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Word count= 1,031
Kirja really didn't have too much to do today. She really didn't.

Her dad was taking one of those days to wander around the rogue lands. she knew what her father was doing. He was trying his hardest to find her mother but she knew her mother wasn't going to come back. She really didn't know what to do with herself. She had been spending a lot of time spending time with her father so he wasn't lonely. She knew it was good to have her father wandering around and seeing the world. She did hope, however, that she was going to have to figure out what to do with herself while her father was gone. The idea that fit the best in her mind was to wander around inside of the pride and to her she wanted to do some music. She loved her music.

Really the entire pride loved their music. Not only that but the pride was big on family. Extremely big on family, mostly because the children that were born in the pride normally stayed in the pride. One of those families started a while ago with a grey lioness. This lioness had a litter of cubs and in that litter was Mawi Mai. Who is Vevilla's grandmother. Don't get throw off by the name grandmother. Although Mawi is not the youngest thing that doesn't mean that she is old either! And there is one thing for sure Mawi is defiantly busy, hyper and she she likes to play and dance and sing and most of all drum.

Drumming is what she liked to do the most. She drummed when ever she could. She loved drumming so much, and thats where she was at the moment. She was in the drum circle pounding away a beat on her drum. She was into it a lot and was very happy and she was about to become happier because she was about to have some company. Her grand daughter, Vevilla, was wandering toward her. She stopped for a moment and looked over at the younger lioness. She always had time for her family. "Ah, Vevilla." She spoke she could see the smile on the other lionesses's face. Mawi was the only one who called Vevilla by her full name, many others called her Vevi.

Vevi looked over at the older lioness and chuckled some. "Hello grandma." She greeted before bowing her head to her grandmother and grinning from ear to ear. She looked at the older lioness before speaking again. "I hope you don't mind me keeping you company for a little bit." She paused as she looked at the lioness.

Mawi chuckled and then flicked her hair out of her eyes before speaking to the lioness. "It really isn't any problem at all, but something seems to bother you young one." She commented simply before shaking her head at the lioness. "Keeping quiet about things that are happening is not good young one. What is wrong?" The lioness was curious. She looked at the lioness before smiling brightly and pushing her drum away some so she could talk to the other lioness.

Vevilla sighed and sat back before she began to explain. "Well..." Her voice trailed for a moment before she started to speak again. "As you know dad has been feeling really down, and it's because he doesn't know where mom is. Well none of us do and he's been wandering out of the pride trying to look for her. We know that she isn't coming back and I'm pretty sure that he knows that." She looked at her grandmother to make sure that she was keeping up but then she continued. "I wanna stay with him because I know it isn't good, him going out there by himself but I just know that it isn't good, it isn't healthy." She paused before looking at the older lioness again. "I don't know what to do grandma."

The older lioness chuckled and then leaned forward and pulled the drum's strap around her neck. She sat up as she looked at the lioness and then nodded once again. "You know heartbreak is a strange thing." She paused once again before shaking her head. "I know it might sound odd... I've had a heart break too, when Kirjava died, you're grandfather was much more heart broken, she knew that her mate was much more upset then she was but it was still a heart break on both sides. "It's hard to cope and at first you want to fix it but the thing is you can't." She looked at the lioness again and the nudged her as she stood up. "i know you were heart broken too it's just taking your father more time to get over it." She paused once again and shook her head. "He might worry you but you have to let him do his own thing." She smiled softly and then nuzzled the lioness once again. "I know you're worrying. Trust me so am I." She winked before turning away from the lioness.
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"come with me. you need to take your mind off of things." She looked at the other lioness and then chuckled once again. Before laughing as she started to wander away. "Come, we must take your mind off of everything." She chuckled once more and started to wander away. Vevilla started to wander away too she was happy to have some time, where she could wander away and take her mind off things. Her grandmother was the best that was for sure.

She was glad to have someone to take her mind off of everything and spend time with someone to understand. She couldn’t understand how some one could want to leave this pride because here in the pride she could spend time with someone who understand what she was saying and what she needed. She guessed her grandmother was right and her grandmother knew what she was talking about. She knew her grandmother was worried too and she was glad that she understood too. She wasn’t the only one worrying. She could stop for now, it was nice to have a break.