The Noble had never gone down to the forest where the fairy folk lived until recently, when she went to "Look" for a bunch of cubs that got lost or something like that. Thankfully she didn't have to do much, but the trip had made her curious about the strange lions that lived down there. Especially the new bright yellow male that had come in with the group of new lions.

He most certainly wasn't a noble, and while she tried her best not to be too stereotypical, he looked as though he belonged down here.

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks, he was sitting right in front of her talking with more of his kin- fairy folk. Suddenly the all said their goodbyes and he watched as they walked off. What timing she though to herself, perhaps she could get a bit of information off of him.

"Excuse me" She spoke out, pleased when she saw him turn his head.

"Yes?" Citro asked hesitantly. He was still new to the pride and not at all comfortable with their norms. Did this noble want him to do something?

"Right, I would like to speak with you." Yhina spoke rather proper, more than usual in fact. It was as if she wanted to make sure he knew she was of the upper class.

"Oh well, of course." The lion seemed relieved to hear that's all she wanted. Citro would of helped her if she asked, but he was still tired from the excitement of the past few days.

"So where did you and your little groupies come from?"

"Groupies?" He tilted his head, a bit confused by her wording. When the noble didn't address his question, he went on. "Well, we came from all over the rogue lands of course. Anyone who needed a family was welcome to join us."

"Wait a minute, so you don't even know them?" Yhina was highly skeptical. "I don't mean to be rude, but it seems a bit dangerous to me. You could have let a bunch of psychotic lions into this pride."

"No no no, I know them. Most of them had traveled with me a good amount before we came this way." He was a bit unsure about one lion, but he wasn't about to say that in front of an already fearful noble.

"Well if you say so." Yhina was visibly unsatisfied with his answer, but she had gotten what she came for. Gossip fodder.

"So... I guess I'll talk to you later?" Citro said, trying to find an out of this conversation. He was usually an almost overly social guy, but it was obvious no matter what he said this lioness would still feel the same way about simply coming up to strangers. Which seemed strange, as she was the one who hunted out him in the first place.

"Wait, not yet!" Yhina huffed. How dare he try to excuse himself in front of her.
