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Bee's April Breeding - Over! Winners 3rd post. Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 9 10 11 12 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:59 am

Beejoux's April Breedings, Yay!

(NOTE: YOU MAY EDIT YOUR ONLY FORMS IF ITS TO ADD AN UNCERT OR ADDING THROWBACKS. You can also have it so clicking the cert sends me to the uncert)

Nabbed the format from Mind.

STARTS: April 19 at 12:01 am EST
ENDS: April 20: 12:01 am EST
Colorists Involved: Beejoux

>>> SLOTS!

1 Lowluck
1 Unedit/Minor edits (Hair only)
1 Open

CCs will now be selected through the CC master list, so if you haven't done so yet, please update your artist preference lists!

>>> RULES <<<

    Post certed Soqs -- I like seeing the Soqs without having to click every link so please post the image of the cert (or small sized uncert for those who lack certed Soq at the time)
    Names! -- Please provide full names for both the Soq entered and their owners/co-owners
    Forms -- Please fill out the form correctly. If I spot something wrong I will point it out and you can repost it
    No editing forms/posts! -- Once I put the couple in the main list I will not be re-reading any of the information put. Exceptions are things that will not change list order or the soquili entered, such as to add throwback links and uncerts.
    Mistakes? -- If you need to fix something (be it by my request or your own) post it in thread that you are voiding your first entry to fix a mistake and that you’ll be reposting, so I can edit the list accordingly.
    Uncerts are not required, but are preferred -- Please link to Uncerts if you have access to them. The better I can see the parents, the easier to breed those little traits that might be missed such as Marking details*

>>> ENTRY FORM <<<


[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of mother:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)
[img][/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url]
[b]Name, image, and owner(s) of father:[/b] (WRITE FULL SOQ/ OWNER NAMES HERE PLEASE)

[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-owner agreement)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b]

[b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make my life easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.)
[b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:03 am


Low Luck

    Pg 1
  1. Morgy (MoochiLove) & Abingdon (Marinity)
    Pg 2
  2. Vitania (Buffy_the_Bloody & Parue) & Serren (Novablu)
  3. Daytona (x_faux affliction_x) Gypsy Phantom (Novablu)
  4. Sirana (elvyralani) & Ansen (Kamiki)
    Pg 3
  5. Siren (LadyDelaidra) & Nightmare Gottschalk (Pink Pandah Bear)
  6. Sita (Kaimi Kalani) & Carthage (JadedTiger22)
  7. Caelyndei (Neon Fly aka Inkume) & Capella (GrnGriff)
  8. Hermione Granger (Yoko Lorako and Miss Meami) & Fred Weasley (Ragers)
    Pg 4
  9. (Alura/Nemesis Kenobi) & (Austin/Moxxiie)
  10. (Relia / Kurama no Koishi) & (Regulus / Syaoran-Puu)
  11. (Syrea / brosuke) & (Kenji / Sawaki)
    Pg 5
  12. (Coraline/Nuclearity) & (Alexander/ Hypercandy loli)
  13. Jarita (JetAlmeara) & Eversong (JetAlmeara)
  14. Temperance (ChaosTheories) & Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)
  15. Hyun-Ae, owned by Apotropaics & Padraig, owned by Tara de Draiocht
    Pg 6
  16. Stormfall (tefla) & Dichali (.Tortured. Pumpkin.)
  17. (Krui/Huni Pi) & (Jasper/Sherlolly formerly Dolly_Llama)
  18. (Branwen/Celestial Requiem) & (Sir Lafayette Misae/ Sweenys_Revenge)
  19. Acacia/Nyx Queen of Darkness & Zaitus/Ririka
  20. Nokomis/Green Ever After & Arden/Nyx Queen of Darkness and Cheshirekttty
    Pg 7
  21. Hafwyn/ xHemlock (formerly x___Doctor Ruri) & Zheadeos/ Kaimi Kalani & Strait Jacket Girl
    Norika; mewmew kittykat94 & Kain; Tanukyle
  22. (Mi Ren Ko / Dixie & Rea Fearless) & (Zaire / RavenFyre)
  23. (Inanna / sailormoon72491) & (Zircon / sailormoon72491)
  24. (Padmasambhava/Roniel Targaryen) & (Ame/FlamingStar-Sama)
  25. (Air/Mila Farrell) & (Lyrn/ EchoLimaFoxtrot)
    Pg 8
  26. (Actias Luna/SylverStar) & (Leif/The_Great_Book_Wyrm & StarieMichie)
  27. Carolina (Shikon Miko) & Háidēs (Thalea)
    Pg 9
  28. Windsor (TanuKyle) & Julius Monrey (Laroawan)


