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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:25 pm

* If this has already been discussed I am sorry and feel free to ignore it as you please.

So, I had a friend who won a soquili not too long ago and decided this wasn't really for her. I was just thinking of how cool it would be to make some adoption thread or something for situations like this. Sometimes people are leaving and may want to get rid of their soquili but they don't know who to give them to. If perhaps this went on a month by month thing it may be fine. People drop in and give up their soquili, when the month ends there will be a raffle or something. This is just a rough idea but I figured I would put it out there. This way when people no longer want what they have they can perhaps give some newbies a chance to get some soquili. -Shrugs- I dunnno.
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 7:17 pm

I suspect if people wished to give their soq away, they could ask staff permission to set up an adoption raffle or rp contest for them. I can't give a definitive yes or no on that, but I don't think there'd be a problem with it.


Wrathful Demigod

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:16 pm

I thought of that as well, but like with my friend, she doesn't even want to waste time setting something like that up. She would be happier just posting it somewhere and leaving.
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 6:09 am

I thought that's what second chance raffles were for...?
Or I could have misunderstood what they were for...

I'm sure if she just lets one of the staff know in a PM, or makes one single post in the thread and quoting one of the staff so it'll get seen. That way she won't have to worry about setting up a thread.


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Tricky Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:34 am

I agree with this in a way too. What if people want to quit? So many soquili go untouched. I'd love to find RP adopters for mine. Co-owner search and re-homing threads and whatnot for those of us without the time to set up something semi decent on our own.

It might end up a burden on the staff to just get dumped someone's soquili to give away.
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:48 am

I thought that's what second chance raffles were for...?
Or I could have misunderstood what they were for...

I'm sure if she just lets one of the staff know in a PM, or makes one single post in the thread and quoting one of the staff so it'll get seen. That way she won't have to worry about setting up a thread.

They were called second chance because they were based on animals Cx I think most of them that could have been adopted.

Though I question, why don't people just give it to other friends? Like... Olbies and newbies alike that want the soq? o.o

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic


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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:39 pm

I kind of like this idea myself. It feels... Fair. There could be one thread for the Soquili to get dropped off, and a tab kept by somebody maybe brought into staff JUST for it. And then each month in the Contest/Gaming Glen, a thread could be set up for a raffle of these Soquili that people have decided they don't want anymore.

Though one thing to consider - What about the Soquili who have reached their breeding max? If somebody gets one of these, and it's their first Soquili.... They can't breed it, even if they get it to Elder status.
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 6:42 pm

I agree with @<3. Why not just give it to friends? Or first poster on a page or something.

As for RP co-owners. You can always check the RP threads, see whose name pops up often or something?

Nyx Queen of Darkness

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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:06 pm

I do actually like the idea. I mean considering the particular issue with the friend, she doesn't want to make the effort, she's not attached the the horse at all. And where for now, with just one case, sure PMing staff to re-home it, could work.

But if something ever happened, and someone with multiple horses had to leave gaia, and wanted to pass them to newbies or something, but didn't have the time to set it up and wait for permission and run it, it could be a burden then for staff to do this individually.

But I don't think to many people are giving up their soq... So I'm not to sure if there's a huge demand for something like this, and adding another person into the staff just for it could be a problem too.

Sometimes gifting to friends can cause an issue. Because there are rules like if you own a parent, you can only own one off spring from each of the breedings. And what happen if you have 4 soq but 6 good friends? You have to choose >.>; That can be awkward.
PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:35 am

roll dice maybe if you cant choose between 6 good friends. i like the idea and I guess it depends on need. ( how many people want to give up their soq. I f a soq has maxed out its breeding the person given the soq should be notified if they want a breeding animal that this one no longer can?

Aukai Oceansoul

Springtime Shapeshifter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 12:11 pm

Yes you can always give them to a friend but if you are a complete newbie on here who decided you really don't care to be a part of the shop then who are you going to give it to? As with my friend, she only has two friends on here and both of us have quite a few soquili, we both feel it would be better given to someone who has been trying for a while and who genuinely wants to be part of the shop and get their first soquili. Sometimes people win for the first time and decide this really wasn't what they wanted so they just leave, it might be nice to have a place where they could drop the soquili if they didn't want it anymore rather than letting it fade into the shadows forever forgotten or oogled at by others until they realize it is utterly inactive.

As for staff, I don't think another person would need to be hired, it is kind of like lover's rock in the way that is is self-sustainable. Someone sets up the thread, people post in it for a month and then whoever posted the thread just chooses how to give them away.

If the breedings are all maxed out, sure it isn't ideal, but isn't one soquili better than none? At least it gives you a start and allows you to get a feel for the shop before you win something of your own. Sure you want babies but I have more fun rping them then breeding them. All of this could be worked out though, this was just a suggestion with the intent to get people to thinking. ^^ But yes, they should be informed if the soquili has all breedings maxed. That will be the owner's responsibility.
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 1:09 pm

For a total newbie, id suggest going to questline and talk to lil about it. Pretty sure she wouldn mind doing something like that to help newbies. I dont think this should be a staff thing though.

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic


High-functioning Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:03 pm

I believe that, if something like this is set up, that yes, someone on staff should at least watch over the thread.

Remember, in order to change ownership of a soq the original owner needs to post in the Co-ownership agreement thread that they are handing the rights over to the new owner, and the new owner needs to agree to it.

However, if said owner is quitting Gaia, or wants nothing more to do with Soq then you never know if they are going to post that agreement for the new owner.

So I say that if this is made then there should be a shop written notice that by posting their Soq in the thread to be given away that they understand that all their rights are now given up [right when they post], and shall be handed to the new owner, the person whom wins the raffle.

This would make things easier for those whom want to post and leave, and for new owners whom for one reason or another can't get the old owner to post an agreement for them.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:15 pm

After discussing it with staff, we've decided that there really doesn't need to be a new thread in place. Ultimately, we'd prefer it if people continue to use the system we have in place, which means relinquishing rights to another individual by using the Co-Own Agreement Thread found here.
Here they can give up ownership completely.

In the case of an individual who, like your friend, does not want to bother with relinquishing rights to an individual, or doesn't know anyone to give their soquili to, then they have always had the right to return the soquili back to the shop. Once they inform staff or PM the shop mule with their wishes, they will give up their right to that soquili and can move on, while the shop decides how to give the soquili away.

This is not something we want to advocate, but we do understand that it might be the most ideal option for an individual.

Thanks anyway for the suggestion!
This issue is resolved. :3


Shy Mage

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:42 am

I am really agreeing with everyone here. Talking of it, Co-Owning, but what I think is that, if your friend gets permission, they can hold a contest for the soquili to get requests of ones who would want it.
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