I know a lot of you probably have, already. So to discourage any more quitting, let me remind you of what you're giving up.

5.) Anime, manga, or drama. Are you happy with just knowing a few words of what they're saying without subs? If anime is just a phase and you'll never use the language and you don't want to learn anymore, why are you even reading this? If you're not motivated to do something for yourself, don't blame the language.

4.) Desire. Assuming you didn't decide to learn japanese so easily, you knew what you were getting into. No matter what reason you had to learn, you started. The desire you had on day one will likely still be there when you quit.

3.) "It's too haaaaard. ):" It's not that it's hard. It's that you haven't really tried. You've already invested time and you've learned something, no matter how small. Maybe your methods aren't working. Maybe you should figure out exactly what your excuse is, and debate if it is a truly reasonable excuse. For people who gave up before learning anything: sure, it may not be all roman characters like we're used to. Nono, the japanese language is much more beautiful than that. Don't call it "hard" when you have not even really tried.

2.) Progress. When you hit a milestone, you will feel absolutely amazing. Japanese is definitely a rewarding language!

1.) How far you've already come. Maybe you didn't learn but a few phrases, or maybe you learned over 5,000. Either way, when you quit you'll surely forget what you have learned thus far. If it is really worth giving up, do so. But you definitely may regret it.