    Pg 1
  1. Lainathel ( Seiana_ZI ) & Lorenzo ( ATh e a r t )
  2. Zindayia (Doodle p***s) & Butter Pecan (Split personality and Summer Raven)
    Pg 2
  3. Jubilee/ Sylent Nyte & Zephyr / ktqueen
  4. Tic Tac Toe (Caitlyn Hellstorm) & Zaribe (Rein_Carnation)
  5. Zaicate (Caitlyn Hellstorm) & Shizuka Tsuyoi (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki)
  6. Bear (Pinchmonster) & Tobias (Dulcea)
  7. Lomadia (nekolulu) & Shimanyo ( [ Lady Kiya ] )
  8. (Taja / ~Kiana_Nala~ x Nekolulu) & (Gregory / Theidren x Lorako)
  9. Lolita (Nothing Yet) x Sterling (Nerpin)
    Pg 3
  10. Annika/RockerWolfie1616) & Ngarde/ropin and riden)
  11. (Adsila Awentia/Rhyleigh) & (Lorcan/Rita Zyon)
  12. LittleWind - ShirouEn & Meykal - Strawberri Stardust
  13. Lola (Katachii) & Nato (Natitsuri)
    Pg 4
  14. (Flutter / Slimycrow) & (Lussurio / Sawaki)
  15. Cassandra (WNC) & Swafi Jr (Sayuri_Nitta)
  16. ( Bailey / Faid Shadowlight ) & ( Laures / dawns_aura )
  17. (Aine / Edototo (eternaldelusion)) & (Lijep, RockerWolfie1616)
    Pg 5
  18. Temperance (ChaosTheories) & Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)
  19. (Poppins/toadies_soarys) & (Prism/ She-Ra of Etheria)
  20. Keri, owned by Crimsoncutie666 & Ruka owned by Nekolulu
  21. Nukpana (XxPrimevalPandaxX) & Hampton (immortalmina)
  22. Forbidden (Kettyn) & Nivuxys (.Tortured. Pumpkin.)
    Pg 6
  23. (Lyou/Huni Pi) & (Gaven/Thamin)
  24. Takoda (Revel1984) & Ecstasy / ([ Mialee ])
  25. (Velika/Divena & Divenasmom) & (Aydan/ Angelique Delamort)
  26. Acacia/Nyx Queen of Darkness & Zaitus/Ririka
    Pg 7
  27. Unetsiwa (elvyralani) & Jame (kaliskanny, Lt. Gnatty-Bug)
  28. Keelin [Kiara Lime] & Jack Bailey [DarkHikari]
  29. (Niade Stargazer / Tygress Dream) & (Ramiel/ Skylar14)
  30. Sakura / Phail Ninja) & (Adrian Dragonshadow / Tygress Dream)
  31. Haukea (Yuuka Kurokawa) & Kernel (UltaMatt)
  32. Pikachu (miss meami and Naysha Aysha) & Vulpix (miss meami)
  33. Norika; mewmew kittykat94 & Kain; Tanukyle
  34. (Padmasambhava/Roniel Targaryen) & (Ame/FlamingStar-Sama)
  35. (Deneb/Lady Argentum Draconis) & (Xelloss/Roniel Targaryen)
  36. (Magnificent/Graceangel) & (Bmurglbrm/Shinosbee)
    Pg 8
  37. Alexandra ; hibi-tea & Tyrin ; silent nyhility
  38. Clare (Buffy_the_Bloody) & Black Sand ([ Mialee ])
  39. Cambria: (Orangeish Sherbert) & Rock Candy: (Toadies_soarys)
  40. Uhra || x blame it on the --- x & Adom || Tirokio
    Pg 9
  41. Vienna- Raving. Rabbids & Elijah- Tamiko_kitten
  42. Nicole (hanging gallow) x Moki (hanging gallow)
  43. Anthem | Vistada | & Ziyad | Thalion |
  44. Kiwi Tart, owned by Safaia & Riku, owned by Meepfur
  45. Laohu, owned by Meepfur & Haoxian, owned by Meepfur
  46. Victoria (~Kiana_Nala~ & Kareswynn) & Felix Prancerton (Muffinsbaby)


