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Makini Adhima

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:31 pm
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Woo, new thread~ 8D Old thread


xo. Opening
xo. News
xo. History
xo. Culture
xo. Beliefs
xo. Rogue
xo. Matings and Cubs
xo. Ranks
xo. Members
xo. Extra
xo. Extra
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:34 pm
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1/2/12 || Alright. So it's been awhile, right? xD School kind of ate me, not gonna lie. But now that I have that initial confrontation between Nicephore and Amias done, things are going to be a lot smoother from here on out. I'm gathering up rps, so if you have any, send them my way~ ^^
3/14/11 || New thread, yay. 8D
6/7/11 || Trying to go official, even though we still don't have Nicephore. ;n; So, that means I'll be collecting rps for this month~ 8D And my characters, Alani, Mael, and Mangue are up for RP~ Especially with the newer members. ^^
6/30/11 || So, life kind of ate me. ;n; Not gonna lie, lol.....but, even through all the dead-ness on my part, I managed to obtain the Makini's leader, Nicéphore~! 8D Woo woooo~ So I'll be chugging along with some SRP's, along with RP's with others. c: As much as I'd love for him to experience all of the pride's members, it's very unlikely that he'd leave his tree-den for commoners. ;n;

ON THAT NOTE, I have just realized something that the Makini's missing: A pride layout! Oh my~ Up til now, there really hasn't been a good description of the insides of the Makini, but do not fear~ I'm gettin' on that. ;3 Since I'm a visual person, it'll definitely come in the form of a map, lol. Or something like that.....
7/20/11 || Update~ Azizi has returned to the Makini~ Woooo~ C:

In other news, I'm still gathering rps. c: I've got one of five, luls. Also, Po desires more members. :C If that doesn't happen, it'll take some time fleshing out the ranks, since I'll be trying for some general pridal customs eventually. c:

I'm still working on figuring out an ICCly map, but hopefully I'll get that done soon. ^^ I've also decided that the pride symbol will most likely be a butterfly. c:

So, as far as Azizi returning, these are the things to be aware of:
+ The general public was originally told that he was just taking a breather, and not many knew that he had actually left the lands, just that he had pulled a kind of 'disappearing act.' Though, many were still suspicious about the truth in it all.
+ He's going by Amias~ in fact, no one in the Makini knew of his other name.
+ Things in the Makini will be starting to settle, just a bit. Since the second-generation heir has returned, the Colony is at peace for the time being.
+ Within the royal family, things are being shaken a bit. Of course, Nicephore is furious, and wants to cover up this whole mess as soon as possible.

I think that's about it. o:


1/2/12 || Amias has returned to the lands, and has been accepted back to the pride by the Roi. Rumors had been spreading around for the long time he was away, but nothing had ever been verified by the royal family. Only those who were close to the family knew the truth, as well as a few well-trusted aides. With his return, the pride has been set at ease, as the future heir is back in his rightful place.
With his return, though, many have wondered whether the young male will take on a bride, a ceremony that initially caused this whole mess. Trying his best to comply with the Roi's wishes, he is cautiously keeping marriage in mind....


Makini Adhima

Makini Adhima

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:38 pm
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Dating back to when fair-skinned two-legs first started to wander Africa freely, the Cagoule family has had claim on the same lands since it's creation. The first Cagoule, Kiume, had taken a particularly odd interest in the two-legs. Often he would find himself wandering their borders, and even speaking with their own creatures. At first, he didn't understand their tongue at all, but after countless encounters with them, Kiume slowly started to understand and take on the language. He grew so very accustomed to the culture of the foreign creatures, and to living off the land where they had temporary settled. But as all temporary things are, they must one day come to an end.

One day, Kiume awoke, trotting over to the two-legs' settlement, only to find nothing there at all. They had left suddenly, their land empty and deserted. Going deep into the territory, he met a female cheetah by the name of Ève. She had been kidnapped to the foreigner's home to be put on display, and was just now left there, like Kiume, abandoned. After much time of being together, Kiume became her link to the rest of Africa, as she still did not speak any of the language. The two cheetahs fell in love, and right before their first litter arrived, Kiume renamed himself Arséne, and marked the abandoned two-legs' land as his own, thus officially founding the Cagoule family.

