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Age: 97

Sex: Male

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 200

Build: Medium, with slight muscles

Race: Dark Elf

Pets: N/A

Profession: Melee

Bio: For a dark elf, Verin is a very laid back sort of man. In his own way he values life above all else. He has an almost constant smile on his face and approaches life with a sense of childish curiosity and openness. He was the second son of Vilrath Aphyon. As a youth he showed infinite potential as a prospective swordsman. He was agile, quick and un-godly flexible. To the pride of his father [and his mother's shame], he pursued further melee training. Furious at his lack of skill and interest in sorcery, she arranged to have him fall victim to an 'accident' while away at the academy.

Verin, unaware of the depth of his mother's cruelty and hatred; found that he quite enjoyed his time at the academy. When it came time for his 'accident', he easily bested his attacker and would be assassin, prompting the interest of the group who had arranged his demise. Taking him under their care, they taught him what they could before Vilrath caught on. Her rage now deeper than ever she turned to playing on a more political field.

Inviting her son home to celebrate his success, Vilrath poisoned her oldest son and husband before brutally attacking Verin. Realizing that she had finally gone off of the deep end Verin fought back, murdering his own mother. With the blood still fresh on his hands he cast himself into exile, leaving Bel and his past behind. For months he struggled with his eyesight, terrified that the attack would result in his going blind. Time has passed now, and his eyes no longer bother him. He wears the scars in pride and as a reminder to be wary of even the people he holds close.

Descriptive Stats:

Hair Color/ Style: White. Exceedingly long, held in a loose low ponytail.
Eye Color: Crimson Red
Skin Color: Grey-ish Black
Clothing: White vest over black belted pants.
Weapons: Two mid-sized blades, well balanced for him.
Jewlery: Piercings in both ears. Various rings.
Markings: Two scars over his left eye. One scar over his right eye. No known tattoos.



-Spells: Level One Melee-

-Speed Burst- “Sebesség Robbanás”
Movement speed is increased by 50% for 30 seconds. Reflexes not effected.

-Weapon Specialty Sword-
Choose one or two of the weapon types to gain the basic knowledge of how to use them. Each weapon type counts as one ability.