Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:50 pm
So this is been brought up many-o-times, and with little that can be done about it with as busy as the colorists at soquili stay. But I'd like to offer an idea that can satisfy those that are actively questing customs, at least a little. [:
What if there were an event specifically for for questers?
There would be many problems if this were to happen and not handled properly, but what I suggest is that randomly, unannounced, the quester's subforum is locked where no one can post, edit, etc. (if that can be done? If not, then have the thread for staff-only for 24 hours) so that it gives the participating colorist time to roll a page number, a thread, and a quest listed in that thread (the last roll may have to be altered depending on the lay out of the quest thread) or the quest can be CC'd once the winner is chosen.
To make sure the quester is still ACTIVE, those wishing to participate in these random events, there must be a spot in the FIRST post on their thread stating that they have been active in this month, and do agree to participate clearly and obviously sort of what they do in the master CC list.
That way, someone who doesn't want to participate doesn't have too.
This is just a suggestion, and would like to hear opinions.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:30 pm
I think the biggest problem that a lot of people have with this kind of event is that there are a lot of people actively questing but they don't have a thread for it.
However, should this type of event happen, I'd be willing to bet that a lot of people would put threads up if they were given notice ahead of time? I dunno, haha.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:34 pm
And then there's several who wish to hide their quests, in case someone might want to steal them ( >8c ) but... well. 8u There's nothing to be done about that I don't suppose.
It was a random idea, and I still think it can work. o uo
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:37 pm
I think it could work too, honestly. Just figuring out a way to do it that makes everyone happy is the insurmountable task, haha. ): <3
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:41 pm
I would love to see this happen, but I do see a few other issues.
A. Would they be given away (aka freebies) Or would people be paying like they would normal customs? - Because some people don't have the gold for their quests... hence the questing.
B. They wouldn't be able to happen often, because they all have the same chance in customs... Just some people happen to have threads to keep things organized. Some people have multiple quests. Other people that are just going for one quest might not have a thread.
C. Not only are colorists getting burnt out on customs and breedings, They have events to do. They don't get a 'break' from soq all that often. Which is why alot of colorists start getting slow, and do work in other places because artistic muses die when you do the same things everyday. And most people aren't all that understanding of having to wait.
D. You also run into the issue of... Mutants. Which I don't think needs to much of an explanation.
E. For those with multiple quests in one thread... How is the 'winning soq' chosen?
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:17 pm
A: Good point. Maybe a colorist can choose for it to be a freebie, or s/he can choose to only pick the one's that have it listed with enough, or "waiting on slot" status.
B: Just the people who choose to make a quest thread are involved I suppose. If this were implemented, or announced it could happen at any point in time, then several will choose to make a quest thread I expect.
C: That's expected and okay with me. ; ^; <3
D: If the form is not up to par, then it is disqualified and noted to the owner? o no
E: CC or it could be rolled.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:36 pm
I like this idea it would be an awsome way to get those non muntant soq who would otherwise be VERY hard to get in my case Rocket and Hyun Jae
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:08 am
A. I don't think it's really fair to ask a colorist to do freebies for this, unless they get a ton of Staff Credit for it, and feel that it's worth their time.
B. Now the issue with NOT announcing it is that, people will say it's not fair. Which it's kind of not. I mean I have a quest thread, storing my quests in case something happens to my computer. But other people don't need too, why should they get left out because they only one want horse, and didn't need to use the questing subforum?
C. You might be willing to wait, but the majority of other people don't understand that soq is a full time commitment, and colorists deserve a break. Even if it means using their creativity in another shop. Most people don't understand this, and start to complain, and ask for new colorists.
D. Mutants wouldn't be allowed period, as they are for bribe / RL only.
E. This is basically the equivalent of doing a Master Custom's list. Which I don't know whether or not they planned to do this.
- Not discrediting this idea, just pointing things out from another perspective.
You have to remember in this shop, you can't please everyone, and someone will always have something to complain about.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:24 am
We did have customs month previously but that put a strain on the staff and caused a huge back log. /:
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:40 am
There have been alot of good ideas. Like... the monthly FS's which I think have stopped. We don't see to many freebies. And they were all "good ideas' that were implemented. Even the MCCBL (breeding list) isn't used all that often. The demand for Soq is so high, and there's only so many colorists. And even with the amount of colorists we have, a bunch have taken breaks from the shop, or are trying to relax else where.
There will probably always be back logs in soq.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:57 am
Please no, so much no. x.x
Luna pretty much hit all the bog points I would of. If ANYTHING, a custom cc list, and even then, considering gold cost, it would be tricky.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:53 pm
sweatdrop lawl. Sorry bee. 3
@ Luna: That was a point in my first response about not pleasing everyone. It can't be done and those who don't have the chips fall to their side, well it happens. Pretty much what with I'm fine with waiting, and others not, well they can wait anyway and those who choose not to make a quest thread, well then they don't participate sort of thing. o _ o;
If the staff rather not ,then that's perfectly fine. I was just going to offer so they could consider it, and that is all. ^.^
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:35 pm
Yumitoko II We did have customs month previously but that put a strain on the staff and caused a huge back log. /: Well.. that was because probably of such a huge volume of ideas posted... I mean. SOA is also a big shop, and twice a year every year they have a big custom month. Ideally, the way it is supposed to work to prevent colorist burnout though is that each person selects one; does it; then moves on. However, I can't see where if a colorist knows hteir own limits takes however many they might like to work on at once. If soq ever did this again, maybe familiar colorists could get in on it too? and to make it more simplified; maybe everyone would be limited on the number of quests they could post.
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:45 pm
The idea of a Custom Month is not with the number of colorists that would be involved with the idea.
Soq already tested out a custom month already, and it created such a problem in several areas that the thought of ever having another one was cut off for a long time. Even now when the topic comes up some colorists and staff members still refuse the idea of ever testing it again due to the problems that could potentially pop up and or pop up again.
Just think about it, if there was such a problem for both colorists and customers alike that the idea keeps being thrown out and refused to this day, do you think it would ever want to be tested again?
I don't believe so. Not unless ever single little kink can be worked out, or someone can sway opinions. :C
The point is, just because something works with one shop, or the idea seems simple enough doesn't mean it always works out.
Just like you can't make everyone happy, you can't work out every idea.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:27 pm
Graceangel I mean. SOA is also a big shop, and twice a year every year they have a big custom month. I think the big difference is that a lot of people want edited Soq as quest. Not sure about SoA, but most of the edited ones I've seen are gods/goddesses? And I think they have different lines for different prides, but besides that, most of them are just color customs, right? @x@?