Decades passed and Arséne and Éve's first litter faded away, their blood still controlling the same lands. Their great-great-grandson, Nicéphore, had risen to the head of the family, with three generations beneath him. By this time, others had gathered to take on the Cagoule family name, pledging themselves to the old and powerful family. Nicéphore's own grandfather had chosen his mate for him, the fair and beautiful Laetitia, and the two had been undisputed as the heir's to the family line. Now at the top, it would have been Nicéphore's proud duty to bestow a female to his three grandsons, and a male for his only granddaughter. Days before the ceremony where mates were to be decided, the middle son, Amias left the family without notice, shocking the whole of the Cagoule family and creating quite the scandal. His grandfather furious, Azizi went off to traverse the world outside the family, changing his name to something that fit the outside world better- Azizi. He's by himself, now, but is realizing that he needs to go back and face his grandfather.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:40 pm
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The Makini'Adhima is based loosely around the idea of the French Victorian era. In power is the King, a rank passed from father to son throughout the history of the Cagoule bloodline. Even though the King is in power until death, the next successor is determined all the way through the most current generation. Currently, there are two generations of successors already determined after the current King. The King holds ultimate power, making every decision on every issue. Under the King, the Nobility holds the most power. Because the King can't tend to every little thing, the Nobility takes up slack wherever they can. The higher the rank, to more control you have over others in the pride. Other than the King, the rank of Chevalier is the most respected. This is because, to be a Chevalier, one must be true and honorable, never putting pride and rank above the greater good.

Makini Adhima

Makini Adhima

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:42 pm
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In the Colony, pelt color is probably one of the most important things. Pelt color sets various ranks apart, and can also mean the exile of members. Most of the royalty has a base pelt of white or black, with a neon color for markings. It is not uncommon, though, to see a royal cub that inherits a neon color as their base pelt color. Nobles will normally carry more of the neon base pelts, but there are some nobles with 'normal' colored pelts.

The only color that is prohibited is the color red. It is seen as dirty, and even those with red eyes are looked down upon. Those with red on their pelt, if born in the pride, are exiled as soon as they reach maturity. Burgundy, however, is allowed, and is even seen as a lusty, seductive color.
Handy Guide


The Colony doesn't, and hasn't, recognize a religion. This is mainly due to the fact that no King has ever wanted to relinquish any power to a deity. It also allows for members to have faith in their pride over a religion, creating a greater sense of unity.


In the Colony, names are very sacred. Since Kiume first changed his name, the tradition of having French has been passed down with every generation. For those born within the pride, it is something that comes naturally, to name their offspring with French names.

Rogues coming into the pride, however, are not expected to change their names to something more suitable. They may, if they wish, but no ill-will towards them will exist if they don't. They must, though, follow the pride's naming tradition with their offspring, or have their offspring be removed from their custody.

ICCly: The Colony would take any other-named offspring and place them with a different family, if other arrangements are not made.
OCCly: If you don't follow the naming tradition, you will be asked to remove your cheetah from the Colony.


Leaving the Colony isn't a huge deal. Sure, it's sad to see someone go, but they're not going to prevent you from leaving. All the Colony asks is that you keep your mouth shut about the Colony's whereabouts - to them, your life 'begins' as soon as you step out into the Rogue lands.

This is more of an OCCly thing
While within the pride, it is assumed that the members are speaking French, so doing up a normal RP response in English is fine. When out in the roguelands, however, it is assumed that they have an accent. Your character's communication capabilities with rogues is totally up to you. c:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:50 pm
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As I have seen, there isn't really a great understanding of the Colony's views and actions regarding the roguelands. To make everything clear, I've made this separate section just for rules/regulations, and everything rogue. c:

.:.The Colony Territory.:.

The Makini'Adhima lands are in the heart of a jungle. Because of this, they are almost impossible to find. Added on to this fact, the Makini has countless scouts that constantly patrol the jungle that surrounds their territory. These scouts watch out for rogues that happen to enter the jungle, watching and assessing them from the shadows. If a cheetah, and deemed worthy, rogues are led into the Colony, where they can stay permanently or just temporarily. If of another species, however, or deemed unfit for the Colony, rogues are escorted from the jungle, with the use of force if necessary.


In the Colony, only adolescents and adults are allowed to leave their territory. This means that no cubs or juves can enter the roguelands. It's simple parenting, really - The jungle = safe and constant protection from predators.

