Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:48 pm
Striped Punnet: Teamedwardcullenation (father) Magnadearel (long haired son) Silversheildwolf (short haired son) Katsura Zanshin (mother)
Names Father: Ichthian Short haired son: Clover Long haired son: Koralo Mother: Menthe
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:37 pm
Father's name: Ichthian (Ichthys is ancient greek for FISH) Personality: Ichthian is a brave Seathi, he loves his family and strives to protect them from all dangers, real or imagined. His father raised him to be bold and protective of his lady and his family and he strives to raise his sons in the same values. He chose his home on an extinct underwater volcano so he could keep an eye on his offspring when they were young, as well as his mate. When danger struck in the form of a wandering predator the cliffs and hollows of the volcano protected his family and in gratitude the Seathi protects his territory from others who would claim it and takes good care of the other life on the mountain, his home, and his mate. Ichthian tries to keep in touch with his sons now that they are grown but has trouble occasionally with Koralo who insists that he needs his space. Ichthian only partially understands his sons obsession with gardening.His other son is quite amendable to the occasional visit from his father and/or his mother if she decides to tag along. Icthian is a fierce,(but small) fighter and a loving, doting father. He is also headstrong and has been known to argue quite vigorously on occasion. In his younger years he set out to prove himself against larger, stronger opponents and happened upon Menthe who became his mate through many arguments and his endless devotion and worship. For him it was love at first sight. He finds her kind, loving and a great mother and is quite proud he found such a great mate to help raise his two cherished, (if difficult on occasion) sons. It is a relief to have Menthe around for support when being a father becomes a little trying. Icthian hopes that his sons will also find love and nudges them in that direction when he can. He is positive that that will mellow Koralo out. But as of yet his long haired son has not shown any inclination whatsoever to go and meet decent young females. Of less concern is his other son Clover who simply seems distracted by a variety of things and Ichthian is just waiting for one of those things to be a beauty of a young seathi.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:41 pm
Short hair son: Clover
Personality: Likes to keep in touch with his family. He enjoys playing some pranks on his younger brother. When he isn't there, Clover is following smaller sea animals around. The brighter the color the more likely he will be there to check it out. Clover enjoys hearing how his parents met. He takes to heart what his father taught them, but doesn't always understand why they are being pushed to have children He hopes to find a mate that can handle his Oh shiny... What was I doing? way. It doesn't always happen, but it seems to be getting worse unless a prank is being called upon for his brother.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:51 pm
Long haired son: Koralo (coral in Esperanto) Personality: Koralo needs his space and will aggressively defend it. He loves working with and growing underwater plants. His passion lies in his immaculate garden. Always Koralo is on the look out for something new to add in; non-living objects to give accents and coral/living plants to expand his garden.
Of his family, he does care for them. All the touchy-feeliness gets on his nerves fairly quickly. He will tolerate it slightly more from his mother than his father or brother. His older brother's pranks are trying at times, and Koralo has sworn to get even some day. It has yet to happen. Koralo would never hesitate to defend any of them if a situation called for it; no matter how much they irritate him.
Koralo privately has no interest in seathi mares. He never has and doesn't understand the fuss Ichthian(others?) makes over it. To appease them he says he just hasn't found the right one yet.
Plots- He will not know he's gay until he finds the right seathi stallion. ^_^
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:13 pm
Via text from Katsura Zanshin: Mothers name: Menthe
Personality: Energetic and helpful. Loving to friends and family
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:33 pm
*Giggles reading the father's personality.* So tempted to make Koralo gay now. XD
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:35 pm
You wouldnt so that to me would you TEC: *Kackles*
Edit: how is the personality any hints you two?
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:40 pm
I really like his personality Ed. Debating if I want Koralo oblivious to his.... 'state' until the right stallion comes along. heheheheh. So much drama possible here. How does his family feel if he shows no interest in mares?
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:44 pm
*TWITCH* silence *TWITCHHHHH* my poor very straight father Seathi HAs absolutely nothing to say (can't form words yet)
Edit: ... well that explains the long hair *ahem* MENTHE HALP!
Edit: great twist Magna I love it
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:46 pm
*Falls outta chair laughing* I have to now!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:57 pm
*stares at his little brother* I still luvs yah... SHINY!
Love it Magna
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:58 pm
So this is due by tomorrow. 0.0 What kind of rp are we going to do?
Edit- Thankies Silver! ^_^
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:00 am
can we stick the parents figuring it out in the rp while keeping Karalo in the (dark (closet)) as per your wishes M i love the Menthe HALP part
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:02 am
You totally need to add in the long hair comment too! Maybe Clover over hears his parents and teases Koralo on the 'i know something you dont know' sibling routine.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:02 am
I think we can. Maybe Clover spots something during one of his pranks?
Edit: What if Clover is just confused about which mate to go with, cause they can all be shiny pretty?