    Pg 1
  1. Vesper, owned by faithofthefallen & Erynion, owned by LOLTERNATIVE
  2. Nidra, owned by And be blue & Lilwolfpard & Barracus, owned by Faithofthefallen
  3. Louvia ( ATh e a r t ) & Adakias ( Marzipanz )
  4. Lainathel ( Seiana_ZI ) & Lorenzo ( ATh e a r t )
  5. Dragoon (naggeela) x Xanti (FitzRoyal)
  6. Adelia (-MoomoolatteCha-) x Dai (FitzRoyal)
  7. Amarinne ( Celeanor/Forahier) & Crousader ( Celeanor)
  8. Morgy (MoochiLove) & Abingdon (Marinity)
  9. Hi No Tori (MoochiLove) & Rayearth (Leez0rz)
  10. Fisch owned by Split personality & Cthulu owned by StarieMichie
  11. Zindayia (Doodle p***s) & Butter Pecan (Split personality and Summer Raven)
  12. Feilea, owned by Kyaishi & Kuumo, owned by Lilwolfpard
    Pg 2
  13. Jubilee/ Sylent Nyte & Zephyr / ktqueen
  14. Tic Tac Toe (Caitlyn Hellstorm) & Zaribe (Rein_Carnation)
  15. Zaicate (Caitlyn Hellstorm) & Shizuka Tsuyoi (PhoenixGuardianMikazuki)
  16. Vitania (Buffy_the_Bloody & Parue) & Serren (Novablu)
  17. Daytona (x_faux affliction_x) Gypsy Phantom (Novablu)
  18. Sirana (elvyralani) & Ansen (Kamiki)
  19. Itzpapalotl (GunSniper) & Liquid Bismuth (Etherial Requiem)
  20. Quauhxochitl (Etherial Requiem) & Voodoo (Amirynth)
  21. Fyglia (Frezir) & Megapi (Geyser Eelborn)
  22. Aldora (icy serenade) & Naxos (Frezir)
  23. (Aika/ [+Katch+]) & (Moon/Naysha Aysha)
  24. (Santeria/ Pollack) & (Nithhogr/ sage_the_vampirc_angel)
  25. Bear (Pinchmonster) & Tobias (Dulcea)
  26. Lomadia (nekolulu) & Shimanyo ( [ Lady Kiya ] )
  27. Isleen (Cyhorse) & Alazphraxion ([ Lady Kiya ])
  28. (Taja / ~Kiana_Nala~ x Nekolulu) & (Gregory / Theidren x Lorako]/strike])
  29. Windstorm; lilmissy4205 & Sabin Duvert & Prometheus; Psycho Shocker
  30. Io (Dixie) & Diogenes (Kamiki)
  31. Lolita (Nothing Yet) x Sterling (Nerpin)
    Pg 3
  32. Luinil (LadyKirin) & Aranel (LadyKirin)
  33. (Annika/RockerWolfie1616) & Ngarde/ropin and riden)
  34. Ukiyo-e (Nymphalidae) & Endrra (naggeela)
  35. Heaven-Leigh (Belalusiia) & Triboulet (Nymphalidae)
  36. Siren (LadyDelaidra) & Nightmare Gottschalk (Pink Pandah Bear)
  37. Railee May (Pink Pandah Bear) & Fantome (GrnGriff/tefla)
  38. (Amu/Harukaharu) & (Kuro-Yume/ Kara Asumie)
  39. Sita (Kaimi Kalani) & Carthage (JadedTiger22)
  40. Serra (xNephilim Queen) & Orpheo (Lunarflowermaiden)
  41. (Adsila Awentia/Rhyleigh) & (Lorcan/Rita Zyon)
  42. Nokomis (stormflower) & Shikouten (Apotropaics)
  43. Pandora (xo -- k a i r i) & Einar (stormflower)
  44. LittleWind - ShirouEn & Meykal - Strawberri Stardust
  45. Caelyndei (Neon Fly aka Inkume) & Capella (GrnGriff)
  46. Mai (Bella Dea) & Calavero (Neon Fly aka Inkume)
  47. Hermione Granger (Yoko Lorako and Miss Meami) & Fred Weasley (Ragers)
  48. Lemon Meringue (Ragers) & George Weasley (LadyDelaidra)
  49. Mansi (Kiara Lime) & Khajag (Leez0rz)
  50. Lola (Katachii) & Nato (Natitsuri)
    Pg 4
  51. (Alura/Nemesis Kenobi) & (Austin/Moxxiie)
  52. (Relia / Kurama no Koishi) & (Regulus / Syaoran-Puu)
  53. (Chandra / Syaoran-Puu) & (Sonnet / Faid Shadowlight)
  54. (Syrea / brosuke) & (Kenji / Sawaki)
