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[FIN] You're Not That Bad (Tarafa & Mittere)

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Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:11 pm
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Word circulated quickly, and with a trace of fear, about how a certain pink lioness had regained her ability to walk. Yes, she was still weak and prone to tiring quickly, but in a pride that revolved around sickness in death, it was easy to be aware of how that lioness shouldn't have been capable of quite that much yet. Tarafa found it amazing. Mittere hadn't even done anything yet, but already she was well on her way to becoming a kind of legend.

The Bard resolutely pushed aside the fear that followed hard on the heels of that thought - how she hoped that the pink lioness would live long enough to make a real legend.

Still, it was time to spend some time with Mittere once more. Hopefully she'd be in a...better mood than her normal repute. Being able to get around and outside again should have helped.

As expected, the older lioness found her target sunning on a large rock near her den. The pink female certainly looked better than she had the last time they'd met, and was beginning to recover the muscle tone she'd lost in convalescence.

"You're earning quite the reputation, you know," the Bard commented as she approached.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:19 pm
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She'd been enjoying her day. Really, she had. It was amazing how much fresh air and sunshine did for even her temper. Not that she was any more vocal or cheerful to the Healers who tended her and (gag) helped with her recovery. But it did make her less inclined to snap her teeth or whip her tail around. Which was only going to help as she recovered more of her former strength. The pink lioness doubted Nawiri would be at all pleased if she injured Healers so desperately needed by the pride. For that matter, if anyone should attack, the more able Healers available, the better.

Mittere just despised being a patient. She was sure that the Healers would be even more relieved than she once she was finally judged to have recovered.

All that aside, she wasn't sure she was pleased to have Tarafa coming straight at her. But the other lioness' course left no doubt as to her intended goal. Mittere still hadn't decided what she thought of the Bard as a person, and it was a disconcerting feeling.

Still she doubted that she cared what Tarafa was talking about. The pink lioness had always had a reputation of some kind, usually negative. So she ignored her visitor and concentrated on enjoying the warm sun on her fur.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:51 pm
Tarafa hid a smile as she came closer. She wasn't that surprised to find Mittere trying to ignore her. Just as she knew the other lioness was fully aware of her presence, and likely had been before she'd even spoken. This play at ignoring her was just that, a play, meant to discourage idle conversation. Unfortunately for the pink lioness, Tarafa had no intention of leaving just yet. Besides, she told herself with a wicked grin, silence meant assent!

"There's two reputations, actually," the blue and grey lioness continued. "First is the fact that some think you are a demon sent by a dark god. How else could you recover so quickly?" The Bard's tone was teasing, but there was a slight tension underlying the light attitude, indicating that there was some sort of fear and superstition that really was giving rise to ridiculous rumors like that.

"On the other hand, there's the much more genuine reputation as a stubborn b***h who must think she's better than anyone else in the pride - why else would she refuse to interact with people like any normal person?" This time Tarafa's tone was more serious. In a small pride like the Kitwana'Antara, sooner or later everybody knew everyone else. And Mittere's habits weren't exactly going to help her out. Part of what the Bard did as she went around listening to all the talk was drop a few pointed words here and there to smooth tensions, if she could.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:02 pm
No matter how studiously she ignored the Bard, Tarafa kept coming. And kept talking. Mittere supposed she could let the words wash over her into meaningless noise, but that would be a damned stupid thing to do. So she paid attention, just as she continued to employ eyes and ears to keep an eye on all the other pride members passing by as they went about their days.

This wasn't the first time a pride had thought her to be an unnatural creature, and she wasn't entirely sure that was a bad reputation to have - especially from the people whom she'd be teaching in the future. It was a bit sad, to her thinking, that the Kitwana'Antara were so unfamiliar with real Warriors that they didn't recognize her stamina and endurance for what they really were. As someone who'd spent almost all of her life honing her body into a weapon, there was quite a lot she could endure and bounce back from. At that thought, the pink lioness' mouth twitched in reaction to an inner, satisfied smile.