When in the roguelands, born-in Colony members are usually rather stealthy and more on the cautious side - it doesn't mean they're afraid or weak - rather, the rogue lands are just so different from the Colony. When interacting with rogues, Colony members aren't allowed to mention the whereabouts of the Colony. They can mention the culture, beliefs, etc., but in no way can give any hint as to where it is. The Colony takes the secrecy of its location very seriously, and any leaked information can lead to serious consequences.

Makini Adhima

Makini Adhima

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:51 pm
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This section will clarify the rules on matings and cubs within the pride, as well as inter-pridal matings and rogue matings.

.:.General Mating.:.

In the Colony, mating is taken very seriously. Because of this, only mated pairs are allowed to breed, and they mate for life within the Colony. The only exception to this is a widower finding a new mate, though that is sometimes seen as disgraceful, depending on rank. Many times in the Colony, parents will arrange marriages for their children. This can happen at any rank, and is usually used to try and increase status. So if a child of a Marchand mates with a child of a Chevalier, the lesser rank of Marchand adopts the status of Chevalier.

Under no circumstance can adolescents breed. Any age can have marriages arranged for them, but the Colony believes that only adults should breed, for both practical and prideful reasons. Breeding so young brings a burden on families, and also brings disgrace. Doing this could very well lead to permanent demotion, or exile from the pride.

.:.Arranged Marriages.:.

This is a very common occurrence in the Colony. The nobility will usually arrange marriages for their offspring to gain power and ranking. It is very rare to see a noble cub that does not already have an arranged marriage.

OCCly, things aren't actually 'arranged' for you. It does, however, mean that you should be fairly conscientious about who you pick to mate your cheetah to. c: In the regular ranks, it's not really even something that needs a whole lot of thought, unless you're mating to a noble.

.:.Inter-Pridal Marriages.:.

This is restricted only to those of high rank. Inter-pridal marriages are made only with the Kuroi'Nera, and are seen as honorable occurrences only fit for those of high rank.

What this means is this: Nicephore will decide which cub(s) will be offered for arranged marriages with the Kuroi'Nera. This decision is absolute, and no one would ever dare to question his decision.

OCCly, there will be a thread that will list all litters/upcoming litters that are eligible for this honor. There will then be a period of time where people can offer their cubs, and one (or more) will be chosen, depending on other factors. c: This arranged marriage creates a lot of room for plots, and high esteem.

As far as living goes, the female will move to the male's pride, unless there are specific reasons that would make her stay (i.e. illness, very high royalty, etc.) or, in the Kuroi'Nera's case, if she is a seer.


In the Colony, cubs are usually raised mostly by their mother, with guidelines given by the father. Nannies are frequently used, however, especially in the case of nobility. In the case of wandering paws, scouts will keep a close eye on cubs, keeping them within the jungle. This way, cubs can still explore a little bit outside the Colony while still being safe and watched.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:52 pm
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The King of the Colony.
The Queen of the Colony.
. biggrin auphin:.
The son of the King and Queen that is set to inherit the throne.
.:Fils + Filles:.
Children of the King and Queen that will not inherit the throne unless something happens to the current Dauphin.
. razz etite Fils + Filles:.
Grandchildren of the King and Queen.
Anyone on the Royal Court that the King has designated. Once designated, any offspring of a royal inherits their title.
Knights; they are still considered to be among the nobility. Knights, however, are the only rank that commoners can potentially fill. Usually, though, they have to have high recommendations and/or be good friends with a noble.

Public entertainers
Scouts for the pride; they roam through the jungle looking for strangers. They have heightened senses.
. biggrin onneur/euse:.
The hunters of the pride.
.:Enfant + Enfante:.
The youth of the pride.
Slaves of the pride. These are generally familiars.

Makini Adhima

Makini Adhima

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:53 pm
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. biggrin auphin:.

.:Fils + Filles:.
Esmeé (considered because she is Maël's mate)
Azizi (Amias)
Gervais - Questing

. razz etite Fils + Filles:.


Meris-Perrin (Marius)



. biggrin onneurs:.

.:Enfants + Enfantes:.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:54 pm
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If you wish to join, just post this form~ 8D

I'll Be a Butterfly::.
SoA's Name::.
SoA's Image::.
Small Bio::.
Desired Rank::.