  55. (Flutter / Slimycrow) & (Lussurio / Sawaki)
  56. Cassandra (WNC) & Swafi Jr (Sayuri_Nitta)
  57. Sunari (Sayuri_Nitta) & Dominick (Devil NightShade)
  58. Anemone (Doodle p***s) & Kiyoshi Yukio (Epine de Rose)
  59. Megaera, owned by Sabin Duvert & Sheol, owned by ~Masamune~
  60. Fallon, owned by yoko lorako & Disuto, owned by ~Masamune~
  61. Anelisse (Cajmera) & Fenghuang (Epine de Rose)
  62. ( Bailey / Faid Shadowlight ) & ( Laures / dawns_aura )
  63. Thesh-ah/ DemonWingedPoetGirl & Ini-Herit / Malikztiah Ankhere
  64. (Dice Eliza Quinn/_-Cheeky_Chobit-_) & (Blood Dupre/ Elissa Cousland)
  65. (Rosabis/Elissa Cousland & Hypercandy Loli) & (Kai/ _-Cheeky_Chobit-_)
  66. (Aine / Edototo (eternaldelusion)) & (Lijep, RockerWolfie1616)
  67. Celeste T.L. Requiem, Celestial Requiem & Mar, Gl!tch~
    Pg 5
  68. Aerlinniel/Yuuka Kurokawa & Ganesha/elfstar89 & Heavenly Snow
  69. (Centioscolopendra Aeliani/AlexiaSilver) & (Gahz'rilla/Elfstar89)
  70. Anita (Fatal Irony) & Nestor ( xo -- k a i r i)
  71. Caitlin (Fatal Irony) & Rigor Mortis / (Graphophobia and Meeki)
  72. Doan Vien (saedusk) & Omicron Persei (ladyfirefox89)
  73. (Coraline/Nuclearity) & (Alexander/ Hypercandy loli)
  74. Jarita (JetAlmeara) & Eversong (JetAlmeara)
  75. Temperance (ChaosTheories) & Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)
  76. (Poppins/toadies_soarys) & (Prism/ She-Ra of Etheria)
  77. Adella (xFalenx) & Gamut (Mew-Neko)
  78. Core (iVintages) x Hal O'Ween (xFalenx
  79. Gale [Kuro-Mizuki & Ranger Myst] & Shikoba [Eranas & Dark-Jagan]
  80. Keri, owned by Crimsoncutie666 & Ruka owned by Nekolulu
  81. Hyun-Ae, owned by Apotropaics & Padraig, owned by Tara de Draiocht
  82. Fayette (Tara de Draiocht) & Rolan (Foalen)
  83. Nukpana (XxPrimevalPandaxX) & Hampton (immortalmina)
  84. Forbidden (Kettyn) & Nivuxys (.Tortured. Pumpkin.)
  85. Aponi (Zsabrina) & Ezekiel (catmagick)
    Pg 6
  86. Stormfall (tefla) & Dichali (.Tortured. Pumpkin.)
  87. Aolani (tefla) & Hina'ea )sage_the_vampirc_angel)
  88. Ell Em En Oh/icy serenade & Ren/Oneeko
  89. (Krui/Huni Pi) & (Jasper/Sherlolly formerly Dolly_Llama)
  90. (Lyou/Huni Pi) & (Gaven/Thamin)
  91. Jaela, pinchmonster & Phrixis, Kuro-Mizuki
  92. Hunter Brown (Parue) & Ethan (Sabin Duvert)
  93. Twitchy // StarieMichie/Lolli McHotpants & Cockery // StarieMichie
  94. Nakanadi (Logue) & Mihai (brosuke & Akira-Kisho)
  95. Takoda (Revel1984) & Ecstasy / ([ Mialee ])
  96. (Frost/Divena & DivenasMom) & (Jayhk/Bardess Ookami)
  97. (Velika/Divena & Divenasmom) & (Aydan/ Angelique Delamort)
  98. (Branwen/Celestial Requiem) & (Sir Lafayette Misae/ Sweenys_Revenge)
  99. Acacia/Nyx Queen of Darkness & Zaitus/Ririka
  100. Nokomis/Green Ever After & Arden/Nyx Queen of Darkness and Cheshirekttty
    Pg 7
  101. Unetsiwa (elvyralani) & Jame (kaliskanny, Lt. Gnatty-Bug)
  102. Hafwyn/ xHemlock (formerly x___Doctor Ruri) & Zheadeos/ Kaimi Kalani & Strait Jacket Girl
  103. (Omutia/Strait Jacket Girl) & (Berk/ ShirouEn)
  104. Keelin [Kiara Lime] & Jack Bailey [DarkHikari]