She couldn't keep the smile in as the Bard went on about her "other" reputation. It wasn't the first time someone had attempted to chastise her for her attitude and it wasn't going to work any better today than it had in days past. The pink lioness did find it interesting that Tarafa should actually be concerned for her. Interesting, but unnecessary. She could take care of herself, even if she was restricted to the pride lands. That still chafed a bit, more now that she was able to move around than when she'd been stuck in that cave. But it wasn't as if she didn't understand the reasoning behind that ban, or that she was the only one it applied to. Those facts made things more bearable. Not enjoyable, but disease never was.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:39 am
Reading Mittere's expressions was much more difficult than with most of the other pride members. Tarafa was at a disadvantage because the pink lioness was not born to the Kitwana'antara and had a totally foreign upbringing and life. There were others in the pride who tended towards silence as she did, but those the Bard had known for years.

Still, she judged Mittere to be amused or satisfied with the reputations of rumor. That might be well enough for now, but she didn't want the other lioness to be ostracized later for her attitudes now.

"It's a small pride we have here," she went on when it became clear that Mittere still wouldn't speak. "And everybody knows everyone else. How you act now will determine how they view you and treat you for the rest of your life." It was blunter than she'd meant to be, but somehow she didn't think pussyfooting around the subject was going to cut it with the recovering Warrior.

Tarafa was worried enough that she considered sending a prayer up to Pestilence that Mittere would listen to her advice. Then shocked, because she hadn't realized this stranger meant so much to her already.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:44 am
The pink lioness was starting to run through options for getting rid of Tarafa when the blue lioness spoke again. It wasn't anything particularly new...yet the last statement was something that Mittere hadn't considered at all. She'd known that the pride's numbers were down from where they'd been. And she'd known that while outsiders were welcome to join, so long as they understood the restrictions or were cubs to raise, there was of course no leaving.

Which meant that the fundamental population of the pride tended not to vary the way other groups without disease did. Thus was the Warrior stuck with these others for the rest of their lives.

Curse it, Tarafa was right. She couldn't afford to have them hating her all that time.

Mittere continued ignoring the Bard, but now it was so that she could focus on how to solve the problem that had been presented. There were several options, especially now that she could at least get around on her own...  


Obsessive Bookworm


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:53 am
Tarafa watched the other lioness' expression change. It was a subtle thing, all in the shape of her eyes, the tightness of her jaw, the twitching of her tail and the subtle contraction in her paws that indicated a readiness to unleash the claws sheathed within. Good, that meant Mittere was taking her seriously. She was relieved and again, surprised by the strength of the emotion.

Well, if the pink lioness was engaged in her own mental processes, applying what she knew to the problem Tarafa had shown her, that left the Bard free to do the same over the feelings she had towards the lioness. Mittere was so very unlike anyone the blue lioness had ever met - and she knew practically everyone in the pride. She'd known them all from a young age too, which gave her about as good an outlook as Nawiri.

Yes there were those in the pride who felt rage against the disease and the pride's restrictions. But they had been born to it and also knew the inevitability of Pestilence in their very bones. Mittere, on the other hand, had been forced into this life that she might not die of her wounds. And while Tarafa was sure the other lioness appreciated being alive, she knew that the restrictions she'd found imposed on her chafed a great deal.

But while any outsider was intriguing, none of the others had the same kind of fascination for Tarafa as Mittere. It was a true puzzle that she was determined to solve, one way or another.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:11 am
It was something that Mittere had promised Nawiri she'd do, but she honestly hadn't thought about taking up those duties before she was fully recovered. However, this was the best solution to the problem Tarafa had revealed.

She'd start teaching.

It would still be a while before she was recovered enough to actually demonstrate techniques and movements, but there was a lot of theory behind war as well. The ideas behind offense and defense, how to prepare, those things which were vital as compared to inconsequential...Mittere had a vast store of knowledge on the subject and she was certainly capable of imparting that even if she was still physically limited.

