for certain.

“I am Liraz,” she trilled softly, enthralled. “I don’t know what it means, honestly, but it is a good name and one that my mama and papa have given me.” Her throat was tickling and she knew a cough was coming, but she had so much to say before she would allow that cough to come to life. So much to say, so many questions to ask!

“Don’t be afraid,” she continued, “but I have seen you in my dream-visions.” She opened her mouth to speak again but all that came out was a lung-bursting cough that wracked her body. It was painful and hoarse, lasting a few moments before she could stop. Closing her eyes, she tried to regain her composure before speaking again, but it had hurt and hurt badly.

Watching her worriedly, Makini hopped closer and lifted a feathered wing as if to console the bony little lioness. He’d never heard such a cough before. It was frightening and terrible. The words she’d spoken before the cough had started had shocked him for a moment, and he thought about it while the lioness coughed. He’d heard of felines being blessed by the Gods with visions. Seers, they were called. It was both impressive and important that she’d had such a vision about him. Makini was intrigued.

“Sorry,” Liraz apologized before turning her gaze back to him, never dropping that animated smile. “I am sick,” she said simply, offering a small shrug of her bony shoulder. “My pride is sick, or most of us are. My papa is not sick, though, he is a strong Warrior of the pride.” Shaking her head as if getting herself back on track, Liraz took a deep breath before continuing.

“I had a vision that I would find a friend that could visit the outside land where I am not allowed to go, and that my friend would bring me wonderful things that I could collect. I have a feather collection, a rock collection, a dried flower collection… I will show them to you. Anyway,” she said sheepishly, “My visions didn’t show much, just whispers of the word ‘careful’ – I am certain that you are the friend I saw in my visions because of the meaning of your name. And,” she said proudly, “You are a fine bird.”

Makini listened to her carefully, her words striking something strange in his heart. Though she was obviously sick and lived within an ill pride, she had such charm and glowed with happiness. He hadn’t meant to fall into the bush that he had, he’d only intended to land on it for a swift break but the branches were not as sturdy as they’d looked. It was fate that they’d found one another.

“If you saw it in your visions, it must be so,” Makini chirped, dipping his head. “Now, you said something about collections. I would like to see them so I know what you already have.” He stretched his wings and hopped forward, indicating that she should lead the way.

Giddily, Liraz bumped her nose gently against his beak as she stepped ahead of him. How could life get any better than this?

MSWord count: 1,191