  105. (Niade Stargazer / Tygress Dream) & (Ramiel/ Skylar14)
  106. Sakura / Phail Ninja) & (Adrian Dragonshadow / Tygress Dream)
  107. Haukea (Yuuka Kurokawa) & Kernel (UltaMatt)
  108. Crush ; Dihydrogen. & Al'ar ; Mameha Otome
  109. Pikachu (miss meami and Naysha Aysha) & Vulpix (miss meami)
  110. Tamara (renarde minako) & Xuan (miss meami)
  111. Norika; mewmew kittykat94 & Kain; Tanukyle
  112. (Mi Ren Ko / Dixie & Rea Fearless) & (Zaire / RavenFyre)
  113. (Miel / RavenFyre) & (Aerien / ShtrDrNGry)
  114. (Gabriela/Presca,RayniaSky, Graceangel) & (Mythril/Rein_Carnation)
  115. (Magnificent/Graceangel) & (Bmurglbrm/Shinosbee)
  116. (Inanna / sailormoon72491) & (Zircon / sailormoon72491)
  117. (Padmasambhava/Roniel Targaryen) & (Ame/FlamingStar-Sama)
  118. (Deneb/Lady Argentum Draconis) & (Xelloss/Roniel Targaryen)
  119. (Tai'jin/Amirynth & Lt Gnatty Bug) & (Icarus/EchoLimaFoxtrot & kaliskanny)
  120. (Air/Mila Farrell) & (Lyrn/ EchoLimaFoxtrot)
  121. Merciette (`raze) & Deidren (Nisshou H)
    Pg 8
  122. Lycaon (Kirowyn Love) & Graham ([ vance ])
  123. Kyuhyun - Rhea Hyuga & Mescal - [ vance ]
  124. Ink, owned by noxilicious & Lore, owned by Nerpin
  125. (Mac / Kishara) & (Rinji / [X]Natty-Chan[X])
  126. Alexandra ; hibi-tea & Tyrin ; silent nyhility
  127. (Actias Luna/SylverStar) & (Leif/The_Great_Book_Wyrm & StarieMichie)
  128. (Sky/SylverStar) & (Sapphrion Kanny/ladyfirefox89)
  129. Clare (Buffy_the_Bloody) & Black Sand ([ Mialee ])
  130. Chatella: (Chi Honda) & Adole: (Orangeish Sherbert)
  131. Cambria: (Orangeish Sherbert) & Rock Candy: (Toadies_soarys)
  132. Amaya (Kyaishi) & Shyam (Uta)
  133. Zara (Uta) & Hadrian (Uta)
  134. Carolina (Shikon Miko) & Háidēs (Thalea)
  135. Uhra || x blame it on the --- x & Adom || Tirokio
  136. (Flora / Dollfie) & (Adrian / -[The Spoof]-)
    Pg 9
  137. Regin (AislingJuno) & Knucklebone (-[The Spoof]-)
  138. Madoka - LunaRei_SilverBlood & Boris Airay - Hypercandy Loli
  139. Ali McIggins - MazokuPS & Rotom - LunaRei_SilverBlood
  140. Vienna- Raving. Rabbids & Elijah- Tamiko_kitten
  141. Glain | Sweenys_Revenge & Shuckles | Pippi18848
  142. Nicole (hanging gallow) x Moki (hanging gallow)
  143. Isabliss (Shikon Miko & Thalea) x Cikawiyusu Sikine (Hanging Gallow)
  144. Amarantine, owned by Cajmera & Altair, owned by vollyballrocks98
  145. Azure (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko) & Vergil Sparda (Sephiros Immortalis)
  146. Sanuye | [ Eskimo ] | & Grey Wolf | Thalion |
  147. Anthem | Vistada | & Ziyad | Thalion |
  148. Angel / Meeki & Raguel / Tweekend & Meeki
  149. Fjola Lightbane (LadyNekoya(JulianMoMo)) & Abel Nightroad ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
  150. Calixte - Mahogany Sunset & Fayearan - Mei Silja
  151. Windsor (TanuKyle) & Julius Monrey (Laroawan)
  152. Scavenger (TehTwi) & Alban (Laroawan)
  153. Kiwi Tart, owned by Safaia & Riku, owned by Meepfur
  154. Laohu, owned by Meepfur & Haoxian, owned by Meepfur
  155. Victoria (~Kiana_Nala~ & Kareswynn) & Felix Prancerton (Muffinsbaby)


