Lion by Ecavi, Lioness by Safaia, Babies by Ecavi Couple #1Fill out the form below!
[color=crimson][size=14]Couple #1[/size][/color]
[b]Father's Name & Meaning:[/b]
[b]Father's Owner:[/b]
[b]Mother's Name & Meaning:[/b]
[b]Mother's Owner:[/b]
[b]About them:[/b] What are they like? How did they meet? LIMIT: one paragraph.
EntriesSatsurashi & Kasailoki (p2)
Fea Line & Quiftan (p2)
Fiction1119 & Painted Moose (p3)
katersaur & MoonRazor (p3)
Sunlit.rains & Mtorolite (p3)
Sangotaijiya08 & Zero and below (p4)
Christopher Johnson & pinchmonster (p4)
Andranis & Strawberry Gumi Bunny (p4)
Cornetified & musicaloner7 (p4)
Marzipanz & Syaoran-Puu (p4)
Day Dreamer427 & Chi Sohma (p5)
chi honda & Orangeish Sherbert (p5)
JetAlmeara & She-Ra of Etheria (p5)
Buffy_the_Bloody & Novablu (p6)
Nova Cracker & Das Tor (p6)
Tahja Estes & Successful Edit (p6)
hibi-tea & Puhterodactyl (p7)