Rules of the Guild (Applies to all Subforums)
> Follow Gaia T.o.S. (duh)
> Keep it PG-13. Avoid too much cussing and gore/carnage. NO cybering.
> Be polite to other members (Having a rude character is one thing, but show respect for your fellow RPers OOC.)
> No God-Mod or Auto-Hitting (duh)
> Do not discriminate against or make nasty comments about the kinds of RPs here you don't like. This is meant to be a diverse guild. If you lack the maturity to respect that, you will be removed from the Guild.
> Please try to be active in the Guild. I understand everyone has real life stuff to deal with, I only ask that you, at the very least, check in every week or two to let us know you want to remain a member of the Guild. The more active you are, the more likely you are to be promoted.
> Do not Create Topics in RP Sub forums without permission from a Captain or Vice Captain.
> Do not ask to be a Vice Captain, you'll more than likely be turned down. Members are promoted based on merit, not request. Vice Captains hold a responsibility of keeping order and helping with Guild maintenance, not just bossing others around or making however many topics they want.
> You must use original characters. In RPs based on shows, games, etc., you may NOT be characters from the actual franchise. (an exception is only possible if you prove to me and at least 3 hardcore fans of the franchise [aside from yourself] that you can portray the character EXACTLY as the creator of the franchise would. In other words it must be the actual character, not just how you want them to be.)

Not following the Guild Rules will result in an according punishment.
1st Offense: Warning
Further Offenses: Demotion from your current rank. If your rank is "Member", Demotion will result in being removed from the Guild.
Depending on the severity of the offense, one could be instantly removed, regardless of rank, and even banned permanently from the Guild.

Other Stuff
> If you have drawings/art of your character, you are welcome and even encouraged to include it with your profile post.