Wrathful Demigod


Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:03 am



1. Temperance (ChaosTheories) & Accalon (-MoomoolatteCha-)

2. LittleWind - ShirouEn & Meykal - Strawberri Stardust

3. (Adsila Awentia/Rhyleigh) & (Lorcan/Rita Zyon)

4. Unetsiwa (elvyralani) & Jame (kaliskanny, Lt. Gnatty-Bug)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:00 pm



Wrathful Demigod


PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:01 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Vesper, owned by faithofthefallen
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Erynion, owned by LOLTERNATIVE
User Image
Low Luck?: Nope
Unedited?: No
Co Ownership?: No co ownerships ;3
RPed couple?: Not quite yet but working on it
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Silvera (Father)
Aethereal (Mother)
Lady Requiem (Grandmother)
Legolas (Grandfather)
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement:Breeding Agreement

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Nidra, owned by And be blue & Lilwolfpard
User Image
Unpelted/Fox Form/Pelted Uncert/Unpelted Uncert/Fox Form Uncert
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Barracus, owned by Faithofthefallen
User Image
Coyote Form/Pelted Uncert/Unpelted Uncert/Coyote Form Uncert
Low Luck?: No
Unedited?: Nope
Co Ownership?: Blue and Lils (Blue has all breeding rights <3)
RPed couple?: No
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Nidras Mother
Nidras Father
Lifemate?: No
Breeding Agreement:Breeding Agreement
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:02 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Louvia ( ATh e a r t )
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Adakias ( Marzipanz )
User Image UNCERT

Lowluck?: No.
Minor/Unedited: No.
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here
Teepees: ATh e a r t || Marzipanz
Throwbacks?: Sure <3
Link to previous Generations:
Louvia's Mom and Dad
Louvia's Grandma and Grandpa
Adakias's Mom and Dad
Adakias's Grandma and Grandpa


Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Lainathel ( Seiana_ZI )
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Lorenzo ( ATh e a r t )
User ImageUNCERT

Lowluck?: No.
Minor/Unedited: Yes.
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here <3
Teepees: ATh e a r t || Seiana doesn't have one yet
Throwbacks?: Sure <3
Link to previous Generations: N/A

ATh e a r t


Romantic Lunatic


Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:04 pm

wahmbulance I'm a derp and I didn't add the minor/unedited thing to the form until now. So can anyone who hasn't already noticed that, please fix their forms!

-Sorry and thank you!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:06 pm

ATh e a r t


Thanks guys!