[size=20][color=lightgray]I'll Be a Butterfly::.[/color][/size]
[size=9][b]SoA's Name::.[/b]
[b]SoA's Image::.[/b]
[b]Small Bio::.[/b]
[b]Desired Rank::.[/b]

Makini Adhima

Makini Adhima

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:55 pm
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUser Image  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:57 pm
Kay, I'll do everything....tomorrow. Ish. Or the next day.

Makini Adhima


PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:14 pm
Sticking this here for now. ^^

Pack/Pride Name: Makini’Adhima
Current IC Owner(s): Polette + Syrius Lionwing
Current OOC Owner(s): Polette
Default ranks: Donneur (male) Donneuse (female)
Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:
Nicephore (Polette) – Roi
Laetitia (Syrius Lionwing) – Reine
Mael (Polette) – Dauphin
Esmee (YourxStarlessxEyes) – Fille
Cesar (Znaruto) – Fil
Amias (Polette) – Petite Fil
Meris-Perrin (Club Snails) – Chevalier
Mangue (Polette) – Jongleur
Noelani (Velveteen Angel) – Marchand
Lanikai (Velveteen Angel) – Donneuse
Lolani (Mtorolite) – Donneuse
Kulani (Sabra Knight) – Donneur
Alani – (Polette) – Yclaireuse
Links to at least five current RPs: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5
Brief Description of your Pride/Pack: A colony of secluded cheetahs that have their roots strongly buried in the traditions of French humans who came to their lands generations ago. They are a very prideful group, but they will risk almost anything to protect their own. Their lifestyle can be strict at times, but they are slowly opening up to the ways of the few outsiders that venture into their lands.
Cert Background Large Image:x
Pride Symbol for Cert: Transparent PNG, please, and not already on a cert!circle.
Where is this pride located on the SoA map?
Any Extra Information: Could there be a secondary name spot; as in, the top Name, and then an Outside Name section? O:
Pride/Pack History: Dating back to when fair-skinned two-legs first started to wander Africa freely, the Cagoule family has had claim on the same lands since it's creation. The first Cagoule, Kiume, had taken a particularly odd interest in the two-legs. Often he would find himself wandering their borders, and even speaking with their own creatures. At first, he didn't understand their tongue at all, but after countless encounters with them, Kiume slowly started to understand and take on the language. He grew so very accustomed to the culture of the foreign creatures, and to living off the land where they had temporary settled. But as all temporary things are, they must one day come to an end.

One day, Kiume awoke, trotting over to the two-legs' settlement, only to find nothing there at all. They had left suddenly, their land empty and deserted. Going deep into the territory, he met a female cheetah by the name of Ève. She had been kidnapped to the foreigner's home to be put on display, and was just now left there, like Kiume, abandoned. After much time of being together, Kiume became her link to the rest of Africa, as she still did not speak any of the language. The two cheetahs fell in love, and right before their first litter arrived, Kiume renamed himself Arséne, and marked the abandoned two-legs' land as his own, thus officially founding the Cagoule family.

Decades passed and Arséne and Éve's first litter faded away, their blood still controlling the same lands. Their great-great-grandson, Nicéphore, had risen to the head of the family, with three generations beneath him. By this time, others had gathered to take on the Cagoule family name, pledging themselves to the old and powerful family. Nicéphore's own grandfather had chosen his mate for him, the fair and beautiful Laetitia, and the two had been undisputed as the heir's to the family line. Now at the top, it would have been Nicéphore's proud duty to bestow a female to his three grandsons, and a male for his only granddaughter. Days before the ceremony where mates were to be decided, the middle son, Amias left the family without notice, shocking the whole of the Cagoule family and creating quite the scandal. Keeping it a secret from most of the pride, however, the family waited patiently until, finally, Amias saw the error of his ways and returned, quite the changed cheetah. Now, the pride is at ease, with the future heir returned and a harmonious alliance with the Kuroi’Nera.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:17 pm

Since everything's pretty much up, I'll label a permanent open on this thread. c:



PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:30 pm
*sits and waits patiently for N'gombe to get to the Makini'Adhima*

Love this concept by the way Pole. XD Did you want me to post her in here even though she is coming by way of KN?  
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