I'm not garunteing anything, but I'm a bit of a venturing artist. Right now I do sketches, but I'm trying to get a tablet for advanced art. I dint have any current samples, but I'm not too bad, compared tonsome of the people in the shops subforum...

What I can/ will do:
Single char. Either gender. Face, waist, or full
Couples: face, waist, full
Backrounds, scenery: indoors, outdoor buildings.
Items: any. Custom, random, any.

Will draw character clothed or nude.
Will draw character in certain, described poses.
Will draw character in chibi modo, though painstakingly.
Will draw eyes. Lots of eyes.
I can, and will draw machines, with varying complexity

Need a house designed? I can CADD it.
Will draw certain anime. If I'm unfamiliar, please send me a link. If you don't hear from me, I'll get back, once I've finished a season.

What I Won't/ can't do:
Large, open scenery is still a work in progress venture, with few exeptions
Softcore things aside, I'm a little nervous about drawing le Pronz. Please don't overdo it.
No eating babies. It's been requested before.
No "monster" types. Perhaps some basic ones allowed, but nothing extreme.
I will draw anime. I will not draw yugioh. Especially not after someone asked me to
Draw Kaiba eating babies.
I can draw machines, as earlier mentioned. I cannot, however, give you the working specs of an actual object. Don't ask me about every gears placement in the robot bartender that's irl.

Ok... Lemme just say one more thing. I don't really know much about the rates I should give, so, if you have something in mind, name a price. We can haggle. I don't need an order form, but please provide any details I need, if I have to ask.