Wrathful Demigod

ATh e a r t


Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:07 pm

already done XD <333
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:10 pm

heart xD



Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:10 pm

Entry Line: Dragoon (naggeela) x Xanti (FitzRoyal)
Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Dragoon / naggeela
User Image [Uncert]
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Xanti / FitzRoyal
User Image [Uncert]

Lowluck?: Nope
Minor/Unedited?: Nope
Co Ownership?: Nope
Lifemate?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement:X and X
Teepees:FitzRoyal / naggeela doesn't have one
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations: Both 1st gens

Entry Line: Adelia (-MoomoolatteCha-) x Dai (FitzRoyal)
Image of mother:
User Image [Uncert]

Image of father:
User Image [Uncert]

Lowluck?: Nope
Minor/Unedited?: Nope
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: X
Teepees: FitzRoyal / -MoomoolatteCha-
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations:
Great Grandmother
Great Grandfather
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:11 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Amarinne ( Celeanor/Forahier)
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Crousader ( Celeanor)
User Image

Lowluck?: No
Minor/Unedited: No
Co Ownership?:
Forahier - not getting a basket. Link Here.
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Own Both

[ x ] - Celeanor
Throwbacks?: N/A
Link to previous Generations: N/A


Dangerous Hunter


Demonic Hellhound

13,375 Points
  • Married 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:14 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Morgy (MoochiLove)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Abingdon (Marinity)
User ImageUNCERT

Lowluck?: Yes
Lowluck List: 1. JulianMoMo's 2011 April Breedings
2. Nerpins 2011 April Breedings
3. Agneza's 2011 April Breedings
4. Rapid's 2011 February Breedings
5. Agneza's 2011 February Breedings
6. Agneza's 2011 Januray Breedings
7. Felmino's 2011 January Breedings
8. Niloufer's 2011 New Years Breedings
9. Ririka's 2010 Christmas Blessing Breedings
10. Ririka's 2010 December Breedings
11. Nekoya's 2010 December Breedings
12. Mindsend's 2010 December Breedings
13. Beejoux's 2010 November Breedings
14. Niloufer's 2010 November Breedings
15. Sabin Duvert's 2010 November Breedings
16. Neyoka's 2010 November Breedings
17. Ririka's 2010 November Breedings
18. Niloufer's 2010 October Breedings
19. Sabin Duvert's 2010 July Breedings
20. Mindsend's 2010 July Breedings
21. tooaya's 2010 June Breedings
Minor/Unedited: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: Breeding Agreement

Teepees: Marinity's Teepee & MoochiLove's Teepee
Throwbacks?: Yes
Link to previous Generations: Abingdon's side....
Parents: Kitten, Styx
Grandparents: Ozzie, Kerrigan
Great-Grandparents: Aderes, Sadiki Iah
Great-Great-Grandparents: Nalini, Torey

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Hi No Tori (MoochiLove)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Rayearth (Leez0rz)
User ImageUNCERT

Lowluck?: No
Minor/Unedited: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: Breeding Agreement

Teepees: Leez0rz Teepee & MoochiLove's Teepee
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: N/A
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:15 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Fisch owned by Split personality
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Cthulu owned by StarieMichie
User ImageUNCERT

Lowluck?: No
Minor/Unedited: No
Co Ownership?: N/A
Lifemate?: No
Link to Breeding Agreement: xxx

Teepees: Split and Richies
Throwbacks?: No
Link to previous Generations: None

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Zindayia (Doodle p***s)
User Image UNCERT
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Butter Pecan (Split personality and Summer Raven)
User ImageUNCERT

Lowluck?: No
Minor/Unedited: Yes
Co Ownership?: Summer raven does not get a slot. xxx
Lifemate?: Yes
Link to Breeding Agreement: xxx

Teepees: Splits and Doodles
Throwbacks?: N/A
Link to previous Generations: N/A

Split Personality

Feline Wife

5,500 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Risky Lifestyle 100


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:15 pm

Name, image, and owner(s) of mother: Feilea, owned by Kyaishi
User Image
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Kuumo, owned by Lilwolfpard
User Image

Lowluck?: Not yet razz
Minor/Unedited: Nope
Co-Ownership: N/A
Lifemate?: Nope
Link to Breeding Agreement: Here <3
Teepees: Kyaishi's Teepee (Lil's does not include Kuumo)
Throwbacks?: Sure
Link to previous Generations:
Feilea's Mother
Feilea's Father
Feilea's Grandmother
Feilea's Grandfather
Breeding Thickets

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