With my original plans for the year knocked a bit off-kilter, I think it is about time I took at look at what cons I might potentially be able to make it to before the end of the year.

The next up-coming con I might be able to would be Califur, in June. There is a chance I could get time off for this, but there is also a chance I might not. Before I try I would like to know if anyone out there I know is even going to this con. I hear good things, but I don't really want to attend a con all by my lonesome. If I have any friends going that would enjoy seeing me there, let me know, I will inquire with my manager about getting the time off. If I don't hear from anyone I know I will more than likely just pass this one by and re-consider the options for next year.

After CaliFur there is Campfire Tails held in my home state come August. I know a great deal of the folks going to this and I already know I could get the time off to attend if I asked, but I am still on the fence whether or not I even want to go.

Then there is Rainfurrest, this con I am already all set to go so those that know me you can expect to see me there as usual.

There was some pondering to try and make a return to MFF this year, a con I have been to before and enjoyed but not been able to make my way back. I know there are some folks that would enjoy seeing me, but I am sorry to say that I am going to have to strike this con off my list.

That covers this year, as for next year I am seriously considering trying to actually attend FC. Never been, but have had people trying to get me to go for years. It might just be time to see what all the fuss is about.

Whether or not FC is a go, I am pretty sure I will be making my way back to FWA next year.

Anyone going to any of these cons, let me know, always looking for some people that need a room to crash in.