The pink lioness nodded once, sharply, to herself. It seemed she should see Nawiri, and ask who it was to talk to about educating the fighters and the young would-be fighters.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:19 am
Tarafa was almost totally oblivious to the lioness in front of her now as she delved deeper, trying to identify the odd emotions that wrapped 'round her heart whenever she thought about Mittere. They choked her and twisted her this way and that until she was at their mercy...and then she realized.

This was love.

The love she'd never been able to feel for Uzazi now was in full flower, and there was no mistaking its target. She'd known, even when they were betrothed, that she was one of those creatures who was most attracted to their own gender. It wasn't something that she had let another soul know until long after his death, but she had still known. Sometimes she wondered if he'd somehow guessed, and if that contributed to his death.

But Uzazi was the past. Long gone. Mittere was the present, and so vibrant and alive it was difficult for anyone to forget it.

The Bard squelched the longing as best she could. It wouldn't do to reveal it to the other lioness, lest she scare her away. There was no telling if Mittere would even be interested, or if such a confession would ruin what could end up as a solid friendship.

Tarafa forced her mind away from introspection and back to the real world in time to notice Mittere's nod.

"What will you do?" The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, but clearly the pink lioness had reached some kind of decision. Perhaps the Bard could help.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:24 am
It wasn't entirely surprising by now that Tarafa had followed the signs of her mental struggle to see the moment when Mittere reached her decision. The blue lioness was very observant and though she was no fighter, the pink lioness had decided to respect any report she chose to give.

"I told the Queen I would teach the pride's fighters. Techniques, strategy and tactics from many prides and lands far, far from here." It was likely, the pink lioness thought as she spoke, that Tarafa had already heard of this. The Bard seemed to have her paw on the pulse of the pride and that was no bad thing.

Having made her decision and informed the Bard, Mittere stretched out further. Now she would have to consider how to approach not only the Queen, but whatever fighters still remained in the pride.  


Obsessive Bookworm


Obsessive Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:30 am
The Bard was surprised when Mittere actually answered her question instead of dodging around it or simply ignoring her. She'd heard something to that effect already, but hearing the pink lioness say so set it in the stone of fact. She wasn't entirely certain of all that Mittere would be teaching, but hoepfully it would be good for the pride.

It should be, after all. So few fighters were left and while the Bards might remember battles of the past, that didn't mean they understood them as well as a Guard or Warrior should. And even if those currently in the pride didn't have that understanding, she was sure Mittere did. And that then, was something she would probably teach.

Tarafa nodded as sense was made in her own mind. More to the point, being more visible as a person - an intelligent, viable member of the pride - would help Mittere be less demonized by rumor and earn her real respect, not just fear.

"A good plan," was all she said aloud in response. "I shall have to look in on your lessons from time to time." Not just to see Mittere, oh no. But in her capacity as a Bard, as a historian and storyteller.

She'd just keep telling herself that.

With that being said, she nodded to the pink lioness and left to continue her rounds.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:34 am
Caught up in her own thoughts, Mittere barely caught what Tarafa was saying to her and simply nodded politely herself as the blue lioness left. There was a great deal to do as far as mentally organizing these lessons and how to present them to those who would allow her to implement them.

She could, of course, just wander around searching for those with the look of fighters, but that would take days and be inefficient. It was simpler to go through the civilian chain of command and meet the proper authorities. The lioness made room in her plotting for the possibility that the martial commanders wouldn't care for an interloper when she paused. Tarafa's parting words had just sunk in.

The Bard would be watching her lessons? That seemed...odd. Perhaps good for posterity, but still odd. Mittere couldn't quite put a claw on why the statement was so unsettling, but she filed the unease to a different portion of her mind and returned to her work.  


Obsessive Bookworm

[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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