The Handling Machine-Looking much like the Tripod mixed with an Electric machine,the Handling machine is a valuable asset to their forces. Mainly,it provides their main source of sustinance: Blood. What it does is tracks down a large area of the human population,about the size of a village or small town,and uses it's claws to pick up civilains and some millitary personel and toss them into the basket that lays on it's back,and should they be out of reach of the claws it also has two long but thin tentacles that will wrap around a person and pull them into the basket. It is made of Ferro-Aluminium and has a Standard Heat-ray btu has no shields. It stands about the size of a Gundam and uses six jointed legs to support and move the machine. It holds four martians. So it can communicate with their allies,it has two large antenees above it's two glowing eyes.
Here is a picture for you. HANDLING MACHINE

The Construction Machine-Its like a smaller version of the Handling machine,about 1/2 their size and are used for construction. As such,they have what looks like a an open trunk on their back,like a trucks and is used to store and hold parts. They have four claws that can be used to tear,rip and clamp together peices of metal. It has what looks like a weilder attatched to it; A long,black tentacle with a small beam that is used to weild objects together and place wires in their place. It is made of Ferro-Aluminium,no shields and has two Light Heat-rays in a turret on it's back. It holds two Martians.

The Digging machine- Essentailly just a large,mechanoid worm. It is automated,meaning it doens't need a pilot. Imagine a very long train,with about twenty-thirty carts trailing behind it. Now imagine those carts as sections of the worm overlapping the other. Yup,thats the worm. It has a mouth that opens up like a four pedalled flower and is lined with rotating teeth. It can dig,move earth adn dibris and can be used to 'recycle' in a sense: It ingests destroyed metals,machines,gundams,mobile suits ect. and reguritates into a special container each metal,which has becomed super heated to it's melting point and is sectioned off in the container by walls lined with a heat-resistant wax.

(Theres no picture,why? I just gave you enough to paint an imagine in your head.)

{[ Please note,the weapons listed on the machines are for DEFENSE. Repeat,DEFENSE. You will never see one of these in battle,and if you do,then nuts to you.]}