Today I played alitlle game of Tank Swap. I move poor little Mister over to the 30 gallon in the Breeders Net, and Chiisai got moved into the 10 gallon with Plutto.
The new baby snails got moved into Chiisai's old 3 gallon because trying to grow them out on algae wafers will take for ever, plus, why waste algae wafes when you have a life time supply of algae in your 3 gallon tank! LOL
Got some pics, too, 'cause we all know if theres no pics, some one will get mad
mrgreen I put Plutto and one of the Nerites in a cup, and the Nerite got alittle adventurous! Look at that look on Pluttos face!!
rofl Before water...
Chiisai's side with water
Plutto's side with water. Not the greatest looking, IMO, but he really loves that pagota :rolleyes:
And the snail babies. Thats normal sized gravel they are on! Sooooo small!